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Do Not Return To Sender

Page 6

by Unknown

  Every part of Razer's body was shaking from Trenton's frank words. Nodding, he licked his lips and steeled his nerves. "Exactly."

  "Tell me, Razer, is this something you want to explore further?"


  "But you're frightened. I can tell. Is it because you've never experienced what you think you want or is it because of something that happened in the past?"

  "I…it's because I'm cautious in general. I refuse to enter into any aspect of a relationship or partnership without knowing every detail."

  "Agreed. Are you willing to work for my firm as well?" Trenton narrowed his eyes and took another sip of his drink.

  Razer smiled. He could easily see himself working for an architectural firm. "I don't take handouts."

  "And I don't give them, period. I value my employees as much as I do the people I bring into my personal life. If you don't perform, you'll be fired. Does that sound reasonable?" Trenton smiled and licked the edge of his glass.

  Razer's heart skipped a beat. From Trenton's words to the clear meaning and the savage look on his face, Razer wanted to taste the man, to suck his cock until his hot sperm spewed down his throat. "Yes."

  "Do you want to have a Master adore you?"


  "Are you willing to explore the darker side of your soul and allow another human to take control of your wants and needs?"

  Razer opened and closed his mouth, his heart racing. That was the question. Suddenly unsure, he hesitated and tried to put words together.

  "You're right to question." Trenton took another sip of his drink and sighed.

  "It's not about you. It's about knowing what I'm getting into."

  "I understand. You don't know me. No amount of information based on background checks or business portfolios can tell you about the man behind the brawn.

  "True. We can be anyone we want to be and who's the wiser until someone is nearly destroyed."

  "Said like a survivor," Trenton breathed.

  "Said like a man ready to live again."

  They gazed at each other for several seconds before Trenton smiled. "I have a suggestion."

  "I'm listening."

  "Let's meet for a drink tonight. Nothing else. That way you can at least see the man you may want to spend the rest of your life with."

  Until Trenton said the words, Razer didn't completely understand what the contract meant.

  The rest of his life. "Agreed."

  "Do you know Riley's on the corner of Washburn?"

  The choice was interesting. As close to a dive as a neighborhood bar could be, it was known for beer, darts, sports channels and little else. "I do."

  "Nine o clock?"

  "Agreed." As Razer flipped off his computer and stood, his legs shook. Gripping onto the corner of the desk, nausea overwhelmed him.

  Chapter Four

  Trenton sauntered into the corner joint just before nine and scanned the perimeter. Razer hadn't arrived. Sighing, he headed for the bar and took a corner spot with a clear view of the door. The stench of stale cigarette smoke and greasy food was overwhelming but he had a feeling that an unassuming location would be more comforting for Razer. There was something tragic that the man was hiding. Trenton had no doubt. It wasn't just the carefully crafted words or the hesitation, it was the manner in which he answered that rattled Trenton.

  "What'll ya have?"

  "Whiskey and a Bud chaser," Trenton said, eyeing the grizzly bartender. While there was nothing about Trenton's appearance that spoke of his sexual orientation or his particular needs, he had a feeling as the older guy was guessing Trenton was in the bar scoping sex.

  "Comin' up."

  Trenton chuckled as he watched the guy give him a second glance before grabbing a glass from the counter. If Razer had any experiences at all then he understood the lifestyle. If the experience was horrific why come looking for more? It was a ridiculous question. It was the same reason he refused to be satisfied with a vanilla lifestyle. Trenton was a true believer that everyone was wired with a pre-disposition whether it be in the darkness sex could bring to a relationship or the need of something straight vanilla.

  "Running a tab or wanna pay out now?” The bartender set the bottle of beer down next to the cocktail and grinned.

  "I'm waiting for someone so a tab," Trenton said, giving him a don't-fuck-with-me look.

  "Aren't they all?" As the bartender walked away he snickered softly.

  As he took a long pull on the ice cold liquid, Razer entered through the door and Trenton's breath was ripped away. He watched as Razer scanned the crowd until his eyes locked on Trenton's.

