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Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys

Page 62

by Annabel Joseph

  The office was pretty empty. The dayshift had gone home for the evening, and the oncoming shift was out on patrol. There were only the occasional hushed conversation next to the coffee pot and the hum of fans, but otherwise, it was silent, just the way I liked it while completing my reports for the week.

  Standing, I headed to Captain’s McNaughton’s office. With each step, I tried to figure out why he was calling me in. I already met the unofficial ticket quota for the month, and hadn’t been in an argument with any of my co-workers. The boss never called anyone into his office unless something serious was going on.

  “You wanted to see me, Cap?”

  “Close the door and sit down,” he said, as he tossed the pen in his hand onto his desk. As he leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest, the chair let out a loud squeak of protest.

  Captain McNaughton looked older than his actual age. His once dark brown hair, was now whiter than snow. His body was round and looked like it’d eaten one too many donuts. His eyes had dark circles and permanent bags underneath them, physically showing the constant stress he’d been under. After being on the force for thirty plus years and working in almost every department possible, he had finally decided the stress was too much for him and he wanted to retire to a desk job, a fate worse than death in my book.

  Six years on the force and I loved patrolling the city and helping the residents of the community, the one I grew up in and still called home, as much as I could.

  “What’s up?” I asked, taking a seat across from his desk.

  “How long have we known each other, son?”

  Startled, I stared at him a moment. He wasn’t a sappy type of captain who called anyone son. By last name, sure. The last name plus prefaced with a curse word or colorful adjective describing your lack of intelligence if you screwed up, absolutely. But son? Never.

  I wondered if the stress had finally cracked him. However, he was still my boss, so cracked or not, I’d show him the respect he deserved.

  “Eight years, sir. You were one of my teachers at the academy. After I graduated, you took the job as captain just as I started here.”

  He smiled. “That’s right. In that time, I’ve seen you become an exceptional officer. You’ve got one of the best records on the force, and go above and beyond helping the residents of this community, and preventing crimes in our town. You’re a great asset to the people and the shield.”

  “Thank you, sir.” The small bit of praise made me proud. I was glad to see that he’d noticed all the hard work that I put in. This wasn’t just a job to me, but a calling, and what I hoped would be a long, rewarding career.

  “It’s also no secret that you’ve been dreaming about becoming a detective.”

  Ever since I had graduated from the academy, it had been my dream to be promoted to Detective Murphy, unfortunately it hadn’t happened yet.

  “I spoke with McDevitt on the phone earlier today. After his last bout of medical issues, and no small amount of nagging from his wife, he’s decided it’s time to retire. And he’s going to recommend to the board that you to take over his position as detective.”

  “I don’t know what to say, sir. I—”

  Cap held his hand up, quieting me. “Don’t go praising me yet, son. Before McDevitt goes to the board, we need you to solve a case. If you can do it, you’ll be a shoe-in for this position.”

  “I’ll do anything,” I said earnestly.

  “I thought you’d say that.” Smiling, he slid a large folder across the desk.

  I opened it, scanning all the documents. A resort not far from here had been discovered as the main distribution point for illegal drugs in the area. It explained the recent influx of cocaine flooding into town and the surrounding areas. It was a growing issue, one I’d like to nip in the bud before more people, especially vulnerable kids, were affected by the addictive substances.

  “You want me to go in there and arrest whoever is selling the stuff?” I asked, confused as to why he or another cop wouldn’t just do that. I was all for working a case to help increase my chances of getting promoted, but I didn’t think this one would do anything for me.

  “Murphy, don’t you think if it were that simple, we’d have done that already?”

  Ask a stupid question, and you’ll get a stupid answer. “Obviously, there’s more to the story.”

  “That’s right. You made me think I’d picked the wrong man, for a moment. We know Edmund Burke, the owner of The Little Resort, is selling the coke. We had an informant who gave up Burke and was willing to testify, but before we could get a judge to issue a warrant to search the resort, they got him.”

  “He won’t testify? Why?”

  “He can’t because he’s dead.”

  It was all making sense now. “So, you want me to go to this resort undercover as a rich guest, wear a wire, and get Burke to offer me the coke?”

  Cap snapped his fingers. “Now you’re thinking like a detective. There’s only one catch. The place caters to a special type of client. People who are chosen to come get to stay there for a week, no more, no less. They can be into whatever kinky activities they want, however, no matter what, they must participate in a something called age play. Ever heard of that before?”

  I had. Being a dominant, I knew a number of people interested in all sorts of kinky things. A few of the couples practiced age play as a lifestyle. It wasn’t something I was into, but I knew what it was about.

  “Yeah, I’ve heard of it,” I told him, keeping how and why to myself. I didn’t want to open up that can of worms with a possible promotion in my future. “So you’re saying, if I go undercover at this resort, I’ll have to partake in this kind of play?”

  “Correct. It’s all very organized, and they don’t let just anyone in. There is an extensive application process and a handsome participation fee. If approved, guests are paired with a Daddy or a little – that’s what they call the two types of players – and the arrangement lasts for the entire week. You’d have to be convincing in your role. Is this something you’d be willing to do?”

