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The Realms Unite (Realms Gate)

Page 2

by Juliet Anderson

  “I don’t want the throne. Not yet anyway.” He didn’t want the burden of ruling, he wanted to be free to explore the First Realm further. And to spend more time with Erin.

  “So what can I do for you? More information regarding gateways or the Vokteren?”

  Wilhelm shook his head. “No. We have all the information we need about the gateways, and as for the Vokteren, Erin has some insider information on them.”

  “How?” Ajax was curious.

  “Her tutor is Jasper Voktere.”

  Ajax’ jaw dropped open. “She’s being tutor by a Voktere?”

  “Yes. I have to admit that Jasper is a very honourable man. He is also indebted to us as we rescued his son from Heinrekh’s dungeons when we freed Lodraill.”

  “And you think he will talk?”

  “He will not tell us Vokteren secrets but he is keen to see a lasting peace in all Realms so will be instrumental in helping us achieve that goal.”

  “What information are you after?”

  “Everything about Valkarin.”

  “So that rumour sweeping the land has a little more fact to it?”

  “Yes. Regrettably he has been awoken.”

  “And his heir?”

  “A long story, but the child is not yet born.”

  “Now I’m confused,” Ajax looked perplexed.

  “We all are,” Wilhelm smiled. “After two millennia asleep, Valkarin is not going to be at full strength for a while, so we have time to work out our strategy. Erin has heard mention of three artefacts that could take down Valkarin. This is the type of information that we need to get our hands on.”

  “I recall the legend of Aria’s revenge. But do you think the items are still around after such a long time?”

  “Yes. Erin has one.”

  Ajax looked at him over his spectacles. “Do you actually need me for anything? Between you and that Muirhead hellion, you seem to have most things tied up nicely.”

  Wilhelm chuckled. “Not quite everything. Any help you can give on past legends and myths surrounding Valkarin would be most appreciated.”

  “Well, I shall dig around and see what I can find.”

  Next on Wilhelm’s rounds was Lodraill. He knew she wanted to see him and he had a pretty good idea why. She might not have been around the past fourteen years, but mothers were still very protective of their daughters.

  He found her lighting some candles in her temple. The usually cold and unwelcoming temple was full of warmth and colour, it yelled loud and clear that its High Priestess was back.

  “Wilhelm,” Lodraill smiled as he approached. “Thank you for stopping by.”

  “It is no problem. I was at the Archives,” he shrugged. “How are you settling back in?”

  “You won’t by surprised to hear that not much has changed during my long absence.”

  “No, you’re probably right.”

  “In fact the only matter I have trouble coming to terms with is the fact I have a fully grown daughter who I may have difficulty seeing frequently.”

  “Ah, my father,” Wilhelm winced. “That is one area he is particularly touchy on. I think your best bet would be a united front with my mother. She is very fond of Erin and would like to see her here regularly.”

  “As would you?”

  “Yes,” he smiled. “But you know that already.”

  Lodraill walked into the temple antechamber and poured them two goblets of wine. “I might have been absent for most of Erin’s life, but it does not mean I don’t worry about her. Can I ask what your relationship is?”

  “There is nothing serious going on, not yet at any rate.”

  “Your tone suggests you might wish to alter that state?” Lodraill missed nothing.

  “Yes. I would like something more serious with her.”

  “She is quite young for the type of relationship I think you are after.”

  Wilhelm grinned. “Erin will do what she wants in her own time. But she is not young in our Realm. My cousins were all married at her age.”

  “I would ask that you tread carefully with my daughter. I don’t want her hurt, the child has had enough pain in her short life already.”

  “I fear it is I who will be hurt.” Erin had the choice of living in either Realm, but as the next in line for the throne, he could only ever reside permanently in Lokranor. And he knew Erin could never really settle there. However he was already too attached to her to be able to walk away. There was something about her that held him captivated, she had the makings of a true Viking warrior.

  Heinrekh was surrounded by a pile of books. He was searching for links to Aria; somewhere in the many volumes, there must be something he could use against Valkarin. Since Angus had lost Aria’s bracelet to Erin, he needed to find another way to steal back Valkarin’s powers. It crossed his mind that he could ask Erin to search for the missing medallion and dagger that went with the bracelet, but his pride would not let him. Not yet at any rate. When rumbles started to be heard from Valkarin, then he might have to put his ego to one side.

  Concentrating hard on the volumes helped take his mind off Sasha. He was desperate for her to move permanently to Vasmaar where he could offer her all the protection she needed. But she was being stubborn, refusing to leave her home. Glancing briefly at the ornate box that contained his and hers wedding bands, he wondered if that was the next line of attack. He would propose. She was pregnant, she would have no choice but to accept.