  Razer nodded as he sauntered toward the back corner, his eyes never leaving Trenton's.

  Whew! His body tingled in anticipation of Razer's being close to him. Surprised at his reaction, he shifted on the stool in an attempt to ease the ache building in his groin. Trenton stood as Razer closed the distance and held out his hand. "Thanks for coming."

  Razer gripped his hand tightly, holding the shake as they gazed into each other's eyes. "This was a good suggestion."

  Trenton smiled. "Drink?"

  "Whatever you're having."

  Trenton waved to the bartender who curled his upper lip before grabbing another glass.

  "Interesting choice," Razer said as he gazed the length of the bar.

  "I hoped it would make you comfortable."

  "Thank you. You're usual kind of joint?"

  Trenton laughed. "In truth, I have no usual type of place. I can't remember the last time I was at a bar let alone frequented one on a regular basis."

  Razer grinned and turned to him. "Home body, eh?"

  "Something like that." Trenton could tell Razer was dropping his guard. As the drinks arrived, he began talking about his work and sports and anything he could think of to find out more about the man that was keeping Trenton's dick hard and his face flushed. Every part of him ached.

  As Razer became more relaxed, he settled into the stool and talked openly. "Right now painting is my passion."

  "How long have you been into painting?"

  "Since…about ten years ago. I'd just gotten out of a relationship and I was angry, God I was angry. My therapist suggested that I take up something to deal with the rage."

  For some reason the information caught Trenton off guard. He wouldn't have guessed Razer was easily thrown by the normal conflicts and arguments within a relationship so the break up must have floored him. He decided to let it go. "I feel that kind of anger with my clients who honestly think that we're just an interior designer and decorating shop." Trenton laughed and inched closer as a jolt of heat thrashed between them. Startled, he bit his lower lip to keep from gasping. The chemistry between them was off the charts.

  Blinking rapidly, Razer obviously felt the sizzle as well. Shifting his leg, he pushed up against Trenton's.

  Suddenly the heat rose a solid twenty degrees. Unsure if he could put two coherent sentences together, Trenton hid behind his beer, taking long pulls until it was done. Bouncing the bottle down with a hard thud, Trenton looked for the surly bartender who'd stepped away from the bar area. Getting a grip on his sanity, he turned and gazed down Razer's chest.

  "Clothed or unclothed?" Trenton breathed, his timbre dropping to a sensuous level. It was time to push the envelope.

  "What?" Razer chuckled.

  "Modeling?" Trenton licked his lips and scooted forward, crowding Razer's space.

  "We'll just say scantily dressed."

  "Ah. I bet you burn down the house with your looks." Full court press Trenton lifted his head and smiled. "Be right back." As he climbed off the bar stool and headed for the darkened hallway that held the bathrooms, he held in his breath. Would Razer take the bait? Hugging the wall, he waited until he heard a shuffle of feet. It was Razer's scent, masculine and musky that accosted him first. And it was the sight of the gorgeous hunk standing in the shadowed light that dragged him from the depths of his self imposed hell.

>   "Come here," Trenton commanded after several seconds of silence.

  Without saying a word, Razer moved forward into the darkness until he was just inches from the man. "What do you want?" His voice a husky whisper.

  "What do I want?" Trenton a fingertip down Razer's cheek to his lips, circling his mouth as he pressed the flat of his other hand on the man's carved chest, savoring the way his muscles pressed against the soft shirt. "Everything."

  Razer captured the finger Trenton pressed inside his mouth, sucking as Trenton took his hand and brushed it down Trenton's sides and then down until he held their hands over his cock, cupping himself through the tight denim of his jeans.

  "I want this dick inside your mouth." Trenton pushed and pulled his finger as he leaned forward and licked the side of Razer's face. Savoring the essence of the man, he chuckled darkly and moved his hand sliding it past his waistband to Razer's throbbing erection. The hunk was hard as a rock.

