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The Highest Bidder

Page 11

by Jenika Snow

  He collapsed on top of her, a tangle of arms and legs making them seem like one. His weight was heavy but comforting. He rolled off of her and wrapped his arm around her waist, bringing her flush with his body. Veronica rested her head on his chest and let her hands play along the hard ridges of his abdomen. The muscles contracted under her touch. They still needed to talk, but she didn’t want to break the spell that surrounded them. Closing her eyes, she let the sweet wave of drowsiness consume her.


  Veronica opened her eyes but only saw darkness. It took a few moments for her vision to adjust to the shadows that surrounded her. Kristoff was beside her in bed, his arm still wrapped around her waist and her head on his chest. His breathing was slow and even and the steady beat of his heart was right below her ear. Something had woken her, and when she sat up and looked around she couldn’t see anything but shadows playing around the room. Maybe it was a dream? She was about to lie back down and let sleep consume her once again when the sight of their bedroom door ajar caught her attention. Feeling her brows knit in confusion, she thought back to earlier, trying to remember if they had shut it. No, she knew for a fact it had been shut before Kristoff made love to her. Veronica could have just gone back to sleep, but her curiosity spiked.

  Sliding out from underneath the thick, heavy weight of Kristoff’s arm, she grabbed her robe and slipped it on. Everything was still and quiet. Her breathing sounded like a tornado in the small confines. When she was close to the door she gripped the edge and inhaled. The scent of liquor slammed into her nose and caused her stomach to clench in disgust. The aroma was thick in the air and had her nose wrinkling in disgust. The chime of the grandfather clock let her know midnight had approached, well past the appropriate hour for any of the staff to still be in the house, let alone drinking. Although she was curious, she wasn’t stupid enough to investigate. She started to close the door when a hand reached out from the darkened hallway and wrapped around her wrist. Before she could scream out in surprise she was pulled out of the bedroom and something covered her mouth, a hand her confused and frightened brain surmised. Her breathing was even harsher now in the silence, and Veronica strained to see who held her captive. It was no use, not when the cloak surrounded her. The door shut with a whisper-soft click.

  For several long seconds she didn’t move, didn’t even breathe as she took inventory of her surroundings. Her back was pressed against a wide chest and the stench of booze nearly overpowered her. Aside from their ragged breathing and the erratic pounding of her heart, everything was quiet and seemingly peaceful. She was dragged across the hallway, up the stairs, and led into a room. It all happened so quickly that her head spun and bile rose in her throat by the time she was released. A faint light illuminated the room and she realized she was on the observation deck on the third floor of the manor, much too distant from Kristoff. Glass surrounded her on three of the four walls, but because of the lack of light she couldn’t see the pond or gardens that she knew were just beyond her view. The sound of liquid sloshing behind her had Veronica spinning around and coming face-to-face with Stephen.

  He held a bottle of whiskey which was nearly gone. His eyes were glazed over and bloodshot and his big body swayed slightly. It was clear he was intoxicated, but why he had clearly been in her room and then taken her left her feeling disoriented. “What are you doing?” The words came out of her on a hiss despite the fact she was petrified of what his intentions were.

  He tipped the bottle back and drank long and hard. He swayed again and had to place his hand on the wall to steady himself. His smile was lopsided but he didn’t make a move to come closer, just watched her with a menacing expression.

  “You’re a pretty little thing, but certainly nothing like Macie.”

  What in the hell was with everyone and Kristoff’s late wife? “I seem to get that a lot, but if you don’t mind I’ll let you get back to drinking.” Her false bravado had her feeling pride, but right before she got to the door Stephen’s meaty arm lashed out and stopped her, sending her strength fading.

  “I don’t think so.” She took several steps back, trying to remember if there was another exit. This was going from bad to worse and she feared if she didn’t get out of this situation she was looking at a nightmare she couldn’t wake up from.

  “What do you want?” Veronica looked around the room, hoping the only exit wasn’t the one Stephen currently blocked.

