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The Realms Unite (Realms Gate)

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by Juliet Anderson





  This eBook is a work of fiction. Whilst references may be made to actual places or events, the names, characters and incidents within are from the author’s imagination and are not a resemblance to actual living or dead persons. Any similarity is co-incidental.































  “Concentrate, Erin,” Magnus shouted. “I asked you to rustle the trees, not part the bloody Red Sea.”

  Erin surveyed the summer house with the tree lying on top of it. “Some gazebos have trees growing through the centre, this has one on its roof.”

  “Birdie’s going to be mightily pissed when she sees this,” Magnus exhaled loudly.

  “See’s what?” Erin’s aunt materialised behind them.

  “I’m having a few issues with symbology today,” Erin winced.

  “Dear God, child,” Birdie muttered on seeing the gazebo. “You’ve been having issues the last few days. I’ve just about convinced the insurance company that a large branch fell on the Landrover.”

  “It did of sorts,” Erin tried her best to look contrite.

  “The Landrover was in a damn tree.”

  Erin bit her lip. “Well if you can persuade that brave Viking who is cowering behind a bush to give me a few days off, I might avoid any more mishaps.”

  Birdie turned and gave Magnus a withering look. “She’s on research and sword based activities only. No blue energy or symbology until she gets her concentration back.”

  “When is Jasper due to arrive?” Erin asked.

  “Stop trying to change the subject,” Birdie whirled back to her. “This latest damage will have to be paid for by the Estate.” She stalked back towards the French doors. “And Jasper is due tomorrow. Along with Lars, so you’d best warn Sasha.”

  “So fearless,” Erin grunted at Magnus.

  “Hey, Birdie might only be five feet tall, but she is scarier than a troll.”

  “I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to be likened to a troll. And for the record, they’re not real.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Why, have you woken up next to a few?” Erin giggled, darting back inside.

  She headed to her sanctuary, her father’s study. She might own the house now, but she would always think of it as his. Perhaps it was because she still felt his presence in the room. Jacques, her ever slobbering St Bernard pushed in front of her to bag his favourite spot right in the middle of the room on the rug.

  “What to look at this afternoon, Jacques,” she murmured. There was just so much research to do. She had recently found out that nothing was as it seemed. Traitors were in their midst, long standing secret alliances had been re-forged and her future path kept changing radically. With her mother now free and back in Lokranor, tensions with King Olav had eased. Prince Wilhelm’s exile had been overturned and he had returned with his mother. Then there was her best friend Sasha, pregnant with her arch-nemesis’ baby, who had accidently awoken Valkarin from his tomb. She hoped Jasper would be able to shed some light on Valkarin’s intentions, although she had a pretty good idea he’d be after Lokranor.

  The pages of the volume in front of her were just a blur. In fact her whole head was a mess. She dropped the book down; research also was off the agenda. Her mobile vibrated noisily in her pocket. Saved by Sasha.

  “Hey, what’s up?” she answered cheerfully.

  “I’m moody and have morning sickness,” Sasha groaned.

  “Perhaps I’ll cancel my visit,” Erin teased.

  “Do that and you’ll see how pissed off a redhead with raging hormones can get.”

  “Okay, okay, I’m on my way over.”

  “Are you riding or has the motorbike been fixed?”

  “Luckily the bike is back on the road. I take it the Dark Destroyer is not around?”

  “No,” she laughed softly, “Heinrekh is back in Vasmaar. I think your subtle words the other night might have had some effect.”

  “Hey, I could negotiate for the United Nations.”

  “I think ‘give her space or she’ll stab you with your own bloody sword’ hardly rates highly on the UN’s list of negotiating tactics.”

  “Maybe that’s where they’re failing,” Erin giggled. “Anyway, I’ll see you shortly.”

  Erin grabbed her helmet and keys. If she was going to break the news to Sasha that Lars was on protection detail, perhaps she should wear her armour.

  “I come bearing gifts,” Erin dangled the bag under Sasha’s nose.

  “Pastries,” Sasha’s eyes lit up.

  “Maple pecan pastries to be exact. And still warm,” Erin continued wafting the bag around.

  “You have precisely three seconds to hand it over before I rip you to shreds,” Sasha moaned. “As you’ve no doubt heard, it is not wise to come between a pregnant woman and food.”

  Thirty seconds later, the bag was empty and Sasha covered in flakes of pastry. “Bloody hell, when did you last eat?” Erin stared at her.

  “A few hours ago.”

