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Spectral Vibrations

Page 5

by Mercy DeSimone

  The primal color of most beings are apparent at birth; they are registered accordingly and sent to live in Quarries of their molecolor family. In this way, they can learn the rules, etiquette, and ways to use their power from those that have come before them. It is only upon reaching adulthood that most colors begin to boost. That generally happens when they match frequency with another being, mostly within their own molecolor.

  It used to be that through physical penetration of a sexual nature, beings could share and boost power from one being to another. Now that penetration is impossible, you can only boost frequency through your vibration.

  Much of society is now made up of Duos. These are the beings whose frequencies have increased their power with complementary vibrations. They become the leaders of their molecolor squads, and they help to mentor and develop the powers of those below them to keep their Quarries solvent in our society.

  The beings who match frequency with another color family are considered hybrids or Covalents. Their power boosts differently because they now can cross boundaries and match with a larger set of beings. They also exhibit tendencies from both color families making their talents more diverse.

  Any being who matches frequency with more than one being to become a Triad or Ionic bond, greatly boosts their power again. They hold special positions in our society as advanced teachers and mentors. Only about ten percent of our society can claim status as a Triad. And certainly anyone who can claim the relationship of Quad or Quint, works at the highest level of the Counsilary. They account for approximately three percent of the population.

  Now that we have stopped birthing new generations of beings our society is waning as our elders are Unlightening. They are the ones who remember how it used to be before the supernova that changed it all. They are the ones that procreated to create the new society that we eventually became, until that ability was lost to us all.

  There hasn’t been a new being born on Krysalis in approximately seventy five yarns. Laz and I are part of the last generation, which only held approximately one hundred and fifty births. While most of us have hit our power potential in the last fifty yarns, there are still a handful behind us either still growing into their power, or who will never be powerful enough to match frequency. They will assume low level positions in society to support the power players who command our world.

  This age inequity has altered the power structure making some of our generation extremely ambitious. Since generationally the pool of beings is much smaller now, there are fewer beings to connect and test frequency with. Unless you connect frequency early in your awakening, the chances of connecting and boosting power later become less and less likely.

  It is not often that you see a generational being match frequency with one of my counterparts, although when it happens, it is definitely an occasion for celebration. The reality is that power boosts usually create wealth and stability, and we need the generational knowledge that comes with those who were born before us. If they never match frequency during their existence, their charge will naturally terminate prematurely and their Unlightening is just a matter of time. Unless, they leave Krysalis - which is currently prohibited without permission from the Spectrum.

  Currently, there’s a rush to hand down information and historical knowledge as our aged population begins to Unlighten. Without enough offshoots to push our society forward, we become a target for beings on other planets who see this as a place to stick their banner and claim a new society of their own. And if they cannot breed us, then they are more than happy to break us!

  Conscious of the elder behind me, I quickly adjust my stance to a more formal position as I cross my eyes and stick my tongue out briefly at Laz, before turning to face Senator Titan. While we’ve never been formally introduced, I certainly know him by reputation. As the highest ranking member of the Yellow Counsel, I am surprised to see him in this venue interacting with the Research Team.

  Cocking my head quizzically, my eyes travel slowly up and down his being, finally able to observe his form in person, which is not unpleasing. Clearly also Venusian in origin, his features are closer to mine in nature. He has naturally full lips that on him look more sensual than pouty. Pale blonde hair is pulled back in a severe ponytail, while mine is cut at an angle to my chin. His chest and shoulders are broad, but where my hips and belly are soft and rounded his are square and solid.

  My eyes continue to travel and catalog each noteworthy piece of anatomy. His tattoos are darker in color than mine, the design a swirl of silver, black, and copper that travels from his wrist up his forearms to his elbows, peeking from the rolled up sleeves of his shirt.

  Altogether, his being is balanced in a very attractive package, I feel a slight tickle as his energy pushes at mine, before being repulsed once again by my aura.

  Frowning at me, he sweeps his hand toward the end of the hallway, motioning a disgruntled follow me order, before turning and heading back the way I just came. Trailing slowly behind him, I grab Laz’s hand to pull him with me, only to have Senator Titan stop me.

  “Your presence is all I require at the moment,” he grunts before turning and leading me again. Laz stares at me worriedly before turning and heading back into the lab to resume work on our current project. Offering reassurance, I call, “I’ll see you shortly, Laz. Don’t jumble my data without me.”

  He sends me a brief smile before turning and heading back to the lab, when I suddenly realize that others are peeking out of various doorways watching my progress as I follow Senator Titan back to the entrance.

  Crossing outside into the moonshine he gestures to a transport and driver waiting for us.

  “Please join me,” he says, before gesturing to the open door.

  Hesitantly I remark, “I really do need to get back to the lab.”

  “Your work will wait,” he says insistently, gesturing once again to the transport. Clearly, I have little choice in the matter as I step gingerly into the vehicle and settle beside him for the ride to an unknown destination.

  Chapter Ten

  “May I ask where we’re going, Senator?” I say as I settle back into my seat. The atmosphere begins to flash by us as we take off quickly heading toward the city center.

