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The Realms Unite (Realms Gate)

Page 15

by Juliet Anderson

  “Lars must have known about this earlier, people don’t just up and leave. It’s time to question that boy’s loyalties.”

  “Lars is as loyal as they come,” he squared up to Valkarin. “He remained silent even when tortured by Heinrekh. He is a true Voktere.”

  “I believe he doesn’t always think with his head when around Sasha. I have seen how the boy looks at her, he would do anything to trade places with Heinrekh.”

  “You are mistaken. He is only interested in the safety of the child.”

  “We will discuss this no more. I want a Vokteren delegation sent to Vienna to bring Sasha back here, preferably via the Third Realm.”

  “As you wish,” Isafor bowed and left him to his thoughts.

  He thought he’d made it abundantly clear to Sasha that she was to take her place in Lokranor. This sort of blatant disregard was what he would expect from Erin, not from the mother of his heir. She would need to be brought into line very quickly.

  Bored with the Great Hall, he headed up to the Royal Quarters. His quarters now. Moving from room to room, he tried to locate Gudrun, he wanted her answer now; he did not have the patience to wait until the evening. Her servant looked up as he entered her bedroom.

  “The Queen is bathing,” she backed away from Valkarin.

  Good, he thought, she is already undressed. “Leave us,” he barked. Leaning against the doorway to her bath chamber, he watched her for a few moments, before his own desires took over. Shedding his clothes at great speed, he descended the steps into the bath. In case she was undecided, he made sure nature was given a helping hand, emitting a burst of rather strong pheromones.

  “Might I have your decision, my lady,” he slipped his arms around her waist before kissing her neck.

  Even with her back to him, he could see her fight against the pheromones. “If I agree, you will treat the citizens of Lokranor and its territories with compassion?”

  “I possess none, so it is you who will need to provide it on my behalf.” His hands slid up and cupped her breasts.

  “I will sit in Counsel with you?”

  “If that is what you wish. Damn it, say yes, I cannot hold back for much longer,” he growled. As he held her tight against him, Gudrun could feel what the problem was.

  “If I can ease the suffering of our citizens, then I will consent. But I have one condition.”

  “Which is?” he breathed in her ear.

  “I will not kiss you on the mouth. That is too personal and signifies a certain intimacy.”

  “Yes, yes,” he snapped impatiently. “No kissing on the lips.” A small price to pay for unleashing two millennia’s worth of lust on one woman.

  Erin and Jasper were digging through the books in the area Birdie had highlighted.

  “James always used these five shelves,” she had pointed out. “The taller I got the higher up he would hide them. Quite redundant as we had steps to reach further up.”

  “What can I say, men haven’t got the sneaky mind that women do,” Jasper threw Birdie a grin.

  “Did James give any clue as to what you are looking for?” Birdie questioned.

  “Not really. He was fairly bloody useless,” Erin grunted.

  “That sums up my brother,” Birdie sighed.

  “We’re supposedly looking for a small, fairly non-descript book.”

  “That could be just about anything here.”

  “How about Farming in the Highlands?” Jasper suggested.

  “Can’t seem to get rid of that one,” Erin moaned and continued tossing books off the shelf.

  “You will be putting these back, young lady,” Birdie eyeballed her niece.

  “Sorry, Jasper hasn’t taught me that spell,” she retorted.

  A short while later they were surrounded by a large pile of books, but nothing promising. “The McLomards really do have an eclectic selection. Embroidery for Beginners, Flags of the World, Malaria and Other Diseases. I mean to say, where’s the Shakespeare and Byron?” Erin looked exasperatedly at the stack of bizarre reading.

  “How’s the research going?” Magnus strolled in with Wilhelm.

  “Lousy,” Erin glanced over at Wilhelm. “How was practice?”

  “Lousy. Magnus could barely lift his sword,” Wilhelm responded.

  “And I thought Vikings could hold their drink,” Erin taunted. “You’re getting soft, Magnus.” She prodded him in the abdomen. “Soft in the head and stomach.”

  “If I could muster up the strength, I’d slap you senseless for that comment.” He flopped down in a chair.

  Wilhelm picked up one of the books. “What’s Mal…aria?” he stumbled over the word.

  “Malaria is a tropical disease caught from mosquitos,” Erin yawned.

  “The boy’s a genius,” Jasper snatched the book from him. “The clue’s in the title. I’m ashamed I missed it.”

  “I’m not following?” Erin wasn’t on the same wavelength obviously.

  “Mal Aria,” Jasper repeated. “I guess the Mal could be used for bad or sick.”

  Wilhelm looked at Magnus with a grin on his face. “I’m a genius apparently.

  Magnus snorted his view.

  “You are,” Erin kissed his cheek as his hand settled around her hip.

