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The Highest Bidder

Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  When both of their bodies stopped shaking he collapsed on top of her, muttering all the things he thought, all the things he couldn’t find the words to say. He didn’t even know if she heard him for his face was pressed against her slick skin and their breathing was far too loud surrounding them. “Everything is going to be okay, sweetheart.” He pulled back and ran the pad of his finger between her eyes. “I’m going to make you the happiest woman alive, because I know in my heart you’ll make me the happiest man on Earth.” He kissed her forehead and whispered into her hair. “You already have.” She didn’t respond, but she didn’t need to. He felt her acceptance in every touch she delivered. He rolled to his side and pulled her closer. She placed her head against his chest and her hand rested on his stomach. The contentment and happiness that he already felt with this one woman was almost enough to make him think everything would be okay. With a little more time maybe he could be the man he once was.

  Chapter Six

  Veronica woke to the feel of a warm, hard body pressed beside her. Heavy, muscled arms tightened around her and she tilted her head back to look into Kristoff’s eyes. The night before replayed in her mind and the delicious soreness between her thighs cemented the fact that what they had done was real. She was wet, but it had nothing to do with arousal, at least not at the moment. It was the heavy load of his orgasm that he had spilled inside of her, dripping from her tender lips and coating her inner thighs.

  “Hi.” He lifted his hand and brushed stray hairs that had fallen over her forehead during the night.

  “Hi.” She felt heat move to her cheeks and quickly looked down, hiding her blush from him. His finger under her chin had her lifting her head and looking into his eyes.

  “Are you sore?” The tenderness in his voice seemed so out of place for the rugged, hardness that was all…him. Even now she felt so small beside him, his big body covering her in what felt like a protective gesture. The thick erection probing at her belly wasn’t lost on her, and although arousal started to slowly tendril through her, the low ache between her legs reminded her that she may not be ready so soon.

  “Yes, a bit.” Surprising her, Kristoff dropped a small series of kisses to her face before standing. A soft sigh escaped her as she took in his magnificent body. Tanned, hard lines of muscles and tendons made up his form. She could literally feel the testosterone seeping from him, filling the room until she felt completely feminine in every sense of the word. He stretched and she shifted her legs beneath the silk of the sheets. That ache was now turning into a fierce need to have him buried in her pussy again. He disappeared into the bathroom and she watched the way the hard, twin mounds of muscle of his ass flexed with each step he took. He was the perfect male specimen. From his blond hair that was swept away from his forehead to the bright blue of his eyes. But it wasn’t just about the physical perfection of Kristoff. He was gentle and caring and she could tell he was intelligent by the way he spoke and carried himself.

  The sound of running water came from the bathroom and then he was striding back out, still utterly naked and magnificent. One minute she was laying on the bed and the next she was being lifted into his arms. A squeak of surprise left her and she wound her arms around his neck to stabilize herself. His chuckle was deep and filled her with longing and amusement. When they entered the bathroom she took in the opulence of it all. It was just as grand as the parts of the house she had seen thus far. A large bathtub was to her right. The water that slowly filled the white porcelain was bubbly and smelled of roses. Everything in the room was white and black granite, with silver trim. It all looked so clean and sterile.

  “What time is it?” She knew it was morning due to the sun that had been shining through the crack in the thick drapes.

  “Just after six.” He set her on the edge of the tub and the chilled porcelain sent a shock of cold through her bare bottom. He turned and grabbed a thick, plush looking robe and set it on the lip of the bathtub beside her. “I have to be in the office in an hour, but I should be back home by five p.m.” He sat on his haunches in front of her and she couldn’t help but let her eyes travel down the massive, clenching body before her. He was hard between his legs but he made no sexual advances towards her, and she didn’t know if she was relieved or disappointed.

  “The water will help with the soreness and ease your muscles. Dolly and Stacia will be in to help you with anything you need until I return.” He cupped her jaw and used his thumb to stroke the side of her face. “You are so beautiful, Veronica.” He leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips. “I could stay in bed with you all day and do nothing but feed you from my hand and make love to you.” His words had her heart beating an uneven rhythm and she sighed against his lips. Everything tingled in her body whenever he touched her. His presence was strong, and had her body responding in a way that made her pliant and needy. “Would you like that, Veronica?” He kissed her again. “Would you like to have your husband touch you, caress you in a way that had your nipples tightening and your pussy growing wet?” His tongue snaked out and ran along her bottom lip and she closed her eyes and gripped the lip of the tub harder.

  “Yes.” The word came out of her in a rush. “I think I’d like that. Very much.” He groaned against her mouth and then he was standing several feet away from her. She peeled her eyes open and forced herself to look him in the eye, which proved to be a very difficult task.

  He ran his hand over the back of his neck. His head was slightly downcast and when he lifted just his eyes to her, butterflies danced in her belly. It was such a devilishly handsome look, one that was filled with dark heat and steely promise. He cleared his throat and she could see his bicep strain right before he dropped his arm and straightened his spine. “My office number is programmed on the phone. Dolly or Stacia will be able to answer any questions you have, or feel free to call me at the office.” There was a moment of silence where all he did was stare at her. He moved forward and shut off the water, his arm brushing against hers. Chills shot up her spine at the simple contact. “Call me for anything, Veronica.”