  I’d been in the BDSM lifestyle for ten years now. I very much enjoyed being able to take control in and outside the bedroom, pushing a submissive to her limits, and watching her enjoy the pleasure of yielding to me. It’d be a cinch for me to pass the part as being ‘into whatever kinky activities’ as my boss had said, but I would have to do some research, including talking to the friends I knew who were into age play, but I was confident I could pay the part of Daddy to some little girl for a week in order to catch Burke.

  “It won’t be a problem. Once I get inside the resort, how am I supposed to record Burke’s confession? He must know that we’re on to him, so I doubt I’d get away with wearing a wire.”

  Cap opened the drawer on his desk and pulled out a pin shaped like a violet. Handing it to me, he said, “You wear this. The black center has a tiny camera that will record everything you’re looking at and hearing. As soon as the sucker confesses to you, we’ll be there within five minutes or less to arrest the bum.”

  Holding the object in my hand, I looked from it to my captain. He had to be crazy. “Sir, how am I supposed to wear this and not get laughed at, or not make Burke suspicious? A grown man wearing a broach? This is something I’d give to my grandmother.” I placed the item in question back on the desk and slid it toward him.

  “That goes along with your cover story. You wear the broach because it was your sister’s. Violet passed away from cancer a few years ago and it’s a way for you to always remember her.”

  “You sure know how to weave these tales,” I said, and chuckled.

  “Thanks. All right, here’s the resort’s application packet. Fill it out and bring it back to me. When you get accepted, I’ll give you everything you’ll need to fool these suckers into thinking you’re, Adam Dempsey, businessman, dominant Daddy in search of a perfect little girl.”

  “Great,” I drawled.

  With the file and ridiculous
broach in hand, I headed for the door, but stopped when Cap said, “Don’t let me down, Murphy. This son of a bitch has increased the amount of cocaine in our community by sixty percent. It’s time someone stopped this piece of crap. What’s more, Detective Adam Murphy has a much better ring to it than Officer Adam Murphy.”

  Turning, I glanced at him. “Don’t worry. I’ll get him.”

  I sat staring at my laptop, the quaint mountain top resort looking like the perfect spot for a much-needed getaway. I couldn’t believe I was thinking of going to The Little Resort. I was Chloe Reid, twenty-six years old, and a certified management accountant. I shouldn’t have fantasies of being treated like a little girl.

  Yet, in the back of my mind, the desire was always there. Looking at the website more closely, the owner, Edmund Burke, promised that every little’s wish would be fulfilled.

  After denying this secret side of me for so long, it was oh-so tempting to find out more. Clicking on the application link, I read the instructions. If elected, a packet with a questionnaire, liability releases, and a confidentially agreement would be sent to me before the week-long trip. On arrival, I would be partnered with a Daddy selected especially for me, who had similar interests, and the same kind of kinks.

  It sounded too good to be true. But, based on the reviews, it appeared many people thought the same, but the place had lived up to expectation.

  Leaning back in my chair, I thought long and hard about pursuing this fantasy of mine. I thought I would be satisfied, secretly gobbling up my age play books, but I wasn’t. After what Roger had done to me, I deserved to treat myself.

  Deciding to bite the bullet, I filled out the online application and clicked submit. I chuckled a bit to myself. There was no way I was going to be chosen to go to this place. Hundreds of people must apply and they couldn’t accept everyone. At least I gave it a shot, I consoled myself.

  Two weeks later, after getting home late from work one night, I was startled to find a huge envelope in my mailbox. Tearing it open once I was in the house, I was speechless to find out that I had been chosen to go to The Little Resort for a week the following month.

  Once I got over my excitement, I pulled out all of the forms they needed me to fill out for my stay. The first was pretty standard. It wanted to know my basic information. The second asked about my health information. I could understand why they needed to know that. It could be a huge liability for them if someone who was allergic to peanuts had an allergic reaction because the staff didn’t know to avoid using peanut oil in someone’s food.

  The third and fourth forms were where it got slightly embarrassing for me. These asked very personal questions like what were my soft/hard limits, what were some of my secret fantasies, and if I could have sex with any celebrity who would it be.

  The entire time I filled out those questions, I blushed from the top of my head right down to my belly button. I had barely admitted most of these answers to myself, yet here I was writing them down for a complete stranger to read.

  When I finished, I found an envelope, put the papers in them, and the next morning I mailed them off. Now that was done, I had to sit back and wait a month for my little adventure to begin. I couldn’t wait.

  Chapter 2

  I scanned the crowd, trying to assess every person. The violet broach was pinned onto my dress shirt. When I arrived at the resort, I was told to go into a large great room with nineteen other people. Everyone had spread out. Each person looked a bit pale and kept glancing at one another.

  We stayed in the room until French doors to the right opened and a man wearing a black tuxedo ushered us out onto a beautiful, manicured lawn with tables everywhere. We were told to take a seat wherever we wanted.

  It was around 7:30 and the sky looked beautiful with different hues of yellow, orange, and red. There were candles lit everywhere in the backyard, giving it an almost intimate feel.

  It made me chuckle men ended up on one side of the lawn and the women congregated on the other like an awkward middle school dance. Some things never changed.

