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Africa's World War: Congo, the Rwandan Genocide, and the Making of a Continental Catastrophe

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by Gerard Prunier

Human Rights Watch, in collaboration with FIDH. Leave None to Tell the Story: Genocide in Rwanda. New York. March 1999.

  Humanitarian Law Consultancy. Burundi’s Regroupment Policy: A Pilot Study on Its Legality. The Hague. July 1997.

  Humanitarianism and War Project. Report on the Impact of Sanctions on Burundi. Brown University. March 1997.

  Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of the United Nations During the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda. Report. [Also known as the Carlsson Report from the name of the Commission’s chairman.] New York. December 1999.

  Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Events at Kibeho, April 1995. Report. Kigali. May 1995.

  International Alert. Tour Report of Kivu (Zaire). Written by Karen Twining. October 1996.

  ———. L’égalité d’accès à l’éducation, un impératif pour la paix au Burundi. Written by tony Jackson. June 2000.

  International Center for Transitional Justice. Les premiers pas: La longue route vers une paix juste en République Démocratique du Congo. Written by Federico Borello. New York. October 2004.

  International Crisis Group. Burundi: Lever les sanctions, re-lancer la transition. Brussels. April 1998.

  ———. Burundi: Négociations à Arusha: Quelles chances pour la paix? Brussels. July 1998.

  ———. North Kivu, into the Quagmire? Brussels. August 1998.

  ———. La rébellion au Congo: Acteurs internes et externes à la crise. Brussels. October 1998.

  ———. Africa Seven Nations War. Brussels. May 1999.

  ———. Burundi: Internal and Regional Implications of the Suspension of Sanctions. Brussels. May 1999.

  ———. Burundi: Proposals for the Resumption of Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation. Brussels. May 1999.

  ———. How Kabila Lost His Way. Brussels. May 1999.

  ———. The Agreement on a Ceasefire in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Brussels. August 1999.

  ———. L’effet Mandela: Evaluation et perspectives du processus de paix burundais. Brussels. April 2000.

  ———. Uganda and Rwanda: Friends or Enemies? Nairobi. May 2000.

  ———. Burundi: Les enjeux du débat: Partis politiques, liberté de la presse et prisonniers politiques. Brussels. July 2000.

  ———. Burundi, ni guerre ni paix. Brussels. December 2000.

  ———. Scramble for the Congo: Anatomy of an Ugly War. Brussels. December 2000.

  ———. From Kabila to Kabila: Prospects for Peace in the Congo. Nairobi. March 2001.

  ———. Burundi: Sortir de l’impasse. L’urgence d’un nouveau cadre négociations. Brussels. May 2001.

  ———. Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda: L’urgence de juger. Nairobi/Arusha, Tanzania/Brussels. June 2001.

  ———. Disarmament in the Congo: Investing in Conflict Prevention. Nairobi/Washington, DC/Brussels. June 2001.

  ———. Zimbabwe in Crisis: Finding a Way Forward. Brussels. July 2001.

  ———. Burundi: Cent jours pour retrouver le chemin de la paix. Brussels. August 2001.

  ———. “Consensual Democracy” in Post-Genocide Rwanda: Evaluating the March 2001 District Elections. Brussels. October 2001.

  ———. Zimbabwe: Time for International Action. Brussels. October 2001.

  ———. The Intercongolese Dialogue: Political Negotiations or Game Bluff? Brussels. November 2001.

  ———. Disarmament in the Congo: Jump-starting DDRRR to Prevent Further War. Brussels. December 2001.

  ———. Rwanda/Uganda: A Dangerous War of Nerves. Brussels. December 2001.

  ———. Zimbabwe’s Elections: The Stakes for Southern Africa. Brussels. January 2002.

  ———. All Bark and No Bite? The international Response to Zimbabwe’s Crisis. Brussels. January 2002.

  ———. Zimbabawe at the Crossroads: Transition or Conflict? Brussels. March 2002.

  ———. Après six mois de transition au Burundi: Poursuivre la guerre ou gagner la paix? Brussels. May 2002.

  ———. Storm Clouds over Sun City. Brussels. May 2002.

