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Jane's Team: A High School Reverse Harem Romance

Page 29

by Janie Marie

  “Hey, baby,” he said with an easy smile lifting on his lips. “Figured he was talking to you when I saw him smiling like an idiot.”

  “Fuck you,” Ryder’s voice still came through, though he had obviously handed his phone to David.

  “Where are you?” David asked.

  “Helldonna,” she told him, so relieved to see he was okay. She’d feared he’d done something to piss Ryder off.

  David clenched his jaw as Ryder spoke to him quietly.

  Jane chose to tell a little lie. “It’s fine. People are leaving me alone.”

  David stared at her quietly, shaking his head. “You don’t have to lie. Do you want us to come and get you?”

  “Why the fuck didn’t I think of that?” Ryder said. “Oh, that’s right, it would be considered abduction, you dumb fuck.”

  “Shut up.” David glared at Ryder before sighing. “When the fuck did you start using your fucking brain.”

  “When you started using your dick,” Ryder quipped, snatching his phone. He smiled at her. “We gotta run, babe. Don’t forget to call. Sin will tell you who to trust. Don’t talk to any other fuckers there, and you go to them if someone starts shit with you.”

  “Ask her where she’s living?” David told him.

  Ryder just looked at her. “Which grandma’s house did he take you to?”

  She grinned, surprised Ryder had figured it out. “His mother’s, of course.”

  Ryder rolled his eyes. “Told you,” he said to David. “All right. I love you, angel. I’ll talk to you later. Find somewhere secluded to call me.”

  Nodding, her eyes teared up again as she stared at his beautiful face. “And I love you.”

  He was quiet, just taking her in. “Stop stealing my lines,” he said, smirking. “Tell Papi bye now.”

  David was back. “If you call me Papi, baby, I’m only going to hear it in his voice and freak out.”

  She chuckled sadly. There was no way she was calling him Papi.

  “Be brave,” he said quietly.

  “I will.” She searched his blue eyes, hoping hers told him what she wasn’t sure she should say aloud.

  He gave her that gorgeous, David Leodegrance smile that had her heart pounding. “I love you, too.” He ended the call instead of handing it back to Ryder.

  Alexander, Sin, took his phone from her limp hands. “Damn, girl, you turned those two assholes into allies and sappy fuckers for you?”

  “Yes,” she told him with a pathetic smile.

  He laughed, tightening his arm around her. “Cheer up, cutie. I don’t know what the fuck happened, but the boys and I won’t let you down.”

  “The boys?” She didn’t know anyone who went to Helldonna except her ‘cousin’, David’s cousin, and she had yet to see him.

  “Most of the team and a few others.” He lobbed the apple core toward the trashcan, and it even swished in. “Nervous?”

  Now that he mentioned it, and she realized he was a really attractive guy, she was nervous.

  “Hey,” he said, tapping her shoulder. “Your cute face got all ugly.”

  She wasn’t expecting that, and she laughed. “Thanks for that.”

  He winked, stretching out his long legs. “There you go. Keep the smile. That sad shit will scare all the boys away from you.”

  “Wow.” She couldn’t stop grinning.

  “Right?” He flexed his free arm. “So, can I take you to lunch?”

  Jane glared at him. “Ryder will kill you.”

  “Nothing like a good ole death wish to liven things up, aye?” He chuckled, texting someone. “Relax, though, I told him I’d watch out for you, and I will. You can meet your new guards.”

  “Guards?” She didn’t know if he was being serious or just messing with her, but she was hoping she’d have someone to eat with.

  His head bobbed as he ran a hand through his wild locks. “You’ll like them. And, trust me, Ryder will destroy us if anything happens to you. So don’t be afraid.”

  “How do you even know him?” That’s what had her baffled. Ryder didn’t do friends, and she only ever saw him with his brothers.

  “Met him at football camp. But we really know him because we fight.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “Did you know?”

  “Fight? Like a boxer?” She had no idea what he was implying about Ryder. Yeah, he had bruises sometimes, but so did every other football player.

  “Not a boxer, though he can box.” He chuckled, sliding open his phone and going through the gallery. “He would’ve told me not to tell you if he had a problem with me showing you. But you’re the girl he’s always thinking about—I think he wants you to know him.”

