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I Love You Twice (Falling For Him Contemporary Romance Series Book 7)

Page 7

by Gray, Jessica

  “It was wonderful. You should have seen the magical beauty. Ask him to take you sometime,” Melissa told her with a smile of her own. And what happened after our trip was even more wonderful.

  Sam looked as if she’d bitten into a lemon, “No thanks. I love my brother dearly, but I definitely don’t share his love for insects. Eww!”

  Melissa laughed. It was so easy. She’d had no reason to worry.

  Sam introduced her boyfriend Craig, whom Melissa immediately took as someone very egocentric. What is such a beautiful girl like Samantha doing with someone like him? She needs to be with someone who loves her more than himself! Those thoughts sprang to her mind, but she held them inside.

  “I always like to visit Dean when he’s up here at the lake. It’s a nice change of pace to the hectic life I live in NYC and I can actually relax. Can you imagine he doesn’t even have a phone in his rental house?”

  Melissa nodded. She’d already known that from talking with Denise. It had been one of his prerequisites for a rental property. Dean owned a cell phone, but never seemed to carry it around. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him answer it either!

  Before she could answer, Happy stole the show, demanding to become the center of attention.

  Samantha’s reaction to her daughter was almost identical to that of Dean! She fussed over the little girl, listening patiently as Happy talked to her about the various things she’d found in the garden. Her three-year old speak was oftentimes closer to jibberish than English, but Samantha wasn’t phased in the least.

  Melissa enjoyed herself so much. The smile upon her face became broader by the minute until she heard the petulant tone coming from Samantha’s boyfriend. I now know why Dean doesn’t like the man! He sounds like my three-year old when she hasn’t had her nap and isn’t getting her way!

  Craig began to whine about the fact that he was bored and lunch had been a long time ago. The sun was too bright, the mosquitoes too many, the grass too prickly. Samantha ignore him at first, but after ten minutes of his whining, she brought Happy back to Melissa and gave her a rueful grin, “I guess someone wants their dinner.”

  Melissa took Happy into her arms, pleased to see that she wasn’t completely covered in dirt from the garden! She turned to see Dean glaring at Craig, and not in a good way. Hopefully the evening would turn around once Craig had something to eat. What a pain in the ass!

  Dinner turned out to be at a restaurant instead of a home-cooked picnic. Craig had put up such a fuss when Dean had first asked him for help with the grill, that Dean had thrown his hands up and made reservations at one of the restaurants with outdoor patio style seating.

  The small group had their own private patio area, and the service was excellent. After dinner, Dean drove Melissa and Happy back to Grandma Annie’s house. Craig had groused about having to tag along, so they’d stopped by Dean’s house and dropped Sam and her whiny boyfriend off.

  Chapter 16

  One and a half hours later they arrived at the club. Samantha’s rental car parked already right at the entrance of the parking lot.

  Before opening the door Dean pulled Melissa into his arms and gave her a passionate kiss. He’d waited the whole day to be alone with her. She’d been so beautiful in her red summer dress and whenever the swinging skirt showed a piece of her legs he’d wanted to touch them.

  He slowly slid his hand under her skirt, making small circles with his thumb on the soft flesh of her thigh. She felt so good! He pushed further until his hand reached her core. A small moan escaped her mouth and set him on fire. Oh my. How wet she is. For me! She was so sexy, and she didn’t even know it!

  “You know what I want to do more than anything else?” he whispered in her ear.

  Her answer was another moan. A sweet and sexy sound and his shaft took on a live of its own. I’m behaving like a hormone-driven teenager.

  “I’m about to take you right now and here if you keep making these sexy sounds.”

  Melissa glanced into his eyes and he could see his own desire reflected in them. She was hot. And his. “Hmmmm.”

  His thumb slid beneath her panties and slightly brushed her clit. She squirmed in his arms and moaned. “Oh Dean. If you don’t behave, we have to leave immediately.”