  “You know, she was unhappy with him.” He took another swallow of liquor, “Every time I saw her she couldn’t keep her hands off me.” Stephen leaned against the wall, his eyes locked on hers. “I thought things were good, solid, but then she became secretive and I knew I wasn’t the only one that she cared for.” Veronica could see where this was going, could sense the churning rage that came from Stephen. She didn’t want to be on the receiving end of the wrath that was rising to the surface of the man in front of her.

  “We had plans to run away together. It was just supposed to be us against the world. Who would have thought a lowly servant like me could steal the wife of the owner of one of the biggest and most prominent investment firms in the U.S.?” He chuckled and shook his head. His words were beyond slurred with each passing second. “I was flying high, had a beautiful woman that loved me and a child on the way.” His words stopped her cold. “That’s right, precious, Macie carried my baby…at least I thought it was.” He finished off the bottle and tossed it aside. The sound of glass breaking seemed so loud that she prayed like hell Kristoff heard, but deep in her heart she knew he wouldn’t, not when the walls were sound-proof and thicker than the eight-foot stone wall that surrounded their home.

  “I found out she was seeing some rich asshole that ran in the same circles as Kristoff.” The words were spit from his mouth like acid. “I would have given her everything I had if she would have just loved me unconditionally.” His fist connected with the table and the picture frames that lined it fell to their sides. “I loved her unconditionally.” His words were deceptively low. It was then, when she looked down at his fists, she saw he held a small, square item in his hand. Veronica lifted her gaze to his and saw he too was staring at what he held.

  “I can’t count how many times I’ve been in the room she shared with Kristoff,” his lips curled on the name, “looking at her picture and wishing I could turn back time.” When he brought his eyes to hers there was so much raw pain reflected outward that she stumbled back. He lifted what he held and her hand went to her mouth when she saw it was the photo of Macie that had been sitting on the bookshelf in their bedroom. “If she would have just stayed faithful things would have been so different.” A lone tear slipped down his cheek and he brushed it away angrily. “He robbed me of my future, they both did. Those men stole the love I had with her. Andre will get what’s coming to him soon enough, but I’m going to take from Kristoff what he now loves the most…You.”

  Before she could respond he was in front of her, his hand wrapped tightly around her throat. “If I couldn’t have her Andre and Kristoff wouldn’t either.” He pressed her against the windows and she clawed desperately at his hands. The air left her at a violent pace and stars danced in front of her vision.

  Oh God, what was he saying? He killed Macie and now he was going to kill her?

  “I didn’t have a choice.” He choked out the words, tears now falling freely from his eyes. He tightened his hold on her neck and her eyes rolled back in her head as darkness crept around the edges of her sight. “She was going to leave me for some dipshit with a bottomless wallet. That baby she carried could have been Andre’s!” He roared the name just as the darkness was about to claim her. In the next second the heavy weight around her neck was released and she sucked in great breaths of air. Her legs gave out and she fell to her knees, gasping for air as her vision slowly started to clear. Her head pounded and she was aware of the sound of flesh pounding against flesh and deep male grunts filling the room.

  It took a great amount of strength
to lift her head, but when she did a cry left her. Veronica blinked back the blurriness and focused on the scene before her. Kristoff held Stephen by the collar of his shirt, his fist flying into his face over and over again. Blood poured from every orifice on Stephen’s face, but in the next instant Stephen had the upper hand and threw Kristoff to the ground. The two grappled for dominance, their equally large bodies slamming into the furniture with enough force to echo through the room. The murderous look on Stephen’s face was downright evil in its intensity.

  “You stole her from me.” Stephen threw his fist into Kristoff’s face. “She was mine. That baby was mine!” Stephen’s voice rose with each passing second until it was a crashing, living entity. “I’m going to make you watch as I squeeze the life out of the one you hold dear to your heart.” He hit Kristoff again and the two fought for supremacy. “You have no idea the pain that grips you when the woman your love is forced to sleep beside another man, kiss and touch someone that isn’t you.” Grunts sounded in the air and blood painted the floor. “I’m going to show you what that kind of pain is, though.”

