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All He Desires – Nate & Eliza (Crossroads Book 12)

Page 18

by Melanie Shawn

  When her eyes opened he could see from the clarity evident on her face that she was back in the real world. The only lingering evidence of her orgasmic foggy state was a small flush of pleasure still evident in her eyes. He liked that.

  “That was…insanely good,” she murmured, her voice low and sensual. His cock hardened to maximum strength at the sound of her voice.

  She shifted on her side and pulled her bottom lip between her teeth as she reached out and put her hand on his chest. She ran her fingers up and down his torso, across his abs and then around to his back and ass. Her touch was exploratory and gentle, and he knew that he wasn’t going to be able to take much more of this before he’d have to be inside her.

  That feeling intensified when she grabbed his shaft and started stroking it with long, sure movements. She snuggled her head into his chest as she did that, her silky soft hair brushing his skin and the citrus smell of it drifting intoxicatingly into his nostrils, the sweet weight of her body pressed against his as he held her with one arm. He watched the mesmerizing movement of her delicate hand, loving the feeling of holding her to him as he watched and felt her doing something so erotic. Her movements became faster and faster, and he could feel himself approaching the point of no return. He couldn’t let that happen—not yet.

  He grabbed her wrist again with one hand and with the other he reached over to the nightstand to grab the condom package. His ripped the wrapper with his teeth and was about to pull it out when she surprised him by turning the tables.

  With her free hand she wrapped her fingers tightly around his wrist and looked up into his eyes and gave him a seductive smile. “Not so fast.” Her lips curved wickedly. “We’ll get to that. Trust me. And I’m sure it’s going to be amazing. But first, there’s something I’ve always wanted to do.”

  Damn. She was his dream come true. His fantasy come to life. And he hoped, finally, his reality from this day on.

  * * *

  Eliza loved the way that Nate looked at her when she said or did something that was even slightly naughty or shocking. His eyes grew dark with hunger, and his breathing sped up. Both totally involuntary physical responses, and that’s what she liked best about them—he wasn’t controlling them. They weren’t hidden behind the curtain that he kept in place. They showed her how Nate really felt about her, how attracted to her he really was, and how turned on she actually made him.

  She leaned down, her hair forming a kind of waterfall curtain over his chest, and kissed her way down his ripped abs. She continued stroking him the entire time she was moving her mouth downward. She never broke her rhythm, not for one second. She loved the way he felt in her hand. He was hot and strong and solid. It made her feel safe and secure, beautiful and desired.

  When she reached her destination, she swirled her tongue around his engorged tip. He had teased her, after all, before really diving in and going to work between her legs. Turnabout was fair play. She flicked the edge teasingly and licked off a bead of clear white liquid. He tasted salty and manly and musky, just like he was.

  Then, in the spirit of further teasing, she slid her lips just over his crown and applied slow, maddening suction. He groaned and grasped the back of her head, applying gentle pressure to let her know that he wanted her to move farther down, to take him entirely in her mouth. She grinned inwardly. Of course she knew that was what he wanted. He would just have to wait. She’d waited a lifetime to do this and she didn’t have any plans to rush.

  She extended her tongue again and licked his stiff member from the base to the tip, then repeated the movement on the other side, as if she were slowly eating the world’s most delicious ice cream cone. There was one big difference though, besides the sugar. Where an ice cream cone was a cold treat on a hot summer day, Nate’s member was just about the furthest thing from cold she could think of. It was hot and throbbing, and she couldn’t wait to feel it inside of her again.

  Pleasure whipped through her as her own body responded to the oral stimulation she was performing. Her core throbbed with need. With want. With anticipation.

  Finally, she decided to put them both out of their misery and she took him in her mouth, sliding it down all the way to the base and holding it there. She held it there for a moment, just enjoying feeling it pulse in her mouth, savoring the steel hard feel of it against her tongue as she moved it around and around. She slowly applied gentle suction, just as she had done when she only had the head in her mouth.

  “Oh, fuck. Fuck that feels so good!” The sound of Nate’s cursing and groans caused a fresh wave of tingling wetness to overtake her core.

  Keeping suction, making sure that the connection she maintained around his shaft with her lips did not break, she bobbed her head up and down, leaving behind a shining trail of slick and wet saliva on his hard flesh.

  And damn, it looked hot.

  Inspiration struck and she decided that he would enjoy seeing it to. After all, if she found it to be such a turn on, he probably would, as well. Without stopping her rhythmic movements, she reached up and gathered her hair into a hasty bun. It wouldn’t hold forever, but it would likely hold through the length of the blow job, and it would serve to give him a much better show than he would get with her hair cascading down over her entire face.

  One additional advantage: it gave her the freedom to raise her eyes to his as she sucked him, which she took advantage of immediately. And oh, was she glad she did. Was there anything hotter than looking into Nate’s gaze and seeing the electric sensations she was sending through him with her mouth as she was doing it? Seeing in his eyes how much he loved it?

  Nope. Probably not.

  Everything about this felt so right. So perfect. Like it was the most natural thing in the world to be there with Nate. It felt like it was always meant to be like this.