  “Nothing I would love more. But we should at least go inside and spend a little while with Samantha and Craig. I don’t get to see her that often anymore.”

  “Let’s go dancing.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief. “I might get really tired pretty soon. So tired you have to take me back to your place immediately.”

  The promise in her words and her eyes already did its best to torture him. A sweet torture. Dean gave her one last kiss, before he rounded the car to open the door for her. When helping her out, she leaned against him and whispered; “I have to be back home at 7 in the morning.”

  Oh my god. She intends to spend the whole night with me. I’ll make love to her until she begs me for a pause.

  He searched the crowded club for his sister and her boyfriend. When he spotted them across the dance floor, he nodded in their direction and told Melissa, “Let’s go over to them.”

  She pressed herself against his body, causing him to embrace her and not groan out loud. The heat in his body rose to almost unbearable levels. God, she feels good! Dean had to forcibly keep his hands at her hips as she pressed herself tight against him. He wanted to touch her all over, but resisted – barely. This is a public place. If you act on those thoughts you’re going to get arrested for indecent and lewd behavior!

  A moment later Melissa pushed herself out of his arms and looked around. “I haven’t been to a club in ages. I mean, with Happy around, I don’t get a chance to go out very much.”

  Dean smiled at her and took her hand, leading her around the crowded dance floor. He loved the expression of pleasure upon her face. I’m glad she’s enjoying herself. That makes this all worth it!

  He pulled her out onto the dance floor and found himself barely moving as he watched her every move. Her movements were so innocent, and yet mature. She moved in a capturing way. Took in the music, forgetting everything around her.

  Off to the side, Dean watched as a petulant Craig and his sister started arguing. This was a constant in their relationship. What happened this time? When Sam came over a few moments later, it took all of Dean’s control to not demand she explain what she was doing with that guy. She should dump him. She deserved better.

  “Dean. I’m sorry, but we have to leave. You know how sensitive Craig is.”

  “You’re sure he’s the right one for you?”

  Samantha’s look turned very harsh. Glaring daggers at him, she replied tersely, “Don’t get involved in my live. I’m grown up and I don’t need my big brothers to take care of me.”

  “Okay, okay. Don’t get upset. I’ll see you out.” Samantha and Craig were staying in Topeka near the airport. Their flight back to New York was scheduled mid-morning.

  “Oh I almost forgot. I still have the books you asked me to bring in my car.”

  “Let me tell Melissa where I’m going and I’ll meet you outside by my car.” He walked back to where Melissa was still line dancing to an upbeat number and placed his hand on her shoulder.

  He hadn’t meant to startle her, but that was exactly what happened. She whirled around and stared at him furiously for a moment, “Oh sorry, I didn’t realize it was you.”

  Dean pulled her close and whispered in her ear, “I’m sorry, but Craig and Samantha have to leave. Can you wait for me here for a few minutes while I see them out?”

  “I can come with you, if you like,” Melissa offered, but he refused.

  “Darling. Enjoy yourself and continue dancing, I’ll be right back. Craig is being his usual unreasonable and unlikable self. I don’t want him to ruin our evening.”

  Melissa nodded, looking over as Craig and Samantha started to leave the club. Craig was leading the way, stomping through the tables and people while Sam
antha tried her best to keep up. What an asshole! He can’t even wait for her!

  Turning her attention back to Dean, she gave him a smile. “Hurry back!”

  Dean looked at her and silently thanked God he had such a loving and considerate woman in his life. “I’ll be right back. Keep dancing.”

  “I will. But only until you come back and take me to your place to finish what you started in the car.”

  With these words she jumped back onto the dance floor. Dean watched her for a moment. Did she really just say that? How on earth would he survive until he finally could take her to his bed and make her shout his name in ecstasy? Again and again. Until she begged him to stop.

  Then he trailed after his sister. Outside he exchanged a few words with Sam and Craig while retrieving the books from her car.

