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Jane's Team: A High School Reverse Harem Romance

Page 28

by Janie Marie


  Ryder saw Tercero approaching in his peripheral vision, but he didn’t tear his gaze from Jane’s bedroom window. She wasn’t home anymore, and he knew she wouldn’t be at school today, but her window was the only thing keeping him calm as he prepared to go through with his piece of shit life without her.

  It was stupid, but the little boy inside of him hoped she’d suddenly push open the curtain and tease him.

  His anger flared for a few seconds at the remembrance of the early hours of Sunday morning. He had promised Jane he’d stay all night, and he had. It was five in the morning when he’d finally gone for a piss and a drink, and when he returned, his world felt wrong. Like her presence was suddenly gone.

  That’s when the sound of a car traveling down the road had him panicking. The only reason he hadn’t jumped in his own car to follow was because her bedroom light turned on.

  Minutes had ticked by, then Sarah peeked out and told him that Jane was gone and wouldn’t return until the end of the school year.

  He’d nearly gone over to grab her by the throat and demanded she brought Jane home, but Luc had been up. His piece of shit brother had waved Jane’s bitch of a mom good day and told him to calm down.

  When Mrs. Leodegrance was out of sight, Luc informed him that Jane had willingly left with Kingston. And when Kingston spotted Luc getting into his car to leave, he allowed Jane the chance to say goodbye, giving Luc the warning to not come looking for her. Kingston promised retaliation if any of them were caught searching for her, then Jane spoke up. She told Luc to let him know that she was okay—that none of them should wait for her.

  Silly, beautiful girl. If she thought he was leaving her because her stepdad was hiding her, she was . . . well, just his silly girl. She wasn’t stupid, but she had a problem seeing her worth and a hard time accepting she had his heart and soul. No, she had every piece of him.

  Tercero finally arrived. For a few seconds, he stared up at the window before sitting in the lounger next to Ryder’s. “If Jane has learned teleportation, she would teleport straight to you.”

  “Or to you,” Ryder retorted, not changing his posture.

  “Or to David,” Tercero said. “Or to Luc.”

  Ryder didn’t respond. He didn’t love that Jane wanted Tercero, that she loved David and had, by the looks of her Saturday morning, been fucked hard by his rival. No, Ryder didn’t love any of that shit, and he was still struggling with accepting Jane had a thing for Luc. That smooth fucker slipped in without ever letting any of them know he’d been watching her.

  After a while of silence, Tercero said, “She likes you most.”

  “Of course she does. She fucking loves me.” He smirked now, lighting up a cigarette. He needed to quit for Jane; she was allergic.

  Tercero chuckled, relaxing completely. “David’s taking things better than I thought he would.”

  “Yeah, Mr. Perfect is always doing shit like that for her.” Ryder released the toxic fumes. “As long as he doesn’t decide because he fucked her that she’s more his, I’ll tolerate him.”

  “You do more than tolerate him.” Tercero gave him a serious look. “I know you’re both trying to be with her at the same time. Be careful. She’s still getting used to everything.”

  Ryder threw him a glare. “She’s not even here, dumbass.”

  “We’ll find her,” Tercero said with a dismissive wave.

  That was true; Ryder wasn’t going to stop looking for her. It was only pissing him off that not only did he feel like Kingston was saying he wasn’t good enough, but that Jane’s choices were being stripped from her the moment she was trying to grow into herself.

  “Luc can probably find her fastest,” Tercero said quietly.

  “Luc can stay the fuck out of this,” Ryder spat.

  “She likes him.” Tercero closed his eyes, stretching out more. “What if she asked you to invite him into your threesome?”

  It was a good thing Tercero was sitting far enough away that he wouldn’t land a hit on him right now. “She won’t want Luc.”

  “You mean after she has you two together?” Tercero smirked, though he kept his eyes shut. “Did she tell you I remind her of you and David together? Maybe she’ll decide one of us—I—am enough.”