  ———. Zimbabwe: What Next? Brussels. June 2002.

  ———. Tribunal Pénal International pour le Rwanda: Le compte à rebours. Brussels. August 2002.

  ———. The Burundi Rebellion and the Ceasefire Negotiations. Brussels. August 2002.

  ———. Fin de transition au Rwanda: Une libéralisation politique nécéssaire. Brussels. November 2002.

  ———. Dealing with Savimbi’s Ghost: The Security and Humanitarian Challenges in Angola. Brussels. February 2003.

  ———. Angola’s Choice: Reform or Regress. Brussels. April 2003.

  ———. Les rebelles Hutu Rwandais au Congo: Pour une nouvelle approche du désarmement et de la réintégration. Brussels. May 2003.

  ———. Congo Crisis: Military Intervention in Ituri. Brussels. June 2003.

  ———. Tribunal Pénal International pour le Rwanda: Pragmatisme de Rigueur. Brussels. September 2003.

  ———. Réfugiés et déplacés au Burundi: Désamorcer la bombe foncière. Brussels. October 2003.

  ———. Pulling Back from the Brink in the Congo. Brussels. July 2004.

  ———. Maintaining Momentum in the Congo: The Ituri Problem. Brussels. August 2004.

  ———. Back to the Brink in the Congo. Brussels. December 2004.

  ———. The Congo’s Transition Is Failing: Crisis in the Kivus. Brussels. March 2005.

  ———. The Congo: Solving the FDLR Problem Once and For All. Brussels. May 2005.

  ———. Katanga: The Congo’s Forgotten Crisis. Brussels. January 2006.

  ———. Security Sector Reform in the Congo. Brussels. February 2006.

  ———. Congo’s Elecctions: Making or Breaking the Peace. Brussels. April 2006.

  ———. Escaping the Conflict Trap: Promoting Good Governance in the Congo. Brussels. July 2006.

  ———. Securing Congo’s Elections: Lessons from the Kinshasa Showdown. Brussels. October 2006.

  ———. Burundi: Democracy and Peace at Risk. Brussels. November 2006.

  ———. Congo: Staying Engaged after the Elections. Brussels. January 2007.

  ———. Congo: Consolidating the Peace. Brussels. July 2007.

  International Peace Information Service (IPIS). Network War: An Introduction to Congo’s Privatised Conflict. Written by Tim Raeymaekers. Antwerp. April 2002.

  International Rescue Committee (IRC). Mortality in Eastern DRC: Results from Five Mortality Surveys. Written by Les Robert. Bukavu, DRC. June 2000. Updated March 2001, April 2003.

  ———. Congo: Nearly Four Million Dead in Six Year Conflict. New York. December 2004.

  ———. “Mortality in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A Nationwide Survey.” Written by B. Coghlan et al. The Lancet, 367 (2006): 44–51.

  Joint Evaluation of Emergency Assistance to Rwanda. The International Response to Conflict and Genocide: Lessons from the Rwanda Experience. 5 vols. Copenhagen/Odense. March 1996.

  ———. A Review of Follow-Up and Impact Fifteen Months after Publication. Copenhagen. June 1997.

  Lawyers committee for Human Rights. Zaire: Repression as Policy. New York. August 1990.

  Médecins Sans Frontières [France]. Des conflits fonciers aux luttes inter-ethniques dans la zone de santé de Masisi. Goma, DRC. April 1993.

  ———. Breaking the Cycle. Goma, DRC. November 1994.

  ———. La population civile, cible systématique du conflit burundais. Paris. November 1995.

  ———. Deadlock in the Rwandan Refugee Crisis. Paris. July 1995.

  ———. Epidemiological Survey of Rwandan Refugees in Ndjoundou Camp, Congo, July 1997. Paris. October 1997.

  ———. Violence and Access to Health in the DRC. Paris. December 2001.

  ———. Silence, on meurt. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2002.

  ———. Itu
ri: Unkept Promises? A Pretense of Protection and Inadequate Assistance. Paris. July 2003.

  Médecins Sans Frontières [USA]. Ethnic War in Eastern Zaire: Masisi, 1994–1996. New York. November 1996.

