Queen Of My Heart

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Queen Of My Heart Page 7

by Silver, Jordan

  Bending to her, I took her lips softly as I wrapped her in my arms. “Your men…” her soft sigh reached my ears as I released her lips to nibble my way down her neck. “No one would dare interrupt us here.” I continued my foray with teeth and tongue until I bent her back over my arm and sucked the succulent morsel of her tit flesh into my mouth. I felt the swelling of my cock beneath the cool water as it bobbed between our heated bodies. Lifting her legs around my waist I guided my stiffness into her, seating her with one thrust.

  With one arm under her holding her impaled on my length, I wrapped the other tightly in her hair so I could ravish her mouth in a kiss so hot it threatened to consume us both. A combination of the battle and her show of wifely concern worked on my senses and made me hungrier for her than I’ve ever been. There were no more words spoken as we danced the dance of love standing knee deep in the water. I didn’t want her body hidden from me. I wanted to bask in her glow in the moonlight.

  Lifting my lips from hers, I gazed upon the wonder on her face as she rode my cock with abandon. Her eyes were clouded with passion as she bit her lip in concentration, taking full advantage of the hardness buried inside her. My soft teasing thrust only seemed to inflame her even more as she bit into my chest and clenched around me. “Cum for me love, I need to feel you.” I tried to help her by placing my hand between our bodies and teasing her love button until I felt the answering pull deep inside her.

  I swallowed her scream of completion even as I emptied my seed deep inside her. Each time I took her was better than the last; it was one step closer to forming that bond that will never again be broken. When her little body stopped shaking from her climax I lifted her off of my still semi-hard member and washed her anew. Being gentle as I took care of her womanly folds. She had shown concern for my well being, that must mean that she was coming to feel something for me didn’t it?

  I took her from the water and pulled the shift that I’d grabbed for her over her head before wrapping her in her cloak. The night breeze was changing and I didn’t want her catching a chill. I kept my silence not willing to chatter this new peace we shared. There was no telling whether she would revert to form and turn that cold shoulder of hers to me again. Just this once, I wanted to enjoy the after glow.

  Taking her hand in mine after donning my braies and nothing else, I led her back to the camp. “Have you eaten sweet?”

  “There was no time, some of the injuries were more serious than we first thought, but your men should mend without incident if they follow my orders. Tell me did you lose no one in the day’s battle?”

  “No all of my men are accounted for, the little skirmish was child’s play for us.” Just something to get the blood going. Had she not been among us we would’ve done a lot more. I admit to loving a good fight, these past weeks we’d grown rusty with nothing to do. I’d spent years in battle on my ascension to the throne, and had eliminated most of my enemies. Except it seems the one that was closest to home. That too will be dealt with at soon as we returned. I wanted to lay my sword aside for the next little while so that I may enjoy this new marriage. My mind had begun to wander to happier things when I felt her tug on my arm.

  Chapter 12

  “I need to know. I’ve resigned myself to returning to your kingdom as your queen but if you mean for us to go on as before, first I need to know; what was my crime?”

  Damn, how had I forgotten about that? I had wanted to wait but I could see from the look on her face that she wouldn’t leave it this time. After the last few days spent in her company, it all seemed so silly now, that I could’ve believed such a thing about her. She was all that was sweet and true, not once had I seen anything in her character that would lead me to believe her capable of such dishonesty. Was it because I didn’t know her then? Is that why it was so easy to fall for the lies? But could anyone else have read that missive and not drawn the same conclusion? Hopefully she will find it in that soft heart that I’d glimpsed while she dealt with others to forgive me my man’s foolery.

  “Let’s get back to the tent and find our supper and I shall tell you all.” I squeezed her hand in reassurance and headed for our tent where a fire had already been lit against the night chill. Our evening meal was awaiting us on arrival and we sat across from each other as we both dug in ravenously. Her shoulders were starting to droop but I knew that tiredness would be no reprieve for me this night. My queen has shown herself to be a tenacious bit of a thing. Maybe it was for the best that we dealt with it now, get it over and done. I just hope it didn’t destroy what little ground I’d gained thus far.

  I got the words settled in my mind before standing to retrieve the letter I’d carried with me all this time. The dishes had been cleared by my squire, who had once again ogled my wife, and fallen all over his feet at her presence. I could only shake my head in disdain. “Good eve Alec and how do you fare after the day’s excitement?”

  “Uh, I’m well my lady.” He stood before her the dishes forgotten in his hands as his mouth and eyes gaped. I rolled my eyes at his obvious infatuation. Had he been anyone else, I would’ve been tempted to run him through with my sword but I couldn’t blame the untried youth for being so taken with her. Like a dash of cold water, I was reminded that it had been one not much younger than he that had caused me to put her aside.

  “Be about your work Alec.” Both sets of eyes flew to me as I had made my voice as stern as I could, hopefully to put some manners in my squire who should know better than to ogle his lord’s wife. He bowed and apologized his way out of the tent. “Sleep well Alec.” Her voice held a tint of laughter, as she no doubt caught on to me. “Do not encourage him wife lest you want him to feel the flat of my sword.”