  “You’ve been called for formal evaluation, Tanzy,” he replies, looking abstractedly out the window at the passing landscape. “I’ve been asked to bring you before the Counsilary because if you impress them, you are to be given a special assignment.”

  Surprised, I just stare at him blankly, my mind working a millennia a minute. “I don’t understand,” I say softly, “what are they evaluating? I thought the Counsil was happy with my performance and the results that Laz and I have produced in our research. I feel like we are close to a major breakthrough. It would be counterproductive to have something disturb the program at this stage of our process.”

  “That’s for them to reveal,” Senator Titan says still scanning the horizon as if deliberately avoiding my gaze. “All will be explained in its proper time. But first, we need to know where your power lies.”

  Realizing that I’m going to get very little else, I retreat back into my seat and settle, plucking nervously at my flottoms and wondering what I could have done to capture the attention of the Counsil.

  As the ultimate ruling power on Krysalis, the Color Counsilary reside in the Capitol and have been the ruling power for more than two hundred centons. They are the only true Spectrum that I have ever known in my lifetime, and are only the second ruling Spectrum that has ever existed on Krysalis.

  Turning his head sharply to me, Titan’s eyes narrow as if following my uneasy thoughts. “Everything will work out as it’s supposed to. Stop fidgeting.”

  My hands twitch slightly as I clasp them together, waiting for this journey to end, eager to reach our destination. Peeping at Titan again, I find myself wondering about his background.

  Having only seen him in holograms, this is my first chance to observe him in person. He seems younge
r than I believed him to be, with a reputation for being a bit of a taskmaster and having very little humor. Frowning, I wonder why he's so harsh. Yellows are usually known for their diplomacy and easygoing nature. It's unusual to find one that's quite so taciturn. Still, his stern manner is daunting.

  I realize now that he's been staring at me meditatively for quite a while. But as I finally return his stare, my own now becoming more openly curious, his eyes turn from stern to wry.

  I’m startled from my rude ogling when he addresses me abruptly. "What's going on in that violet mind of yours, Tanzy?"

  Blushing guiltily, I begin to stammer, trying to collect my thoughts before stopping and centering my mind, closing my eyes briefly to reign in my thoughts.

  "My apologies, Senator. I was actually wondering how many yarns you are.”

  He seems surprised by my question. "Really? That's what's foremost in your mind right now; how many yarns I've been aware?"

  "Well, I do deal routinely with awareness and Unlightenment," I say shrugging my shoulders awkwardly. "I'm always interested in evaluating beings from that standpoint. As a healer, wouldn't it be strange if I wasn't?" Shifting in my seat I catch myself fidgeting again, a sure sign that I'm uncomfortable, before forcing myself to still.

  "Aren't you more concerned with why you've been called before the Counsilary?" he asks eyeing me curiously. "I would think that question would be foremost in your mind, rather than my history."

  "Well, I didn't think it likely that I'd get any insight on that until I stand before them," I say pragmatically, "so it seems like you are the likeliest target of my curiosity at the moment," I retort as his eyes sharpen at my comment and he begins to gaze at me more fully.

  I'm sure I'm mistaken at the hint of heat that darkens his golden eyes as they linger briefly on my full breasts before traveling down my being, lingering again at the exposed skin of my legs. Plucking nervously at the edges of the fabric, I find myself wishing the sides were not quite as high as they are, exposing quite so much of my outer thighs.

  I'm always trying to acquire fuller flottoms but Laz insists on stopping me. He assures me that my being is beautiful and exactly the way the Goddess intended; that I am structured for pleasure. I try to believe him and walk confidently, but I know I'll never have the structural beauty of Laz and his forebears. I often feel wonder in the way that our vibrations resonate together, as though the beauty of this world is but a veneer that distracts from the true nature of our vibrational significance. If it wasn't for the fact that our generation is completely barren and in danger of extinction, I would never even consider the de-evolution of physical touch to be a concern. I bless the Goddess for the fulfillment I feel every time we join our vibrations.

  My cheeks flush again as I realize that Senator Titan is probably of an age that enjoyed the physical manifestation of sexual pleasure. Wondering at my assumption, I rub my hands restlessly across the top of my thighs before realizing that his gaze is following the motion. Clearing my throat, I abruptly flatten my hands on my legs.

  "I've been reading the histories and trying to draw some conclusions as to how to reverse the conditions that restrict our ability to procreate," I say earnestly drawing his attention back to my face. "It's not every day that I get the opportunity to speak to someone that might have some firsthand knowledge."

  Glancing at him carefully I continue, "Were you aware before the Sealing of the Souls?"

  My curiosity can't be contained now as I see the flash of regret that crosses his face, a look of pain marring his expression before passing quickly back to a bland facade. A curt nod is all that I get in acknowledgement, but I see his shoulders stiffen as if the mere topic adds a weight to his shoulders.

  Flooding my senses with empathy, I try to soothe the energy between us, watching his lips twist wryly again.

  "There's no need to try to calm my energy, Tanzy," he says crossing one booted leg over the other knee and settling more easily in his seat. "You empaths always feel the need to intervene in others’ emotions. It's a bit intrusive you know."

