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Evan’s Rescued Mate

Page 5

by Claire Ashlynn

  There’s a knock at the door. Evan moves from rubbing my shoulder to holding my hand again. I’m having major confusing feelings right now. I am completely attracted to him but it feels like more..bigger. The nurse sticks her head in after I say come in.

  Looking at my tray, “Good, I have your discharge papers here with me. Make sure that if you still feel bad or if your symptoms get worse, don't hesitate to come back. Watch your head wound, if you still are nauseated or dizzy by tonight, come back in and we will take care of you. Your bruised ribs will still be sore for a while. If you have trouble breathing, again come back in. Any questions so far?” I shake my head no before she continues, “The Doc prescribed you some pain killers but if you want, you can take over the counter meds like ibuprofen.”

  She comes over to me with gauze and tape and I know that the worst part is coming. As she leans over to take my IV out, she puts on latex gloves. I look away and bury my head in Evan’s arm. The nurse tsks at my silliness. I don’t care, I’m a needle phobic and that is that!

  After she removes the needle and bandages my hand, we make our way to the bathroom. Thank you, Allie, for bringing me a bag of clothes and necessities. I pull out some sweatpants, underwear, a sports bar, and a t-shirt. Getting dressed is slow going and slightly painful, but doable.

  Evan is waiting for me when I come out. He grabs my bag without being asked to. I give him a small thanks as he puts my discharge paperwork in my bag and shoulders it.

  The nurse brings a wheelchair over for me to sit in. I give it a dirty look, but sit down. I don’t want to do anything that’ll make me stay longer.

  Evan holds open the door for the nurse to wheel me out. We make quick work of the hallways and elevator and are outside before I know it. “Let me grab my truck.” Evan takes off in a fast walk toward the parking lot.

  Chapter Seven


  I help my mate into my big truck. I can tell she is impressed by the way she looks it up and down with an admiring look. “Nice.”

  She fumbles to climb in. The painkillers that the nurse gave her before we left the room seem to be helping but it has thrown her eye-hand coordination off. I steady her by putting my hands under her arms, I slightly rub against her breast and I have an instant hard-on. I lift her into the truck.

  “Thanks,” She responds as I help her buckle up.

  Man, I’m a prick. I’m completely turned on by my accidental groping.

  The pain medication must be powerful because as soon as Layla’s comfortably in place her eyelids droop and she’s fast asleep. This is good. The ride over will be smooth until we hit the road to the sanctuary and my cabin. Our clan never really thought about fixing up the roads. We’ve made our cabins our own, but the road never really came to mind. The ride over is uneventful as I play scenes in my head on the ways of telling Layla about our connection and who she is to me. As the trees and mountains fly by I see us working through our differences and making a go of our relationship.

  My wanderings have me imagining us in the woods and her standing next to my shifted form. My bear stands taller than her shoulders, and she is rubbing her hands through my fur as she lays her head against my shoulder. I shift back into my human form and pull her close. I can see Layla’s luscious body plastered against mine as I kiss her senseless. Grabbing the firm globes of her ass, I pull her even closer deepening our kiss. I rub my dick against her pussy, arousing her through her clothes. We separate enough for me to peel her shirt from her body, and I caress her breast with my hand over her bra as I continue to kiss her. I move my mouth down her neck to her chest where I latch onto her nipple through the cloth, slightly biting it. She gasps and I kiss the sting away. Pulling down the strap of her bra so I can get better access, I lick and suck her nipple until she is moaning. I grab the other strap, revealing her other breast. I waste no time switching breasts to give the twin the same attention.

  The bumpy road leading into the Sanctuary jars me out of my fantasies. I have a huge hard-on. I can’t believe I’m about to embarrass myself by coming in my pants from a daydream no less. Thank fuck, I didn’t fix the road. It brought me to my senses before I finished the fantasy. Layla slightly bounces from the uneven road. I slide her closer to me so she can lay against me for support.

  I drive through the grounds and past the big house. Passing the three other small cabins I pull up in front of my home. Home. It feels more complete bringing my mate here.