  Ryder knew his stare could be felt, and he had no idea when Tercero had gotten the balls to provoke him like this.

  “Did you tell her you made sure she could handle your dick?” Now Tercero glanced at him, amused. “It was cute, brother.”

  “Shut the fuck up.” Ryder dropped his cigarette, watching it slowly die out. He didn’t care if it was a stupid thing to worry about or not know, but he knew Jane was small and he was big. His dick was big, too. It wasn’t like he had the biggest dick ever, but he was bigger than most guys. He just didn’t want to hurt his girl, so he researched weeks ago.

  They’d caught him and laughed because he didn’t know some weird shit happened when a girl was turned on that made her able to accommodate a dick at all. Tenting—whatever the fuck that was. It wasn’t like he was out trying shit out or paying attention when they taught Sex Ed. He wanted to learn with his baby.

  Tercero laughed at him. “Archer didn’t know either. He had been the one to bring it up to me.”

  “Archer asked if my dick would fit in Jane?” Ryder didn’t want Archer thinking about Jane at all.

  With a smile tugging at his lips, Tercero explained, “That night she almost flashed you, and he joked that you were going to have to find someone to fuck to get the hard-on you had to go away . . . He was eating a peach later, and he asked me if it was possible to kill a girl with a big dick.”

  Ryder snorted, shaking his head.

  “He was serious,” Tercero said, chuckling. “He likes her—”

  “What?” All Ryder’s humor fell away at the thought of another of his brothers after his Jane.

  “He thinks she’s hot,” Tercero said, “but he doesn’t like her more than a potential friend. He was worried you’d be too much for her because he said Jane was definitely into you, and it was only a matter of time before you two started fucking. He was going to warn her to prepare for you.”

  “Fucking idiot.” Ryder leaned back now as he slid his phone out of his pocket. He doubted Jane got her phone back, but he hoped to see a message from her. There was nothing.

  “Not really,” Tercero said. “You left bruises on her after your car sex.”

  He winced, sliding open his photo gallery. Taking Jane’s virginity in the front seat of his Camaro wasn’t what he’d ever planned with her, but she’d been hungry for him and no way was he letting her run back to David after she’d held shit off with David for him. So, it meant tight quarters, hard and fast; definitely not as gentle as he probably should’ve been for her first time.

  The bruises on her hips were visible the night before, and he’d noticed how she’d been a lot more tender when he was with her then. His research hadn’t been a waste because he found out there was another way to prepare a woman for a big dick, and he’d gotten good at making sure he had her ready for him so that she was moaning from pleasure and not from pain.

  Ryder stared at the first photo of them, the one he’d taken just ten minutes before he’d become her first. She was so fucking beautiful. Her cute blush whenever he was too close to her always put a smile on his face, and she was all pink in the photo of the two of them at school.

  “She liked them,” Tercero said, probably referring to the bruises.

  Ryder grinned because she had liked them. When he’d noticed them after their second time together, he’d kissed them and tried to tell her he’d learn how to be gentle. She told him not to change at all. “Little masochist,” he said, chuckling.

  Tercero nodded. “She likes to have reminders.”

  He darted his gaze to Tercero and narrowed his eyes. “I didn’t see a reminder of you.”

  “No?” Tercero smirked then reached up to the collar of his shirt, pulling it
down enough to reveal a hickey. “Because she insisted she was yours to mark up, but she’d make sure anyone who looked at me saw who I belonged to. She was sneaky—it was all I allowed her to do.”

  Ryder glared at the hickey. “Why the fuck wouldn’t she mark me?”

  “Because she doesn’t want anyone staring at you longer than they need to.” He shrugged. “You know her more than even I do. I’m sure she imagined you’d be able to see each other at school, but I would’ve been her secret. Plus, she thinks you’re beautiful. I imagine she would consider it ruining you.” Tercero smiled. “I’m jealous.”

  He didn’t stop scowling because he was jealous too. “Did you—”

  “—have sex with her?” Tercero finished. “Really, brother, she wouldn’t have been able to walk out of here if all three of us had been with her. It’s a miracle she did with all I heard between you.”