  It was as if all of her experiences, her failed relationships and the life she’d worked so hard for—it seemed as if they were all leading up to this moment. This was the first time she could think of in such a long time, if not ever, where she felt that she was exactly where she was supposed to be. For once in her life, she wasn’t overthinking everything. Everything was flowing from instinct.

  She was lost in sensation and instead of fighting it, she surrendered to it.

  He grasped her firmly by the shoulders and lifted her up to face him.

  “I need to be inside of you. Now,” his voice left no room for argument, and she loved it. She loved when he was bossy, in bed at least.

  He materialized the condom that he’d grabbed earlier and had protection taken care of in one swift movement. Damn. Of all the sexy things he’d done that evening, why did that one get her juices flowing the way that it did? It was just so hot—the way he took control and took himself in his own hand to roll the condom on.

  The next thing she knew she was flipped over on her back and he was hovering above her. Her eyes widened at the swift movement and the eroticism of being manhandled like that. It was something she’d never thought she’d enjoy. In her public life she was so independent. But in private, with Nate, she loved letting him take control. She loved his dominating energy. She knew he would never abuse it, never do anything that didn’t bring her pleasure. She felt safe and dangerous at the same time. Her soul and mind craved it. But especially her body.

  There was nothing else like it. She didn’t understand it. She liked to be in charge in so many other areas of her life—her job, her friendships and usually even her relationships. But with Nate, she had never had a problem with him taking control. She had always loved it. Right back to those lab partner days. He had always exuded an “I can take amazing care of you if you’ll let me” vibe, and she had responded to it like a cat to catnip from minute one. She still did.

  He moved his body until he was aligned at her opening and then looked deeply into her eyes. Their connection was palpable. It filled every molecule of the space between them with a heavy sexual tension you could have cut with a knife. But the space was
also filled with love. Yes. They hadn’t said it. Yet, at least. But she was sure now that’s what it was. Love.

  Nate’s voice was soft and tinged with awe when he spoke. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this. To be with you like this.”

  She smiled and replied in a whisper, “Yes, I can. Because I’ve been waiting, too.”

  He pressed his lips to hers at those words and kissed her, the gentlest kiss that she could ever imagine.

  The kiss built in intensity and strength, as he slowly slid inside of her. Although at first she felt none of the frantic, beast-like hunger that she’d felt when he thrust into her the night before, this—much like the gentler kiss—was even more all-consuming. Connected. It left room to explore and to notice every small erotic detail rather than simply being carried away by an overwhelming tsunami that crashed over them and swept her up with its irresistible force.

  This gentler power was like a magical rope taking shape around them, binding them with ties that were no less real, and no less powerful, just because they were invisible. It was emotional and carnal. It was spiritual and physical. This meeting and melding of their two realities as they came together combined to make the experience one of exquisite impact.

  When he filled her completely, Nate held himself still for a moment, his face just millimeters from her face, his gaze locked onto hers as their breath intermingled. Then, not breaking eye contact, he started to move slowly in and out. She savored the feel of his breath on her neck and face. It was hot, and demanding, just like his voice was as he expressed in colorful detail the sheer pleasure of being inside her. Telling her exactly how he was going to make her come around his hard shaft.

  Once again, his demanding tone sent a thrill crashing through her. She knew instinctively that she would gladly submit to anything and everything he wanted, and it sent a little thrill of excitement and expectation through her, running up and down the length of her body, barely indistinguishable from the sexual charges that his rigid shaft was sending through her as he pumped in and out of her.

  His thrusts picked up speed and she built the pace of her rolling hips to match his. This was yet another indication of their rightness together—the way their movements naturally and instinctively choreographed themselves to blend in perfect harmony, as if they were both following the orders of a director that lived in their collective subconscious.

  They didn’t have to tell each other what to do, or how to do it, although it was pretty hot when they did that too. Still, if they’d wanted to, they could move together in complete silence, never communicating to each other with anything aside from the primitive instinct they each had for the other’s body, and it would’ve been amazing. It would’ve been perfect. Because that was how well they knew each other. They just knew.

  He slowed down then, bringing his pace to a gradual halt and then pulling out of her.

  Or maybe they didn’t just know. “What’s wrong?”

  He grinned in that cocky little way he did sometimes. The way that made her wet. “Nothing’s wrong. I just want to go deeper.”

  With that, he grabbed and once again flipped her over, this time onto her hands and knees. She groaned with the sheer pleasure of the sensation. When he took possession of her with his strong hands like that, tossed her around with commanding authority, all while maintaining such careful control of his movements that she knew she would never be hurt at his hand—well, it was just intoxicating.

  He took hold of her hips as if he were taking the controls of a powerful car. Like she was a finely-tuned machine that would only respond to the most masterful pilot. But he was fully in charge, fully confident. There was no doubt about that. And, to her at least, there was nothing hotter than a man who knew what he was doing—and was sure enough of his abilities that he knew he knew what he was doing. She was able to just relax fully and follow his lead. Just like she liked it.

