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Page 55

by Michelle Love

  “For?” He looks at me like I’m nuts.

  “For handing myself over to you after you gave me such a fantastic thing. Just like a damn whore!”

  “A whore?” He rises and comes to me. His hand is gentle on my cheek. “Baby, you are nothing at all like that. You’re the sweetest thing and I respect you to the hilt. Don’t ever let me hear you talking about yourself like that ever again.” He takes my chin in his large hand and makes me look at him. “Do you understand me, angel? Tell me you do.”

  “Blake, that was a cheap thing for me to do. Something akin to what my mother would do to get what she wanted.” I look away, even though he holds my chin tight in his hand.

  “Look at me,” he says with a commanding tone. “Rachelle Stone, look at me!”

  My eyes move slowly back to his. “There’s really not a thing you can say to me to change my mind.”

  “You are not your mother.” He lets my chin go and walks away from me.

  He disappears around the corner and into my bedroom. Leaving me to think about what he’s said I suppose. My mind spins as I think about the things I’ve done.

  I move a little, igniting the pain for an instant that came with the stiffness from letting my body react to him. The way he filled me completely, stretching me to fit him.

  Running my arms around myself, I shiver with the memory of the fantastic sensation. I felt whole for the first time ever. In his arms, with him all around me, I felt complete.

  He steps out of the bedroom. Something in his hand draws my attention. A long, gold chain he holds out to me. Something round dangles from it and I take it in my hand to find a picture of an adorable little dark haired girl, maybe two or three years old. No smile covers her sweet face. No frown either, just nothing. A vacant stare into the camera.

  “What’s this?” I ask.

  “That’s you, baby.” Blake kneels in front of me. “Max called your old foster mom. She said she had that. It was the only picture of you she managed to get. She sent it to me when I called her to talk about you with her.”

  I snap my head to look at him. “Blake! That was not something you should’ve done! How dare you!”

  One finger he places to my lips. “Baby, I care about you. I have to know what all happened to you in order to understand what’s going on in that mind of yours.”

  “Not a lot, to be honest. Okay, not much goes on in here.” I point to my head. “I live, I exist. It’s what I do. Not much thinking or contemplating things goes on in here.”

  “Well, I want to help you fix that. You see, I realized something last night as I held you and made love to you. You need me. You need me more than even you realize. So let me help you make the future you have seen for yourself a reality.” His hand runs through my hair and he sighs.

  “I can’t.”

  “It was Max who told me that helping you get your own restaurant was a good investment both financially and in you as a person. He cares for you, Rachelle. Like a brother cares for a little sister. He sees you struggling with the same things he did.” His hand roams over my shoulder and he pulls me to him.

  I bury my face in his chest and feel helpless. “Max is a good man. I look up to him like a big brother. He and I have gone through the same things in our young lives. He thinks I need this?”

  “He does and so do I. Even if it goes under, it makes no difference. It’ll be a write off and either way, I keep more of my money than the IRS does. It’s a win, win, baby,” he says then hugs me tighter.

  “Blake, I…. I…” I stammer and pause. “Okay, I’ll take you up on your offer. Thank you.”

  Soft kisses he places on top of my head. “Good. Now let me take you to lunch and let me see what kind of place you want to build.”

  My heart pounds as I let him lead me out to his car. I’ve never put so much of my life into anyone’s hands before and I’m scared to death.


  We ate lunch in Venice Beach at a fairly new restaurant named ‘Leona.’ The interior was cool and upscale but not so upscale patrons were put off by extravagancies. The food was great and Rachelle was confident she could do it a little bit better.

  “So that’s the competition then?” I ask as we walk back into her apartment.

  The locket of her as an abandoned three-year-old hangs around her neck. It’s a reminder of who she was back then, something she seems to have put far out of her mind, only I know it’s there. A deep festering sore in her mind that keeps her from really living this life.

  “It is. I want to do something similar, yet completely different, if you know what I’m saying.” She sits down on the sofa and pulls off her high heels.

  I sit at the other end and take her feet in my hands and rub them. “You know, if the shoes hurt you, you should probably not wear them.”

  She laughs as looks away. “Most would see it like that. I don’t have a boat load of shoes and the ones I do are pretty cheap and cheap and comfortable seem to go against one another.”

  I make a note to find out her size and get her some high end shoes. “So anyway, you’d like to make a place like Leona’s only completely different. Sure, I get it. What’s not to understand about that statement?”

  She points at me with a smile. “See, you get me. I don’t know how, but you do.”

  I pull her legs until she’s lying on the sofa and I move up her body until my lips touch hers. She’s tiny beneath me and so frail and fragile it nearly hurts me to look at her.

  Her arms wrap around my neck and she moans into my mouth as my tongue moves over hers. I take her in my arms and stand up, taking her to the bedroom.

  My need for her is overwhelming. I lie her down and strip away her clothes then take mine off as she watches me remove each stitch of material. Her eyes run up to mine. “You’re really gorgeous, Blake.”

  I pounce on her playfully. “You are.”

  Her lips touch my ear. “Let me show you what you mean to me.”

