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I Love You Twice (Falling For Him Contemporary Romance Series Book 7)

Page 6

by Gray, Jessica

  “But you haven’t…,” she began, wanting to stop any awkwardness before it could creep in.

  Dean admired her body and said, “You are so beautiful. I’m fine until later. We have our whole lives to explore our pleasures.”

  With a quick glance at his watch, he told her, “As much as I’d like to make love to you the rest of the day, and the night. I’d better go see if I can rescue some of our breakfast because otherwise you’ll be late for work.”

  Melissa looked up in shook. “It’s 9:30 already? I have to be there by 10!”

  Chapter 12

  Melissa rushed into the diner, almost 10 minutes late. Her cheeks were red and heated – and not only from running. Her co-worker Denise looked up at her entry, at first angrily, but then she grinned a broad and knowing grin and whispered to her, “You got laid.” It wasn’t a question.

  Melissa blushed even redder. How did she know that? Is my face giving me away? She stopped and realized she was humming with energy. “Is it that obvious?”

  Denise grinned at her and answered, “You know, this is my specialty. I have a sixth sense for romance and love. Spill it! Who’s the guy?”

  “You remember that zoology professor who comes by to have breakfast?”

  “No way! Dean Armstrong? Most handsome man who ever entered this diner? I’d take him myself if he’d stop talking about are those gross insects for once. Ugh!”

  “He’s wonderful!” Melissa’s told her, her eyes shining with love. She could still feel the touch of his tongue and shivered.

  Denise looked at her, “You are in love, my dear. This is much more than a romance. I better check him out.”

  “No you don’t!”

  Melissa liked her a lot and was thankful, that she’d gotten her the job at the diner. But this was too much. Under no circumstances did she want her to “check” Dean out. How would he feel if he’d find out? Wouldn’t that be a betrayal of their love? She trusted him. Completely.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to do a little asking around? I know some people over at Princeton.”

  Melissa violently shook her head, “No way. I don’t want him to find out I was checking up on him. How does that fit in with me trusting him?”

  “He’d never find out,” Denise assured her.

  “No. Please don’t. I’ve never felt this way about any man, and I have no reasons to doubt him. He’s fun to be with, and I have a whole new appreciation for nature after seeing it through his eyes.”

  Denise laughed, “Oh girl, you’ve got it bad!”

  “He’s so sweet.”

  Denise lowered her voice and then asked, “So, he’s pretty good in bed, huh?”

  Melissa blushed and whispered back, “I wouldn’t know. We didn’t exactly get that far.” At the disbelieving look from Denise, she added, “Well, I mean we made it to the bed, but we didn’t…he didn’t....” She broke off and then lowered her voice even more, “He took care of me and then I had to go running for work.”

  Her friend grinned broadly, “He’s one of those guys!”

  “What guys?” Melissa whispered back, watching as several groups of guests headed towards the diner door.

  “One of the good guys. A true gentleman. He makes sure his woman is taken care of before seeing to his own needs. Whatever you do, don’t let him go.”

  “I won’t.” Melissa grabbed some menu, glad that the entering guests cut the conversation short. Work called and while she didn’t mind talking about Dean, she was still fairly uncomfortable talking about sex with anyone, especially Denise. That woman didn’t have any qualms about discussing those types of things, but Melissa would rather keep these things private. Just between her and her man. My man! A wave of unconditional love hit her and she had to pause her step for a moment to re-gather her composure.

  Closing the door on those thoughts, she focused on the job at hand. Greeting her customers, she handed around menus, “Hi, my name’s Melissa and I’ll be your server this morning. What can I get you all to drink?”

  Chapter 13

  Dean was once again sitting at his desk writing the outline for his study project. Today his pen flew over the paper and sheet after sheet filled with words. Melissa had touched his heart and funnily enough, she’d become his muse, too. Thinking of her and her beauty made his brain go into overdrive and the thoughts spilled out onto the blank paper before him.