  “So what’s the plan now?” Birdie asked.

  “I’ll let Jasper have first read, I need to practice.” Erin glanced at Magnus half asleep in the chair. “Wilhelm, you can take the sloth’s place.”

  “It’s not sporting to kick a man when he’s down,” Magnus grunted.

  “It’s the best time,” Erin grinned.

  “Birdie, what on earth are you doing?” Lodraill’s soft voice rang out.

  “Ssh,” Birdie muttered. “I’m watching Erin and Wilhelm.”


  “I have my suspicions something’s happened between the two. She wasn’t in her room this morning and I certainly don’t believe for a minute she’d go for a walk without Jacques. They’re very touchy-feely today which is unlike them.”

  “Come to think of it, Wilhelm has barely been able to take his eyes off her all day,” Lodraill let out a heavy sigh. “I knew it was going to happen sooner or later, I just hope it doesn’t cloud the issues ahead.”

  “It would also explain why Wilhelm is much more relaxed today than he has been. They both are. Perhaps it is a good thing.”

  “Maybe, but we will need to keep Erin focussed. Like her father was, she is easily distracted.”

  “I wonder if Erin inherited any good traits from James.”

  Lodraill chuckled. “Not much, by the sound of it.”

  “You two should be ashamed of yourselves.” Magnus’ voice made them both jump.

  “We’re just inspecting the flowerbeds,” Birdie attempted to lie.

  “Then why are you looking into the training room? I’m Viking not stupid.”

  “Okay. We think Erin and Wilhelm have moved their relationship on. We’re just checking for the signals.”

  “There are easier ways to find out,” Magnus rolled his eyes. Hey, Goldilocks, is now a good time to talk?

  What’s up?

  Your aunt and mother want to know if you’ve slept with Wilhelm yet. And by slept, I meant had sex.

  Tell them to mind their own bloody business.

  Is that a yes then? I thought the screeching I heard last night was foxes mating but apparently not.

  Norse git.

  “That is a yes,” he grinned. “But don’t expect me to play the big brother part and kick Wilhelm’s butt, not today. Actually not any day. If we get Lokranor back, he’ll be king.”


  Venice was working wonders for Sasha’s frayed temper. Off season the city was busy but manageable. She’d booked herself into the Centurion hotel on the Grand Canal and spent every morning on her balcony eating breakfast. Then it was a mixture of shops, galleries and restaurants, all very civilised and so far removed from the chaos of her life in Muirhead.

/>   Even Lars was a little less grumpy, and after a couple of days he had virtually thawed. He appeared on the balcony as she was drinking the last of her tea.

  “Where are you dragging us today?” he groaned.

  “I’m not sure,” Sasha sighed, “I’m feeling quite tired.”

  “Then why not just rest up?”

  “I’m in Venice and it’s my last day. I can rest at home.”

  “But you don’t want to over-exert yourself and harm the baby.”

  Sasha rubbed her swollen abdomen. “He’s fine, it’s me that’s flagging.”

  “Can you feel him yet?”

  “Yes, just faint movements, largely when he’s thrashing around. It’s kind of weird.”

  “How about we hire a launch to take you on a tour of the canals, that way you can sit back and enjoy the city from another perspective?”

  “That sounds like a plan. I need to shower first then I’ll book it with the concierge.” Sasha retreated to her room to wash. She came out the bathroom in her underwear when a figure in the room caught her eye and she squealed.

  “I’m sorry, my dear, I did not mean to startle you.”

  “Heinrekh,” Sasha breathed a sigh of relief at the projected image. “What are you doing?”

  “I miss you,” he ran his hand down her bare arm.

  Sasha’s bedroom door flew open as Lars charged in. “Sasha?”

  “I’m fine, Lars. False alarm,” she blushed furiously as she realised she was still in her underwear.

  “This is a private conversation, Voktere, so please leave us.” Heinrekh might not have been physically in the room but he still emitted quite a presence.

  Lars looked at Sasha for confirmation that she was happy for him to leave. “We’re cool,” she responded.

  Heinrekh started circling her after he left. “Does the boy usually get to see you in your underwear?” His tone was particularly chilly.

  “Sure, I lap dance for him all the time,” Sasha grunted.

  “You what?”

  “Of course he doesn’t,” she snapped. “Most bodyguards don’t knock on the door and ask if you’re dressed after you’ve screamed.”

  “I apologise.” He reached out to touch her, the image of his hand resting on her cheek. “I know he harbours feelings for you so I get very protective when he is around you.”

  “Well, I shall be home tomorrow. Will you be at the house?”

  “Nothing could keep me away.”

  “Does Valkarin know I have gone?”

  “Yes. I understand he was not altogether happy. He sent a team of Vokteren over to bring you back.”

  “Strange, I’ve not seen any.”

