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The Highest Bidder

Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  Voice flat and emotionless, he said, “You shouldn’t be in here. Master Kristoff likes his privacy.”

  Veronica moved past him. “I-I’m sorry.” Before he could say anything else she hurried out of the room and found herself in the master suite with the door shut. What if he told on her? Would Kristoff be upset that she was in there? She sat on the edge of the bed and looked around. Loneliness suddenly slammed into her. This was her new life, one where she wasn’t with her family. She hadn’t been overly affectionate and close with her mother or father, but at least they had always been around. She might be surrounded by people, but she was still alone. Feeling the strong sensation of being homesick wash through her, Veronica didn’t care that tears started falling down her cheeks. A knock on the door startled her and she quickly wiped her cheeks, trying to get rid of the evidence of her weakness.

  “Madam?” Stacia stepped in with a smile, but as soon as she saw Veronica her expression of happiness faltered and she rushed over. “What’s wrong?” She took Veronica’s hands in hers. “Are you hurt?” Her eyes scanned her body and then Stacia looked her in the eyes again.

  “I’m fine, really.” Veronica retracted her hands from Stacia’s grasp and folded them in her lap.

  “But, Madam,” she took a step back, “you’re crying.”

  “I-” God, what in the world was she supposed to say? “I was just thinking about home and realizing that this new life is already pretty lonely.” She didn’t know why she was being so honest, especially to someone she didn’t know, but speaking about her worries to another human brought a sense of relief to her. “I just don’t know what to expect here. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to fit in, to be who and what Kristoff expects me to be.” It didn’t matter that she was trained to be everything he wanted. She was Veronica Dubois, not Macie St. Michaels. That last part had her shaking her head because she wasn’t a Dubois, not any longer. Lifting her gaze to Stacia’s, she felt tears prick behind her eyes. “I don’t know why I’m telling you any of this.” A humorless laugh left her and Veronica rubbed her eyes.

  Realization covered Stacia’s features and then she glanced behind at the closed door. She turned back and knelt in front of Veronica. The closeness startled her and she reared back slightly. “What are you doing?”

  Stacia inhaled deeply and took Veronica’s hands in hers once again. “I don’t mean to speak so bluntly, especially to the Madam of the house, but I want to assure you that you are never alone. I have worked for Master Kristoff since…for the past five years and he has only been kind and gentle to all that come in contact with him.” So Stacia had been here since Macie, but clearly didn’t want to come out and say that. “If you are lonely or sad I know he would give you whatever your heart needed to feel whole. All you have to do is ask.”

  Veronica wanted to believe her words. In all honesty, she didn’t doubt that Kristoff was all those things, and would give her what she wanted to be happy. In only one day he had proved what a kind and gentle husband he was, but in her heart it went far deeper than that. She would never admit the truth. It shamed Veronica that she was jealous of the love that Kristoff still clearly held for his deceased wife, the kind of love that she had no chance of ever seeing. God, what is wrong with me?


  Kristoff leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled in front of him as he stared out his office window. He hadn’t gotten anything productive done today, what with his thoughts all on what Veronica was doing. He had left her that morning looking rumpled and sexy. Her hair had been mussed, her face pleasurably flushed from their night of sex. Even thinking about it now had his cock hard.

  “Mr. St. Michaels?”

  He didn’t bother picking up the phone as his assistant’s voice rang through the speaker. “Yes?”

  “Your brothers are here to see you.”

  “Send them in.” Kristoff knew it would not take Griffin and Nikolas long to seek him out, especially knowing the rumors that must be spreading in the circles they ran in. He would have called them, but he wanted to give Veronica time to adjust before he introduced her to his family. The doors burst open and the low, deep voices of his brothers arguing filled his office. They were just the same as he. Their dark suits had been personally tailored to fit their large, muscular frames. The three of them were very similar in appearance with their blond hair and blue eyes. They may be fraternal twins, but their appearances were eerily similar. Right now they were arguing about stocks and investments.