  With a hot kiss, she melts into me. I release her lips and look into her blue eyes. “Not yet, baby. Let me show you how much you mean to me. I want you to feel safe and special. I want you to feel me until you understand what it is I have that you need.”

  Her eyes widen as I take her mouth, claiming it with a hard kiss. I run my hand over her tight stomach and down the upper part of her thigh. I move my body over hers and press myself to her.

  She arches up, ready for me to fill her. I tease her, rubbing my hard dick over her, but not letting it go inside. She wiggles against me and groans. I pull my mouth away and look at her. “Tell me the words I need to hear.”

  “What?” she asks in a ragged breath.

  Her stubbornness will be the end of her. I rub my dick across the edge of her hot as hell and wet vagina and she arches up as I do. Her body is begging me to fill her, but her mouth won’t follow suit.

  Her eyes dart back and forth. “Please, Blake.”

  “Tell me then I will.” I run the head of my dick to press against her throbbing clit and she moans.

  Her hands run over my ass, gripping it and pushing at it. “Blake! Come on, please. You’re tormenting me.”

  “It’s just three words. And don’t worry they aren’t I love you. I can wait a little longer for you to realize that.” I kiss her hard and grind into her without making penetration.

  Once I release her sweet lips she moans. “I need you, Blake. Like I’ve never needed anyone or thing. I need you.”

  A grin spreads over my face and I press my lips to her ear and press my dick deep into her. “I need you too, baby.”

  The moan she makes rattles her chest, and she clamps her legs around my waist as she arches up to me. She wants me deep inside her. I pull all the way out and push her legs to make her release me.

  “I’m going to turn you over.” I take her and flip her over on her stomach, then pull her back to me. Just to hear the sweet words again I put just the tip of my dick to her and say, “Tell me again, Rachelle.”

  “Fuck, Blake! I need you!” she shouts and presses her hips back.

  I thrust into her hard and grab a handful of her long hair, pulling her back to me as I do. She lets out a loud moan and drops her head to the pillow.

  Pulling nearly all the way out, I ram into her hard again. She arches back and her scream is smothered by the pillow. Harder and harder I thrust into her as her body shudders and she screams with the intensity of it.

  Her insides begin to clamp down on my hard dick as she comes, and it takes me right along with it. I ride the wave of the strong orgasm until we both stop. Our hard breaths are all that fill the dark bedroom.

  I lie her down and lay beside her, running my hand over her back. She takes in a deep breath, trying to steady herself. She turns her sweat soaked body towards me as she rolls over on her side.

  I stroke her cheek and look into those deep blue eyes and know I’ve found everything I never knew I was looking for in her. Her soft lips, I run my finger over and she lifts them in a sweet smile.

  My heart bursts with all I feel for her.

  Without thinking about it, I say, “I love you, Rachelle.”

  Part 3 Lucky Break


  Someone’s car alarm goes off outside waking me up from a deep sleep. Blake has me wrapped in his arms and his breathing is making a few hairs on the back of my neck move and it tickles me. I try to move a little, but he holds me tighter.

  Is this what life will be like with Blake loving me?

  Are my movements to be constricted by him always? Is it only going to be what and how he wants every little thing? Can I live that way?

  He told me he loved me after we made love. Or rather he made love to me. He won’t allow me to do anything to him. To say he’s over-bearing is a bit of an understatement.

  I have the necklace on he gave me with my picture in the pendant which hangs from it. It’s me when I was three and the absence of any emotion on my young face bothers me immensely.

  The fact that he called my old foster mother is cause for concern. He could be considered a stalker by some. Sure, he sugar-coats it with the idea he wants to learn about me to help me.

  But I don’t recall asking him for his help!

  It’s a bit disconcerting he thinks I’m such a damn mess I need help in the first place. I mean, he’s over here thinking about how he can fix me and not looking at the fact he’s a billionaire who still lives in a tiny, old house his dead parents raised him in.

  I mean, he has his issues he isn’t dealing with too!

  And just what is supposed to happen now? Is he thinking he’s moving in with me and we’ll get married? Is he thinking he’ll buy a mansion here in Los Angeles and we’ll live here forever?

  I don’t want to live in L.A. forever. I want to live in a woodsy area where there are actual seasons. Spring, summer, winter, fall. I’m from Texas where there is summer and some days there’s a little winter, but very little else.

  Here I am in California, which ain’t a hell of a lot different. Colorado, Montana, or Wyoming have always been places I’d like to try out. But Mr. Take Charge and Let Me Fix You, may not have that in his plans for our future.

  ‘Our future’ now that’s something to think about!

  Here it is, the third night we’ve spent together in a little over two weeks and he loves me and we need each other. No way! No damn way!

  I can’t figure out why my body reacts to his like he’s the air I have to fill my lungs with. It has to be his air, no one else’s. I have to ask myself if it’s because he’s so fucking handsome or built or a combination of them both?

  I don’t know who could be filled by his monster cock while looking at his golden curls, which hang around his head in the dim light, shining like a fucking halo around his gorgeous, fucking face and not think they need him!

  Fuck yes I need him when he’s right there, looking at me in all his beauty and his bad ass muscles all rippling beneath my hands. Fuck yes, I want him to fill me with the pulsating, firm, wide, and long cock that feels like a satin covered cement log of pure pleasure!

