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Evan’s Rescued Mate

Page 6

by Claire Ashlynn


  Since waking up this morning with Layla in my arms, I’ve been on some kind of high. It felt so right. I help her to my bathroom and run a bath for her. I am grateful that she didn’t give me shit about my over-the-top bathroom. I’m a big guy, so I like big things. I head to the kitchen after leaving my mate in the bathroom. Naturally, my mating needs kick in and my body starts to revolt from being away from her. My bear is being unbearable. He is roaring to get out and get back to our mate. “We need to take care of our mate. We need to get food to feed her.” I say to settle him down. I mentally pull him back. I grab a tray from the fridge and pop the lid. Inside is lasagna. It's not my favorite but I’m willing to eat anything that I don’t have to cook. I can cook, but it’s not something I’m a fan of. Now, give me a grill and I’m all about it.

  I pop the tray in the microwave to nuke it for a few minutes. I go to the cabinet to get a couple of plates and then over to get forks from the drawer. As I wait for the food, I set the table and pour two glasses of water. Layla slowly walks into the kitchen and I rush to her side. “You should have called me, I would have helped.” I know I’m coming off a little harsh. My voice is growly and rough. My bear is close to the surface again when I see her walking slowly on her own. I can smell her pain.

  Her head jerks up to look in my face. “I’m sorry, but I’m good. My legs aren't broken.” She rolls her eyes at me. She is so spunky, I have a feeling she could hold her own in a fight. I love her personality.

  With a small chuckle, I reply. “I get that you are independent but you’re hurt and there is nothing wrong with accepting help when it’s needed.” I pull out the kitchen chair and motion for her to sit.

  “Thank you. I’ll try to ask for help when I need it.” She sits and I push in her chair.

  “Let’s eat and then we can talk. I’ll answer any questions that you have. I know that you’re feeling something different when it comes to me and you want to know what is going on. But, please, let me feed you and make sure you’re comfortable.” I sit across from her and serve up the food. We are quiet while we eat. She seems to have a healthy appetite. I clean up the kitchen and rinse the dishes when we finish. As Layla heads to the couch I grab her pills and a glass of water. She thanks me when I hand them to her. I’m getting nervous about our soon-to-be talk. I need to figure out how to explain to her about my dual nature and what it means to be mates without her freaking out. I can sense that she is feeling the mating call symptoms when we are not together.

  I sit next to her on the couch and suddenly my mouth is dry. “So... I guess you need to start at the beginning,” she says to me as she takes her medication.

  Taking a deep breath and looking her straight in the eyes, I plead. “Please, give me a chance to explain fully. It’s going to be kind of radical and really out there.” I take a deep breath again before exhaling to calm my nerves. “Have you heard of shifters?”

  She looked startled. “Yes, I have. I’m sure I’ve met one or two, just never knew. They’re a private sort of people.” She looks at me to continue.

  “I’m a shifter. And the shifter population each have a way of recognizing their true mate. The one person who makes them feel complete and are perfect for them.” I look at her face to see any subtle changes that would tell me if she’s going to panic.

  “What does that have to do with me?” She asks. I give her a look that says that I’m talking about us. “How do you know? It seems too mythical to actually work. Don’t get me wrong, I wish there was a magical way to find your perfect match but really…?” She asks skeptically.

  I’m worried that she won’t believe me. I continue after clearing my throat. “Well, have you felt anything different with your body since you met me? I know you’ve been on pain meds but I’m talking about a bone-deep soreness that only goes away when we are around each other. Almost a panic feeling when we are separated and relief when we reunite.”

  She nods her head. “I’ve felt it, but like you said with the meds, I figured it was from getting hurt. I have had this weird need to be around you and I feel…”

  I watch as she struggles to find words for what it is she’s feeling, but there’s no need because I feel it too. “Yeah, I get it.”

  “You’re a shifter and fate is telling us that we’re, what? Made for each other? I mean come on. You’re telling me you believe this? I mean come on?!” She is starting to get a wild look in her eyes. And here is the panic I was dreading.

  “I understand it’s not an easy pill to swallow. I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t grown up in the culture and saw it for myself. My parents were true mates. Granted, they are full blooded shifters.” I hesitate for a moment. “So the whole shifter thing isn’t the problem, but the fated mate is the hard part to grasp?” I ask and look at her hopefully. If I can get her to accept my bear then the rest can fall into place with a little time and patience.

