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Do Not Return To Sender

Page 7

by Unknown

  "You've added touches that remind me of you, uninhibited."

  Trenton laughed. "I can tell you're an artist."

  Trenton explained each room as Razer grew more impressed with Trenton's skill and his eye for detail. "Wonderful. Thank you for showing me your baby."

  Trenton turned and gazed the length of him before settling his hungry look on his face.

  "Would you like to see my final room and one that only Dyson has seen?"

  "I'd love to."

  Leading Razer down a flight of stairs, Razer knew what Trenton was going to show him next.

  And what he'd saved for last.

  Trenton walked in first and flipped on a single light. A wash of shimmer surrounded the room, highlighting several pieces of equipment.

  Razer knew the majority of the pieces. As he glided forward, his heart pulsed raggedly. This was a dream room for him and one he now feared.

  "I researched the pieces thoroughly before I selected. Like what you see?"

  "God, yes." He walked forward and slid his hand across the horse, marveling at the feel of the cool wood before moving to St. Christopher's Cross. The gleaming wood and steel piece took his breath away. While Tim had him tied to many apparatuses over the years, they were homemade and crude and the wooden horrors were more painful than anything else. Blinking furiously, a fleeting vision of dark days clouded his sight. As a single bead of perspiration trickled down the back of his neck, he resisted panting. The walls were suddenly closing in on him.

  "You're flushed. Are you okay?" Trenton wrapped his hand around Razer's waist. "Whoa, you're shaking. Come on, sit down over here." He guided Razer to a small bench and sat him down gently, brushing the sweaty strands of hair from his face. "What's going on?"


  "Trust means honesty, remember?"

  Razer nodded and tipped his head. "An experience years ago. Nothing like it, I assure you. Or I wouldn't be here. I want this."

  Trenton brushed his hand across Razer's cheek. "We've all had wretched experiences. I'm no exception. Nothing will happen unless you want it to. I'm no monster."

  Just hearing the word was enough to drag him from his private moment of hell. Leaning his head forward, he pressed his forehead to Trenton's chest. "I'm just scared," Razer whispered so quietly he wasn't sure Trenton even heard him.

  Trenton remained quiet holding Razer.

  Razer eased back and brushed his hand across Trenton's half naked chest and his hand tingled from the touch. "I almost lost my mind the other night."

  Trenton chuckled. "You have no idea how close I came to fucking you in the bathroom."

  "I would've let you."

  "You shouldn't have, you know that right? But there's nothing stopping us from a bit of an appetizer of sorts now?"

  Somehow Razer knew he wasn't talking about food. "Please."

  Trenton took the water out of his hand and set both his bottle and Razer's on the floor.

  Growling, he moved his hands over Razer's button and zipper, keeping his eyes locked onto Razer's. "I told you tonight was only about pleasure. I'm not your Master and you're not my sub. Tonight I want to show the man I'm very interested in what it's like being with me and with Dyson as an equal. Fair enough?"

  His breath stolen, he nodded and gazed down, lifting his hips as Trenton maneuvered his pants over his hips, freeing his throbbing dick.

  "Your cock is incredible." Trenton grazed a finger across the tip as he pushed Razer's pants to the floor. "I'm going to suck you." He opened Razer's legs and crawled between. Tilting his head, he captured Razer's mouth, pressing his tongue past his lips.

  Raging emotions rushed his body and Razer clawed the edge of the bench, falling into the heated moment of passion as his heart thumped against his ribs. On fire and on edge, he panted into the kiss as Trenton wrapped his hand around the base of his shaft.

  Cupping his balls and squeezing, Trenton broke the kiss and inched down to lick down from his lips to the underside of his chin to his neck, suckling his Adam's Apple. "Feel good?"

  "Yyyyyeeesss!" Razer hissed as he tossed his head back, allowing Trenton to take him any way he pleased. Excitement surged through him sending a spark of light dancing across his vision.

  Trenton licked down the length of his neck to his collarbone and sucked the flesh around his carved bone as he pressed the flat of his hand down to Razer's stomach. Caressing, he moaned as he licked a zigzag line between his nipples before sucking and nipping each one.

  Razer entwined his fingers in Trenton's long locks, holding his head as he panted, his blood pulsing. "Yes…God…so good."