  Who the hell wouldn’t?

  I have to wonder about the two women he said he had relationships with. Why did they break it off with him or did he break it off with them? And why was it so amicable?

  Probably so they could get under him every once in a while to get another dose of Doctor, Fucks So Great.

  I don’t know if I’ve only let really bad lovers into my life prior to Blake or what. But not one of the guys I’ve ever had sex with even came close to doing what he does. He’s a master! Hands down, a master!

  The man looked at me and told me to come and I did. No coherent thought was going through my mind. No stimulation of any kind was happening. He just said to do it and my body was all like, ‘sure, anything you say, master.’

  I can’t live this way. He’ll rule me like a king rules his kingdom. Like a shepherd rules his sheep. I’m no sheep and I don’t need to be ruled. Or held so fucking tight that I can’t move.

  With a forceful movement, I try to get out of his grasp, but he holds me tight and groans a little, pulling me even closer. His soft lips touch my neck and he mumbles. “Love you, baby.”

  What an ass!

  I jab him in the ribs with my elbow. “Let me up, Blake!”

  He jerks and releases me. “Oh, sorry, baby.”

  “I have to go pee, damn!” I say as I get out of bed and stomp away to the bathroom.

  “You okay, baby?” he asks.

  I slam the bathroom door without answering him.


  Pushing a cherry Danish towards Rachelle as she taps incessantly at her cell phone, I ask, “Do you want to talk?”

  She shakes her head and pushes the food back as she seemingly ignores me. I have no idea of what I did to piss her off, but she is most definitely pissed for some damn reason.

  I take the plate with the pastry on it and take it back to the little kitchen.

  “What would you like to do today, babe?”

  Her tapping stops and I glance at her to find her looking at me with what I believe is a glare for some reason. “Oh, you haven’t already set up our day, dear?”

  “That was quite the sarcastic tone. And if you want to know, I thought we might look around at some places for your restaurant.” I walk back into the living room and sit next to her on the sofa.

  She scoots away a little and taps away again at her phone. “I don’t want to do that today.”

  “Okay,” I say and lean over, nudging her shoulder with mine. “Wanna fool around?”

  Her dark blue eyes level on mine. “No!”

  Placing my hand over her phone, I press it down and take her chin in my other hand. “Okay, spill it. What has you so mad?”

  “You held me to you all night!” she says with clenched teeth as if it’s some horrible thing I did. “I couldn’t even move until I hit you in the ribs to make you let me go.”

  “Is that why you did that?” I rub the place on my ribcage that still is tender from that. “Baby, you could’ve just woke me up and I would’ve let you go. No need for violence.” I chuckle and she frowns.

  “I tried to get away from you twice. Do you think I need you to hold me when I sleep? Do you think I need to be taken care of? Do you think I even want that?” The way her eyes go dark, and not in a good way, has me wondering what’s happening in her head.

  “Look, the whole abandonment issue thing is complicated, but this is a prime example of….”

  She screams and gets up. “Stop! Just stop it!” She throws her hands up in the air as she paces in the small living room. “You’re no therapist. I haven’t even looked for one as I don’t think I’m as fucked up as you think I am.”

  “I never called you, fucked up, Rachelle!” I stand up too. “I just want to help…”

  She holds up her little hand, stopping me. “Help me, I know. You’ve said it more than once in the last couple of weeks since we’ve known e
ach other. By the way, Blake. Who the fuck tells someone they love them after only two weeks, huh? Talk about having issues!”

  She may have just punched me in the stomach as the same amount of wind is knocked from of me. “Rachelle! Don’t act like you don’t love me too. You just don’t want to admit it yet.”

  Her eyebrows go way up on her forehead. “Excuse me! Do you read minds too, Mr. I Know Everything and You Should Allow Me to Run Your Life?”

  With an eye-roll, I say, under my breath, “That’s a bit of a long last name, babe. Anyway, I can tell from how you react to me that you do, if you must know.”

  A loud laugh comes from her mouth and she makes some grand gestures and bows in front of me. “Well, let me be the first to bow at your feet, King of Great Sex! You are a very good lover, Blake. My body likes what you do to it, okay? It does not mean I love you! Okay?”

  “What we’ve had is so much more than sex and you know it, Rachelle. It’s the fear of abandonment that has you talking and acting like this. You’re trying to push me away before you allow yourself to really fall for me. But it’s useless, ‘cause I’m going nowhere. I’m in it for the long haul, baby.” I sit back down and she glares at me.

  “Get out! Get the fuck out, Blake!” she shrieks at me. “You can’t tell me you’re not going anywhere. This is my damn house. My damn money pays the bills around here and it’s me who decides who stays here. Not you! Boss man!”

  I take a deep breath and try to de-escalate this situation. “Baby, just sit down and let’s talk rationally for a minute. I know it’s early, but how about a little of that left over mimosa from yesterday to help calm you down?”

  “Are you suggesting that getting me drunk will help me to fall into your little Stepford Wife ideal of what relationships are like, Blake?” she hisses at me. “I’m me. Faults and all. This is me, man!”


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