  * * *


  Okay, yup, I’m maybe having a mini panic attack. If I have it correct, Evan just told me that he is a shifter and I’m fine with that but I’m also his fated mate. I mean I know about shifters, I just have never met one or I have but I never knew. It’s not like they go around and introduce themselves as one, you know as a conversation opener. Hey there, I’m a turtle shifter, want to hang out? Really! “I just need a minute to wrap my head around this whole concept. I’m not running, I just need some time to process. Okay?” I look at him with understanding, I hope. I don’t want to hurt his feelings, but like he says, I’m new to this and he grew up with it.

  “I get it, just don’t give up on us before there is an us.” He grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze.

  Trying to make light of the heavy conversation, “So, what kind of shifter are you? Let me guess… a buffalo.” I giggle. He looks at me with a look of complete butt-hurt. “No, seriously, you’re built like a beast, you have to have a large animal in there.” I touch his chest with my hand and I can feel his heart rate increase. Mine is racing like a freaking horse! Just being this close to him is making my body melt and wet in a place that good girls don’t talk about. I can see that I seriously affect him.

  “Fuck, no!” He says with complete horror which makes me giggle more. “I’m a bear shifter, a polar bear to be exact.”

  I look at him with disbelief, “What!? Really?! So I get my own cuddly teddy bear?” I think I’m in shock or something because I’m making stupid jokes and not taking anything seriously. It could also be the pain meds kicking in. Really I feel kind of like I’m on cloud nine. I know I’m super attracted to him and I feel all kinds of warm fuzzy, no pun intended, feelings toward him. My body reacts to him with the hot and liquidity goodness, but my one hang up is, where is the love? Where are the emotions that come with these physical reactions. I have a fond affection toward him but is that enough to start a lifetime commitment? At this point, my head hurts with the conflicting emotions running through it. “I think I need to lay down, now.”

  * * *


  Layla is looking kind of green. That’s not the reaction I was hoping for when I told her what I am and what she means to me. She seemed to take everything in stride but near the end, she seemed to get hysterical and sickly looking. “Of course, you’re still recovering. I’m sorry. I know it’s a lot to take in.” Shit, I fucked up somewhere. I should’ve asked Lucas how he broke it to Allie. I help her up and walk her to the guest bedroom. “Please just give us time. Let’s get to know each other.”

  She crawls into the bed and pulls the covers up before responding. “I think that’s the issue, that we just met and I don’t know you. It’s a lot to take in.” She shrugs her shoulders and looks at me through droopy eyes. “I don’t even know your favorite ice cream or sign or whatever.”

  I get where she’s coming from but my animal is tearing me up inside to have me make her ours permanently. I tell him it will take time and that he needs to chill the fuck out or he’ll scare her away. He huffs and curls
up inside to see if I can fuck this up anymore. I roll my eyes at his emotions. Really, talk about a drama bear. “Why don’t you sleep on it? You will be here for several days at least so we can get to know each other.” I head out the door to clean up and to think about things myself.

  Chapter Nine


  I wake in the morning to my body aching and my head hurting. The mating effects are getting worse. Shit, if I’m feeling it, then Layla will too. Maybe since she isn’t a shifter, it won’t be so bad for her. I need to get up and get breakfast ready.

  Taking a deep breath, I can smell something good. What the hell?! Who’s in my house? Jumping up, I quickly make my way to the kitchen. Walking out to the living room, I notice that Layla’s bedroom door is open. There is music playing and off-key singing coming from the kitchen as well as the tantalizing smell of pancakes and bacon. I rush in and see Layla at the stove flipping a pancake. “I can do that,” I say as she turns to me and lifts her eyebrows. Clearing my throat, “I mean good morning, anything I can do to help?” I backtrack. I don’t want to start the day off on a bad foot.

  She shifts her eyes to my waist and her eyes widen and her cheeks become a nice pretty pink. Then I realize that I slept naked last night after my shower. “Excuse me,” I head to the bedroom and grab a pair of sweats before heading back into the kitchen. “Now, can I help?”

