Book Read Free

Kennedy Awakens

Page 15

by Greg Alldredge

  Randell motioned to those who stood by. “These are my friends… give them some slack. It’s the first time we’ve met in real life before.”

  “I wish I could.” Kennedy worked hard to pull herself together. She didn’t need to show how affected she had been by recent events. She needed to suck it up and get the job done, no matter the costs. Too many lives hung in the balance.

  She stepped on a bench and addressed those who waited. “If you don’t know, the two sides of Fae are about to kill one another. Many of the outcasts were conned into helping a crazy puppet. Now we need to do whatever we can to stop the coming bloodshed.”

  One of the larger men stepped forward and shifted from human form into that of a huge Troll. “They call me Tubby. The others asked me to speak for them.”

  Kennedy was shocked by the eloquent voice that came from what most would consider a monster. Even with her added height from the new body and the bench, the Troll in front of her stood a head taller than her.

  Tubby motioned to those standing behind him. “We are more than happy to help save lives, however, to place ourselves between two warring factions will do little but throw our lives away. If they still kill one another, our deaths would be in vain.”

  Kennedy nodded and reached a hand up to Tubby’s shoulder. “You’re right, and I would never ask any of you to throw away your lives. I need you to gain the attention of the others long enough for me to place myself between the sides and try to talk some sense into them. Tonight, I learned the three sides of this fight were once one. We need to remind the others of this and return some sense of sanity to the world.”

  Hooper took a step forward. “I have something that might help pause the combat, but it will not stop it.”

  Kennedy was surprised the Goblin could still speak, as blisters and burns covered most of his exposed flesh. The pain must have been excruciating.

  Hooper held up what looked like a hand grenade.

  “You’re going to blow them up?” Randell asked.

  Hooper explained, “No… it is something our engineers have been working on. The latest thing in crowd control. It called a love bomb, basically airborne love potion disbursed by an explosive device.”

  Randell bent down, trying to inspect the device, but Hooper tucked it away before he had a chance.

  “Then we have a plan. If Tubby and the students can help protect us until Hooper and I make it between the two sides, you all can back off and let the two of us deal with it.”

  Alleye grumbled, “That plan sucks. Chew left out I’m your lucky charm.”

  “Yeah… I’ve come this far, I’m going too.” Randell added.

  Kennedy faced each as she spoke. “I didn’t want to speak for the two of you. You have both done too much already. You don’t need to risk your lives. It is Hooper’s and my job to do this.”

  “If this fails, and the war spreads, it will be short lives, no matter what.”

  “Wolf boy has a point.”

  “Then we do this. I need to ask one more thing before we leave. Did anyone notice what happened to the man who stood between Joey and us? The Asian guy?” Kennedy looked around the group.

  No one answered.

  Hooper motioned for Kennedy to come down off the bench. “There was too much going on. If we survive the night, I will send a team in to investigate… I make no promises.”

  His words caused a shiver to run down Kennedy’s spine. The thought of Decker’s corpse in Hooper’s apartment left one too many things for The Authority to investigate.

  She nodded and whispered a half-hearted, “Thanks.”

  They took off toward Gaston Square and the north side of the Fens. Rather than enter the green space from the north, Kennedy led them down Park Drive to where she guessed the center of the battle would begin. She picked Agassiz Road to cut over the park. The waterways gave natural barriers and separated the two warring factions. The narrow roadway seemed the natural confluence for the battle to center on. The glows of magic campfires were easy to pick out to the north and south of the road. Kennedy and her small force managed to work their way between the two sides without being spotted. Perhaps Alleye was her lucky charm.

  Now she needed to draw the leaders’ attention. Without starting the battle. She ignited a blue arc of magic around her, lighting up a fifty-foot diameter of the road and the shrubbery on either side. Her quandary was solved for her.

  Sybil’s voice shouted from out of the dark, “Witch, move your hide off that road. The Seelie Court will not be held accountable for any harm the darkies might do to you and your friends.”