  Tipping his head back, Razer allowed Trenton's finger to fall. "Yes."

  "I want my thick erection buried deep in your ass while I milk your cock."

  Shivering, Razer swallowed and nodded as he continued caressing and kneading Trenton's bulging erection.

  Trenton leaned forward and breathed against the side of Razer's neck before darting his tongue out to taste his tangy flesh. Nipping the underside of his chin, he drew the tender flesh past his lips, biting down until Razer groaned. As he squeezed Razer's balls, he sighed, the sensation of having the man's hands touch him so intimately sending shivers down his spine.

  Licking up Razer's neck in slow motion, Trenton reached his mouth and brushed his lips just over Razer's, holding the stance. "Tell me you'll belong to me."

  The words somehow stunned Razer but instead of scuttling back, he wrapped a hand around Trenton's waist and pulled him forward. "I'll obey you as you teach me to become yours."

  "And give you years of breathtaking ecstasy." Crushing his mouth over Razer's, Trenton continued stoking him the entire length of his shaft as he explored Razer's mouth, entwining his tongue as they both moaned. Pushing him back to the wall and further into the darkness, he maneuvered his hand and slid his finger past the tight confines of Razer's jeans until he touched the tip of his cockhead. Relishing in the fact he went commando, Trenton fought his urges to rip off Razer's clothes and ravage him in the dirty hallway. Instead, he flicked his finger across the sensitive slit, his hunger burning out of control.

  Razer's body quaked as he bucked forward and grunted. He grazed his hand up and down Trenton's back, cupping and squeezing his ass.

  Every part of his blood sizzled but it couldn't happen this way. His heart racing, he heard noises from behind them. The startled gasp filtered around them seconds before the man hissed.

  "Get out of here, faggots!"

  Breaking the kiss, Trenton whipped his head around and snarled. "Fuck you!"

  The angry exclamation seemed to startle the overweight redneck. Instead of challenging the two, he backed out of the hallway, holding his hands up.

  His breathing labored, Trenton palmed the side of Razer's head and nipped Razer's bottom lip, biting down until he tasted blood.

  Razer palmed Trenton's chest as he arched his back, his moan long and strangled.

  He broke the hold and eased back, licking his lips. "Tuesday night, my house."

  Razer swallowed hard. Opening and closing his mouth, he kneaded Trenton's shirt, pulling and tugging the fabric between his fingers.

  "Will you accept another man?" His tone commanding, Trenton was merely setting the stage for what would be the beginning of an entirely new relationship for both of them. "Tell me."

  Lifting his head slowly, Razer nodded. "Yes."

  Trenton smiled and pulled back, pressing his thumb across the seam of Razer's swollen lips.

  "I can assure you that the night is about trust and passion and quenching our hunger, nothing else to start. Yet. Do you understand?"

  While Razer shook, his voice was strong. "Yes."

  "Do you trust me?"

  "I… A little."

  "Good. Because if you don't at least that much I won't touch you."

  Razer smiled. "I believe you."

  Trenton turned and walked back into the bar slowly and knew he could fall hard for Razer. If they could both come clean and tell their secrets. Trenton tossed several bills onto the counter and wiped the sweat from his eyes. He only prayed Razer could stand to be in the same room with him if that day ever came.


  Razer sat in front of the gated community on a side street for fifteen minutes before gathering the courage to drive to the guardhouse. Lowering his window, he nodded to the older gentlemen.

  "Can I help you, sir?"

  "I'm here to see Trenton Masters," Razer almost burst out laughing as he heard the crack in his voice. They were having dinner. And you're going to serve not one but two men until they're sated. The thought unnerving, he licked his dry lips.

  "You must be Razer Willis. Mr. Masters said you'd be arriving about this time. Go up to the top of the hill and take a right. Mr. Master's house is the last one in the cul-de-sac."

  "Thank you." As Razer raised the window and pulled into the community, his full understanding of just how rich Trenton became apparent. The mansion style houses were gorgeous. While many mimicked old southern plantations, several others were modern in design and every one of them appeared to be well over eight thousand square feet. "Shit!"