  “Why is it you two are always bickering about money?” He raised a brow when both of them looked at him, their mouths snapping shut at the same time.

  “Hey, old man.” Griffin smirked. Nikolas scowled at Kristoff and sat in one of the leather chairs in front of his desk.

  “Old man?” Kristoff scoffed. “I’m only five years older than you two jokers.” He leaned back in his chair and put his hands behind his head, interlocking his fingers. “I can only assume what you’re doing here.”

  “So, when did you plan on telling us you bought a new wife?” Nikolas said as he took on a relaxed position.

  “I wanted her to get settled in before I introduced you two to her and scared her off.”

  “We wouldn’t scare her off.” Griffin was over at the bar, pouring himself a glass of bourbon as he spoke. “She must be pretty special for you to give up your abstinence.” There was no teasing in Griffin’s voice.

  Since Macie’s death Kristoff had sworn off women, but it wouldn’t have mattered if he hadn’t anyway. The fact he couldn’t get hard, not even in the privacy of his own room was another issue. He just didn’t have any desire to be with them, not until he had seen Veronica’s photo. “Yeah, she’s special. Very special.” There was a moment of silence that fell over the room and he looked between his brothers. They both had stunned expressions on their faces but quickly masked it by smiling.

  “We’re glad you’ve found someone to make you happy. It was time you started living your life again.” Griffin handed Nikolas a glass of bourbon and took his seat.

  “Macie was a wonderful woman, Kristoff, but it’s been two years and we were starting to get worried.” Nikolas leaned forward, his blue eyes holding so much concern. “We just don’t want you going back to the darkness, brother.”

  This was one of the reasons he didn’t visit with his brothers very often. It was inevitable that they brought Macie up. They loved him and were worried, he understood that, but how in the hell was he supposed to move on when they mentioned her every time they were in the same room? Obviously it was better now that two years had passed, but it had been so damn hard before, so painful that he had isolated himself from everything, including them, for a very long time.

  “So, when can we meet the little lady?” Griffin grinned as he brought his glass to his lips and took a long drink.

  “Andre Patrowski is having a social event at the end of the month. Apparently he bought himself a wife too.”

  Kristoff had just received word about the gathering that was three weeks away, but he wasn’t sure he wanted Veronica in that atmosphere. “I heard about the party, but I’m not sure if I want to take her to something like that yet.”

  “Why? She has to get used to our world sooner or later. Why postpone the inevitable?” Griffin set his glass on the desk and leaned back, throwing one of his thick arms over the back of the chair.

  “You know how those virgin brides are brought up, Griffin. No doubt she’s been sheltered her whole life. It’ll be a culture shock.” Leave it to Nikolas to slap some sense into Griffin.

  “Nik is right. I don’t want to shock her. You know how those parties are.” Although Griffin and Nikolas didn’t have brides, they went to the same functions he did. Andre was known as being wild, and the fact he had “settled” down had come as a shock to many. More likely he planned on purchasing more than one virgin. Andre never was a one-woman man. “The only reason I’m considering going is because she may know some of the other w
omen there that had been from the auctions. It might be nice for her to see others she knows.”

  Griffin shrugged. “Well, if you decide not to go then when can we visit? I’d like to meet my sister-in-law.”

  “Give it a rest, Griff,” Nikolas all but barked out. “Let them have a bit of time alone. When he’s ready he’ll let us know.”

  Kristoff rubbed his hand over his face and sighed. Griffin was more adamant about things while Nikolas couldn’t care less. “Was that all you two wanted? If so a phone call would have saved you a trip.” Both of them exhaled and Kristoff dropped his hand and stare at them. “What?”

  “Nothing.” Nikolas shook his head and Griffin scowled. Both of them stood, their expressions angry. Griffin grabbed the glass and downed the rest of the alcohol.

  “Listen, give us a call if you’re going to Andre’s. I don’t think it’ll be as bad as you think. The last time I saw him it seemed he was really getting his shit together. He didn’t have that harem of females around and he was actually sober.”