  She honestly wasn’t expecting something deep from this conversation, but she was so touched that Ryder had let others know his feelings, even if he had been hesitant to tell her.

  Then there he was. Jane gasped, taking the phone from Alexander. Ryder was shirtless, sweaty and perfect. His long hair was soaked, hanging over his eyes as he bounced on the balls of his feet. He was standing across from a much bigger guy, one the size of Savaş. A monster.

  The guy said something to Ryder. Some of the words were missing, but she gathered most of it. Something about Ryder being a pretty boy and he’d show him what he did with pretty boys.

  Ryder spat at the makeshift mat and told the guy, “Sorry, bitch. I don’t fuck guys; I got my eyes on a gorgeous brunette.”

  Her cheeks warmed as Sin chuckled. She couldn’t believe Ryder really was so devoted to her. Not that she had to worry about a scary guy being Ryder’s type.

  The fighter laughed, rubbing his stomach. “Don’t be like that. Daddy will take care of you.”

  All playfulness coming from the upcoming fight vanished. Ryder rolled his neck before pointing his mouthpiece at the guy. “Already made it clear I don’t like dick, and the only ass I want is my girl’s. Now shut the fuck up. I really want to knock your dumbass out so I can go home and get a glimpse of her.”

  “You should hear him when he’s high,” Sin said, snickering.

  Then they were fighting, and Ryder was brutal. He faulted once and then corrected so effortlessly, and so fiercely, they had to call a medic for the other guy.

  Jane closed her eyes, shaking her head. She wasn’t upset with Ryder’s fight or that he talked about her, but she was upset that she didn’t know any of this about him. She had known he smoked weed, and he occasionally drank alcohol, but it was weird realizing he had a life that didn’t fit in his backyard.

  “Hey, ugly.” Sin locked his phone. “What’s wrong?”

  Since she had no one to talk to, not even Wendy, she told the big guy. “I didn’t know any of this. How can I love him when I don’t know him?”

  “Girl, you’d be nuts to not love Ryder.” He dramatically tossed his hair and batted his eyelashes.

  “I’m serious,” she said, chuckling.

  “So am I.” He stared dreamily at Ryder on his phone. “Just look at him.”

  Jane did, sighing. He was certainly the most dangerous guy she knew, but he was an absolute cutie with her. She loved him—even if she didn’t know the other sides of him yet. “Do you think I’m too boring for him?” She lifted her gaze to meet his dark stare. “I mean, I’m not a bad girl, and I will probably cry if I see him get hit.”

  He grinned. “Ugly, that bastard has it bad for you. Any combination you come in—sexy, cute, feisty, ugly”—he laughed at her scowl— “he’s calling you his goddess. But you know what? He’s insecure as fuck about you. I bet if you show him you’re a little badass ugly girl, he’ll realize there’s nothing to hide from you.”

  “Are you always gonna call me ugly?”

  His big finger poked her cheek. “Stop being ugly, and I’ll call you beautiful.”

  The teacher called for attention at the front of the class, and Jane sighed, focusing on her. She had to make the best of the situation, even if she had wished to be David’s girlfriend for most of her life. Maybe she wa
s a silly girl, though. Maybe she needed this distance to figure out what she really wanted. One thing she was holding onto though was Ryder hadn’t moved on like she feared all day yesterday. He and David were tolerating each other, and they weren’t giving up on her.

  Tercero’s and Luc’s faces surfaced in her mind. She felt so bad for how she treated them. They at least deserved to know she didn’t think less of them. In fact, she really missed them.

  Alexander Sin surprised her again. “Hey, ugly,” he whispered, sliding his phone toward her. There was an open text.

  Luc Godson: Find my queen

  Alexander responded. Already have. I have her next period. I’ll keep an eye on her.

  Luc Godson: Inform my little brother.

  Jane’s heart warmed the same way it did when Luc looked at her. He was really a sweetheart when he wanted to be. “He cares about Ryder.”

  Alexander snorted. “Not really. He probably knows Ryder will kill someone if he goes too long without knowing if you’re safe.”

  She chose to have hope that Luc wasn’t such a bad guy. “Well, thank you.”

  “You got it, ugly.”