  She giggles. “I got this but if you want to set the table, that would be great.” She turns back to the stove to turn the bacon and take the pancakes out of the pan then place them on a growing stack that’s on a plate.

  I head to the cabinets and set the table. Grabbing the plate of pancakes on my way through the kitchen, “Do you want some juice or are you a milk kind of girl?”

  Making a face, she says, “Juice definitely, not into milk. Thanks.” Taking note of her choices, I finish up setting the table as she brings the bacon. We eat in silence, and when we are done, I stand up. “You cooked, so I’ll clean.” I give her a look telling her not to argue. She has a pinched look to her face so on the way back from cleaning the kitchen, I grab her meds.

  We head to the couch in the living room and sit down beside each other. “So, how are you feeling?” I’m so nervous, like some punk school kid that’s barely hitting puberty. Shit, I got to get it together if I want her to take us seriously.

  “I’m better than yesterday and worse. It’s just weird. I do have a few more questions.” Layla looks at me with inquisitive eyes.

  “Yeah, I figured. I didn’t want to rush you.” I continue, “Go ahead and ask.” I can’t help but feel more apprehensive than before, now that she’s had a chance to think about things.

  “So, you said these feelings I have, you know, the sore achy feeling, it will get worse until we…” She takes a deep gulp as if she is trying to find the right word, “mate, right?”

  I look at her trying to figure out where she is going with this. I’m worried I may say something to set her off again. “Yes, we’re going to experience worsening symptoms the longer we wait.”

  “What about love?” She completely takes me off guard. That’s not what I was expecting. I didn’t think that would be an issue. I already have strong feelings for her that borderline love. She is everything I want in a mate, sweet, spunky, strong, and caring.

  I scoot closer so I can lean in to look into her eyes. “I know it’s sudden but I feel so close to you. As far as I’m concerned, we’re a done deal. I am falling head over heels for you. You are everything to me.” Please let her believe me, I’m not sure what I can do to make her understand her importance to me. “My bear and I have chosen you and we want you more than you can ever believe. Let us prove it, let me show you my world and that it can be yours as well.”

  She gives me a nod and a small smile, “Okay, let's try this. But you have to be honest with me, no keeping anything from me.”

  Rubbing the back of my neck, “There is more to it, but I’m not sure if you are ready for that yet.” This is going to be harder for her to digest.

  “No, we need to lay everything on the table. I need to know everything to make the right choice and I don’t want any surprises later if this does work out.” She points between the two of us. I love that she’s trying to give us a chance.

  Here we go, she is going to freak. “Okay, so to complete the bond is not just the mating part. I will have to mark you.”

  She looks up sharply, “Mark me? Like a tattoo or something? I’m not sure if I’m into tattoos.”

  Shaking my head, “Um, no, not a tattoo. Most shifters mark differently, but it is usually with a claw or a bite.” I look at her, here it is the end before it begins. I know she’ll freak now.

  “Oh,” is all she says.

  “It’s not painful in a bad way when it’s done the right,” I continue when she doesn’t say anything more. “We aren’t there yet. Let’s get to know each other. I want to show you my world. I would like to take you on a picnic if you’re up for it.” I change the subject to get her mind off the complicated bits of this relationship.

  “I think I would like that. Let’s get to know each other and see where this goes before we make commitments.” She stands up, “I’m going to use your bathroom and soak again if that is alright with you.” She looks at me questioningly.

  “Of course, take your time, I’m going to check in with work. Then I’ll put something together for our picnic.” I stand and head to grab my cell phone.

  I watch Layla walk off to her room, I assume to grab some clothes. Dialing Lucas, he answers with a “What?”

  “Well, hello to you too,” I respond.

  “Sorry, just busy trying to set up the tower for the next shift so we can leave.”

  “I get it. Just wanted to check in.” I say.

  “How’s it going? Have you told her?” Lucas asks.

  “Yeah, but I’m not sure how well it’s going. She’s not really talking yet. We’re playing it by ear. Waiting to see where this goes.” I say.

  “You know it doesn’t work that way for us? If you’re animal picked, well that’s it. We don’t know what could happen because there isn’t a known cause of mates denying each other.” He says seriously. “Allie was so easy to convince but I think she was halfway in love with me because I came to the rescue.” He says laughing.