  I get out and walk around to the passenger side and open the door. I look at my mate, she is so damn adorable. She is asleep with her head tilted right toward me. There is a little drool coming out of her slacked mouth. I bet she wouldn’t like the idea of anyone seeing her this way, but I don’t mind it at all. To me, she’s perfect.

  I turn when I hear a vehicle pull up the driveway and see Lucas’ bronco and a small white pickup pull up along side my truck. I turn back to Layla and wipe her cheek with the tail of my shirt. Turning back to the bronco and the truck, I see Lucas helping Allie out of the truck and grabbing reusable grocery bags out of the back seat.

  “Hey!” Allie shouts, I quickly give her a warning look and put my finger to my lips. She lowers her voice, “Oops, sorry. Is she asleep?”

  I nod.

  “That’s good. I hear sleep is the best medicine for recovery.” She continues.

  Lucas walks up to her and puts his hand on her back to escort her to the front porch steps. I turn to unbuckle Layla and lift her out of the truck. Carrying her to the front door, I nod to Lucas as he opens the door for me. I take her to the guest bedroom and tuck her into bed before joining the others in my kitchen. When I walk in, I find Allie unloading food storage containers from the two bags they brought with them.

  “I brought some ready-made meals for you guys. With Layla laid up and me not able to take care of her, I wanted to help in some way. It’s just enough for a few days, but it’s something. Oh, and I wanted to drop off her truck,” Allie says with a smile as she pulls car keys out of her pocket and hands them to me. Then she puts the containers of food in the fridge.

  “How’s everything going with...” Lucas begins. I lift my hand up to interrupt, giving him a pointed look and then look at Allie.

  “It’s cool. I know everything. We’re in the same boat. Lucas told me. And I agreed to give us a chance. He also told me what you are to Layla.” Allie states like her world wasn’t just turned upside down.

  “Yeah, it wasn’t easy for me to convince her, but she’s willing to see where we go.” Lucas walks up behind Allie and pulls her back toward him and kisses her on the side of the neck, which makes her giggle and blush. “We aren’t staying long, I know you haven’t had much sleep, but Allie insisted that she wanted to do this for you guys. I told her you’ve got it covered.”

  “No, it’s all right. I do appreciate it. It’s a big help, now I can focus all my attention on Layla.” I turn to Allie. “I do want to ask you to hold off on telling her your good news until I have a chance to let her know about our situation.” I don’t want Layla to feel like I was lying to her or keeping something away from her. I need to talk to her first before she finds out from Allie about my dual nature.

  “No problem, just don’t take too long.” She turns to the living room area, “I’m going to check on Layla and then we can leave.” Allie says over her shoulder on her way to the guest bedroom.

  * * *


  The first thought that enters my mind when I wake up is the bright ass light shining through the window is giving me a headache and my bladder is about to burst. With the light hurting my eyes, I blink a few times to clear my eyes and rub my face with my hands. I shift to sit up and there is some dizziness from the meds that makes me fall back on the bed. Shit, how much meds did that nurse give me? Just as I am going to try and stand up again, Allie walks in. “Thank you, Lord.”

  She looks startled for a minute. “You’re awake,” She walks toward the bed.

  “Hey, I’m
so glad to see you right now, I could kiss you! I need to pee, and I can’t get up,” I giggle at her facial expressions. Confusion than understanding chase across her face. The pain meds are making me higher than a kite. The nurse most definitely gave me a higher dose before I left.

  “Oh, yeah, sure, I can help ya,” she rushes to my side of the bed and gives me a hand up. I sway a little and she grabs my arm to steady me. “So, I brought you your truck and some food to tide you over for the next several days,” she says as she helps me to the connecting bathroom.

  “You didn’t have to do that, but thank you for your help,” I say as I turn to shut the door to the bathroom. “I’ll be out in a minute.” She gives me a thumbs up as she disappears behind the door.

  I take care of business and wash my hands, splashing a little water on my face. Man, I’m tired. You wouldn’t think I'd be with all the sleeping I’ve been doing since yesterday. I see my toothbrush and grab it and brush my teeth.

