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Africa's World War: Congo, the Rwandan Genocide, and the Making of a Continental Catastrophe

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by Gerard Prunier

  ———. Report of the Panel on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources and Other Forms of Wealth of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Edited by Mahmood Kassem. New York. October 2002.

  ———. Report of the Panel on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources and Other Forms of Wealth of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Edited by Mahmood Kassem. New York. October 2003.

  United States Agency for International Development. The Anguish of Northern Uganda. Written by Robert Gersony. Kampala. August 1997.

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  United States Committee for Refugees. Transition in Burundi: The Context for a Homecoming. Washington, DC. September 1993.

  ———. Inducing the Deluge: Zaire’s Internally Displaced People. Written by Renée G. Roberts. Washington, DC. October 1993.

  ———. Masisi down the Road from Goma: Ethnic Cleansing and Displacement in Eastern Zaire. Washington, DC. June 1996.

  ———. Site Visit to Eastern Congo/Zaire: Analysis of Humanitarian and Political Issues. Written by Eleanor Bedford. Washington, DC. June 1997.

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  United States Institute of Peace. Refugees and Rebels: The Former Government of Rwanda and the ADFL Movement in Eastern Zaire. Written by William Cyrus-Reed. Washington, DC. 1997.

  ———. Angola’s Last Best Chance for Peace: An Insider’s Account of the Peace Process. Written by Paul Hare. Washington, DC. 1998.

  ———. Reconstructing Peace in the Congo. Written by John Prendergast and David Smock. Washington, DC. August 1999.

  ———. Post-Genocidal Reconstruction: Building Peace in Rwanda and Burundi. Written by John Prendergast and David Smock. Washington, DC. September 1999.

  ———. Dealing with Savimbi’s Hell on Earth. Written by John Prendergast. Washington, DC. October 1999.

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  ———. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor. U.S. Department of State. Report on Human Rights Practices in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. February 2000.

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  ———. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor. U.S. Department of State. Report on Human Rights Practices in Rwanda. February 1999.

  ———. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor. U.S. Department of State. Report on Human Rights Practices in Rwanda. February 2000.

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  ———. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor. U.S. Department of State. Report on Human Rights Practices in Angola. February 1999.

  ———. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor. U.S. Department of State. Report on Human Rights Practices in Angola. February 2000.

  ———. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor. U.S. Department of State. Report on Human Rights Practices in Angola. February 2001.

  ———. Diamonds and Conflic: Policy Proposals and Background. Written by Nicolas Cook. Washington, DC. Congressional Research Service. February 2001.

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  Unpublished Theses

  Fairhead, J. “Fields of Struggle: Towards a Social History of Farming Knowledge and Practice in a Bwisha Community, Kivu, Zaire.” PhD diss., School of Oriental and African Studies, London, 1990.

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  Torrenté, N. de. “Post–Conflict Reconstruction and the International Community in Uganda (1986–2000).” PhD thesis. London School of Economics, 2001.

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