  “That’s right, bitch.” Ryder felt a little better that he was still Jane’s number one. It stung from time to time that she didn’t choose him alone, but he would do anything for her. Even swallow the bitterness at the realization that Tercero had likely fucked her with his mouth and David had taken advantage of her needy state after he’d left them alone in her room.

  “Did you taste her?”

  Ryder raised an eyebrow at his brother. “You’re lucky she likes you, or I’d probably kill you.”

  A rare mischievous gleam sparked in Tercero’s eyes. “Is that a no?”

  “I doubt my girl wants you talking about her,” was what he chose to reply. Of course, he tasted Jane.

  “She told me she wanted you to have her every way possible.”

  Ryder didn’t react outwardly, but his heart was pounding. His girl was a freak in the sheets. “Well, I already checked off several on her list, then.” He wasn’t going to tell anyone how much he’d done with Jane. All he cared about was that she was a satisfied, sexy mess every time he was with her, and all he had to do was look her way for her to clench those thighs together. Though, he was curious if Tercero or David had managed what he had and made her sq—

  David cut off Ryder’s dirty thoughts. “Has there been any word from Sarah?”

  Tercero responded to him. “No, but Ryder is certain she will learn teleportation if he stares at her window long enough.”

  David stared up at the window for a few seconds. “I shouldn’t have fallen asleep with her that morning.”

  “No, you shouldn’t have.” Ryder balled his fist instead of fighting David like he wanted to. Jane’s heart would break if she knew they weren’t getting along, or that Ryder blamed David for her being taken away. Really, there was no doubt in his mind things would’ve worked out if it had been just him Kingston was worried about

  Tercero sat up, offering his spot to David as he prepared to leave.

  “Where are you going?” Ryder called after him.

  “School,” Tercero said, then he was out of sight.

  Ryder checked the time, exhaling loudly. “Guess I’m taking your sorry ass to school with me?”

  David shrugged. “I can call Lance.”

  “Jane and I fucked in my car,” he told him without any shame or malice.

  Instead of responding, David pulled out his new phone and started texting someone.

  Ryder laughed, knowing he was getting a ride elsewhere. “Come find me if you hear from her.”

  “Sarah said she didn’t have a phone,” David muttered, still focusing on his text.

  “Just saying.” Ryder got up from the lounger and headed to the house to get his shit for his first day without his girl. He had no idea where she was or how she was coping with everything, and she was definitely thinking he was already moving on. Silly girl. He needed to find her.

  He spotted the moon in the reflection on the glass. It was out of place in the morning light, preparing to be out of sight from him. He stared at the half-moon for a few seconds before murmuring, “Good morning, my moon.”

  “What a bitch.”

  Jane squeezed her eyes shut upon hearing probably the twentieth insult of her Monday at her new school. Kingston had enrolled her at Helldonna High School because that was the easiest school to get her in since it was in-district for his brother’s house. She wasn’t staying with his brother’s family because Kingston didn’t trust her around any male relative, and she had a cousin Adam, who was her age. He was treating her like a sex offender who couldn’t be trusted around male family members.

  Still, Kingston got his brother to say she was living there as she stayed with his mother, David’s grandmother. His gran was a sweetheart. She tried to argue on David’s behalf because even she knew David loved her, but Kingston nearly had a fit, so Jane asked her to stay out of it and locked herself away.

  Now she wished she was locked away somewhere else, maybe prison, for fucking her stepbrother, because Helldonna was actual Hell.

  The whole damn school was out for her because Dylan Berith had been expelled from school because of what he’d done to her. He was a star, and no one believed he’d done anything wrong. They only saw her as the girl who’d been rumored to be with all the Godsons and her stepbrother. They said she asked for Dylan, then used him to make Ryder jealous.

  “Fuck off,” came a deep voice as the chair beside her was taken and a muscular arm draped around her shoulders.

  She jumped, startled, but stared in shock at the huge guy grinning at her.