  Jane chewed her french fry, never tearing her eyes off the guys sitting across from her. Sin had taken her to lunch at a diner across from the school. He’d been greeted by a scary group of guys; two she recognized the names of as being on the football team: Damon King and Than Messor. The others: Gabe Astar and Levi Beelz were big enough to play football, but Sin had told her they were more interested in fighting. The last two: Ricky Hermes and Hadrian Apollon, were less intimidating, especially since Ricky kept grinning at her while Hadrian smirked and asked if David knew she was out with them. Apparently, they were on the football team as well, but they were offensive players.

  “So,” she said, narrowing her eyes at the Damon guy.

  He’d been the one to punch Dylan that night. He was built like a truck. Not as tall as Ryder, but thicker. His tanned skin and slicked back black hair made him seem like he was a mafia boss in training, and his amber eyes only heightened the effect.

  He raised a dark eyebrow at her, the corner of his mouth lifting. “So . . .” If sex had a voice.

  Than cast a look at Damon before shaking his head. “Even for you, you’re in trouble if you flirt.”

  Damon’s grin widened. “You don’t know that she’s not looking to expand her harem.”

  Sin frowned at them. “I’m not getting killed because of you two.”

  Than inclined his head toward Damon. “Because of him.” His eyes fell on her, and he sort of bowed his head. “I owe Ryder, and he’s a . . . friend. If Damon flirts, run.”

  She liked Than instantly. He was hot with his tousled brown hair and thick eyelashes and brows, but he emitted a protective vibe, rather than creepiness or sexual interest. “Thanks for the warning, Ryder’s friend,” she said before she narrowed her eyes on Damon—definite sexual interest. “My harem is full.”

  Hadrian laughed loudly as he picked up his burger. “The young queen has spoken.” He winked. “Hey, so tell us, does Ryder seriously share you with David and Luc?”

  Ricky smacked the burger from his hands. “You can’t ask that.”

  Hadrian stared at his ruined burger. “Fuck, bro, I was hungry.”

  Jane sighed, realizing the others were actually waiting to see if she’d answer the question. Well, if Ryder wanted her to be proud of him . . . “Ryder respects me and wants me to choose what I want. I chose him.” She glanced at Hadrian and added, “And David. There’s something between Luc and me . . . even more between Tercero and me.”

  Ricky’s eyes widened. “Tercero?”

  Gabe chuckled, taking a bite of a fry. “I saw that one coming.”

  “How?” Ricky asked him.

  “Because I arrived two minutes ago,” said that sexy as hell voice with a slight Italian intonation.

  Jane gasped, turning around. He was right behind her, a pair of black jeans and a pale gray tee. “You came for me,” she whispered, ready to throw herself at him.

  He pulled off his sunglasses and smiled. “Of course, tesoro. I told you I was yours in your darkest hour.”

  She laughed out a cry and instead of trying to squeeze out by Sin, she stood on her seat and let Tercero pull her over.

  He pulled her legs around his waist to hug her, then whispered in her ear, “We have an audience, cara.”

  “You’re not a dirty little secret.” She grabbed his face, kissing him firmly on the lips. God, he was like a present of her favorite things and some she didn’t even know she desired.

  He was the one who kept her from getting too out of control, but he made sure he kissed her stupid before addressing the guys behind her, “Gentlemen.”

  They were staring wide-eyed at them. Well, not Than Messor—he glared.

  Tercero smirked as he lowered her to her feet yet kept his hand on the small of her back, under her shirt. It was like he knew he was making her tingle and burn all while numbing the painful ache in her heart and satisfying the hunger she’d not realized had been crippling her.

  “Something on your mind, Than?” Tercero asked him as he pulled the chair she’d been sitting on out. He sat, pulling her onto his lap and tapped her plate, a silent order to eat.

  Jane locked eyes with Damon’s amused pair, and she wanted to hide. They had no idea what her relationship was with Tercero. They thought she was Ryder’s girlfriend, and it definitely looked bad that she was kissing his brother. No, she didn’t want Tercero to feel like her little secret, but she didn’t even know what they were to be publicly throwing herself at him.

  Than cleared his throat as he addressed Tercero. “He didn’t mention you.”