  “Still feeling sick?”

  “No. Just tired at the moment.”

  “Is that from the baby or Heinrekh’s nagging?”

  “Both. He was pressuring me to move permanently to Vasmaar before I fell pregnant. Now he’s insisting I move in with him.”


  “And of course I’m not going to move there. First and foremost, we have wonderfully well trained midwives and paediatric hospitals here. Secondly, you couldn’t pop over to see me regularly.”

  “I could, but Heinrekh would need serious therapy. And so would my mother. She really hasn’t got her head around the fact I haven’t embraced the old hatreds of the past.”

  “How is your training going?”

  “Crap. I can’t see to concentrate at the moment, and having totalled a Landrover, barn and gazebo, Birdie has slapped a no-powers ban on me.”

  “Would this lack of focus have something to do with Wilhelm’s departure?”

  “Perhaps,” Erin sighed. “I really miss not having him around.”

  “Why don’t you go visit him?”

  “His exile might have been overturned, but I’m not that welcome.”

  “Ah yes. Olav. He’s going to have to forgive you one day for putting him on his back if he wants you to fight Valkarin.”

  “Maybe I should let him fight his own battles,” Erin grunted.

  “And who would get to watch Wilhelm’s back?”

  “He does have an exceptional cute butt,” Erin grinned. “Have you decided yet about University?”

  Sasha puffed out her cheeks. “I guess. I wouldn’t mind finishing out my year, but not only would Heinrekh have a complete meltdown, I really don’t see the point. I would like to complete the course one day, but to be honest, once this wee boy is born, my life is going to change dramatically anyway.”

o, you’re dropping out?”

  “It’s the easier option, I think.”

  “Perhaps now is the opportune time to tell you that your Vokteren protection will arrive tomorrow.”

  “Oh my life keeps getting better and better,” Sasha rolled her eyes. “Why would I need their protection, I already have Heinrekh?”

  “You supposedly carry Valkarin’s heir. It is their duty to protect that child, even before it is born.”

  “Heinrekh is going to be thrilled,” Sasha grunted.

  “Especially when he finds out that Lars has been assigned to you.” Erin hid behind a cushion.

  Sasha let out a horrified shriek. “Dear God, why on earth him?”

  “I thought you two had a connection?”

  “Ugh, the man is a toad,” she hissed loudly.

  “You’ve not really had the time to get to know him,” Erin thought she should at least try and defend Lars out of loyalty to his father. “Although you did have quite an interlude in the dungeons with him.”

  “He had his hand wrapped around my throat.”

  “And his mouth stuck to yours. It’s strange though how you always become fiery when his name in mentioned.”

  “Only because the guy is vile.”

  “Well, you don’t have to become close to him. He is only protecting you and the baby.”

  “I guess I could arrange for him to use one of the disused barns.”

  “Forever the welcoming hostess.”

  “Besides, you might get him to talk about Valkarin. Lars is, after all, a Voktere, and will know what the most evil of sorcerers is planning.”

  “Like he’s going to tell me,” Sasha snorted.

  “Blow in his ear and I think he’ll tell you anything. I’ve been through his mind and he has it bad for you.”

  Sasha shivered. “I really don’t want to know.”

  Erin stood up and stretched. “I should get back. Lots to do.”

  “Estate stuff?”

  “No. We have one very dark lord who is out to wreak havoc on our realms and I need to figure out how to defeat him.”

  “Is he really that bad?”

  “Yup. This one makes your nearest and dearest look like a kitten. Are you up for a ride tomorrow?”

  “I thought Lars was coming tomorrow?”

  “Yes, but you can still go about your everyday life. He just has the pleasure of tailing you.”

  “Everyday life,” Sasha snorted. “Oh, to have one of those.”

  “Welcome to my world,” Erin laughed. “I did try and warn you off Heinrekh.”

  “It’s not my fault I find him irresistible.”

  “It’s those faulty genetics. Hereditary, I’m afraid.”

  “Weren’t you leaving?” Sasha grunted.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”

  Erin’s mind was on Sasha as she rode home. Her poor friend must be so confused at the moment. Not only did she have to deal with an unplanned pregnancy, her other half was a supposedly evil sorcerer in another realm and her unborn child was the heir of one even greater.

  She registered the sound of an engine behind her, the car seemed to be going the same speed. She was only a few feet away from the turning for the McLomard Estate when she heard the roar of the engine behind her. Seconds later she felt the car clip the bike, and as it started to slide, she leapt to the side, rolling into the soft verge. Actually there was nothing soft about it, the ground was not very forgiving. She lay there winded for a few seconds before attempting to remove her helmet.