  Unlike most empaths, I tend to lock my senses down during most interactions, except healing. As Senator Titan pointed out, it can be considered intrusive to just dig through someone else's emotions during impersonal encounters; for another, it's exhausting being subjected to other beings' emotions every moment of the day.

  My eyes widen at Titan’s words as a sense of embarrassment floods my being, and I drop my eyes to my clasped hands once again.

  "My apologies, Senator, it was not my intention to intrude," I say softly, hearing him sigh and clear his throat.

  "You've been an empath for what, three yarns now?" he asks gruffly.

  I shift uncomfortably in my seat again, wishing I could draw both legs up to my chest in the protective pose that I always revert to when uncomfortable. Laz calls it my 'boulder pose' because he says it's like I pull all my energy into one impenetrable shield as if doubling the strength of my silica; like I'm waiting for an imminent covert attack on my being. It usually ends with him flooding energy across my shoulders and trying to soften the tension built there.

  Opening my senses, I try to gauge Titan’s emotional state and draw back quickly when I feel a light teasing along my vibration, as if he's testing my energy. Confusion floods my being again and I retreat further into myself.

  Normally empaths keep their senses wide open and willingly accept all feelings as they come because most empaths only feel strong emotion from others when they're hands on. The abilities I got from Amet give me not only the skill to sense all emotions without touch, but also the strength to send energy ethereally from short distances.

  As a newer empath soul, I still have a tendency to draw back my energy when uncomfortable. In many ways I’ve had to find my own awareness as an empath since Amet’s Unlightenment was the source of my ascension. Consequently, I never really got to learn from him directly although I can hear Amet scolding me in my head, telling me that I need to release the energy and support the feelings, not run from them.

  With his unique abilities, Amet was able to transmit another beings’ emotions to me when we both worked hands-on together through a healing. I never questioned why he was teaching me the ways of empaths when I wasn’t an empath myself. I just assumed it was part of the education that a healer would need to know about treating that part of the population. It never occurred to me that he might be preparing me for what I would potentially need to know in his absence, or maybe I was correct all along and everything was just an ironic coincidence.

  Once I was given the ability to follow in his footsteps I finally realized how truly amazing his gift was. As one of the strongest empaths to surface during his lifetime, he had an inherent ability to sense emotion without touch. I once asked him if he knew why his instinct was so much stronger than average, but he only smiled mysteriously and changed the subject. Remembering that I need to be worthy of the gift, I consciously relax my senses once more allowing the sensations to flow through me.

  My eyes fly open in shock as I recognize the dark essence of desire that accompanies the probing of my vibration before I quickly shut down Titan’s access to my frequency. I can taste the small lick of regret that flutters through his senses before he withdraws his energy from the edges of my aura.

  Our eyes battle as if he's challenging me to acknowledge what I felt him offer before I rebuffed his efforts so thoroughly, forcing me to look away and clear my throat once more.

  Again my empath instincts kick in as I probe his being for emotional echoes. His thoughts have beads of anger, mixed with concern. I can sense that he is attracted to my form, which could account for the way his energy periodically probes as if it is still looking to gain admittance. If I didn’t know better, I would believe that he has some low-level empathic abilities of his own, trying to test my control.

  I suddenly realize that an empathic ability would explain his place in the Counsil, as well as why he would be made the new l
eader of our sector. But surely that can’t be the case.

  It is very rare for any type of Yellow to have that ability; especially one who is not bonded with another’s frequency. And if he does have some empathic ability, then I am clearly much more out of my depth than I realize. Not that I have anything to hide, but having felt others’ emotions for the last three yarns, I have become more cognizant of how uncomfortable it can be to be probed in return. Especially when that probing comes from a source of curiosity, rather than a sense of healing or need.

  There are many on Krysalis who yearn for power, and test other beings as an assessment of what they could acquire with the proper frequency boost. Especially those who were able to derive power from physical joining before the Sealing of the Souls. By losing their mates, partners, and lovers they lost their ability to boost power physically.

  I am always careful to stay far away from any of those beings. Luckily, as an empath, I am able to sense greed, and those who would try to use others for their own benefit. I can certainly sense whether someone is interested in me for my being, or for my power. If it weren’t for Laz, I think I’d be quite demoralized at the amount of beings who test my vibration merely for power, without any sense of wanting to know me on a more personal level.

  Sometimes I long for the days when I was truly a simple scientist and healer, and didn’t have to live with the emotions of others in my head. Not that I was given a choice. I never asked for this power; it was a dying gift, one that some would say was pure luck.

  I have to believe at the end, Amet knew what he was doing. He was one of the most unselfish beings that I had ever met, and I know he would not have thrust that ability upon me without conscious thought of how it would affect my future.

  If there was a reason for me to be given this gift, then it’s time that I learned the intent, and how to use it for the greater good. I thought that was what I was doing in my research lab. It seems that that was only part of my mission. What comes next has me riddled with indecision wondering if I am ready for this? As long as I have Laz to support me, I’m certain that I can succeed in whatever way we are called to serve.


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