  “Probably because Lars had the good sense to tell Isafor you were going to Vienna instead.”

  “Clever boy,” she smiled. If he wasn’t always grumpy and getting on her nerves, she might actually like him.

  “Will you give serious considering to spending a prolonged time in Vasmaar when you get back? If I keep disappearing, Valkarin may well have me replaced.”

  “My concern is if I do enter the Second Realm, Valkarin may not let me home. He has virtually no power in Muirhead, in Lokranor and Vasmaar he does.”

  “He has no control over Vasmaar,” Heinrekh scowled. “Not whilst I still live.”

  “That’s good to know. But for the safety of our child, I will stay in Muirhead.”

  “We will continue this conversation when you are home,” Heinrekh started to fade. “And if that boy looks at you half naked again, I will remove his sight.”

  Sasha shook her head. Even Heinrekh’s projection could be over-protective.

  “Was he checking up on you?” Lars grunted as Sasha re-joined him fully dressed in the living room.

  “Just missing me,” Sasha responded lightly. “It’s no different from skyping really. And I understand you’re rather good at subterfuge.”

  “I had to report something to Isafor, and I knew the minute I did, Valkarin would try and stop you. Venice, Vienna,” he shrugged nonchalantly, “they all sound the same.”

  Sasha linked her arm through his. “Let’s go get that launch. I’m quite in the right frame of mind to sit on my backside and watch the city go by. And if you’re really good, I’ll let you peel me some grapes.”

  “Have you ever swum in a Venetian canal?” Lars retorted.

  Erin sat curled up in her favourite chair in the study whilst Jasper discussed what he had found in the book.

  “Does it give us a step by step guide to defeating Valkarin?” she asked eagerly.

  “Sadly not,” he shook his head. “But nothing is ever that simple.”

  “So what does it gives us?”

  “It affirms what we know about the dagger, medallion and bracelet. For the dagger to be toxic to Valkarin, you must be wearing the bracelet and medallion.”

  “What about the two bands?”

  “They are cursed. Once intertwined they will drain Valkarin’s power.”


  “I guess joined together.”

  “Then what? They suck his power from a distance? Somehow I don’t think we’re that lucky,” Erin groaned.

  “I would agree with you. I’m not entirely sure what it means.”

  “They are wrist bands, so perhaps we melt them down and reform them into a new band. One he may not recognise and get him to wear it.”

  “Whoever says teenagers are devoid of imagination are wrong,” Jasper smiled. “But Valkarin is suspicious of most things, he would not wear something given to him.”

  “But,” Erin mused, “if it were to bear the Lokranor serpents, he might think it belonged to Olav and take it as a royal emblem.”

  “I like your thinking. We sneak it into the castle and ask Gudrun to put it in a visible place. His vanity will make him put it on.”

  “There’s a jewellery maker in Thurso. I’ll see her tomorrow and get the order placed. Anything else in this helpful volume?”

  “A lot of talk about the dark arts, especially a book Aria was very fond of.”

  “Let me guess, it passed to Tobin Lomard?”

  “You’re getting the hang of this,” Jasper acknowledged.

  “So perhaps behind another McLomard dragon will be said volume.”

  “Yes. But this is one you should not use,” Jasper warned. “It’s crossing over to the dark arts.”

  “I can’t see how it’s any different to symbology. It’s not like I can conjure up magic spells, just play with the elements.”

  “Symbology is a bit more than playing with elements. How do you explain being able to drop thoughts into someone’s head?”

  “My compelling personality,” Erin retorted. “I don’t suppose there was any mention as to the location of her tomb?”

  “No. That would not be written anywhere. Aria said you had been close to it once?”

  “Yes. But I’ve been many places. And if you think that Valkarin was hidden in a cavern behind a waterfall, Aria could be just about anywhere.”


  “I guess I’ll have to call her up for a chat soon.”

  Jasper shook his head. “She’ll regret drawing you to her crystal.”

  “Hey, I’m the only one that can kill her dead husband. Which reminds me, we need to practice symbology some more.”

  “Your wish is my command, my lady,” Jasper rose to his feet. “Just to be safe, let’s do it some place where you can’t damage or blow anything to pieces.”

  “Your unwavering faith in me is staggering,” Erin snorted.


  Heinrekh was not impressed to be summoned to Lokranor. He always dreamed of ruling it, not be called like a commoner to go before the ruler. He would never consider Valkarin a King. But he needed to keep the peace and appear to pledge his allegiance, all the while waiting for Erin to find the artefacts that would send him back to his tomb.

  He thought it strange that Valkarin was not seated in the Great Hall
, this was obviously not a meeting he wanted on show. And he had a pretty good idea it was about Sasha. Instead, he was shown to the Royal Quarters.


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