  Kristoff snorted and looked out the window again. “Andre, sober? I don’t think those two words have ever been uttered together.” Andre didn’t just like to fuck, he also liked his coke. If he weren’t a key investor in many of Kristoff’s businesses, he would have written off their friendship a long time ago. As it was, even fucked up, Andre was one of the smartest men he knew. His knowledge of how to invest and when to bailout was incredibly accurate. It was either a gift or he was one lucky son-of-a-bitch.

  “Yeah, an oxymoron, we know, but I saw him too and he really did look like he has his shit together.” Kristoff looked over at Nikolas. If his brother thought things had changed with their longtime friend maybe he really was different.

  Chapter Eight

  Kristoff closed the front door behind him and set his briefcase beside his feet. The house was bustling in preparation for dinner and the savory aromas filtering through the house made his stomach growl. Olga bustled by carrying a watering pitcher and he stopped her. “Do you know where Veronica is?”

  “Yes, Master Kristoff. The Madam has been in the master suite since after breakfast. She even took lunch in there.”

  “She did?”

  She nodded before going down one of the hallways.

  Kristoff felt his brows draw down at that revelation. Why had no one informed him of this? Was she ill? He took the stairs two at a time and pushed his bedroom door open. She lay on her belly in the center of the bed, her head resting in her hands as the muted television played in front of her. He could see she slept. He walked toward the bed and picked up the remote. Turning off the television, he watched the large flat screen disappear into the small opening in the floor. For several long moments he did nothing but stare at her. She was so very beautiful in her slumber. Her lips were slightly parted, the red fullness of them instantly causing him to become hard. The half-crescents of her lashes fell against her peach-colored cheeks. The effect made her seem so young and innocent.

  Hands going to the knot of his tie at his neck, he loosened it. The buttons of his shirt were next. She shifted in her sleep and rolled on to her back. The skirt she wore rolled up her smooth, creamy thighs and he swallowed roughly. Jesus Christ. He could see her panties, all white lace that gave him a prime shot of her slit. His cock went from semi-erect to a full blown, raging hard-on. Her shirt was twisted, the material showing a tantalizing view of her midriff. Breasts straining against the fabric, he could make out the stiff points of her nipples. His mouth watered for another taste of her, and his body ached to feel her clenching around him.

  “Veronica.” Her name came out of him in a guttural groan. “Veronica, baby. Wake up.” He licked his lips and started unbuttoning his dress pants. Her eyes fluttered open and she blinked at him several times before bracing herself on her elbows. She pushed away the hair that fell into her eyes and licked her lips. He found himself mesmerized by the sight of her pink tongue stroking over her tumescent lips.

  “Kristoff.” The way she said his name, all breathy and low, had him holding back the urge to reach for her and rip her clothes off, revealing her body. She glided her eyes down to his crotch and he saw how they widened at the sight of his erection. He knew it had to be all but ripping through his slacks. Hell, it felt like it already had.

  “Are you feeling all right? You’re not hurt?” Her brows drew low and she shook her head.

  “No, I’m fine.” She licked those luscious lips again and that was all his restraint could handle. She was okay, even though she had been in their room all day, she didn’t appear harmed in any way. He needed her, though. Stepping out of his pants and removing his tie and shirt, he stared down at her, letting his eyes move up and down her body, mesmerized by the soft curves and smooth flesh. Her breathing increased and her breasts rose and fell in rapid succession beneath her top. Yeah, she was turned on and he was about to take care of that for her, for both of them.

  “Undress for me, Veronica.”


  Veronica saw a sudden change in Kristoff. It shifted the air, heated it, and made it electrically charged. He breathed hard and perspiration started to dot his smooth, incredibly hard flesh. Standing before her naked, his shaft was thick and long and aimed right at her, promising carnal delights. Both Dolly and Stacia tried to get her to eat on the veranda again, but she had insisted on eating in the room.. She had eaten on the balcony right through the master suite’s French doors, which had just as spectacular a view as the veranda. She was feeling sorry for herself, and she knew in time she would grow past that, but right now it was all she had.