  Veronica searched for a weapon, anything to use on Stephen, but before she could grab something Kristoff rolled until Stephen was now beneath him. His arm was a blur as he continued to bring his fist down on Stephen’s face. Her husband looked crazed, wild. His hair was a wild mess of short strands around his head, and a steady trail of blood dripped from a cut right above his eye. He looked possessed, like his sanity was no more and he was running on pure instinct.

  “Kristoff. Stop, you’ll kill him.” Throat burning and voice sounding distant, she made herself stand and move on wobbly legs toward them. Stephen grew limp on the ground. Despite the fact Stephen no longer tried to defend himself had Veronica fearful that Kristoff would surely kill him. She was afraid to go any closer, but she had to stop him. “Kristoff.” Her voice grew louder and she laid her hand on his shoulder. The hard muscle beneath her hand was like steel. He stilled with his fist midair and turned to look at her. Chest rising and falling rapidly, Kristoff held his position for a suspended moment. For a suspended moment he looked at her, but not really. His eyes held a glazed look in them, but he blinked rapidly and his expression cleared of the murderous rage. Blood covered his bare chest and she knew some of it was his, but that the majority was Stephen’s.

  “Veronica.” His voice cracked with emotion. “Oh, God, baby.” He was off Stephen and had her in a tight embrace instantly. He pulled her away and scanned her body with his eyes. “He hurt you.” Kristoff’s jaw locked tight and she leaned into him again, hoping to ease his distress. Yes, Stephen had, but she was okay now that Kristoff held her in his protective embrace. Everything would be okay, she had to believe that. Veronica looked at the still form of Stephen lying on the ground. His face was a bloody mess that was almost unrecognizable, but he was alive by the rise and fall of his chest. She buried her face in Kristoff’s bare chest, not caring that blood covered it or that violent emotions surrounded them.

  “How did you know I was here?” Her voice was hoarse and she swallowed down the lump that was steadily rising. His hands smoothed up and down her back and his heart beat a rapid cadence against her ear. It seemed like it took him forever to answer her, and when he did his voice was strained with emotion.

  “Stacia woke me. She was in the gardens with Marco and noticed the light in the observation room. When she realized Stephen and you were here, alone, she knew something wasn’t right and got me right away.” He buried his face in her neck and inhaled deeply. “God, sweetheart, if I hadn’t come when I did…” his big body shook with emotion. He kissed the spot right below her ear, his spot. “I don’t want to even think about it. He would have k—” He didn’t finish his sentence, just held her tighter and murmured words against her throat.

  The sound of sirens in the distance had her glancing out the windows. Several police cruisers rushed down the long driveway and disappeared toward the front of the house. It only took a matter of minutes before uniformed men were bursting into the room and surrounding them. Their guns were drawn and pointed at Stephen despite the fact at the moment he wasn’t a threat.Shouts ran out through the room but Kristoff didn’t relinquish his hold on her, thank God. Veronica didn’t want to deal with the chaos that surrounded her. All she wanted to do was curl up in their bed with Kristoff’s big, warm body surrounding her.

  “Mr. and Mrs. St. Michaels?” The deep, gentle voice had them both turning and looking at the man standing before them. He wore a suit and the badge he held up showed he was Detective Ash Malone. “I know with everything that has transpired giving your statement is probably the last thing you want to do, but I think it would be best if you retold what happened while it’s still fresh in your minds.” He gave Veronica a coaxing smile. She didn’t really want to speak to anyone, but she knew it was best, especially if she wanted to move all of this along so she and Kristoff could be left alone in peace.

  Detective Malone motioned for them to follow him out of the observation tower and into the hallway. Stacia and Marco were off to the side speaking with an officer, and when she lifted her eyes and caught Veronica’s, the smile she gave her was filled with anguish. Veronica smiled in return, hoping to reassure her that everything would be okay.