  “Well, I don’t think Layla is like that. I think... it’s hard to get a read on her, she is very quiet. I think she thinks every action through before she acts. I’ll keep in touch, maybe you can come over tomorrow for dinner and bring Allie.” I propose. Maybe if Layla sees how happy Allie is with Lucas, then she can be more open to the idea of us.

  “Sounds like a plan. Let me know if I need to bring anything? Shit! Drake quit farting around and get that shit put away. Gotta go, man. See you tomorrow.” Lucas hangs up before I can say bye. Damn, Drake, always the trickster.

  I head into the kitchen and take things out to make sandwiches. I grab some fresh fruit and some reusable bottles for water. When I have everything ready, I step outside to the shed and grab a small cooler with handles. As I’m packing the cooler, Layla comes out of my room with her hair in twin braids and a sweatshirt shirt that says, ‘live green or eat dirt’, on it. She has a comfortable looking pair of jeans on and she is carrying her hiking boots.

  “I’m going to get dressed and then we can head out.” I say as I head to my bedroom.

  * * *


  I head to the bedroom, my head is spinning. Wow! Just wow! That’s more than an interesting conversation. I was doing good until he said to complete the mating he would have to bite me. It was an intriguing concept when he said it can be painful in the right way. My sexual experiences are very limited. There has only been one high school boyfriend who didn’t have a clue what he was doing and a guy from college. That was more of a hook up on his part. The Asshat. Yeah, still a sore spot.

  I head to my room and grab some clothes. I decide to try out his shower this time and
it was well worth it. The rainshower feature was an awesome experience, and then the massaging heads worked out my sore muscles. The ache is still there and is getting worse now that I’m not near Evan. When I’m done, I dry off and dress. I put my hair in twin braids and carry my shoes out to the kitchen. Yeah, I’m one of those no shoes on in the house type of girls.

  Evan is finishing up putting the food and drinks in a cooler. He says he’s going to get dressed as he heads to his room. I go to the fridge to grab a glass of juice. I think about my feelings and how they relate to the “us” that he wants so bad. I believe I can give this a shot. As far as Evan is concerned, he believes it’s a done deal. I have a feeling that he has super strong feelings for me. To be honest, I’m feeling pretty strongly about him as well. That makes my insides just melt.

  It does help that he has a body that goes on forever and doesn’t quit. Which brings up my insecurities. I’m nothing special. I’m on the shorter side and have an average face and body. I have curves. A lot of curves, more than what most people consider beautiful. Fuck people! I rock my body and I don’t care. He looks like he works out every day and eats healthy. I’m already craving something fried and covered in sugar. Man, I'd kill for a donut right now. I mean the pancakes were good but since I’m not much of a caffeine fan, I make it up with sugar.

  There is my case in point, I’m hung up on looks and need to get over it. It’s not like I have a complex or something, but compared to Evan, self-doubt rears its ugly head.

  I take a deep breath and push out the negativity. Fuck the negativity! I have killer curves and great hair! I got this!

  Wandering back to the mating, I can’t stop thinking about the marking part. My body shivers with anticipation. I wouldn’t mind doing a little biting of my own. Evan does have a hot body and it’s completely lickable. As I start fantasizing about doing hot things to and with his body, my own body starts to warm up and react to the titillation of my fantasy. Right when I get to the good parts I sense someone in the room. I turn quickly to see Evan standing by the kitchen. His nose is flaring in and out as he takes deep breaths and his hands are clenching and unclenching as if he is trying to stop from grabbing something. We stare into each other’s eyes as we both cross the room. We clash in the middle with our hands everywhere and our mouths connecting in a harsh all teeth and lips type of kiss that just melts my panties. I wrap my arms around his neck to pull him closer or myself higher to deepen the kiss. Don’t care which, as long as I get to my goal. He wraps his arms around my ass and pulls me up to his level and returns the favor. I wrap my legs around his waist. Our tongues play with each other. His tongue moves in and out of my mouth reminding me of the actions of his dick pushing and pulling in and out of my pussy. My core heats up and starts to throb with need. I rub my center on his dick, hitting the right spot that sends sparks through my body. Evan’s chest vibrates with a growl and grinds his dick on my center.


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