  In one measured thrust he drove into her, going deeper than she’d ever imagined he could. She felt it in her soul.

  He began moving in and out of her and his movements felt like they fused their souls together. Her imagination didn’t have the capacity to conjure up something this blissful, this wonderful. The feeling of being in Nate’s arms, when they were naked and wrapped up in each other and he was moving inside of her, was the very definition of Heaven. Of Utopia. Of utter perfection.

  The ripples of pleasure passing hard through her body sped up, building to climax. She could tell she was getting close, and when she felt his body tense, signifying he was there, as well, she had no reason to hold back. She closed her eyes and pressed her head hard against the pillow, arching her back up into him so that she was pressed completely to his hard, muscular body.

  From head to toe, there wasn’t an inch of skin that wasn’t consumed with him. That was the thing that put her over the edge. The pure wonderfulness of being so close to him, so connected. It ripped through her with the force of a lightning strike, and she felt the spasms of his orgasms tensing his muscles as she held him, too. She knew that he was cresting the wave with her, and that made her happy. They’d gone up and over the edge together.

  “Oh, God,” he moaned as he collapsed down onto the bed beside her, every bit as sweaty and spent as she was. “That was…more…just more.”

  She couldn’t help but smile as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her snuggly against him. As she laid her head on his chest she could feel his heart beating against her cheek. Exhaustion pulled her under as her heavy lids shut and she felt herself drifting asleep to the rhythmic beat of his heart. And she knew that right now she was the closest she’d ever be to what she’d always wanted. His heart.

  Chapter 22

  “He went home?” Eliza repeated what Aunt Wendy had just told her. “You’re sure it was Nate, not Neil.”

  “Yep.” Wendy explained as she filled her plate, “I know most people can’t tell those two apart, but I always could. Nate makes me feel like a middle schooler with a crush, Neil makes me feel like a middle school teacher with a problem student.”

  “And he didn’t say anything?” Eliza wasn’t sure how to ask if he’d said anything about her.

  Wendy shook her head as she dumped a spoon full of scrambled eggs on her plate. “No, ma’am. I couldn’t sleep and came down to see if I could scrounge up a glass of whiskey to take the edge off and I saw Nate rushing out in a hurry. I asked him where the fire was. He said he was on his way back home. I asked in the middle of the night? And he said yes. I spoke to Ada this morning, to make sure she, Lenore and Neil Sr. made it home safe and sound after driving so late last night, so she wouldn’t miss church, and she didn’t mention anything about a family emergency.” She shrugged. “I figured it was a work thing.”

  Eliza tried not to jump to conclusions and just look at the facts. He’d left early this morning, possibly because of work. It wasn’t personal. Although, it did kind of feel personal. It would have been nice if he had at least left her a note. Or woken her up to say goodbye. Maybe told Wendy to tell her goodbye. Something.

  As she finished filling her breakfast plate she realized she had absolutely zero appetite to actually eat. She reminded herself that she and Nate weren’t actually a couple and especially not a public one. He barely acknowledged her in public. And as she replayed what had happened last night in his room and the night before in the coat closet, she realized he hadn’t said anything about the two of them being together. To her it had felt like they’d finally found their way to each other, but maybe she had been projecting.

  Laughter from the other end of the dining hall rang out and Eliza looked up and saw Bailey and Amber cracking up. And then an epiphany hit her with the force of a Mack truck. The truth was a harsh pill to swallow sometimes, especially when it was being forced down your throat in the form of a supermodel pediatric surgeon.

  Nate had told Eliza that he and Bailey dated but were just friends. Not serious, those were his exact words. If he had not wanted
anything serious with Superwoman, why would Eliza have let herself think he would want that with her? If Nate didn’t think Bailey Rossum was worth settling down for, why would she be any different?

  If someone asked Nate about her, he’d most likely say the same thing he’d said about him and Bailey. It wasn’t serious. Because apparently, it wasn’t. It was so not serious that she couldn’t even call and check on him to make sure that he was okay. Why? Because she didn’t have his phone number. Sure, she could get it from someone, but that’s not the same thing. He hadn’t given it to her.

  She tried to ignore the feeling of being punched in the gut as she found an empty seat at the long table and sat down. From beside her she heard Seth talking to his brother Jason. Just like with Jess on the phone, it wasn’t like she was trying to eavesdrop, but she couldn’t help it since they were speaking in her proximity.

  Seth sounded relaxed as he said, “Yeah, it’s been great. I promised Amber I would do this more often.”

  Jason asked, “Is this the first time you actually shut down completely?”

  “Yeah.” Seth answered. “The office is closed. All calls are going to a service, so anyone who wasn’t on an assignment as of Friday has enjoyed radio silence.”

  Radio silence. A buzz sounded in Eliza’s head. So Nate wasn’t at work. He hadn’t had a family emergency. He’d left in a hurry. After they slept together.

  She stood, knowing there was no way she could choke down breakfast. She needed some time alone. She wanted to go up to her room, pack and go home. But when she reached into her pocket, she realized that she’d left the key to her room in her room.


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