  “Veronica, I want your clothes off, now.” The way Kristoff said the words reminded her of a wild animal, so feral and determined to have what he wanted. His whole demeanor wasn’t the gentle, caring lover she had experienced last night. The man standing before her wanted her with a desperation that was clear on his face. The feminine part of her melted at the fact he desired her so much his control slipped. She wanted this wild and unbidden man before her, wanted to see exactly what he would do with all that lust.

  Without getting off the bed she removed her skirt and then her top. When she was only in the lace bra and panties Kristoff let his eyes roam her body.

  “Spread your legs for me.”

  She couldn’t get enough air into her lungs as she parted her thighs for him. Feet flat on the mattress, she waited to see what he would do next. All Kristoff did for several moments was stare at the junction between her legs, and then he gripped himself, right in front of her. He started stroking himself and his erection grew longer and thicker right in front of her, causing her mouth to go dry. The heavy lidded look he had was a visual overload. He made a strangled sound and then he was suddenly between her thighs. Wide shoulders forced her to spread her thighs until her muscles stretched and burned. Suddenly his mouth was on her pussy, right over the lace. Veronica’s breath caught in her throat. Her arms giving out caused her to lie back on the bed and ride out the incredible sensation of his mouth on her. Every little lick and flick of his tongue through the lace seemed amplified. His hands landed on her inner thighs, fingers digging into her flesh. Kristoff latched his mouth onto her clit and sucked the tiny bud harder and harder until she thrashed on the bed, pleading for mercy from him.

  “Fuck.” His hot breath brushed along her covered mound and she gasped. “You’re so wet your panties are soaked.” He used two fingers to wrap around the edge of the fabric and pull them aside. The feel of his tongue on her cleft, parting the folds as he ate her, was a heady sensation.” I can’t get enough of you, baby.” Kristoff worked those two fingers into her, stretching her until she didn’t think she could hold off her orgasm until he finally pushed his massive erection into her. The sensation of his tongue sliding along her flesh, his teeth gently scraping her, teasing her, had her lifting her hips for more.

  “Tell me how good you feel right now.” The vibrations from his words went straight to her clit, causing the nub to gr
ow even more swollen, more sensitive. Already she was so close to coming.

  “I feel good. I feel so good.” Eyes closed and fingers digging into the comforter beneath her, she moaned out her response.

  “Who makes you feel good, Veronica?”

  “You do. God, you do, Kristoff.” He groaned against her body and the next thing she was aware of was the sound of her panties tearing. She only had a moment to fully realize that and then his mouth was on her pussy, devouring her. “Ohhh.” Eyes squeezed shut, his mouth sucked long and hard on her clit and she felt her body go off in pleasure. Ripple after glorious ripple crashed through her body and she found her hands weaved into his hair, tugging at the thick, blond strands. She tried to pull him closer, tried to have him thrust his fingers into her harder, faster. As if he read her mind, he did just that. Panting, she let her hands fall back to the mattress as the ecstasy he gave her coursed through her like a tidal wave. When she felt him remove his face from between her thighs she forced her eyes open and looked at him.

  “Veronica.” His lips were red and wet and she found the sight highly erotic. He gripped her hips and flipped her onto her belly. “Get on your hands and knees, sweetheart.” His command was filthy, but his endearment was coaxing. Heart pounding, she did as he asked, feeling a blush spread across her body at the knowledge that her body was so obscenely displayed before him. She felt his hand slide down her spine and over one of her ass cheeks. He did this over and over again until she was thoroughly relaxed. She arched her back like a needy cat waiting to be petted.

  “You have no idea how you look to me right now, how you make me feel.” He gently spread her cheeks until the air hit her anus. “I want you here so bad, baby.” His finger skimmed over the puckered hole and she gasped. She wouldn’t deny him, but she couldn’t help the fear that crept inside of her at the thought of him pushing all those hard inches into her. “Not yet, Veronica, but soon. Soon I’ll have you in every way possible.”


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