  Feeling a little more alert but still a little off from the meds, I head to the door. When I’m almost there I trip over the rug and down I go. Mother Effer! The only thing I can think of on the way down is how much this is going to hurt like a bitch! I slam into the door and land on the floor. Moaning, I roll to my side in pain. Not even sixty seconds later the door bursts open and Evan is right there. He swears and leans down to pick me up off the floor carefully.

  I look into his face and wrap my arms around his neck, “Fancy meeting you here,” I say through painful pants. He looks amused but concerned.

  “Why didn’t you call for me? I could have come and helped you,” He asks looking pissed.

  “I thought I could handle using the bathroom by myself.” I squeeze his neck to get my point across. He rolls his eyes and heads to the bed. I lean in and lay my head on his shoulder, close to his neck. I take a deep breath. He smells like woods and man all rolled into one. My nipples pebble at the thought of him and what I really want him to do to me. My core starts to get a needy feeling. He deposits me on the bed and tucks me in again. I really want him to crawl into bed with me. Time for Allie and his friend to go. I wonder if I can talk him into holding me, and of course, you never know where that’ll go.

  “Well, I need to get back and study for my last final. Call me if you need anything.” Looking at Evan she winks. “I think you are in good hands.”

  Huh? What was that all about? I roll onto my uninjured side and tuck my hands under my pillow. As she says goodbye, I notice Lucas standing in the doorway. He has a peculiar look on his face. I wave goodbye and snuggle down in the bed.

  “I’ll see them out and be back to check on you. Stay put.” Evan gives me a stern look like I was a naughty school girl as he walks out the door. I giggle at the thought of dressing up in a sexy outfit for him to take off me with his teeth. Man, where am I coming up with these fantasies. Maybe the meds are making me kind of loopy and giving me crazy thoughts. My eyelids start to droop. Still so sleepy.

  * * *


  When I see Layla on the floor, my bear and I just about lost our shit! I carefully snatch her off the floor and I’m careful not to touch the side that is hurt. I know she will hide the fact that it hurt so I don’t even mention it. She snuggles up to my neck and sniffs and all the blood drains to my dick. Damn, I’m so fucking hard. Down bear! Shit, down dick! I think trying to stay focused on her care and not how quickly I can remove her clothes. I tuck her in the bed and walk Lucas and Allie out of the room.

  Lucas turns to me as Allie collects her bags, “Let me know if you need anything. I’m just down the road. I got the rest of your shift covered this week.”

  “Thanks, man. I appreciate it,” I grab his hand and pull him in for a bro hug. Releasing him when Allie walks up beside him. “Thanks for your help.” I say stepping back and look at her. They head out the door as I go back to the bedroom.

  Layla is asleep by the time I return to the room, so I lay next to her on the bed. I reason with myself that it’s only to be here if she needs me, at least that’s what I tell myself.

  Chapter Eight


  The next time I wake up, I feel so warm and comfortable. I’m laying more on my stomach than my side and I suddenly notice my pillow keeps moving up and down in slow even movements. Waking up more, I slowly realize that I’m sleeping on a person’s broad chest. There’s an arm wrapped around my shoulders and falling along my back. My leg is slung over his in an intimate sort of way. Almost like I’m about to jump his bones, well only one bone in mind. Looking up, I see Evan sleeping. I must’ve slept hard because there’s drool on the corner of my mouth. I quickly wipe it away and check to make sure it didn’t get on his chest. How embarrassing. My side has a pinching feeling in it and my head feels okay for being knocked around.

  As I move to sit up, Evan wakes and sits up with me, “How are you feeling?” He asks.

  I notice that it is dark outside the window, right when my stomach growls really loudly. “Umm...hungry.” I look away shyly. I don’t think I can get any more embarrassed.

  Evan is looking at me, “Do you want to go to the bathroom. I bet a nice hot bath will help with the soreness.” And there it is, my embarrassment is complete. Now I have a hot guy asking me if I have to go to the bathroom like a nursemaid. Next he’ll be asking to wipe my ass.