  She turned and found him inches from her. It was like he couldn’t get enough of her, like he was just as ensnared as she was. She had never believed in love at first sight either, but she was starting to reconsider. It was just that after only knowing this man for twenty-four hours he consumed her. He lifted his hand and ran the pad of his index finger along her collarbone.

  In a soft, almost distant voice he murmured, “I find the collarbone on a woman one of the most attractive parts of her body.” He lifted his blue eyes to hers and held her stare as his finger continued to run along the curved bone. “And yours are especially beautiful.” Words failed her as this big, strong man touched her with such ardor and spoke such tender things to her. “They’re so delicate, so smooth. I’d run my tongue along them at first, right before I licked every part of your body.” Oh, God. His words were so arousing. “Do you need help bathing or would you like some privacy?”

  He was not what she had expected in a husband. Here he was offering her privacy when both of them knew he could take whatever he wanted. “No.” She closed her eyes and breathed in before opening them once again. “I mean, I think I’d like a little time alone. If you don’t mind.” His eyes searched her face and then he smiled, all big and brilliant that made her feel like the sun was in the room with her. In all honesty, spending more time with him seemed like the perfect way to spend her morning, but then she might never be able to let him leave.

  One more kiss from him and then he was striding toward the door. Right before he exited he looked over his shoulder and said, “I mean it, Veronica. If there is anything you need, or if you just want to talk, call me.” She nodded and offered him a smile. He shut the door on his way out and she turned and looked at the water that now upon further appraisal was tinted pink. Slipping her feet in first, she let her body get adjusted to the warmth before she dipped the rest of the way in. A hiss left her as she was fully immersed and a
fter several minutes she rested her head against the back and closed her eyes. Steam rose around her and the tenderness between her thighs eased the longer she soaked. After half an hour her fingers were pruned and the water was lukewarm. After wrapping the robe around her and grabbing a spare towel to twist around her hair, she opened the door and peered out into the room. She realized she was alone. Veronica didn't know why she was so nervous. All of the staff she met yesterday seemed nice enough. Maybe she should just stay in the room, and busy herself with all the books that lined an entire wall? At that moment her stomach growled and she knew staying locked away wasn’t going to be an option. She would have to leave and eat at some point.

  She sat on the edge of the bed and looked around. Her thoughts drifted to last night, to the things Kristoff had done to her. They were so erotic, and unlike anything she had ever contemplated doing in her life that embarrassment coursed through her. It was rather silly given the fact the things he could have made her do could have been so demeaning, and so very painful. A knock on the door had her standing and clenching her robe together.

  “Y-Yes?” The door opened and a head filled with bright red hair peaked through. She recognized the woman that Kristoff had introduced as Stacia walk the rest of the way in. She was younger, probably not much older than she was, but there was an air of responsibility that surrounded her that had Veronica thinking she was far older than she appeared.

  “Madam?” Stacia stepped the rest of the way in and shut the door behind her. “I’m Stacia. Master Kristoff left strict instructions to help you with whatever you may need.” She clasped her hands in front of her and waited patiently for Veronica to answer.

  “Uh…” Veronica held the lapels to her robe tighter together and looked around. “I-I really don’t know what to have you help me with.” During her time growing up she had people that served her, but those servants had been strictly for the purpose of grooming her for the auctions. When she was at home with her family she was just Veronica. Here, though, here she was Mrs. Kristoff St. Michaels. Even thinking it sounded so strange. A small smile touched Stacia’s lips and she strode toward one of the doors at the far corner. When she opened it and turned on the light Veronica could see rows upon rows of clothing.

  “Madam?” Stacia poked her head out the door and smiled. “Would you like to come and see your clothing? I can help you chose something to wear for today if you like.”

  Moving rather slowly toward the closet, Veronica leaned in and felt her eyes widen. This certainly wasn’t like any closet she had ever seen before. It was easily as large as the master bedroom itself, with rows of clothing on either side, two dressers and armoires parallel to each other, and enough shoes to start a small business.

  “There is so much.” She stepped in the rest of the way and noticed to her left was all men’s clothes and to her right was women’s. Because she didn’t seem to have a filter in her mouth, she blurted out, “Is this Macie’s clothing?” The idea of wearing a dead woman’s clothing didn’t particularly seem pleasant to her, and even after she thought it she instantly felt bad. Stacia looked over at her a bit surprised and then schooled her features and started sifting through the items.

  “No, Madam. Master Kristoff had these items delivered several hours before your arrival.” She pulled out a plum-colored blouse and flouncy cream-colored knee length skirt with laced ribbon that matched the coloring of the top. “What about this? Although your eyes are a gorgeous blue, I think the plum will really set the color off.” Veronica felt herself nod and reach for the items. Stacia bent to a set of drawers beneath the hanging clothes and pulled out a pair of strappy sandals. “Would you like me to help you dress?”

  “No, thank you.”