  “Hey there, pretty eyes.” Alexander Sin gave her a little shake before holding up an apple. “Hungry?”

  Jane darted her eyes around the science lab. Everyone was staring.

  He shrugged when she didn’t take his offering, and bit into the apple, chewing loudly but somehow it wasn’t disgusting.

  “What are you doing?” she finally asked when most of the class resumed their assignment.

  Instead of answering her, he held up a finger to his lips then pulled out his phone, pressing call then lifted it to his ear.

  Almost instantly, a familiar male voice answered. “The fuck are you calling me for?”

  Alexander smirked. “I thought you’d like to know I found something of yours.” He winked at her. “About five feet, maybe a couple of inches, sexy ass, pretty dark hair and ‘Ryder Godson is my daddy’ hazel eyes.”

  There was silence at the other end of the call, then . . . nothing.

  Alexander frowned, holding his phone out.

  Jane gaped at him. “He hung up?”

  The big guy gave her a little squeeze, chuckling as his phone vibrated.

  Facetime: Ryder Godson.

  He smirked, holding it up for her, and she almost cried upon seeing Ryder’s face.

  A storm had been ready to unleash in his fiery eyes, but he instantly calmed when she was the one greeting him. “Fuck, babe,” he said, searching her face. “You okay?”

  Her head was about to roll off with her stupid bobbing. “I’m good. You?”

  The corner of his mouth turned up. “Am I ever good without you?”

  She grinned, hating so badly that she couldn’t be there with him.

  He sighed when she was too emotional to talk. “He enrolled you at Helldonna? Fuckin’ prick.”

  “I hate it,” she said as quietly as she could. “I want to come home.”

  “I know, angel.” His eyes kept drifting over her face. “Is anyone fucking with you?”

  She stayed quiet, unsure if it was wise to tell him.

  Alexander tilted the phone toward himself. “What do you expect when they blame her for Dylan’s expulsion? Don’t worry—I’ll keep an eye on her.”

  Jane leaned over to see the glare on Ryder’s face, and she was surprised he wasn’t telling the big guy to stay away from her.

  “The others?” he asked.

  Alexander nodded. “They heard she’s here. We’ll watch over her.”

  “You better, Sin. I’ll kill every one of you bastards if she’s hurt.”

  Her sweet, bad boy, always threatening o
thers with death. She smiled softly as Alexander chuckled at Ryder who scowled even harder.

  “Easy,” Alexander said before darting his gaze at the classroom. “Turn the fuck around.”

  Her eyes widened at his dark tone, and she noticed every student, even the teacher, drop their eyes to their desks and pretend they weren’t listening.

  “Fucking moron,” Ryder was muttering. “I want her to call me again. Before one of you leaves today, find her and let her call me.”

  Alexander nodded to him as he handed her the phone again.

  Jane teared up. She missed him so much.

  He watched her try to hold herself together and eventually smiled. “My emotional girl misses me, huh?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, not wanting people to hear him. “Um, I’m in class, though.”

  “So am I,” he said, his gaze narrowed at her. “Be proud of me like I am of you.”

  “It’s easy for you—everyone is afraid of you.” She didn’t want him to think she wasn’t proud to have him; she totally was, but she also had his brothers and David. At least she hoped she did.

  “Then show them my feisty Jane. My girl has claws.” He chuckled, making a hand motion to someone. “I want a call later.”

  “I’ll find Alexander.”

  “Sin,” Ryder corrected her. “Don’t let that fucker fool you. He’s going to make a pass at you as soon as we end our call. Tell him to keep his fucking apples to himself or I’m making a necklace out of his ballsack.”

  She watched her face turn red on the screen as Alexander laughed quietly beside her. “He’s being nice. He called you without me asking.”

  “Damn right he did,” Ryder said, his focus on something else though. “Hang on, babe, I got someone who wants to say hi.”

  Before she could tell him she didn’t want to say hi to anyone else, David was staring at her through the phone.


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