  Happy that he could bring Sasha around to his will, he continued his research with renewed vigour. Eventually an entry about a book of potions caught his attention. Legend had it that Aria had put together a small volume which contained a list of potions she has used against Valkarin. None of them killed him but they did weaken him. If he could get his hands on this book, he might be able to increase the strength of the potions and kill off his enemy where Aria had failed.

  If ever a man wanted to abduct a woman, he should read about Aria first to learn the perils. She might not have had much of a will when she was first taken, but she became a legend herself, plotting at every opportunity and learning the dark arts. Not for her own self gain, but to bring down the most evil of monsters; her husband.


  Erin was on a mission to get the house to give up more of its secrets. She had already worked out that there was more to the McLomard dragons than just decorations. Behind many lay great finds. Having scoured her bedroom she had drawn a blank, other than the passageway. Next on her hit list was the small upstairs morning room which they barely used. It had wonderful panelling so would be the perfect place to hide precious treasures.

  After trying to turn dragon number four, she hit one that moved. A small hatch popped open, revealing a beautiful enamelled box. Erin removed it, admiring the detailing on the outside. The motif on the front was of a rose, it obviously had belonged to a lady. Opening it slowly, her heart sank. It was just a collection of letters, tied together with a light pink ribbon. Love letters perhaps? That would explain why they were hidden away.

  Curious, she removed one from the bundle. The parchment was well aged and brittle, the ink seeping a little, but the elegant script was still legible.

  My dearest Isobel,

  This time apart has been sheer torture. I long to see you again, to feel your soft touch, to taste those sweet lips. I will wait for you by the old ruins in the hopes that you will appear.

  My existence is seemingly meaningless without you in my life.

  I love you.


  Damon. Erin had heard that name before. Then it clicked. Ellen McBride’s illegitimate child had been called Damon. Was he having an affair with the lady of the house or her daughter? She would need to consult the family tree to see who Isobel McLomard was. But perhaps this went a long way in answering the question as to why her blood ran so black. Damon’s natural father was Borodin, an ancient predecessor of Heinrekh’s and descendant of Valkarin. Damon went on to have his own children
, which is why Sasha carried some Valkarin blood. But if through his affair with Isobel, Damon had sired a child, then the same blood ran in her veins. She only had the powers because both her parents were gifted.

  Hearing a car pull up, she glanced out the window. Jasper and Lars had arrived. She slipped the letter back in its box and took it to her bedroom. She would read the rest later to get an insight into what went on between the two.

  “Jasper!” she squealed from the top of the stairs and hobbled down on her sore ankle.

  “Dare I ask what you have done?” Jasper shook his head.

  “That is a question for later,” she grinned, not wanting to sour the moment by accusing the Vokteren of trying to kill her. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek. “You have been sorely missed.”

  “Likewise, young lady. Life has been far too quiet without the chaos you bring.”

  “Welcome, Lars.” She smiled at Jasper’s son. “You must find all this a bit strange. Your father teaching a Priestess of the Realms.”

  “I’ve learnt to expect the unexpected,” he shrugged.

  A loud woof heralded the arrival of Jacques as he bounded down the stairs, jowls flapping and slobber flowing.

  “Dear God, not Jacques,” Jasper groaned and steeled himself to be chewed and drooled on. Instead the dog stopped in front of Lars, trying to stare him down.

  “Do excuse the ill-mannered dog,” Erin apologised. “He thinks he has to protect me from any young man.”

  Erin saw Jasper’s expression change on seeing Birdie. She was pretty sure there was something going on between the two, or if not, about to. Either way, she would give them some time alone.

  “Why don’t I drive Lars over to Sasha’s whilst you catch up with Jasper, Birdie?” Erin offered.

  “Firstly, you don’t have your licence to drive a car on the main road, secondly, your ankle is injured, and finally you are not allowed to leave without protection. Magnus can take you.”

  Magnus was not exactly thrilled, he was not sure he completely trusted Lars. But he was not about to let Erin out on her own. Erin texted Sasha to warn her they were on their way. She came out to meet the RangeRover.

  “Hey, it’s Goldilocks and Mama Bear,” Magnus snickered as the two girls talked.

  Erin flipped him a gesture. “He’s only cocky because he thinks I can’t zap him inside the car.”

  “Can you?” Sasha smiled mischievously.

  “No, but I can roll the car.”

  “Like you’d face Birdie if you did that,” Magnus snorted.

  “I need to get back, I’ll see you at the usual spot later this afternoon for our ride.” She looked from Sasha to Lars. “Play nice, you two. But a warning, Lars. She’s super hormonal and moody, so remain at least ten feet behind at all times if you want to stay out of firing range.”