  It was as if he needed to hurry up – to finish his work so he could be with her again. When his cell phone rang, he frowned. He wasn’t in the mood to be disturbed. About to ignore the phone, his mind shouted, ‘What if it’s her?’

  Glancing at the caller I.D., he answered it with a smile, “Samantha! How are you?”

  “Hey, Dean. I’m fine. What are you up to?”

  Dean grinned, “Do you really want to know?”

  “If it involves a detailed description of some new bug you’ve discovered, then no!”

  “Insects, Samantha. Insects.” Dean heard her giggle over the phone line and laughed, “You little brat! You do that just to get a reaction out of me.”

  “And you play along, every single time,” she laughed outright now.

  “So what’s new?” Dean asked, figuring she was going to beg an invitation to the lake. Samantha was his youngest sister, and the only girl in the family. She’d been doted on her entire life by her older brothers, and now had all sorts of people doting on her. She had risen quickly to the top of the food chain in the modeling industry, and currently lived in New York City where she was one of the most renowned models of the year.

  “Well, I thought maybe I’d come up to the lake. I haven’t seen you in…”

  “A few weeks at the most. But, hey, come on up.”

  “Really?” When Dean gave his assent, she continued, “Great! Plan for Craig and I to arrive sometime Saturday.”

  Dean’s happiness faded, “Craig’s coming along?”

  “Sure. That’s not a problem, or?”

  Dean knew she was testing him. He’d made his dislike for her current boyfriend known – numerous times! What am I supposed to do, tell her she can’t come up? But he couldn’t and wouldn’t do that. One of the reasons Samantha liked coming to the lake was the anonymity. In the cities, her picture was plastered on billboards, magazine covers, and in a variety of other places, making it difficult to hang out in public.

  At Lake Perry, nobody knew her. She could relax and just be herself when she was at the lake. If putting up with Craig will help Samantha out, then I’ll put up with him!

  “Fine. But while you’re here, I want you to meet someone.”

  Samantha giggled, “You met a girl! I can hear it in your voice. Did you already take her on one of your sunrise excursions with your bugs?”


  The line went silent. For a long time. Dean mentally high-fived himself. For once, his cheeky little sister was out of words. “Are you still there, sis?”

  “Really? You’ve never done that before. What did she say?”

  “She loved it. “

  “Oh my god. You’re doomed.”

  “I know. I was surprised myself.”

  “She must be pretty important to you.”

  “She is,” Dean admitted. Very special!

  Dean could hear through the phone how his sister hopped up and down, the way she always did when she was excited, “I so have to meet her. I’ll finally have female support against you guys! It was about time I get a sister-in-law.”

  “Stop planning our wedding, we’ve known each other for a couple of days.”

  “Brother, I know you. This is serious. What’s her name? Please tell me she’s not like Jaqueline!”

  “You never did like her, did you?”

  “No. And you now see why! So, tell me about this new lady.”

  Dean told her a little about Melissa and then Samantha insisted he invite her and Happy to spend Saturday with them so they could get to know each other.

  After a few
more minutes of conversation, Dean was finally able to hang up the phone. He stared out the picture window, his thoughts on Melissa. I’m so in love with her! Even saying the words out loud seemed surreal. Is this real? What is it about her that stirs him so much?

  When he’d made love to her this morning, it had been an intense and satisfying experience, even though he’d constrained himself to give her all the pleasure she deserved. She’d been absolutely beautiful. Perfect! Her reaction to his caresses had overwhelmed him. The fact that she’d been putty in his hands excited him even more and he was eagerly anticipating their next love-making. Dean knew he could take her to heights she’d never known. Even higher than today. If this was all he’d ever do to her, he’d be content, but he knew there would be so much more pleasure coming for both of them.

  For now he was looking forward to spending Saturday with his sister and the other two women in his life – Melissa and Happy. He picked up the phone and dialed Melissa’s number.



  “Dean! I wasn’t expecting to hear from you.”

  “Well, I missed you.”

  “You missed me? I’ve been gone for less than three hours?” He could hear her giggle. And the picture of her gorgeous smile popped up in his head. It sent a wave of love right through his heart.