  “Mr. and Mrs. St. Michaels, we have a physician arriving momentarily to assess you.” Kristoff wrapped his arm around her shoulder and brought her to the side of his body.

  “I’m okay. I just want to make sure Veronica is okay.”

  She felt okay aside from the burning in her throat, but she didn’t argue with them. The detective took out a small electronic device that would record not only her verbal statement but measure her vitals. She knew that it was to gauge an individual’s physical response and determine whether they were lying or not. Veronica recounted everything that had happened since the moment she woke up. Detective Malone nodded and asked a series of questions before concluding their time together. Another officer motioned for the detective and he left her and Kristoff alone. She turned into her husband and breathed in deeply. What in the hell had just happened?

  “Mrs. St. Michaels?” She turned and looked into the kind light blue eyes of the elderly man that walked up to her. He held an ancient leather physician’s bag in one hand and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose with the other. “I’m Doctor Harrison. I’d like to have a look at you and make sure everything is okay.” She looked up at Kristoff and he brought his lips to her forehead.

  “Mr. St. Michaels?” Detective Malone stepped up to Kristoff. “Can I have a word with you, alone?” He cut his eyes to Veronica and smiled, but it was tight and forced. Kristoff looked like he might have protested leaving her, but whatever he saw in Malone’s eyes had him straightening and turning to look down at her.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’ll only be a minute.” He kissed her on the forehead and disappeared into one of the rooms down the hall.

  “Right this way, Ma’am.” She followed the doctor into a spare bedroom. For several long, uncomfortable minutes the doctor poked and prodded at her.. Despite his aged medical bag, the contents were all state of the art. He swept a handheld scanner across her body, stopping for several long moments on her throat, her chest, and finally on her belly. He made some notes on a small electronic keypad and offered her a gentle smile before turning his attention back to his notes.

  “Mrs. St. Michaels, aside from your throat hurting, which I can tell by the scan it must, are you having any other symptoms?” He didn’t take his eyes off the keypad.

  She felt horribly all around, but aside from the sore throat and the nausea that rolled around in her stomach, she was relatively fine. The doctor nodded and murmured to himself as she relayed the information.

  “Well, your throat will be sore for a few days, but I’ll prescribe a solution you can gargle with that will help with the discomfort.” He packed up his bag and speared her with a knowing gaze. “There is also something else.” Her heart po
unded at his tone. Was there more damage to her internally than she believed? Veronica felt okay, but she knew all too well how things could be deceiving.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He placed his hand atop hers. “Everything is fine, Mrs. St. Michaels, but make sure you see your family physician within the next few days to start monitoring your pregnancy.”


  Everything around her faded away until all she could hear was the ringing in her ears.Had she heard him right? “I’m s-sorry. Did you say I was pregnant?”

  He patted her hand in a comforting gesture. “Yes, dear. Still very early, but very much pregnant nonetheless.” He stood and grabbed his bag. “I’ll relay my findings to your husband.” His lips tilted warmly and then he was gone.

  Veronica didn’t move from where she lay on the bed, her mind reeling with the news the doctor had just given. She was pregnant, with Kristoff’s baby. Her hand drifted to her flat belly and tears of excitement, trepidation, and happiness swam in her eyes. She was going to be a mother. All of this, coupled with the revelations of what Stephen said, mixed in her mind. The sound of the door opening and closing had her lifting her eyes. Kristoff stood several feet from her, his expression unreadable.

  “Hi, sweetheart.” He spoke softly. The blood was gone from his chest and a small bandage covered the wound above his eyes. He walked toward her but when he was within reaching distance he did nothing for several minutes but stare down at her. Her mouth opened and closed but she didn’t know what to say. Was he upset over the pregnancy? They had only been married such a short time that Veronica could see why he might be hesitant. He saved her from starting the conversation by dropping to his knees in front of her and burying his face in her belly. For several seconds Veronica did nothing but stare at his blond head. His face hidden from her, she couldn’t tell what he felt. She ran her hands over his hair and felt her tears start to make the decent down her cheeks.


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