  “So, I guess I’ll see you for Mom’s birthday next month?”

  “Sure. I wouldn’t miss it.”

  Dean pulled his sister in for a big hug, managing to shake Craig’s limp hand without planting his fist in the man’s face. He truly disliked him.

  “Love you,” Samantha called to him as she climbed into her vehicle.

  “Right back at you, sis. Drive careful.”

  Chapter 17

  Melissa returned her attention to the new line dance moves. These were slightly more intricate and it took all of her concentration to keep up as the music started and the people around her moved in unison.

  When the song ended, she looked up and froze in her tracks. Right in front of stood Ric! Her first boyfriend and the father of Happy. He was heading straight for her! Oh my God! What is he doing here? How did he find me?

  “Mellie, is this you?”

  She could only stare at him with wide-open eyes, fright stamped on her features and in her eyes.

  “Mellie, please can we talk?”

  “No.” Melissa shook her head, and attempted to get away from him, but the dance floor was too full. He grabbed her shoulder. Her breath sped up and froze in her throat. She could feel herself shaking, and her vision dimmed. She was barely breathing.

  “Mellie, please don’t run away.”

  She attempted to nod; anything to get him away from her. He was already holding her shoulder, so what choice did she have? He steered her off the dance floor and over to a corner that was dimly lit and the music was quiet enough to talk. Finding her voice, she demanded, “What do you want?”

  Nobody from her old town knew where she lives now. Her father was a mean old man, and a known troublemaker in their town. She hadn’t had the courage to confront him. Besides, she was still afraid of what he could do to her and Happy.

  “Calm down, I just want to say ‘Hello’.”

  “Hello. Can I leave now?” Melissa moved away from him, growing alarmed when he grabbed her shoulder again.

  “Mellie, please. I’m sorry!”

  “You should be! You ran away and left me to fight for myself.”

  “I’m sorry. I was frightened. It was so sudden. The responsibility was too much. I wasn’t ready to have a baby back then. I was just a kid. Where is she, by the way?”

  “That’s none of your business. Did you look for me?” Melissa slowly calmed down but didn’t let her guard down yet. Is this merely a coincidence, or something more?

  “No, I didn’t. I come here every few weeks.” Taking a breath, he continued, “Look. I came back to your parent’s house a few days after we broke up. Your father opened the door and threatened to beat me up like shit. You know him.”

  Melissa sighed. Yes, I know him. She’d been the victim of his fists often enough. But Ric was big and strong, probably three inches taller than her father and a lot stronger. He’d worked as a construction worker and she’d never known him to shy away from a fight.

  She remembered how his rough manners had impressed her. Probably the main reason she’d been attracted to him in the first place. She’d been looking for someone who could protect her from her dad.

  Ric looked at her and grinned nervously, “Well, unbelievable, right? I mean I only wanted to talk to you! I got ready to punching him in the guts, I really did. But all of a sudden he threatened to call the cops if I ever showed up on his doorstep, or tried to see you, again.”

  “The cops? For what?” Her father had never been fond of the police, so what would cause him to bring them into this mess? And what for? Ric was a rough guy and had been in his share of fights, but nothing really bad – at least that she knew of.

  “That’s what I asked too. See, you were barely seventeen at the time you found out you were pregnant. I had turned eighteen a few months prior to that.”

  Melissa nodded her head, “I’m aware of how old we both were. What does that have to do with anything?”

  “Mellie, it was technically illegal to sleep with you.”

  She was shocked. Ric had never hurt her or slept with her against her will. She’d agreed. “Oh my god! Why would he do that? What did he care anyway?”

  “I have no idea, it’s not that he treated you well. Anyhow, he scared the shit out of me and I couldn’t risk him pressing charges. I’d been looking at a minimum of two to three years of prison.”