  Sean’s voice called from behind Kennedy and the small group of students. “Now, you know that is a racist comment, Sybil. You and the Sylvan Folk are just trying to goad us Fair Folk into a fight.”

  Kennedy shouted to both, “Please, both of you, we found out who was behind everything.”

  “We know who is responsible for the harm done to us.” Sybil stepped out of the shadows.

  Sean stepped into the light from the south. “Never let it be said the Fair Folk are without reason. We will see your evidence to exonerate the Sylvan for their many crimes against us.”

  Kennedy took a deep breath and tried to explain. “Listen, everything was caused by a dummy that had come to life. He used a shillelagh to imitate the two sides, inflaming both.”

  “That sounds a bit farfetched.” Sybil crossed her arms.

  Sean nodded and laid his accent on even thicker. “As much as I hate to agree with the Elf slag, that is a far tall tale you be asking me to believe.”

  “What she says is true. In the name of The Authority, I call on both sides to stand down and return to your homes or face judgment.” Hooper tried to sound forceful, but his voice came out weak and reedy.

  Both Sybil and Sean laughed.

  “You have no moral authority here, Goblin.” Sean sneered.

  Sybil scoffed, “Be gone, you foul creature, before I turn you into a doormat.”

  More of both sides gathered to watch the proceedings. Kennedy could see them gathered just outside the ring of light. The longer she kept them talking, the longer the delay of the battle. She hoped on some force pushing this crazy midnight world back to reality. Something needed to happen, something grand.

  The situation deteriorated quickly. The two sides might join forces and attack Kennedy and Hooper shortly. The cold grip of Carlita jumped into Kennedy’s hand. Before the others could react, she had the SIG pointed inches from Sybil’s forehead. “You want a war so bad… If there is going to be a fight, then, bitch, you can be the first to die.”

  Hooper was the first to react, “Whoa now, let’s not get carried away.” He held up his hands but was too short to do much good.

  Sean laughed. “Now you got the spirit. Put one between the Elfie’s eyes, and let’s get this party started.”

  “I knew the witches couldn’t be trusted. That was why we created a simulacrum for both Trinity and Dani. If I die, you will die next. My forces have you in their sights. Once the battle is over, the two witches in our custody will die as well. You cannot win this fight, witch, you are out of options.”

  It took great strength to not let her emotions take control of her actions. Her mind raced over everything that had happened. The prophecy had been fulfilled, magic was going to return to the world. There had to be a way out of this. It was a standoff Kennedy knew she couldn’t win. “Tell me, Sybil, what can I do to make the two sides stop this senseless fight?”

  “My, my, so nice of you to offer me a choice with a gun pointed in my face. I think I speak for everyone when I say we all tire of the witches meddling into Fae affairs. Tell you what, I’ll call my forces off and take your case to the fair ladies if you do us all a favor. Take that pistol you’re so fond of and put one in your skull.”

  There was a gasp from those gathered around.

  Kennedy hesitated, perhaps this was what Roger Toothaker meant by rising to the occasion. Kennedy shifted the
muzzle of the automatic pistol from Sybil’s forehead. She brought the gun up to her own temple. The look of shock on the Elf’s face was worth the gesture.

  Kennedy felt a hand on her right shoulder and Alleye’s breath on her ear. “Sista?”

  With a scream of frustration, Kennedy pulled the trigger.

  The click of the firing pin hitting the cartridge and not firing was earth-shattering.

  Kennedy couldn’t hold back the emotions once she realized she still lived. The tears poured from her eyes in uncontrollable rivers.

  “It was all a trick! You brought an unloaded gun to a fight? How stupid do you think we are?” Sybil jerked the pistol from Kennedy’s hand. “I’ll show you it was all a con job.” She put the gun to her head and pulled the trigger. The Elf’s brains and white hair blew all over her fighters standing to her left.

  Sean exclaimed, “Damn!”

  Kennedy dropped to her knees. On the ground, the snow had melted into a slushy muddy mess.

