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The Highest Bidder

Page 12

by Jenika Snow

  “Veronica...Sweetheart.” He lifted tortured eyes to hers and her breath stalled. He gathered her into his arms and held her as his big body shook. She felt wetness on her neck and knew he was crying. That knowledge had her holding onto him tighter and crying right along with him.

  She had to clear her voice as emotion clogged her throat. “Are you angry I’m pregnant?” He pulled away, a frown marring the area between his eyes.

  “Angry?” He gave a short laugh and shook his head. Wonder and amazement crossed his face. “Baby, that is the farthest thing from the truth.” He parted the folds of her robe and placed a hand on either side of her belly button. “My child grows right here.” He dipped his head and brushed his lips the small area that his big, tanned hands framed. The act was so gentle and loving that blurred heavy flood of tears blurred her vision. “I love you, Veronica.” She pulled him to her and pressed her mouth to his, relaying everything she felt, everything she couldn’t possibly say, in that kiss. They both started laughing, their enthusiasm animating the room.

  He whispered, “We’re going to have a baby.” He kissed every inch of her face, his happiness. The moment was euphoric, but knew she had to tell him what Stephen had confessed.

  It was hard pushing him away, but when she did his smile slipped.

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  “I have to tell you what Stephen said right before you found me.” Kristoff took a steadying breath.

  “I already know everything, sweetheart.” The anguish in his eyes when he finally looked at her again stole her breath.

  “You do, but how?” Had he overheard what Stephen said? She supposed it was possible seeing as those last few moments she wasn’t aware of anything but the viselike grip around her throat.

  Inhaling deeply, he took her hands in his and told her everything. “Detective Malone showed me Macie’s tattered and bloodstained shawl they found in Stephen’s room. They also found letters between him and Macie, affectionate ones that talked about her pregnancy and how much she loved him, how they were going to raise their child together.” Even though he only held her hands she could feel how tense he was. “She planned on leaving me.” His smile wavered, and Veronica could only imagine the anguish he must feel over the horrid revelations. “They also found photos that Stephen took of Macie and––”He took another deep, steadying breath. “They were of Macie and Andre in very intimate embraces.” He pulled away from her and paced the length of them room. “They were able to revive Stephen enough to question him on it and the evidence they found. He didn’t deny any of it, didn’t deny killing her, attempting to kill you, and what he planned to do to Andre.” He continued wearing a track in the carpet. “My punishment was the knowledge I wasn’t able to save Macie, and that I would watch him take your life.” Emotions rolled off him, his pain being the main one that speared right through her heart.

  “You know what the fucked up part is?” He ran a hand across his hair, causing the short strands to stand up even more haphazardly. “I knew deep down she was unfaithful. I didn’t know it was with two men, though. I even knew the baby she carried wasn’t mine.” His admission shocked her. At her questioning look he continued. “We hadn’t been intimate for months. She had grown so distant and hateful toward me and I didn’t know why. I tried to please her, but nothing I did made her happy. We grew apart in those last few months before her death.” The anguish in his voice was as thick as the walls surrounding them. “When the autopsy was done and they told me she was six weeks pregnant, I knew without a doubt the child couldn’t have been mine.” He sank into a nearby chair and hung his head in defeat.

  Veronica slipped from the bed and went to him. She didn’t know if he would welcome her touch, but her heart broke over his distress. “Kristoff—” Her words were cut off when he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her onto his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tried to think of words that would soothe him. There hadn’t been much affection in her household growing up, so she wasn’t sure if she could comfort him the way he deserved. Figuring he would be more comforted by her touch instead of her words Veronica held onto him and absorbed his heartache.

  “Everything will be okay, my love.” When he finally relaxed against her and lifted his head, there were tears in his eyes. Veronica brushed them away in the same gentle sweeping motions he had done to her.

  “I never said anything to her, to anyone. I went along like we were living in this happy little world where nothing could touch us. Hell, I even think I started to believe my own lie. It hurt when she died. I felt such immense guilt for how things ended between us. Maybe if I had been more attentive, stopped spending so many hours in the office, and showed her the affection she craved, she wouldn’t have strayed.”

  Veronica shook her head and stopped him form continuing. She cupped his square jaw in her hands she pressed her mouth to his. “Living in the past will only hold you back from your future.” The words were murmured against his lips and she felt his small smile. This wasn’t Kristoff’s fault. “I didn’t know Macie or the kind of relationship the two of you shared, and can’t explain why she betrayed you. All I can say is that my time with you, as short as it has been, has been nothing but beautiful. You love me like no other, and give me your heart and soul until there is nothing left to give. I now realize that I was lost before you came along. You scooped me up and showed me there was a life outside of the square box I have lived in my entire life. You healed me and I hope to someday heal you too, right here.” She placed her hand on his heart and looked into his eyes.