  Ric continued to talk, “I figured you were better off without me. And I wouldn’t be of any use to you anyways if I was in prison. I wanted to let things settle down and come to see you after the baby was born. By then he’d be calmer, and you’d be over eighteen. But when I looked for you just after Christmas that year, you weren’t there and nobody knew anything.”

  He looked very guilty and Melissa offered him a small measure of comfort by touching him slightly on the shoulder. It felt good. As if a big weight fell from her shoulders. She’d been angry with Ric for the last three years, ever since the day he’d taken off. Now that her anger had slipped away, she felt – good. Lighter. At peace.

  “Thank you. I’m not angry at you anymore.”

  He appeared to be touched, and she noticed his eyes dampened. She remembered that soft side of him, that was hidden below his rough manners. He was a good guy; he’d just been too young back then. They’d both been too young!

  Melissa smiled and thought of Dean. It was wrong to compare these two men, but Dean was so much more in every respect. He was even more than the adult and responsible version of Ric. Much more.

  “Is she ok?” Ric asked, interrupting her thoughts.

  “Happy? Yes, she’s fine. She’s adorable. Everyone loves her. Do you want to see a picture?”

  He hesitated and then nodded, “I’d love to.”

  Melissa showed him the picture she always carried in her purse.

  “Cute little girl.”

  She listened to his voice and watched his facial expressions. Did he feel something for the little girl in the picture? Would he claim his role as father? But there was no love or longing or any emotion in his eyes. Happy was just a cute little girl like any girl to him. Melissa breathed a sigh of relief. He doesn’t care about Happy and doesn’t want to start seeing her. She wouldn’t want him to. It was better to keep a distance to her past – and her father.

  Ric was quiet for a few moments. Finally he offered, “Look, if you need money for her...”

  Melissa shook her head, “No. We’re fine, but thanks for the offer.”

  “Mellie, I’m engaged to be married soon. You remember Doreen? Unfortunately, she’s really jealous. She would never understand about Happy. Never.”

  She remembered her from school. The two girls had never liked one another. Melissa remembered that Doreen had been crushing on Ric back then, but he’d chosen Melissa. Since that day, Doreen had outright hated her.

  Melissa nodded her head to show that she understood. “It’s okay. I understand that you don’t want to be part of Happy’s life.”

  “I don’t want to see you or her, but I do want to make sure you’re doing okay.”

  Melissa heard what he hadn’t said. My fiancé is a jealous bitch and would make my life miserable if I tried to make
you or Happy even a peripheral part of mine!

  “Mellie, there’s one more thing. Your father is going nuts. Your running away…”

  “I didn’t run away, he kicked me out!”

  He looked at her in disbelief, “He what?”

  “He kicked me out, because I wouldn’t let him beat Happy.”

  “You were so much braver than me! Well…he’s telling everyone that you ran away and that he’s going to take Happy away from you the moment he finds you, because you’re too irresponsible to have custody of her.”

  “He can’t do that!”

  “I have no idea. It’s what he’s telling around town every day. I guess he wants the child support money he’d get for her.”

  A blonde woman looking upset came in looking for him and he quickly told Melissa, “I have to leave. Take care.”

  Melissa watched him hurry over to the blonde. Doreen, I presume? She watched him disappear and then realized she was physically shaking! She clasped her hands together, hoping to still so that she could concentrate on unfreezing the rest of her body. Her fears about Happy, about her father finding them and her father’s ability to take her daughter away from her froze her into place.

  Moments later Dean found her with a racing heart and the fear holding her in its grip.

  Chapter 18

  Dean re-entered the club and headed back to the spot where he’d left Melissa. She wasn’t on the dance floor and he let his gaze roam the sidelines, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. Seeing her across the room with a man holding her shoulder, he started in that direction.

  The crowd was tremendous, and it took him almost ten minutes before he reached her side. “Melissa, here are you!” She didn’t immediately answer him and he grew concerned. Even in the half-darkness of the club he could see that she was in shock. Her face pale like a ghost and her eyes distant.


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