  She looked away from Damon to focus on Than. He would’ve appeared calm, but the tightness in his posture told her he was ready to stake Ryder’s claim.

  Tercero shrugged, relaxing. “Would you admit your brother was courting your girlfriend?”

  Hadrian snickered, picking up his disheveled burger. “You don’t hear that every day.”

  Jane sighed, peeking at Tercero. It hit her hard that she honestly had the most ridiculous arrangement going on. Her bad boy had said it was all her choice and for her to explore his brothers if she wanted, but it felt wrong now that others were viewing them. “Does he know you’re here?” she asked Tercero.

  Black eyes locked on hers. “Do I need permission to see you?”

  She flinched under his stare and turned away. She had a feeling Than was waiting for a sign that she wanted to be removed from Tercero. It made her wonder just how much loyalty Ryder had gathered from guys who she’d never seen him with.

  Damon’s amused look vanished as he took her in as well, and he sent Tercero a glare. “Whatever your relationship with her is, it’s clear Ryder is her priority. Don’t throw her on the fucking spot because you want to prove to us you’ve got a piece of her.”

  Hadrian, Ricky, and Sin seemed to agree, as they straightened in their seats, almost growing larger as they sized Tercero up.

  Tercero didn’t appear intimidated. In fact, he wore a faint smile as he hugged her, nuzzling her from behind. “Forgive me, tesoro. You needn’t answer that. I will distance myself out of respect for my brother. As they are right to be suspicious—he does not know I am here, and he will be upset to learn I managed to see you when he cannot.”

  Her body trembled as she kept her eyes forward. Than was ready and waiting for her to say the word; she should say the word because Ryder did come first.

  A light kiss was pressed to her cheek, and Tercero moved her off his lap.

  “I think I’ll go,” he said once he stood. He pulled a cell phone from his pocket and held it out to her. “Keep it hidden. Our numbers are saved, even David’s new phone. They may not recognize the number, as I haven’t told them I was getting you a phone.”

  She shook her head, wanting to tell him she was sorry, that he could stay and be with her too.
br />   He smiled, putting his sunglasses on again. “I merely wanted you to know you had me, should you need me.”

  “I do.” She hushed when he caressed her cheek.

  “I know, but you need more time to figure out how you want us. Speak to Ryder; I know he is your main choice. Ensure whatever you’d like with me and the others is something you are comfortable with him enduring, as well as yourself.” He lowered his hand, nodding to the boys. “I’m available, if needed.”

  Jane reached for him before he could walk away. She squeezed his hand, smiling sadly when he returned the gesture.

  “Finding oneself should have nothing to do with another, tesoro,” he said. “I only hope the woman you find desires at least one more afternoon with me.” With that, he lifted her hand to his lips, kissed it once, then he was walking out of the diner.

  “Smooth,” said Hadrian as he stared outside.

  Jane laughed sadly as she turned to the group of guys. They smiled at her pitiful expression.

  Sin was the one to pull her into a little—big—hug. “Ugly, I told you not to make this face.”

  “Girl,” Wendy admonished through Jane’s new cell phone. “Ryder is your boyfriend. I don’t give a damn about these others—not even David. I know you think he’s perfect, but he’s not. You need to show Ryder he’s your priority and tell him you kissed Tercero.”

  Jane didn’t respond. She’d called Wendy after sending texts to her boys, none of whom had replied yet, but her dear friend was making her feel like shit. Yes, she’d internally admitted to herself Ryder was her priority, but it was hard to say so because it had always been David, and David was still her—

  She wanted to scream. What she didn’t want was to be judged.

  At least David’s grandmother, Sylvia, wasn’t judging her. The cute old thing was rooting for David, much to Kingston’s displeasure. But the awkwardness allowed Jane to make calls; Sylvia was going to cover for her, as long as she promised to talk to David, too.

  Wendy sighed loudly. “I mean, it sounds amazing—having all of them, but it’s not gonna work. Ryder said all that while you were still living next door. He probably assumed he’d have more time to make the two of you exclusive. Were you really planning to kiss all three of them at school and go make out with Luc after you got home? And, honestly, why would you care about the others when Ryder is kissing you and being as amazing as you keep saying he is? He freaking adores you. How much more do you want?”


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