  I nod my head yes as my face turns a healthy shade of pink, and before I can move, he sweeps me into his arms and heads out of the room.

  “Umm.. the bathroom is the other way.” I point back toward the room we just left. His eyes are bright with mischief. He heads across the living room to another door. He leans to grab the door knob and I gasp at the sudden shift in position and wrap my arms tightly around his neck. Please, don’t drop me. Please, don’t drop me. I chant in my head.

  “I gotcha,” He says with a throaty laugh. He holds me firmly and walks into another bedroom. This one is bigger with a king size bed in the center of the wall. There are large windows that show a panoramic view of the forest and mountains. Wow. I am speechless.

  “This is nice, but the other bathroom would’ve worked.” I love the room. It’s decorated with masculine decor. Everything is made from pine or oak. It keeps with the log cabin feel. The bed is a light wood color and massive. With Evan being around six foot four, I imagine that the furniture is designed to hold his large frame. There are two side tables and a large dresser with a big flat screen tv on it. There is a sliding barn door across from the bed. We head in that direction.

  With a small grin, he shakes his head in response, “Just wait and see.” I can tell he has something up his sleeve but what? As he heads toward the open door, I can see a small hall with a bathroom at the end. There are two smaller sliding barn doors that are closed, opposite of each other in the hall. I raise my eyebrows in question. “Closets.” He says as if he knows what I want to know. This is the master suite of the cabin, so of course, it will have bigger closets. We enter the bathroom and I’m speechless, again. Just wow, is all I can think. Clearing his throat nervously, “Yeah, I know it’s over the top for a small cabin but I like big.”

  My eyes wander over the bathroom. It has two vanities and a huge walk-in shower. There is a two person jetted tub situated in front of a large panoramic window. Thank you, Lord, no neighbors. There are marble countertops and high-end tile in the shower. It looks like one of those bathrooms you see in Home and Garden magazines.

  “This is amazing.” I know now why he chose to bring me here. He sits me on the toilet before running me a bath. “Ummm..” I stumble over my words. I hope he doesn’t think he is bathing me. I draw the line right there. “I think I can do that for myself.”

  “Let me take care of you. I’m just running the bath for you, then I’ll go heat up some of the food that your friend brought over. Do you want a bubble bath or salts?” He rubs the back of his neck, looking at the shelf of toiletries. I could tell that he was waiting for me to give him shit for having bubble bath an
d salts, much less knowing what they are.

  “I’m fine with salts, it doesn’t matter what kind. Thank you... ya’ know, for helping me.” Now it's my turn to get bashful. I watch him fiddle with the knobs on the bathtub and then add some lavender salt. My eyes roam over his tight ass as he bends over to run the bath. Yup, you could probably bounce a quarter off that fine ass. My body is heating up.

  “It’s no problem. I like taking care of you,” he gives me an intense stare before ducking his head and walking out of the bathroom. I go to the door and make sure it’s closed, I stop myself from locking the door. I feel safe with Evan, even though I just met him, but it’s a strange situation for sure. As I undress, I notice that my body starts to ache to a point that I start to get a headache. Getting in the steaming tub, I lay my head back, with the hope that the achy feeling from the accident will just go away. The pain medication from the hospital has all but faded.

  Thinking about how I am completely comfortable with Evan races around my mind, it’s more than a comfortable feeling, it’s almost like my body craves him. We really need to talk. I carefully slide down in the water to wash my hair. I sit up just as carefully to grab some shampoo. My side seems to be going from having a stitch feeling to actually hurting. Time to finish my bath so I can get more meds. After rinsing my hair, I locate a towel and stand up to get it. Shit, I forgot to grab clean clothes. I don't want to put the ones I slept in back on. I use one towel to wrap around my long hair and another to wrap around my body. I go to the door to peep out to see if Evan is near. Looking down, I see a small pile of clothes. Man, he’s good. I quickly grab them and shut the door to put them on.

  * * *


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