  “But he’s but a boy, what harm can he do?”

  “Your laughter at your husband is most disrespectful wife.” I made a playful grab for her but she evaded my arms all laughter gone. “Oh no you don’t, you will tell me what I need to know now.” Her voice held command, something I would not accept from another. As king I was not to be ordered by anyone and no one dared speak to me with anything less than respect.

  “I will tell you because it’s a matter of great import to you, but in future you will not order me Rhiannon.” I have been letting her have her way in much because of the injustice done her, but once we returned home I could not easily overlook such things. My people of a surety will be watching us even more closely this time around and where before I had won them over with the importance and the rightness of the union between our two kingdoms, this little lapse had done much to unravel all that I had done. If she was seen to be disrespectful, especially by the elders of the council it may cause problems that I did not wish to deal with.

  There were still some who were against our union but who had bowed to me in this. After she’d been sent away there had been much head shaking and I dare say some crowing in some corners. I will not give them any more fodder that may be used to undermine us. When everything came to light and they understood that the fault had been mine maybe then they’d relax their stance but we were going to have to be careful until then. Not that they could change my mind but it was better to have peace in my kingdom.

  She sat on her pallet and waited for me to continue. I looked down at the piece of paper in my hands, it had once brought such despair and near destruction, now will it help to mend the breech or will it work only to widen the gaping hole that existed between us?

  Taking a fortifying breath, I passed her the piece of paper. I own that I felt more apprehensive in that moment than I had hours earlier while facing the enemy. Her brow furrowed in confusion as she took it before she opened it and read. “I don’t understand where did you get this?” She looked up at me questioningly.

  “It was given to me by another.” Her face reddened as she jumped to her feet.

  “Someone went through my personal belongings? This was well hidden in my chest, there was no way for them to have found it as it hadn’t been left laying around I’m

sure of it.”

  Yet something else I had overlooked in my blindness. Will this haunt me for the rest of my days? She wasn’t through and didn’t seem to be expecting an answer of which I had none. “I still don’t understand, what could a letter written to my brother have to do with you throwing me away?”

  “Rhiannon, nowhere in that missive does it identify him as your brother, it looks like…it looks like a letter between lovers.” I held my breath waiting for the explosion. I think I would’ve preferred that to the wounded look she gave before her body seemed to deflate. “You thought…” She looked from the paper to me, and back, and instead of the anger I had expected, had been braced for she just looked…gutted.

  “Rhian…” I reached for her but once again she evaded my arms. I will not accept this; will not let what little ground I’d gained be forfeited. We’d already lost much to this, no more. Ignoring her resistance I pulled her into my arms. “I’m sorry love, I don’t know what more I can say except that I didn’t stop to think.” Still she said nothing, just stood stiffly in my arms. Her obstinance infuriated me anew, warranted or not I could not let her destroy us over this. I had promised myself after learning the truth that nothing would stand in the way of us getting back on that even footing we’d once shared. Not even she. I will make reparations to her bruised feelings and battered heart but I will not let it stand in our way.

  “Don’t do this Rhiannon, it’s done, we’ve moved on and there’s no going back. I promise you that I will deal with this but what’s between us will not be made to suffer farther I won’t allow it.” I think she took umbrage at my tone because she stiffened in a new way now. If the look she threw over her shoulder was any inclination I’d better sleep with one eye open tonight.

  “You won’t allow? Unhand me you beast; not only did you malign me with your thoughts but you took the word of another over mine. You did not even give me the chance to defend myself, but instead made a fool of me before your people. And for what, for something that could’ve easily been discredited? You’re an ass your majesty. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m for bed…alone.”

  She pulled away from my hold and huffed over to the pallets while I stood there at a loss for words. I’m not well versed in the ways of wooing women, but I accept that it was needed now. I have to find some way to make it up to her. Maybe mother would know of such things, a pretty bauble maybe, or a wee kitten.

  With that thought set firmly in my head, I followed her to bed. It mattered not that she was putout; from now on all our nights will be spent together. She gave me hell when I laid beside her and tried to draw her into my arms. The wrestling match that followed left me winded and found her beneath me.

  “Cease my queen, I will not fight you for your favors, as your husband they are rightfully mine and I mean to have them.” She glared up at me with murder in her eyes, but that was nothing new. I tried to take her lips in a kiss and got a nip for my troubles. Looking down at her furious expression I used my hand to climb up her thigh, daring her to say me nay.

  “This is mine, you are mine, you will not keep it back from me ever.” I used her body’s natural instinct against her as I found her heat with my fingers and plunged in. With my thumb on her love button and two fingers working her inside I felt the first flush of warm heat as it escaped into my hand. “No my beauty do not be ashamed of what I can make you feel.” She had turned her face into her pillow to escape me. As if she expected me to gloat at the fact that I could draw this out of her, but that was not my aim. I just wanted to love her.