  “Angel. Any minute without you is a lost minute.”

  “Dean, you’re so sweet.”

  “Well, my sister just called and told me she wanted to come up on Saturday. I happened to mention you and Happy, and she can’t wait to meet you.”

  “Uhm…I don’t have to work Saturday, so I guess I could drop by for a few minutes.”

  “Melissa, I was hoping you could bring Happy and yourself out.” Dean broke off, wondering if she was worrying about meeting his family. “You don’t have to worry, my sister will love you, just as I do.”

  After cajoling her for several minutes, Dean finally got Melissa to agree to bring Happy and spend the day with him. He hung up the phone with a smile upon his face.

  Chapter 14

  Saturday rolled around and Melissa was a nervous wreck. She stood in from of her closet, trying to decide what she should wear for the day. Dean had told to come over around noon. They’d have a barbecue at his place and then progress from there.

  God, I’m so nervous! I wish he hadn’t told me his sister is a famous model. She looks gorgeous on all those magazine covers! Melissa was quickly talking herself into a full-scale self-confidence crisis. His sister is probably perfect. Tall. Skinny. He’ll take one glimpse at me compared to her and realize I’m full of flaws!

  Melissa was just about to call Dean and say she wasn’t coming when Grandma Annie knocked on her bedroom door. “Melissa, your friend is here to pick you up.”

  Oh my god. He’s early. And I’m not even completely dressed! Taking a calming breath, she answered, “Come in.”

  Annie walked into the bedroom and immediately registered the situation. “Mellie, you don’t have to be nervous. He’s a good man.”

  “Oh Grandma, how do you know this?”

  “It only took me one good look into his eyes. They show character and integrity.”

  Melissa nodded and then asked nervously, “Do you think I’ll be dressed good enough to meet his sister and her boyfriend? You know, his family is rich and important. And she’s a top model.”

  Grandma laughed, “And you’re poor and unimportant?” She hugged Mellie and then held her at arms’ length to gaze her straight in the eyes. “Melissa, nobody is worth more than you are. No matter how much money they have or their celebrity status.”

  “But, what if they don’t like me?”

  “I’m sure they’ll like you. What’s not to like about you?”

  Melissa shook her head, “But Grandma, I’m just a girl who finished high school and is a part-time waitress.”

  “And you’re adorable. You care for your little girl and you have brought so much joy to Hugh’s and my lives.”

  “Thanks.” Melissa returned Annie’s hug and then told her, “Are you sure I look okay?”

  Annie gave her a once over and replied, “Why don’t you go downstairs and let him be the judge of that?”

  Melissa was still nervous, but she followed Grandma Annie’s advice. She quickly finished putting on her shows and headed downstairs. Dean was already waiting, and she took a deep breath before she began to descend the stairs.

  She was wearing her best daytime dress. A red summer dress with a floral print, a tight bustier-like top with a big décolleté, and short sleeves. Not too revealing to be shameless, but cut low enough to have the men turning their heads. Her auburn hair reflected the red color of the dress with a warm scarlet shine.

  The wide skirt swung back and forth in waves as she turned in a circle. The hemline stopped below her knees and with every step the soft cotton caressed her bare legs. Melissa loved the way it made her feel. Light and airy. Sexy. Confident.

  She had paired the dress with flat strap sandals without heels. She’d loved to wear heels, but with Happy in tow, she’d have to run, crawl, or cross the sandboxes scattered around the lake. Heels were definitely not an option. Not at this point in her life, anyway! She compensated by picking flat sandals in matching colors to her outfits. Hence today’s bright red sandals.

  Dean’s eyes widened when he saw Melissa and he almost let out a loud whistle of appreciation. “Wow! You’re beautiful!” When she’s near enough, he gave her a whirl and then whispered into her ear, “You’re torturing me with your dress. It’ll take all my determination not to rip it off you.”