  Hooper pulled the pin on the love grenade and dropped it in the center of the gathered crowd. The explosion washed over Kennedy. She couldn’t stop crying. Deep inside, she knew it was her brain reacting to all the new hormones that flooded her mind. It didn’t make her feel any less out of control.

  The sound of fighting reached Kennedy’s ears. The sense of failure was overwhelming. If she had Carlita, she might try to shoot herself once again. She felt hands grip her arms and pull her exhausted body to her feet.

  Her light spell had dropped when she pulled the trigger, but she could see. The first light of dawn issued in a new day. What she thought were the sounds of fighting proved to be something entirely different. The love bomb worked. The pent-up rage of centuries was being released not by combat but from an equally primal exercise. The two warring factions had paired up and rolled around in the mud, with little regard concerning who or what saw them.

  Randell and Alleye helped to haul Kennedy off the road. The snow was nearly all gone now. Sybil’s dead body was the only reminder of the hate-filled night in the shadow world. Sean, Hooper, and the students were nowhere to be seen.

  “I need breakfast now.” Randell huffed while he helped to carry Kennedy.

  “I know a place… but I need to get my car off the infield at Fenway. That will be too hard to explain.”

  Chapter, 18:

  The three sat at the bar at the donut shop across from Boston Common. The morning sun filtered in from the north-facing window. It was good to see the sunlight once again. The snow had melted from the park across the street.

  The radio played the news while the three sat and drank their coffee, munching on apple fritters.

  “Reports are still coming in. A gas explosion has been blamed for the damage at Fenway Stadium. Park officials promise to have all repairs completed before the Red Socks’ opening day…”

  Randell chuckled into his cup. “Never say Boston can’t get work done when it is deemed important.”

  “Just don’t try to get a pothole fixed.” Alleye poured more sugar into her cup.

  The radio kept talking, “Reports are coming in from some strange Saint Patrick’s Day prank. In the wee hours of the morning, several reports from neighbors of Fenway Garden Society claim some sort of student-led gathering or celebration led to things getting out of hand. A number of nude streakers brought back memories of the seventies for many. As of now, no one is taking responsibility for the gathering or is being held responsible for the acts of public indecency…”

  “I bet they never solve that one.” Behind the counter, the old woman Rosina clucked as she refilled cups. “Kids just out having a good time, if you ask me.”

  All three at the counter lowered their heads, hiding respectful grins of innocence and withheld their comments until after she passed.

  After Rosina left them, Alleye whispered, “Any idea why that sex bomb didn’t affect us?”

  Randell shook his head.

  “It probably has something to do with our close proximity to the staff and its effect on our bodies.” Kennedy guessed, but it sounded plausible to her.

  “Chew think the war is over?”

  Kennedy shook her head. “No, I think it is just starting. Magic is returning to the world. I’m proof of that. Remember Decker told us several magic items had been stolen from The Authority. We don’t know where Tom or the shillelagh went. There are also many of Joey’s followers left out there walking the streets. So many unanswered questions.”

  “At least rush hour is back to normal.” Randell looked out the window at the passing stop-and-go traffic.

  “Yes, but at what cost? Why did some of the humans get pulled to the other side, and why did they all act like zombies?” Kennedy took a sip of the outstanding coffee. “I feel it is only going to get crazier in the coming weeks as a new equilibrium is reached.”

  “In news north of the city, last night’s wild weather claimed one of the oldest trees in the state due to a lightning strike and resulting fire…”

  Pain shot straight through Kennedy’s heart. “Can you turn that off?” she called out to Rosina.

  “Sure thing, dear… It breaks my heart to heart what happened to that poor tree.” Rosina switched the channel to music.

  Kennedy was a homeless witch. Before she died, Sybil let slip her brother and sister still lived but were in custody of the Seelie Court. After Sybil’s unfortunate accident, now would be a poor time to sue for their release. Perhaps it would be better to ask for help concerning that loose end. Once the three were back together, they needed to search for a new home. Kennedy couldn’t find the courage to return home without her siblings’ support. They might be able to salvage something.

