Page 22
“God, that feels good. You fill me everywhere, then some.” Her voice was harsh and breathy. It wasn’t the first time I’d heard it, but hell it made me feel good.
I was fast becoming addicted to giving her pleasure. Something that I doubted she’d had a lot of.
Carefully I rocked my hips, in a slow easy rolling rhythm. I wanted to slam into her—I really did. The need to slam into her was high, but if I did…I would be done.
Her fingers raked down my back and I tried to focus on the little bites of pain that trailed in their wake.
I started counting, running cricket stats in my head and braced my body harder against my elbows, in the mattress. Anything to break the focus of the intense pleasure that I was sure had already moved way beyond my breaking point. Then I tried, lifting one hip up and changing the angle slightly and adding a little more of a hip roll—anything to hold the intense pleasure at this level.
Ari’s breath was coming in frantic little pants and she was tightening everywhere around me. “There, Dane. Right there. Harder.” Her hands closed over my butt and dragged my willing hips hard into her.
“Oh fuck!” I grounded out between gritted teeth and I couldn’t hold it together anymore.
My hips slammed into her hard and fast, and the pleasure detonated.
“Dane,” she screamed in my ear as she held tight to me. Together we rode out the storm. The pleasure rained down until my world was blanketed in a thick fallout, so deep I’d need a shovel to start digging my way out.
Ari was just as swamped, her face a picture of ecstasy.
When my mind had a semblance of a useful thought I rolled us so I was on the bottom rather than crush her with my weight.
Her head fell to my chest as she caught her breath and came down from such a high.
I brushed her hair back from her face. “You were right, Ari. We work.”
She let out a little snort as if to say I told you so. Then she lifted her head and looked right at me.
“At the risk of having this come back to bite me on the arse…you’ve definitely got the goods, Dane.”
The woman was great for my ego.
Chapter 16
Our weekend had been the perfect relaxed, stay at home deal. After we spent a couple more hours in bed really getting to know each other, we’d split to go about our business. Dane had headed off to training and I’d gone to get Isaac. Last night the three of us had spent it watching movies.
I was enjoying the new couple bliss. It was as if we were our own little family already and now we were about to do something else very—family. My thoughts of that were broken when I realised I had company of the Dane kind in my kitchen.
“I can’t believe you’re taunting me with that when I can’t eat it,” he groaned in frustration as he plastered his front to my back. I was just finishing drizzling passionfruit pulp over the pavlova I’d made to take to the family dinner we were having at Cathy and Gary’s in a short while. His arms locked around my waist and his mouth nuzzled in at my ear.
“What am I supposed to say to that? Other than if you weren’t fighting you wouldn’t need to be dieting.” My hips were pushed hard against the counter and his body was crowding me. It was heavenly.
“Nope, guess it was too much to ask to get any sympathy from you.”
I gave him my best sarcastic chuckle. “You think?”
He nipped my earlobe and I felt it all the way through me in every feminine way possible.
His hands wandered from my waist. One went north to caress a breast, the other south to cover my mound. “What are you doing? We agreed to take things slowly. Isaac…” I hissed as he rubbed my clit through the denim of my jeans. My brain was already beginning to short circuit.
“Is in the shower…” His tongue was in my ear and licking down my neck. He was doing this little thing where he nibbled, then licked and blew on the same spot. With his fingers tweaking a nipple and his other hand working my lady bits, it was driving me crazy. I was getting hotter and hotter by the second.
“You’re going to come for me, Ari. It’s going to be fast and hot and stolen. Come on, Miss, I know you can.” His words sent shudders down my spine and I was tingling everywhere. My breathing had changed to little pants and I knew he was right. Release was just around the corner.
“Please Dane…I need…more,” I begged.
His hand left my mound then flipped the button on my jeans open and had the zipper down before I could think. The feelings that shot through me when his hand captured my swollen flesh was indescribable. He pushed a long finger into me and I couldn’t help but contract around him; ride him.
“Yeah, baby that’s it.” He increased his efforts at my nipple, pulling at the protected bud aggressively through the fabric of my bra and shirt.
He nipped and sucked at my neck some more.
“Your pussy is so hot, Miss. I wish it was my cock inside you, but I’ll settle for my hand at the moment if it means I can feel you grip me hard in release.” His words and the low sexy, commanding voice were what it did to me. Shivers ran up my spine and I felt the tautness give away. I felt another shudder, as he rubbed my clit a little more and squeezed my nipple hard. I sucked in a breath and the pleasure spread to a glorious bloom right through me.
My hips thrashed back and forth between his body and the solid wood of the counter top. Then he spun me in his arms and his mouth crashed down on mine, muffling the scream that had been building, but was yet to escape my throat. His fingers continued to wreak havoc in my panties while his tongue plundered my mouth.
I was lost for a few stolen moments in the craziness of whatever was between us. It felt both exciting and dangerous, but somehow safe and right because it was Dane. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt me, I knew that but I was fast finding out the same rules didn’t apply to my sanity.
A few seconds later he pulled back and let me up for air.
“Good?” he asked raising his eyebrow and looking far too satisfied with himself.