  Sasha grunted and stalked back into the house, with Lars behind.

  “How long do you think before they have their first screaming match?” Magnus looked in his rear view mirror.

  “Ten minutes,” Erin grinned.

  Sasha decided to play nice for all of five minutes, only because the Scots were well known for their hospitality. She made Lars a coffee and gave him a brief tour.

  “I’ll be honest, I’m not thrilled at having anyone here. Heinrekh takes good enough care of me, so I can’t see the point in having a bodyguard,” she huffed.

  “Heinrekh is not here all the time,” Lars responded. “Besides, his interest in the child is different from ours.”

  “Of course it is, he’s the father.”

  “But he will not care that the child is Valkarin’s heir. He wanted Valkarin’s powers for himself.”

  “Are you trying to insinuate that Heinrekh would hurt his own child?”

  “People do shocking things for power.”

  “I’m sure they do. But I know Heinrekh, he would never harm me or his child.” She held up her hand as Lars was about to speak. “And if you say he is evil, I will have you physically removed from this property.”

  “The thought never crossed my mind,” he gave half a smile. “Now, is my room next to yours?”

  “Unlikely,” Sasha snorted. “I was going to put you in the barn, but Erin thought you’d be more at home in the basement.”

  “How caring.”

  “Our housekeeper however has made you up a room in the guest wing.”

  “I like your housekeeper. What are your plans today?”

  “I’m riding later with Erin, so if you want to follow several feet behind, it’s up to you. Heinrekh should be visiting tonight, so you might want to keep clear otherwise he’ll probably vaporise you.”

  “You mother and brother, are they are home?”

  “Mum is in America and not planning to return just yet. Angus comes and goes continually, I have no idea what he is up to.”

  Sasha showed Lars to his room. “So how come you ended up with this assignment? I thought being a Voktere would come with its privileges.”

  “It does. I requested this.”

  “Why? You know I loathe you.”

  “Do you?” he grinned. “I thought we shared quite a moment in the dungeons at Vasmaar.”

  “Your hand was around my throat,” she spat.

  “But your mouth was elsewhere,” he reminded her.

  “Being assaulted by yours. You were a toad then, you still are.”

  “I think you protest just a bit too much.”

  “You’re deluded,” she shrugged and stalked back downstairs. Perhaps she should let Heinrekh vaporise him after all.

  Valkarin sat in the sumptuous reception room of Isleberg Castle half listening to Isafor Voktere giving him an update of the last two millennia. He was not that bothered about what had happened in his absence, he was more interested in his future.

  It seemed he no longer had to worry about the Priestess of Lokranor. If Heinrekh had managed to hold her captive for fourteen years, her powers were obviously far weaker than her predecessors. Lokranor was therefore for the taking. Heinrekh could keep Vasmaar, he had no interest in living in his former territory.

  It was the mention of the McLomard child that got him truly interested. A girl of just eighteen who could take down someone like Heinrekh certainly warranted closer inspection. And she was a McLomard too.

  “Tell me more about the McLomard girl,” he instructed Isafor.

  “Erin is on track to become almost as powerful as you. Most of what she has learnt comes from instinct, but she can pick up just about any command instantly. I have to say, I have never seen one so gifted. Excluding yourself, of course.”

  “You appear to have close links with her.”

  “Bizarrely enough, we had an arrangement. I provided her with a tutor in blue energy, in return she would free the Priestess of Lokranor and my great nephew from Heinrekh’s castle.”

  “Why would you want the priestess freed?”

  “Heinrekh was searching for your tomb to absorb your power. With the priestess free, he would be weakened. As it turned out, the alliance worked rather well.”

  “Talking of alliances, it is very fitting that Sasha McBride carries my heir.” He gave a wry smile. “History is repeating itself in that our two families are closely aligned once more.”

  “My great nephew, Lars, has been assigned as Sasha’s protector.”

  “Good. Then he can arrange for me to meet her. I want to see how my heir is doing.”

  Isafor bristled visibly. “That is tricky with Erin McLomard as her neighbour.”

  Valkarin raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow. “It would do you well to remember that nothing is beyond my ability and I will not have some child think she can intimidate me.”

  He retreated to his suite of rooms to be alone. His thoughts were all centred around a young McLomard. He would be very interested to see just how skilled she actually was. The thought that he would be coming face to face again with another McLomard, amused him. History was turning full circle
again in more than one way.

  One thing that had become obvious to him was that no-one could actually comprehend how powerful he actually was. The Vokteren, his own guards, believed that a child with no training in the arts could vanquish him. Perhaps it was time for a small demonstration of just what he was capable of.


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