  ———. Forced Flight: A Brutal Strategy of Elimination in Eastern Zaire. New York. May 1997.

  Minority Rights Group. Selective Genocide in Burundi. Written by René Lemarchand. MRG Report 20. London. July 1974.

  ———. Burundi Since the Genocide. Written by Reginald Kay. MRG Report 20 (updated). London. 1984.

  ———. Burundi: Breaking the Cycle of Violence. Written by Filip Reyntjens. London. 1995.

  ———. Burundi: Prospects for Peace. Written by Filip Reyntjens. London. November 2000.

  Mouvement de Libération du Congo. Les structures du M.L.C. Gbadolite, DRC. September 1999.

  Multi Country Demobilization and Recovery Program. Opportunities and Constraints for the Disarmament and Repatriation of Foreign Armed Groups in the DRC (FDLR, FNL and ADF/NALU). Written by Hans Romkema. De Vennhoop. April 2007.

  Netherlands Institute for Southern Africa. The State versus the People: Governance, Mining and the Transitional Regime in the DRC. Amsterdam. 2006.

  Observatoire Gouvernance et Paix (OGP). Congo, poches trouées: Flux et fuites des recettes douanières au Sud Kivu. Coordinated by Eric Kajemba. Bukavu, DRC: Smart, 2006.

  Observatoire Gouvernement Transparence (OGT). Guerre en RDC: Ses enjeux économiques, ses intérêts, ses acteurs. Written by Pierre Lumbi. Kinshasa, DRC. April 2000.

  ———. Le Rwanda plante le décor d’une nouvelle guerre d’agression à l’Est de la RDC. Kinshasa, DRC. Septembre 2003.

  Organization for Peace, Justice and Development in Rwanda. Memorandum on the 1994 Assassination of Juvenal Habyarimana, President of the Republic of Rwanda. Written by Félicien Kanyamibwa. N.p. December 1999.

  Oxfam. Poverty in the Midst of Wealth. London. January 2002.

  Paix pour le Congo. La guerre en République Démocratique du Congo et les aides financières de l’Union Européenne aux pays impliqués dans le conflit. Parma. October 2000.

  Parti Armé Pour la Libération du Rwanda. Lettre ouverte à la communauté internationale and other documents. Gisenyi, Rwanda. January 26, 1998.

  Pole Institute. Le coltan et les populations du Nord Kivu. Goma, DRC. 2001.

  ———. Shifting Sands: Oil Exploration in the Rift Valley and the Congo Conflict. Written by Dominic Johnson. Goma, DRC. March 2003.

  Reporters Sans Frontières. Médias de la haine ou presse démocratique. Paris. November 1994.

  ———. Burundi, le venin de la haine: Étude sur les médias extrémistes. Paris. June 1995.

  ———. Rwanda: L’impasse? La liberté de la presse après le génocide. Paris. October 1995.

  ———. La désinformation au Rwanda: Enquête sur le cas Sibomana. Paris. December 1995.

  ———. Burundi, la presse en otage. Paris. February 1996.

  ———. Enquête sur la mort d’André Sibomana. Written by Hervé Deguine. Paris. October 1998.

  Réseau Européen Congo. Eléments indicatifs de la coopération entre l’Union Européenne et les pays ACP impliqués dans la guerre en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). Written by Catherine André and Laurent Luzolele Lola. Brussels. June 2000. Reprinted in S. Marysse and F. Reyntjens, eds., Annuaire des Grands Lacs (2000–2001). Tervuren, Belgium: CEDAF, 2001.

  ———. Congo: Fini Lusaka? Vive Lusaka! Brussels. December 2000.

  ———. The European Union’s Aid Policy towards Countries Involved in the Congo War: Lever for Peace or Incitement to War? Written by Catherine André and Laurent Luzolele Lola. Brussels. May 2001.

  ———. RD Congo: État des lieux de la “transition.” Brussels. March 2003.

  ———. MONUC in the DRC: Strengthen Its Mandate, Denounce the Warmongers. Brussels. June 2003.

  Save the Children (UK). Background Notes on the Current Emergency in the Northwest of Rwanda. London. February 1999.