  “Dolly has prepared breakfast for you and if you feel more comfortable you can eat it in the master suite or possibly on the veranda? The weather is beautiful and you will be able to see the gardens from there.”

  “Oh.” That really did sound heavenly. “That sounds wonderful, thank you.” Stacia nodded and walked past her, shutting the door behind her on the way out. For several moments all Veronica did was stand in that monstrous closet looking at all the clothing. This was her life now, as strange and wondrous as it seemed, but there was a part of her that contemplated maybe it was all too good and perfect. Was this was just some façade wrapped in ribbons and bows and the evil that lurked beneath the surface would wipe away all the pleasure and happiness that currently wrapped around her? Closing her eyes she tried to dismiss the rumors she heard about the type of men that bought virgin brides. If her new husband was sadistic, he would have caused her pain last night. Instead he had only showed her ecstasy. Kristoff was a good man, she could feel it deep inside of her, and this was her new life. Veronica dressed and made her way downstairs to start the first day of the rest of her life.

  Chapter Seven

  Stacia had been right. The veranda had the most spectacular view of the gardens. Veronica had never seen such vibrant colors blooming all around her before. Reds, blues and greens were scattered with yellows, oranges and pinks. The plethora of colors called to her. She brought the glass of orange juice to her lips and took a long swallow. Kristoff’s home was far more beautiful and peaceful than any other she had seen before. She had always known city life, with the bustling of cars and foot traffic, and the loud noise and technology that surrounded her. Her parents’ home wasn’t modest in any sense, but it was surrounded by skyscrapers of metal and glass. Kristoff’s home was in the country, with trees as monstrous as the skyscrapers so was so familiar with.

  “Would you like more, Madam?” Stacia came out with a carafe of orange juice and held it up in question.

  “No, thank you, and please call me Veronica.” Stacia smiled but shook her head.

  “Master Kristoff demands a certain etiquette be upheld within the house, but thank you for offering that to me.” She smiled and left. Veronica once again turned to look at the grounds.

  A small pond sat amidst the greenery and she stood and made her way toward it. Paths were made of stone throughout the garden, and when she stopped at the intimate pool of water she could see brightly colored Koi swimming in the blue depths. Their black and orange bodies were fluid as they swam. Reaching out, she let her fingers skim the top of the water and giggled when the fish swam to the surface and started nibbling the tips of her fingers. They were very friendly, for fish that is, and Veronica wondered if the staff came out here regularly to feed them. That thought immediately had her looking around. She was alone, but then again she knew she wasn’t. A man that paid any price for a bride wouldn’t let her have free reign over the grounds, especially one that had lost a previous wife so tragically. No, she had no doubt she was being watched, but it didn’t feel as if she were chained down. Standing, she looked around again, wondering what she was going to do with herself for the rest of the day. Kristoff wasn’t due back for hours, and although she didn’t feel comfortable walking around by herself, she did want to explore her new home.

  She made her way back inside and the smell of chicken and herbs filled her senses. Despite having just eaten, the wonderful aromas had her mouthwatering. She leaned around the corner and peered into the chrome and black marble kitchen. It was so grand, filled with luxurious fixtures that it seemed almost out of place for a country mansion. The man she recognized as Marco, the cook, was in front of a state-of-the-art stove, his white chef’s hat atop his head and a crisp, white apron around his waist. Before she was noticed she made her way down one of the long, ornately decorated hallways. A cluster of photos lined the wall on either side of her.

  Her heart clenched when she saw Macie in each one. Her raven-colored hair was twisted into an intricate up-do in several, but the rest had the black locks loose and brushing her shoulders. In each one she smiled broadly, and even in the candid and profile shots she seemed so happy. Making her way down the hall again, Veronica passed several closed doors. One of them to her left was open and she peered insid
e. A large, dark wooden desk took up almost half of one wall, the leather chair behind it tall and wide. A set of double doors were on the far wall and through the sheer curtains she made out a terrace with a stone patio and wicker furniture. She stepped into the room and the smell of leather and Kristoff invaded her lungs. She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. Would she ever tire of his intoxicating scent?

  The floor beneath her was deep, glossed wood and her shoes made a light clacking noise as the heels connected. The thick wood of the desk was smooth as she ran her fingers over it. Another picture of Macie sat on the finished top and she knew this must be Kristoff’s office. Instantly she felt like an intruder. An idle thought played through her mind as she looked at the beautiful woman framed in gold. It made her feel sad and uncomfortable. Would Kristoff ever be able to move on from the love he had with Macie? She didn’t expect him to forget about his first wife, but there was a part of her that worried he wouldn’t be able ever see her as something other than a replacement. Glancing down at the photo, a pain lanced through her heart when she saw how happy the other woman had been. The discomfort she felt in her chest was unrealistic. She just met Kristoff, and although he was now her husband, she would never be to him what Macie had been.

  You will never be more than just the second wife.

  She turned to leave and ran into a hard chest. Tilting her head back, she stared into eyes darker than midnight. She remembered being introduced to him yesterday as the maintenance man, but for the life of her she couldn’t remember his name. He had to be in his forties, but his body was tall and muscular from physical labor.


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