“Like you wouldn’t believe.”
“That’s what I wanted to hear.” He moved back far enough to pull his hand from my pants and sucked his fingers into his mouth. It was the second time he’d done it and I don’t think the look on his face would ever get old. There was no embarrassment or shame. Dane really was a sensuous beast, when he let that part of himself come out to play.
Then before I could fathom what he was up to his other hand shot past me and swiped a finger full of whipped cream from the side of the pavlova and he deposited it straight in his mouth.
He made a big show of savouring the taste and kind of rolling it around in his mouth.
“Isaac’s out of the shower. I’m going to go take one.” He bumped his hips forward, hard against me. “And while I’m taking care of this…I’m going to be thinking about just how gorgeous you look when you come for me, Miss.”
He dropped a kiss to my forehead and I stood there too discombobulated to do anything.
At the doorway he turned and looked over his shoulder. “Oh, by the way, I prefer the taste of you to the cream. Much better and less calories, too.” He smacked his lips at me, winked and was gone.
I turned and placed a couple of strawberries together, to mark the place where Dane had swiped his finger through the cream. That piece would be mine.
Dane Roberts sure was hell on my hormones.
An hour later we arrived at Dane’s parents place for dinner. Last time I was here I was more annoyed than anything. This time I was anxious. Things had changed between us. Last time we were sort of together. This time it was definite. I shouldn’t be feeling like a crazy air headed teenager, but that was how I did feel.
Dane was behaving exactly as before. Well, not exactly. There was not the distance between us that had been there the week prior. He was warm and attentive. He was the Dane we’d got to know over the last few weeks before I almost screwed things up.
The real difference was the sexual element. He was careful not to do anything or say anything in front of Isaac. That didn’t stop him from stealing kisses, caresses or whatever else he thought he could get away with.
Dane took the pavlova from me as I climbed down from his truck. Isaac had already run towards the front door.
“At least I can watch you eating this knowing that when I eat you later, it’s going to taste much better with far less calories.”
I sucked in a breath. Aroused and sort of shocked at the same time. “Dane! You can’t say stuff like that here” I hissed.
He gave me the cheeky boy grin. “You love it. I bet your panties are damp for me already.”
They were, but no way was I going to admit it. Dane did not lack confidence in the bedroom!
He’d snuck into my bedroom just before midnight last night and left after he’d made love to me for the fourth time at dawn. Being with him was addictive, it was also going to be a bitch on my sleep.
We found Cathy in the kitchen. Dane placed the pavlova on the bench and wrapped an arm around his mum and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Hey Mum, hey Macey.” He pulled his sister Macey, into a loose hug as well after he released Cathy.
Cathy looked around Dane. He took up quite a lot of room in the functional kitchen. “Hi Arianne. How are you dear?” She stepped around Dane and held her arms out to me for a hug. I stepped forward and returned the gesture.
“Good thanks, Cathy. Thanks for having us over for dinner.” I felt a little awkward to be honest when Dane had insisted it would be fine for Isaac and me to come to his family dinner.
“Nonsense. I like to have all the family together at least once on the weekend if we can swing it. The kids know they’re always welcome for any meal regardless of whether it’s on the weekend or during the week. This is their home—always will be. Just because Dane and Macey don’t live here all the time doesn’t matter. The door is always open for a bed, a meal or anything else they need.”
This was all so foreign to me. I’d never been exposed to anything like it. There was no question that Cathy meant every single word and would gladly back up her offer. It also made a little more sense now when I thought about Dane’s actions that day he was stuck with Isaac.
If this was the environment he’d always grown up in, then that’s why he’d taken Isaac straight to his family without another thought. His family, his backup. I’d never had that. A very long time ago, maybe.
“But Isaac and I aren’t family,” I protested.
“You’re Dane’s girlfriend aren’t you?” She looked at me with one of those knowing mother looks. I vaguely remember my mum wearing something similar but it was so long ago.
I felt my face getting warmer. “Umm…”
“It’s right, Mum.” It was only then, I realised he’d been standing there quietly looking at his mum speaking with me. “Don’t listen to whatever she’s trying to deny. Ari’s just getting used to the title, which I don’t give a fig about. She’s mine, that’s all that matters.” He moved in and pulled me close to his body with an arm around my waist. It was possessive, affectionate and unfortunately arousing all at the same time.
Cathy smiled and her eyes danced a little. I thought Dane took after his father. Mmm, maybe it was actually his mum that was the playful cheeky one.
“Mum…” There was warning in Dane’s voice and something passed between them. She nodded and her mouth turned up into a grin. Something had her very amused. However, his warning had halted her advance.
“Well, you can go help your father with the steaks. I’m doing a BBQ. Us girls will have a glass of wine and chat.” He shook his head at the realisation his mother was going to get whatever it was she wanted anyway.
I looked around suddenly realising I’d forgotten about Isaac. Shit!
“It’s okay Ari. He took off straight out to Dad.” Dane immediately read my unease.
“He’s not a problem?” I was worried. Isaac could be full on.