  Melissa giggled. Before she could respond, Happy came running from the kitchen, “Hello Dean.” She threw herself right into his arms, her little hands up in the air, demanding “Now me.”

  Dean laughed, and released her mother, “Of course, now it’s your turn.” He lifted her up in his arms and then proceeded to turn them both about several times.

  Happy screamed with laughter, and every time he stopped and threw her up into the air, she screamed a bit louder and demanded, “Want more. Want more.”

  Melissa watched, amazed at how good those two were together. Happy was truly living up to her name and smiled at almost everyone. She was used to becoming the apple of everyone’s eye, especially her “Adopted” family; but never once had Happy become so absorbed with one person, like she had with Dean.

  It was as if she shared the feelings of her mother and had decided that Dean would make an excellent dad. Dad… Thinking about that, Melissa’s heart grew warm and soft. Would Dean not only be her love, but also a beloved dad to Happy?

  Dean turned towards Grandma Annie and offered, “Mrs. Olsen, I’ll bring Melissa and Happy back around 8 o’clock.”

  “Please, call me Annie.”

  “Ok. Mrs. … Annie.”

  “Will the party be over by 8 o’clock?” Annie asked.

  “No, it’s just that my sister wants to go to dancing to a club outside Topeka. Not exactly a place for a three-year old!”

  Grandma looked warmly at Dean and then at Melissa, “So why don’t you lovebirds drop Happy off with me and go to the club with your sister?”

  Melissa rushed over to give Grandma a hug, “You sure? Because you’ve been working so much lately and I don’t ever want to burden you.”

  Grandma answered with a smile, “Happy is never a burden. And I expect her to sleep early after an exciting day out.”

  Dean smiled at the elderly woman, “Thank you, Annie.”

  After making sure she had everything she might need for Happy, Melissa told him she was ready to go. Dean carried a laughing little girl, followed closely by her beautiful momma, out into the sunshine and off they went.

  Chapter 15

  At Dean’s place, they climbed from the car. He insisted to open the doors first for Melissa and then for her daughter. Melissa loved those little details. He showed so much consideration for her. Always.

ppy immediately demanded to be put down and rushed towards the large garden area, where she chased the birds and butterflies.

  Samantha and her boyfriend Craig already waited on them on the porch overlooking the lake. She came running, throwing herself into Dean’s arms as she gave him a big hug and kiss. “Dean!”

  “Samantha, you look fantastic.”

  He was right. His sister looked gorgeous and even better in person than in the magazine pictures. She was beautiful, no doubt. But there was something else, her cheerfulness and an authenticity Melissa hadn’t expected. Listening on as Samantha hastily filled her brother in on her latest activities, she added fun and outgoing to her list of attributes.

  Melissa watched her closely and could feel a nagging emotion. I’m jealous! Not because this woman posed a romantic threat, but because she noticed how close Dean and Samantha were. They shared a bond that was intimate and easy and she was jealous that Samantha had something she’d never been able to find. A place in a close knit and loving family!

  Before she could dwell in her sad past, Samantha came up to her and wrapped her in a big hug. Just like that. She squeezed her close, with honest appreciation and then said, “Hi, I’m Samantha. I’m so thrilled to meet you.”

  “Thanks. I’m Melissa and this is Happy.” She gestured over to the girl jumping about.

  “She’s so cute. How old is she?”

  “Almost three.”

  “So you’re the woman who owns my brother’s heart.”

  I do? How does she know that already? We’ve just met! “I do? Why would you say that?” Much to her dislike, she was blushing again. That constant blushing had to stop!

  Samantha gave Melissa a conspiratorial grin as she leaned close and answered, “No reason to blush. I like you by the way.” That simple acknowledgement meant the world to Melissa. She’d not only found a man who loved her with his whole heart, but also a sister who liked her and could become a good friend.

  “I hear he’s taken you on an excursion to watch his insects. That’s a first. He’s never done that before. Ever. That’s his sacred space, something he doesn’t share. He hasn’t even offered to take me. Not that I mind, you know? But if he took you, that means, he’s head over heels in love.”


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