  Chapter 13

  As the days wore on, I felt her relaxing her guard more and more around me. She was very pleasant with the men and she spent a lot of time with Jason when we weren't riding. Her laughter would ring out through the camp at whatever story he was telling her from his day spent riding with the soldiers. I was amazed that I'd never taken notice of how beautiful her laugh was before. Of course she saved her frowns for me but no matter how she turned her cold shoulder to me during the day the nights I owned her. I'd come to enjoy wrestling with her; it was a nice addition to our bed sport, it made the fucking somehow that much sweeter because no matter how she fought me, in the end she always cried out under me, her little hips rising to meet my thrusts.

  We hadn’t spoken of her exile since the night I’d shown her the letter but I knew the matter wasn’t over. Sometimes I would catch her in deep thought but always she’d say there was nothing the matter. I tried to show her without words just how remorseful I felt at my treatment of her and the way I’d handled the debacle but still I felt it wasn’t enough.

  I tried drawing her out, once again longing for the ease we once shared and little by little she was coming around but I couldn’t help but realize there was something on her mind. At night after I’d taken her I would try to get her to open up but she would just turn away not willing to speak on the matter farther. It was as if knowing what had caused the riff had been her only interest. Something about her attitude plagued me but since she refused to discuss it there was nothing left for me to do but try to reassure her. She has proven to be quite stubborn and the only time we seemed to be on even footing were the nights and sometimes stolen moments during the day when I took her beneath me.

  We’re a few short hours from home now. The days spent together on the ride home has gained me just a small lessening of her ire but at least she wasn’t hurling invectives at my head at every turn any longer. I’ve used the nights to my advantage, trying my hardest to breed her. I was no longer worried about her leaving me but the idea of her ripening with my child has taken root and is all I can think of now and I couldn’t wait to make it so.

  “We will be home soon my queen...no don’t tense up, all will be well I assure you. As soon as we’re properly settled I will get to the bottom of this, have no fear that anything like this will ever happen again.” I kissed her temple and held her tighter around her middle as we sat atop my horse.

  "Humph, you’d best hope your bed warmer is nowhere in sight or she'll be missing a head."

  I just rolled my eyes at her theatrics. I've told her time and again that the Stefano wench is not my mistress and has never been but she's got it stuck in her head that I'm lying to her and refuses to take my word for it. I guess there’s nothing left for it but to show her. I wanted her homecoming to be without incident though so thought it wise to keep my silence.

  I used the thumb of the hand wrapped around her middle to tease the underside of her breast instead of answering her challenge. Her body softened against me for a second before she stiffened up again and elbowed me in the gut.

  "Hahaha, I do so love you my little Rhiannon." I kissed her temple as she drew in her breath sharply. I wondered at her strange behavior until I realized what I'd let slip. Squeezing her gently I nipped her ear softly. "It'll keep love." I didn't miss the look of confusion that crossed her face then. Maybe I'd found the way to her heart after all though how she didn't know my feelings before now was a mystery. Why else does she think I came after her after all?

  We stood atop the knoll looking down on our home; my men had already commenced the descent into the valley that led to the inner walls of the castle. My subjects had already started lining the paths in front of their homes and even the smithy had come out of his workshop at the sound of the bugle.

  The watchman had alerted them to our return.

  I wished that she was more relaxed but alas only time will fix that. Hopefully it wouldn't take too long for her to shed her uneasiness, she'd been happy here once; I hoped to see that she was again.

  With a slight squeeze to her waist, I kept my head on her shoulder where it had been resting as we took in the beauty of our home down below. Part of my guard was still left behind with us and I know they were anxious to get moving so they could reunite with their women. Young Jason was bright eyed as he sat atop his horse next to us; I'd told him how his life would be here. I will start his training to be a knight in the next few days. Only
heaven knows what hell his sister was going to unleash upon my head for such an undertaking. She still believed him too young and tender for such things, I think her babying of him is a hindrance to his growth; I've no doubt we were going to have all out war when she found out.

  "Are you ready to return home my queen?"

  She slightly nodded her head; at least this time she’d acknowledged me. I've been either at the other end of her sharp tongue or a flying missile the last day and a half. My plan to fuck her into submission only worked as long as I was on top of her, under her or behind her; but when the loving was over it was back to a standoff. I've never known a more stubborn human being. She seems to have softened just a little though since my declaration of love so that's going to be my new weapon I'd decided.

  "Remember that I love you, nothing else matters for now; all else will be dealt with in due time."

  She straightened her shoulders and adjusted herself in front of me, causing my mount to fidget slightly before I started down. The cry and hue from the people was heart warming, many had loved their queen, as she'd done much to gain their approval. And I'm sure my mother had used her considerable influence with what had once been her father's people to help bring about this welcome for Rhiannon.

  It was only as the children came forward that she showed some life.

  "Let me down Shane."

  My heart tripped for a beat, such a silly thing but it's the first time she's called me by my name in such a sweet way since I'd gone to retrieve her.


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