  Biting down on Razer's nipple, Trenton slid his hand down to tease the soft fur encasing his cock, grazing his finger across the base of his stomach.

  " Aaaahhhh! " Jerking up from the slice of pain, Razer hissed and jerked his head down. "God, I…I…can't…"

  Growling, Trenton darted his tongue down the length of Razer's chest, planting a series of wet kisses along his stomach. "You want me to suck you?"


  "Are you sure?" Trenton teased as he dragged his tongue across Razer's cockhead with a single pass before lifting his head slowly, pushing against the force of Razer's hand.

  "Suck me!"

  Trenton purred and lowered his head, slicing a series of long licks across the tip as he moved he pumped the base of Razer's cock, stroking in slow and practiced motions.

  As the incredible feeling of being cared for raced through his system, Razer sighed and lolled his head back, arching his body and bucking his hips. "God!"

  Trenton slid his other hand down to cup and squeeze Razer's balls, rolling his sac between his fingers as he lowered his head down an inch at a time. Using a combination of strokes and rough clenches, he went up and down Razer's dick in methodical motions while his tongue swirled around the tender flesh.

  "Fuck! God…oh God…" Razer moaned and tossed his head from side to side as he gripped Trenton's head and pushed and pulled him up and down, meeting each thrust of Trenton's mouth with one of his own.

  Trenton took him down further and drew his cock all the way out, toying and licking the tip.

  Rewarded with a series of pearls of pre-cum, he darted his tongue to gather the tangy drops as he breathed over the tip. "Do you want to cum?"

  "Yyyyeeeesssss!" Barely able to focus, Razer struggled to hold on as mind boggling sensations rushed his body. Never had a man's mouth felt this good. "I…want…"

  "What do you want?" Trenton encouraged, drawing his cock head into his mouth and slicing his tongue back and forth in lazy circles before drawing his shaft all the way out. "What…do you want?"

  Razer eyed him with haze filled eyes, his lust overpowering his will power. "Let me cum!" He growled.

  With a savage roar, Trenton took him halfway down and stopped as he roughly cupped Razer's balls between his fingers, squeezing until Razer cried out. Taking his shaft all the way down, he licked the sensitive underside before taking first one ball into his mouth and then the next. "Good?"

  "Fuck! Yes!" Razer loved having his balls sucked, the intense feeling as Trenton drew seed from his swollen sacs.

  Trenton caressed Razer's tender balls as he sucked them before pulling away completely, a sizzling pop permeating the air. Purring, he licked the underside of Razer's shaft before taking the tip back into his mouth. Trenton relaxed his throat muscles and held him in his wet mouth, suckling and licking as he used his strong jaw muscles to clench around Razer's swollen shaft.

  "God yes! Yes!" Pumping his hips up and down, Razer hissed and shuddered, his body shaking as white-hot shards of electric heat thrashed through his body sending his pulse in to overdrive.

  Unable to focus on anything, he clenched his eyes shut and allowed the sensations to overtake him until echoes pulsed in his ears. "Yes…ohohoh!"

  Trenton took his shaft all the way out, dancing his tongue across the tip as he grunted before taking him all the way down. Repeating the move, his
actions became more focused as he used his fingers, tongue and mouth in wicked orchestrations.

  As the scent of sex and need permeated the air, Razer tilted his head back and roared, trying to keep his savage orgasm at bay. " Ggggaaaaawwwwwddddd!"

  Trenton feasted on Razer's throbbing cock, pumping and squeezing the base harder and faster, grunting with each long pass, sweat pouring off his brow.

  Razer growled and hissed as he tugged at Trenton's head until he drove his cock into the back of his throat. "I…can't…" Clamping down on the heated wave, he willed his orgasm to hold back for a few minutes longer.

  But Trenton would have none of it. Driving Razer's cock in and out with enough force that Razer's balls hit the underside of his chin, he clenched around the throbbing muscle as it swelled in his mouth.

  "God…yyyyeeesss. Fuck!"

  Gripping the base with one hand, Trenton stopped his actions and simply held him in his mouth, squeezing and suckling.