“Nothing Gary can’t handle. God knows he had Dane, Xander, Seth and a bunch of other boys hanging from him for years. He’ll manage just fine,” Cathy assured me.
Dane gave me a final squeeze and was about to say something when Cathy passed a glass of wine to me. “Start on that. You’ve got a designated driver with Dane off the grog. Now be gone with you.”
“Geez, mum. You make it sound like I’m an alcoholic.” Cathy burst out laughing.
“We all know you don’t mind a beer or a scotch.”
“No, I don’t.” He went to say something else then decided against it. “Don’t believe a word she says about me,” he warned before heading for the door.
Macey was standing there leaning against the bench looking very amused. She’d been silent through it all.
Cathy turned to her and smirked. “That was fun.”
“You spoiled his fun, Mum. He was so going to make Arianne blush with some sexy little suggestive comment before he left.” Macey was on to her brother.
“You think I don’t know that! Where do you think he learned that? Your father is a shocker for it. Only difference is I’ve learned not to blush after all these years.”
I thought Macey would have been dying of embarrassment. In fact, it was anything but. “She’s right Ari. Dad’s always patting her on the butt or whispering little things in her ear when he thinks we aren’t looking. You’ll get used to it. Dane’s so like dad.”
I took a big sip of wine to give myself a chance to take it all in. Dane’s family were so different to any I’d ever met. They were so warm and open. It was obvious they also enjoyed ribbing each other and being playful.
It was so removed from the Beauchamp’s, who had always been so proper and reserved. Not once did I ever remember relaxing with them. Everything had been stiff and cold. With the Roberts, it was a totally different story.
Cathy chuckled, “He is.” Then she drained a pot from the stove and placed it on the side of the sink. “Okay Ari, last time you were a guest. This time you’re family. Potatoes are all yours, girl.”
Macey looked at me and grinned. “That’s the way it rolls around here.”
“Fair enough,” I said and moved forward. “What do you want done with them?”
“Just chop up that bunch of parsley there and dress the potatoes with it and some butter. You can use that white serving dish.” She pointed at a dish to the side with a knife she was using to chop salad ingredients. Macey was stirring some sort of sauce in between buttering bread rolls.
“Knives in the draw?” I asked reaching for the draw.
“You got it. Oh, and you’d better leave out a few potatoes for Dane. He may or may not eat them. He won’t touch them with butter,” Cathy rattled off as I took a knife out and got to work. The memory of our little moment in the kitchen before came rushing back and I felt my cheeks heat. I hope it wasn’t too evident with Cathy and Macey but I wasn’t so sure.
“God, he’s a pain in the arse,” Macey complained. “Why can’t he just eat normally?”
“It’s all part of the deal Mace. You know that,” Cathy defended him.
“Yeah, but it’s still annoying. Hey on second thoughts, all the more pavlova for me.” Macey nudged me in the ribs affectionately. “Looks super good.”
I giggled a little at the thought of our pavlova incident. “He was rather put out the pavlova was not on his diet.”
“What’s going on?” A tall, dark haired, girl walked into the kitchen.
“Arianne, this is my daughter, Maddie. Maddie this is Dane’s girlfriend, Arianne,” Cathy said as she introduced us.
“It’s lovely to meet you.” I offered her my hand, but she stepped forward and gave me one of those half hugs that seemed to be the Roberts thing.
“You too. Where is the big dufus?”
“Maddie!” Cathy cautioned.
Maddie rolled her beautiful amber eyes and grunted a little. “Well, it’s true.”
“Leave your brother alone fo
r a bit. He’s not that bad. Did you get your assignment done?”
“Not really,” Maddie sounded frustrated and a bit dejected.
“Why? I hope you haven’t been on Facebook all afternoon. You were supposed to be doing that Maths assignment.” My ears pricked up at the mention of numbers.
“I wasn’t on Facebook. I just couldn’t figure out how to do those stupid equations; they make no sense to me. It’s not like you can help me.”
Cathy chose to ignore the personal attack, but came back none the less. “Well maybe if you spent more time studying and paying attention and less time flirting and chatting online you’d do better.”
“Whatever Mum!” I could feel the tension rising.
“Maybe I can help?” I offered.
All three female Roberts turned to look at me. “I’m a high school Maths teacher.” Their eyes all widened in surprise.
Maddie was the first to recover. “You are? Where do you teach?”
“I don’t have a permanent place at the moment. I’m in the regional relief pool.”
“You teach year twelve?” I could hear the hope in her voice.
“Sure do.”
The next thing she had her arms wrapped around me in a hug. “Thank you! That would be awesome.”
Dane walked in that moment with a big platter of steaks. “What’s going on?”
“Maddie’s flunking Maths and Ari’s just volunteered to tutor her.”
“Cool. You can trade babysitting Isaac for Ari tutoring you Maddie,” Dane came back quick as a flash.
“That’s not necessary…” I began to say.
Maddie looked unsure. “Ah…”
“No. Dane’s right,” Cathy said firmly. “It won’t hurt you to help out Ari with keeping an eye on Isaac for her once in a while. I’m sure your brother will want to take her out a few times before he leaves for Vegas.”
Vegas? What had I missed?