  The bell attached to the door rang when a new customer walked into the shop. Kennedy turned and, despite the bandages covering most of the man’s head, immediately recognized Hooper in his shorter than average human form.

  “Can you two excuse us?” Kennedy motioned for Alleye and Randell to leave the two alone. They peeled off from the bar counter and moved to a booth, just out of earshot.

  “Morning.” Hooper’s voice sounded wrecked after the previous twenty-four hours. He motioned to Rosina. “Can I get one of those to go?” Then he sat on the adjacent stool to Kennedy like he planned to stay awhile.

  “Sure thing, honey,” the older woman called back.

  “Morning,” Kennedy said before taking a sip of coffee.

  “Last night changed nothing… Even if the curse has been lifted, nothing has changed. You can’t use magic in front of the norms.” Hooper didn’t waste any time growling at her.

  “I never planned to…” Kennedy took another sip.

  His tone changed slightly. “That was a ballsy thing you did last night… to shift us back into reality.”

  With no proof her actions did anything other than scaring the crap out of her, Kennedy found it hard to take credit for the stunt with the gun. “It all kind of worked out. I’m not a hundred percent sure why.” Kennedy needed information from the Goblin, without seeming to ask for it. “Looks like you had a chance to go home and get cleaned up… It hurt much?” Kennedy was concerned for the health of the agent, he really stepped up when it all mattered. His actions might have saved her life at Fenway. The hand grenade turned the fighting into loving.

  “Yeah… things are a real mess in my community, right now, and The Authority.” He looked around the shop before continuing. “We aren’t sure who was working with the dummy and who remained loyal to The Authority. There are so many unanswered questions, everyone is under suspicion.”

  “I agree… I hope it all works out.” Kennedy wanted to ask about Decker but couldn’t think of a way without implicating herself or Alleye. Even if the human agent were dirty, The Authority would not take kindly to anyone who put a bullet into one of their own. “With magic returning, it will be harder to keep the dummies of the world from gaining access to those powerful weapons.”

  “Yeah, we know… Listen,
we never found Tom’s body or the staff… If he should contact you.”

  “I thought the staff was destroyed in the blast…”

  “Over the years, we have learned a few things about powerful magic items. They are extremely resilient, and they tend to drive those in close contact with them insane.”


  He slipped a card toward her. “I know we have never had a great relationship.”

  “You once called me a whore.”

  “Yeah, sorry about that, but for the good of humans and Fae alike, we should try to work together… peacefully.”

  Kennedy took the card and slipped it in her oversized sweatshirt.

  Rosina came back with the coffee while taking Hooper’s cash.

  Stepping away from the stool, he said, “By the way, I was real sorry to hear about your home.”

  “Thanks.” Her wound was too fresh for more than that single word.

  Her friends returned before the bell rang, signaling Hooper’s departure.

  Randell asked before fully seated, “Well?”

  Kennedy shook her head. “He is too good of a poker player. I know you two heard what he said. Wolf ears, right?”

  Randell nodded.

  Alleye asked, “What’s this all mean for us?”

  The witch let a smile crease the corner of her mouth. “Randell can go back to working on his Ph.D. while moonlighting as a mad scientist. You can go back to driving your Gremlin and playing your Santana eight-tracks. I need to find a new home while getting my brother and sister out of Elf custody and looking for the missing Tom.” She let out a pitiful little laugh. “On top of everything else, we need to keep the norms from finding magic devices that might upset the balance of the universe.”

  Randell sipped his coffee. “I’ve been working on a theory about Tom and the Fenway Zombies.”

  “Is that a name now?” Alleye asked.

  “You got a better one?” Randell came back with the quick retort.

  Kennedy let the two argue with her in the middle. The sound of their voices brought a strange peace to her troubled mind. The world sat at the beginning of a new magical era, and no one knew what happened next.


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