  There was no control left. Razer exploded in Trenton's mouth with enough fury his entire body jerked up from the wooded bench. "Aaaaaahhhhh!" His cry barely audible, Razer struggled to breathe as the climax overtook him, his bursts coming after the other until he could no longer feel his legs. Panting and jerking, his vision stolen, Razer bit his lower lip to keep from screaming as blood rushed through his system. "Fuck!"

  Trenton licked and sucked, unwilling to let him go. He licked up and down Razer's shaft, cleaning him as he grunted, his satisfaction evident. "Sweet Jesus you're tasty. God damn!"

  Razer wiped his hand across his face and tried to calm his breathing. "Shit…shit!"

  Chuckling, Trenton eased back on his haunches and gazed into Razer's eyes. "Enjoy?"

  "You have to be kidding me." Razor panted, his voice barely audible. Hearing a noise, he looked up to see Dyson watching them, a wry grin settling on his face. Licking his lips he glanced down at the man's open pants and his cock that stood at attention.

  Trenton wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before climbing to his feet. Turning as if on instinct, he nodded to Dyson. "It's time for dinner."

  "No, it's time for a feast," Dyson breathed.

  Razer controlled his breathing and stood on shaky legs. He laughed softly to himself as he fastened his pants. This wasn't at all how he'd anticipated the evening starting but he was damn glad he'd lowered his guard. And to think the night was still young.

  Dyson moved to join them, closing the distance. "You're delicious looking when you cum." As he raked his fingers down Razer's chest, he tilted his head and captured Trenton's mouth, pressing his tongue inside.

  The act terribly intimate, Razer sighed as he watched the two savoring his cum and shivered.

  This was so much more than he'd bargained for and yet as his heart struggled to find a balance calm, he remained on edge. Tonight would be cathartic and telling and while Trenton told him the night was nothing more than passion, Razer knew better. The night was all about seduction into a lifestyle. Forever. He touched the empty spot on his neck remembering the tight collar held by his Master and the monster that once controlled his life as a new series of shivers snaked down his body

  What if his new Master wanted him collared? Could he handle such a moment? Willing his nerves at bay, Razer decided he'd wait to make the final decision until after tonight. After all, it wouldn't be fair to judge.

  Breaking the intense kiss, Trenton sighed and pressed his hand down Dyson's chest before turning his heated gaze Razer's direction. "Will you help me prepare dinner?"

  Razer smiled. "Of course."

  Holding out his hand, Trenton held the two men and sighed. "This is very good."


  Trenton watched Razer all through dinner, studying his moves and judging his level of comfort versus discomfort. He could barely get the thought of tasting the man out of his mind and focus on food. The taste of Razer, so tangy and yet a touch sweet was exactly what he craved. The rest would come later. He could tell easily that Dyson was taken with Razer, enjoying his company as much as the thought of developing their sexual relationship which pleased Trenton immensely.

  "Dinner was incredible," Razer said quietly as he settled back into his chair.

  "It was," Dyson added, sipping on his wine. "We haven't had a feast like that in months. Then again, the real feast is about to come, isn't it?" Chuckling, he turned his dark gaze toward Razer.

  "Down boy," Trenton teased.

  "I'm allowed to enjoy the thought of dessert, aren't I?" Dyson cooed.

  Razer leaned forward. "Only if I'm a part of it." He grazed his finger down the side of Dyson's cheek before sliding it across the seam of Dyson's mouth.

  Dyson sucked in his breath and kissed the tip of Razer's finger. "Hard core press. I love it."

  "Let's clean up and pour a cognac before we retire to the bedroom," Trenton suggested although his voice held a powerful vibe. He knew the others realized the evening was going exactly where he wanted it to go. Dyson looked intrigued and Razer was very much on edge. He watched the two interact and somehow felt like the big brother. Only this was not brotherly love. The thought made him chuckle.

  Settling into the living room, they raised their glasses. "To our guest," Dyson said, gazing between the other two.

  "Wonderful dinner," Razer kept his eyes pinned on Trenton.

  "Then just imagine dessert," Trenton hissed as he leaned forward. He could see Razer's body shaking as he drew the glass to his lips but stopped before he took a drink.

  Razer looked into his drink and turned his heated gaze at Trenton. "I want…everything."

  Dyson sighed. "I think we have the perfect third."

  Trenton swirled his drink. "I think we do." He took Razer's hand, intertwining their fingers.