  He dropped his head and inhaled deeply. When he looked at her again the love she saw in his eyes had the world tilting on its axis. “I lived in darkness before you came along. I knew the moment I saw you that you would be my salvation. Every single moment of every single day is like waking up in heaven. Your soft words, gentle touches, and sweet kisses have my love for you growing higher and higher until I don’t think I’ll ever be able to come back down to Earth. You exhilarate my life, Veronica, and bring new meaning to my days. I’d be the one lost without you.” Her chest swelled at his words and she knew in that moment, despite all the ugliness surrounding them, they would survive.

  He placed his hand on her belly and stroked his thumb back and forth. “You and our baby are my life, and I’m going to make sure there is nothing that comes between us.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Nine months later

  Kristoff could see the pain morph Veronica’s face and wished he could take it away from her. Holding her hand was the only solace he could give her, but he knew it wasn’t enough. “You’re doing so well, sweetheart.” He brought their conjoined hands to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. Veronica looked at him and the corners of her lips tilted. Sweat left a light sheen on her forehead and he pushed ay the strands of golden hair that had stuck to her temples. She tightened her hand in his and he knew another contraction washed through her.

  “You’re doing so well, my love.” Kristoff’s heart was near to bursting with the love he had for her. Concentration and determination swept across on her face. She was his strong little soldier.

  “One more push and your baby will be here, Veronica,” the doctor said as she got everything in place for the birth of their first child. They were in their bedroom, a request from Veronica. She wanted to have their baby in the comfort of their home, so he had made that possible for her. He made sure no expense was spared with regard to the medical equipment. She may have wanted a home birth, but he wanted to make sure precautions were taken to ensure the safety of the woman he loved and their child. The beeping monitors informed him she was having another contraction.

  “Do you want to see your child being born, Kristoff?” The doctor glanced up at him and smiled. He leaned forward and felt his heart jump into his throat as their child’s head crowned. “Veronica, look at your baby.” Kristoff helped her upper body up and placed several pillows behind her to keep her comfortable. />
  “One more big push and your baby will be here.” Nurses scurried about as the doctor prepared for the birth. Moments later a high-pitched little cry filled the room. The physician held up their child.

  “It’s a girl!”

  The sound of Veronica crying had him tearing his eyes from the tiny little person and looking at his wife. He buried his face in her neck and breathed in her scent. “You did so well, baby.” The sound of a little whimper had both of them laughing. A nurse brought their daughter over, wrapped in a yellow blanket. Kristoff took his daughter into his arms and felt euphoria settle deep inside of him. “Are you glad we waited to find out the sex?” He lifted his eyes from the most beautiful little person he had ever seen and stared at his wife. Veronica looked exhausted, but her smile was wide and her eyes were full of love.

  “It was the best surprise ever.”

  Kristoff smiled. He couldn’t agree more. His daughter whimpered again and he looked down at her. “My girls.” He kissed her little forehead and breathed in the sweet smell only a baby had. “I’m so proud of you.” He handed the baby over and smoothed his hand across Veronica’s cheek.

  “Look at what we made, Kristoff.” She didn’t take her eyes off their daughter when she spoke.

  “She’s incredible, isn’t she?” He sat on the edge of the bed and ran his finger down the bridge of their child’s nose.

  Commotion in the hallway drew their attention from their little miracle and they watched as Griffin and Nikolas strode into the room. They had driven from Hawkson last night when he called them with the news Veronica was in labor. Griffin was all grins but Nikolas looked a bit unsure. “Come and meet your niece.” The excitement in Kristoff’s voice was evident when he felt Veronica grip his hand and give it a squeeze. His brothers came to the edge of the bed looked down at the little bundle. “Want to hold her?” Griffin shook his head and Nikolas took a step back.

  “We’re all thumbs, brother.” Kristoff couldn’t help but smile at the nervousness in Nikolas’s voice. The brothers might be hard-asses at the best of times, but right now they seemed very vulnerable.

  “Later, when things have settled and you two have had the proper time you need to bond.” Griffin moved forward and stared at their daughter. “She’s beautiful.”

  “Good thing she looks like her mother,” Nikolas teased, and they all laughed.

  “She is so beautiful.” Stacia’s voice had them all looking toward the door. Over the past several months Veronica and Stacia had become close. If it wasn’t for her late-night rendezvous with the cook, Kristoff would have lost Veronica and their baby. Because of that he was forever in Stacia’s debt. “Did you guys decide on a name?”

  Veronica looked up and him, happiness and love reflected in her eyes. “What do you think about Faith?” He looked down and ran his fingers through the blonde tuft of hair on his daughter’s head.

  “I think it’s perfect.” As Kristoff looked between his wife and daughter, he knew he would never cherish, never adore, anything as much as he did them. They were his everything, and he knew this was only the beginning of the rest of their lives.

  The End

  Other Books by Jenika Snow:

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