  Stealing a glance at his attire, he groaned. At least he'd selected charcoal linen instead of his usual jeans and a tee shirt.

  As he rounded the corner and gazed at the tree lined street, his mouth dropped open. The Mediterranean style house complete with a cobblestone driveway and bubbling fountain in the front couldn't have seemed more out of place. He would have thought neoclassic or modern. As he climbed out of his car, Razer gazed across the periphery impressed by the tropical surroundings. While the house was huge, the homey feel caught him off guard.

  Ringing the doorbell, Razor anticipated servants fawning over him, leading him through long hallways into some highly impressive master suite. Instead, the barefooted man with tussled hair and a mischievous grin seemed genuinely happy to have him there.

  "You must be Razer." His voice soft and slightly effeminate, his smile was genuine as he offered his hand.

  "And you must be Dyson."

  "Guilty as charged. Please come in. I apologize for my disheveled behavior. I was out of town and wouldn't you know the plane was late coming in. Trenton was caught on a phone call so my shower had to wait."

  Razer was instantly comfortable with the equally sun-kissed creature. Thinner than Trenton, his dashing almost golden eyes and long runner's legs suited his boyish appearance. "This is a beautiful home."

  "One of Trenton's designs. That's how we met. He was in school and loved showing off the design of this house." Dyson said as he walked down a hall into a brightly lit kitchen.

  Razer fought not gawking at the incredible view of a small lake surrounded by some of the most beautiful landscaping he'd ever seen. "Wow is all I can say."

  "I know. I sometimes stand here and gawk myself. Beer, glass of wine, tequila? We have it all."

  "I'd prefer Bourbon, neat but I think I'd better stick with water."

  "A man of discriminating tastes. You're perfect for Trenton. Sexy and intelligent with a body that… Well, let me just say that I'm horny."

  Razer blushed as he stole a glance. "I don't know what to say."

  "Oh don't be embarrassed. I'm no fool. I knew months ago if I wanted to keep any level of a relationship with Trenton I needed to allow a third into our life. Not that I was prepared for anything like you however." Chuckling, Dyson grabbed a glass from the cabinet and poured a shot of dark liquid before grabbing a bottle of water.

  Razer smiled. "Trenton told me you were a very good friend."

  Handing Razer the bottle, he nodded. "That's just it, we're very goo
d friends. Don't get me wrong, I'm in love with him but not in the way married couples should be." He took a sip of his drink and walked toward the long bank of floor to ceiling windows.

  "That's what I've had recently. I adore my partner and we're comfortable together but there's no forever."

  "Then we're all in the same place. I'd prefer to stay in Trenton's life but you're so much more his taste."

  "His taste?" Razer asked.

  Dyson turned his head slowly. "Dark and dangerous and willing to do things that I can tolerate in only miniscule amounts. Trenton is a born Dom and needs a sub that gets it."

  "Telling all my secrets already?" Trenton voice boomed as he strolled into the kitchen.

  Razer sucked in his breath. The man looked positively edible with his hair unruly, stubble cresting his face and his shirt half buttoned.

  "Damn! I wish like hell you looked at me that way," Dyson breathed. "Time for my shower.

  Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

  Razer watched Dyson leave and hid behind his drink. "You have a beautiful home."

  "I hope you'll consider yours one day," Trenton said as he moved forward. "I think I'll have one of those and then show you around before I start the grill. Steak and lobster tail all right tonight?"

  "You have to be kidding me," Razer snorted.

  Trenton grabbed a bottle and eyed Razor. "It's a celebration. Come, allow me to show you my dream."

  "Your design?" Razer followed him into the living room. The massive stone fireplace was the centerpiece and jutted to the cathedral ceiling. Open on both sides, the inviting space was decorated in rich colors set against the Jacobean hardwoods, a refreshing combination.

  "I toiled over it for years before I found the right piece of land."


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