  Magnus, she squealed, I need help.

  Where are you? He responded immediately.

  End of the driveway. Someone’s run me off the road.

  Two minutes.

  She heard the brakes of the car and the doors open. Every bit of her hurt, but she managed to raise her head enough to peak over the verge. Great, men in black. Vokteren perhaps. But definitely not Jasper or Lars.

  Her sword materialised in her hand. At least that was one command she couldn’t screw up. Ignoring the pain shooting through her ankle, Erin scrambled to her feet. “I would advise you to remain where you are and state your purpose,” she shouted to the two figures approaching.

  “You do not look strong enough to lift your sword,” one of the two black figures remarked and kept walking.

  “I don’t have to,” she spat. “Just my hand is all I need.” She called up her Loxhadrin and vaporised the figure who had spoken. “The same fate awaits you, should you put one foot closer,” she spoke to the other. He wisely retreated.

  As she sank back to the ground, she heard the roar of another engine. Magnus tore out the driveway and pulled up the RangeRover right beside her. He scooped her up and slung her in the passenger seat.

  “Bleed in this car and Birdie will kill you.”

  “What was wrong with the other Landrover?”

  “It’s in use. Sadly we are only down to one.”

  Erin hissed as a sharp pain shot through her.

  “Did you see who it was?”

  “Vokteren, I think. They were dressed in black. Although strangely enough they seemed oblivious to the fact I had blue energy.”

  “Maybe the lower ranks aren’t privy to that information. Whatever the case, I will interrogate Jasper tomorrow.”

  “Ask nicely, are the words you are looking for. Jasper is completely trustworthy.”

  Birdie came rushing into the hall as Magnus carried her in. “Heavens, child, what have you done now?”

  “This was not me. Someone tried to shorten my life span.”

  “They ran you off the road?”

  “Yeah. Bad news is the bike is totalled again.”

  “Take her upstairs, Magnus, whilst I phone Dr Stewart.”

  Erin let out a loud squeal as Magnus placed her gently on her bed. “Sorry, my ankle is throbbing.”

  “How bad are you actually hurt?”

  “Just bruising and a few cuts, I think.”

  “And your ankle?”


  Magnus shook his head. “Why did I think it was safe to leave you unprotected?”

  “Because we only expected trouble from Heinrekh. But since Valkarin has arisen, I think I have a new enemy.”

  “What it is to be so popular,” he grimaced.

  “Now instead of giving me earache, I would kill for a cold compress for my ankle.”

  “That I can get without you having to extinguish my life force.”

  Erin flopped back on her pillows after Magnus had left. This afternoon had been quite a close call. Had they hit the bike at greater speed, she would most likely be snuggling in next to her father. It was a grim reminder that she had to watch her back at all times. Actually that was Magnus’ job. Poor guy.


  Wilhelm was finding it hard to settle back into Lokranor. He was missing being around Erin and the madness of the McLomard household. But it was more than that. His exile had set off a chain of events which meant he could not slip back into his previous life.

  The people were still calling for him to take his father’s place. He had freed their priestess and returned some calm to the kingdom. Stories of their fight with Heinrekh had swept across the kingdom, so it was of even greater importance that he held such a close friendship with Erin. He wondered how they would react to news that Valkarin had been resurrected.

  He headed over to the Archives to meet with Ajax. With Valkarin about to breathe down their necks, he figured it would be better to be well prepared. And as he had learnt, it was not always about brute strength.

  Ajax looked up from a volume he was studying. “Wilhelm, it’s been a while since you were last here.”

  “Sorry. As you might have heard, I was out of town.”

  “That’s one way of putting it,” Ajax laughed. “We are all much relieved you are back.”

  “Everyone except my father, I think,” Wilhelm shrugged. “Our relationship is even frostier.”

  “It i
s only natural. You stood up against Olav and, I have to say, were proved right. Your actions helped release Lodraill. And we are all thankful to have our priestess back after such a long hiatus.”

  “I am not sure if our relationship can be repaired.”

  “That is up to Olav. His pride has been severely dented. The citizens of Lokranor made it more than clear that their faith was in you and not the King. The army generals would only really accept you as their commander. He all but had a rebellion on his hands and he is, in fact, only holding on to the throne by your good grace. If you challenged him for it, you would have the support of the people and the army.”


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