  Glancing at each woman’s face, I tried to pick out the woman who had been chosen for me, but no one stood out. A week before coming here, I had received a second large envelope in the mail from this resort. It contained the name of my little for the week, Chloe. It also listed her hard and soft limits, her safe word, her desires for this week, her secret fantasies, and some basic information about her, but no details about her appearance. Knowing all of this personal information about her, I wanted to meet her.

  However, I was more curious to meet the owner of this luxurious place. Unlike my partner for the week, Edmund Burke was easy to spot in the crowd. In his late forties, he had an air of arrogance about him. His dark hair was slicked back and he wore a suit which probably cost a years’ worth of my salary. Attached to his arm was a woman, who must have been his little, Priscilla. While doing my research on this perp, I discovered that she had been with Burke for over three years now. Five feet tall and by my guess, no more than one hundred pounds, she wore a pink dress made of rows of ruffles and sparkles. It looked more suited for a child than a twenty-four-year-old woman.

  The way she kept looking up at the resort owner with love in her eyes, I immediately checked her off my list of possibilities. No way would I be able to get her to turn on Burke, or to help me in gathering the evidence I needed in my case against her Daddy.

  As if he could feel my eyes on him, the man in question turned towards me. I quickly shifted my gaze and went back to scanning the ladies, again trying to guess who had been chosen as my little.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Edmund grab a microphone from the small stage at the front of the lawn. He tapped it, the noise drawing the entire crowd’s attention, and they quieted. Like him, they were anxious to get things started.

  “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, or should I say little girls and Daddies,” he chuckled at his own joke before continuing. “My name is Edmund Burke. As you all know, I’m the owner of The Little Resort. This cutie next to me is my longtime girlfriend and little, Priscilla.”

  She gave a wave and smile to the crowd.

  “Looking out into your faces, I can see the nervousness in your eyes. I understand being here at first can be intimidating, but I promise, if you’re open and allow it, all of your desires will come true.”

  My attention turned to waiters who appeared to be handing something out to each of the guests, but I couldn’t tell what it was.

  “As you can all see, I have my staff handing out name tags. This will make it easier for you to find the person who has been assigned as your partner for this week.”

  When I got my tag, I clipped it on. I was too far away to read any of the women’s tags, so I still couldn’t spot Chloe.

  “I hope that each of you enjoy your time with us. The experiences that folks have here are unique. I urge you to use your time wisely and experience all the resort has to offer. If you have any problems, please don’t hesitate to contact me or my lovely little, Priscilla.”

  Everyone clapped at the end of his speech and stood up to find their partners.

  It was a bit difficult to get through the newly paired couples, but I finally did. I hadn’t found Chloe, nor did I see any woman left standing alone. As I turned to make a second pass through the crowd, three couples moved out of the way, and I was stunned by the prettiest woman I’d ever seen. Her blond hair was pulled back into a pony tail, and she had on a beautiful red dress with white sandals. She was tiny and clearly uncomfortable, standing with her arms crossed in front of her body.

  Without having to read her name tag, I knew this was Chloe.

  She glanced at me, and our gazes locked. Her blue eyes were fierce and I felt my cock get hard at how much her expression turned me on.

  Time to get this show on the road, I thought, as I headed towards the woman that would be mine for the next week.

  My mouth went dry when I saw the god of a man come walking in m
y direction. Adam. It had to be the him. The one assigned to be my Daddy. He was more handsome than my all-time top celebrity crush, Joe Manganiello. He was very tall, way over six feet. His dark brown hair was slicked back and he had one of the sexiest smiles. There was no way I’d be able to talk to him.

  I was ready to turn and run, when my inner voice raised her ugly head. Don’t you dare, move, Chloe. You signed up for this week to experience the desires you’ve suppressed far too long. Stop being a wuss and go meet your Daddy.

  Before I had another moment to think, he was standing in front of me.


  “Umm, yes,” I replied, though not sure how, already lost in his beautiful deep brown eyes.

  “Hi, I’m Adam. We were assigned to be partners this week.” He held his hand out and I stared at it. It was so large and with the cuffs of his shirt pulled back, I could see his muscular forearms. I bet my ass would fit his hand perfectly and I was sure it’d feel amazing to be carried by him as he held his cock inside of me.

  He cleared his throat, making me feel like an idiot for standing there gawking while daydreaming about him fucking me.

  “I’m s-sorry. Nice to m-meet you.” I took the hand he held out in front of me.

  I felt like a complete moron as my cheeks heated from embarrassment. Whenever I met a guy who I found attractive, I seemed to stumble over my words like a thirteen-year-old girl. It was so silly and I’m sure this man thought I was stupid. Roger thought I was. I should just go home now.

  My inner voice spoke up again. But you came here for a reason, to have all of your secret naughty desires fulfilled. You won’t get that at home.

  It was right. After my failed relationship with Roger, my ex-boyfriend of four years, I decided it was high time I gave in to what I wanted. When I booked my trip here, I promised myself I would let go, giving into anything my temporary Daddy wanted, no matter how crazy or kinky it was. Now, if only I could live up to that.


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