  ———. No End in Sight: The Human Tragedy of the Conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. London. August 2001.

  stiftung für Wissenschaft und Politik. Zimbabwe: A Conflict Study of a Country without Direction. Ebenhausen. December 1998.

  ———. The Internal and Regional Dynamics of the Congo Crisis in 1999. Brussels. February 5–6, 1999.

  Table de Concertation sur les Droits Humains au Zaïre. Zaïre 1992–1996: Chronique d’une transition inachevée. 2 vols. Paris: L’Harmattan, 1996.

  Un Groupe de Prêtres de Kigali. Des prêtres Rwandais s’interrogent. Bujumbura, Burundi: Presses Lavigerie, 1995.

  Union Démocratique pour le Progrès social (UDPS). Le dialogue intercongolais doit absolument se tenir et il doit absolument réussir. Brussels. October 2001.

  United Nations. Rapport sur la situation des Droits de l’homme au Rwanda soumis par Mr René Degni-Ségui. New York. Commission des Droits de l’Homme. November 1994.

  ———. Collected Documents on the Rwanda Roundtable Conference. Geneva. January 1995.

  ———. Reports and Documents on the Kibeho Crisis. Kigali. Integrated Operations Centre. April 1995.

  ———. Situation Report on Masisi, North Kivu, Zaire. Nairobi. Department of Humanitarian affairs. February 26, 1996.

  ———. The United Nations and Rwanda, 1993–1996. Introduction by Boutros Boutros Ghali. New York. UN Blue Books Series, vol. 10. May 1996.

  ———. Final Report of the United Nations International Commission of Inquiry for Burundi. New York. July 1996.

  ———. Report of the Secretary General on the Situation in Burundi. New York. August 1996.

  ———. Third Report of the International Commission of Enquiry on Rwanda. New York. October 1996.

  ———. The Conflict in South Kivu (Zaire) and Its Regional Implications. Nairobi. Department of Humanitarian Affairs. October 1996.

  ———. Rapport sur la situation des Droits de l’homme au Zaïre présenté par Mr Roberto Garreton, Rapporteur Spécial, conformément à la résolution 1996/77. January 1997.

  ———. Les antécédents politiques de la crise rwandaise de 1994. Written by André Guichaoua. Arusha, Tanzania. International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. April 1997.

  ———. Tanzania Refugee Situation Report. Nairobi. Department of Humanitarian Affairs. April 1997.

  ———. Report of the Joint Mission Charged with Investigating Allegations of Massacres and Other Human Rights Violations Occurring in Eastern Zaire (Now Democratic Republic of the Congo) Since September 1996. New York. July 1997.

  ———. Report of the Secretary General on the Situation in Burundi. New York. July 1997.

  ———. “Population Displacements in the Great Lakes Region of Africa.” in UNHCR: The State of the World’s Refugees. 20–23. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.

  ———. Population Movements in the Great Lakes Region. Nairobi. Department of Humanitarian Affairs. December 1997.

  ———. Missed Opportunities: The Role of the International Community in the Return of the Rwandan Refugees from Eastern Zaire (July 1994–December 1996). Written by Joël Boutroue. Cambridge, MA. UNHCR/MIT Center for International Studies. February 1998.

  ———. Report of the Panel of Experts on Violations of Security Council Sanctions against UNITA. [Also known as the Fowler Report after the name of the panel’s president.] New York. March 2000.

  ———. Report of the Panel on UN Peace Operations. Under the direction of Lakhdar Brahimi. New York. August 2000.

  ———. The Situation of Human Rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Written by Roberto Garreton. New York. UN General Assembly. September 2000.

  ———. Rapport sur la situation des droits de l’homme en République Démocratique du Congo. Written by Roberto Garreton. New York. Conseil Economique et Social. February 2001.

  ———. Report of the Panel on the Illegal Exp
loitation of Natural Resources and Other Forms of Wealth of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Edited by Mrs. Safiatou Ba N’Daw. New York. April 2001. Addendum. Edited by Mahmood Kassem. November 2001.

  ———. First Assessment of the Armed Groups Operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Kinshasa, DRC. Mission de l’Organisation des Nations Unies au Congo (MONUC). April 2002.


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