  "You're incredibly hot."

  "I'm incredibly hard," Razer breathed as he pulled his hand away and brushed his finger down Trenton's chest, toying with the material of his shirt.

  "Then we're going to have to do something about that." Nipping Razer's bottom lip, he inhaled deeply and sighed. Easing back, he gazed into Razer's eyes and smiled.

  Dyson grazed his hand down Razer's back. "Are you ready to taste both of us?"

  "More than ready" Razer said as he reached back and ran his hands down the side of Dyson's thigh.

  Trenton watched the two men interact and shook his head. This was more than right.

  "Come." Leading them into the bedroom, he yanked his shirt off in one move, pitching the unwanted material to the side.

  "A bedroom fit for a king," Razer commented as he unbuttoned his shirt.

  "And his court." Dyson laughed as he kicked off his shoes and drew his shirt from his shoulders.

  Razer grinned. "True enough." Standing still, he gazed back and forth between the two men.

  "Don't tease us," Trenton hissed as he stripped the remainder of his clothes off. When he was completely naked he closed the distance to Razer.

  Razer licked his lips. "Nice."

  Dyson chuckled and removed his clothes. "I think we may have to show him who's boss."

  "I think you're right." Trenton pressed his finger to his mouth. "Tsk tsk. Absolutely right." In one move, he jerked Razer's shirt off and wrangled him to the bed, straddling his waist. "Will you do the honors and take off his pants, Dyson?"

  Razer hissed and fought, struggling to keep from laughing. "No you don't!"

  "Oh yes we do." Dyson moved to the end of the bed and pressed his hand over Razer's cock, stroking. "You're so hard."

  "Yyyyeesss!" Razer moaned and closed his eyes.

  Dyson sighed and unfastened Razer's pants, slowly pulling them down his carved hips.

  Tossing them to the floor, he took both hands and slid them up either side of Razer's cock as he knelt on the floor. "I'm going to suck you hard."

  Razer shivered and lifted his head to stare into Trenton's eyes.

  Trenton pulled Razer's arms over his head. "Keep your arms here, please." His tone playful,
he rose to his knees and pressed the tip of his cock back and forth across Razer's mouth. "You want this?"

  Razer smiled and darted his tongue out, sliding it across the sensitive slit. "What do you think?"

  Dyson stroked the base of Razer's cock, alternating between squeezing his balls and fingering the underside of his shaft.

  "Open your mouth," Trenton said, loving the way Razer was staring at him, his hunger evident in his unfocused eyes. When Razer hesitated, Trenton tapped the tip of his dick across his mouth. "Please open, Razer." Forcing himself to tone it down, Trenton had to remember his promise. Tonight was pleasure only, no Dom/sub stuff. There was no way Trenton wanted to scare Razer away before he was ever really here.

  Razer purred and complied, opening his mouth wide.

  Trenton pushed his shaft inside until it hit the back of Razer's mouth and removed it quickly, not risking a chance Razer would gag or feel his breath was being held against his will. "Show me what you want."

  Razer greedily licked and sucked, his tongue swirling in a zigzag pattern.

  "Mmm…" Trenton sighed.

  Razer repeated the move, drawing the throbbing muscle deep into his mouth as Trenton tossed his head back. "Jesus!"

  Dyson bent his head and licked the entire length of Razer's shaft before taking first one tender sac into his mouth and then the other, sucking until Razer moaned, his throaty vibrations echoing off Trenton's dick. Rolling the soft flesh inside his mouth, Dyson grunted as he stroked the back of Razer's cock, tugging at the soft skin.

  Trenton closed his eyes and used the power of his muscular thighs to fuck Razer's mouth, gliding in and out in long, even strides. "Yyyyeeeesss…that's it. I love fucking your mouth. Does it feel good?"

  Razer grunted his response and struggled to keep his hands above his head.

  Dyson wrapped his arms around Razer's thighs and lifted them up, pressing them back toward his chest. Open and exposed, he gazed down at Razer and sighed. "Beautiful." Leaning over, he took the tip of Razer's dick in his mouth, slicing his tongue across the slit as he pulled at the base. He took him down an inch at a time, relaxing his throat until his mouth rested at Razer's stomach.


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