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Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys

Page 63

by Annabel Joseph

  “Would you like to take a walk with me?” Adam asked, pulling me out of my thoughts for the second time in a matter of minutes.


  Without asking, he slipped his hand into mine and led me down the trail that wound around the perimeter.

  When we were far enough away from the others, he said, “I get the feeling you’re really nervous about being here. I want to assure you that you have nothing to fear from me. This week is a chance to be around people who have the same desires we have, to learn from them, and possibly experience some of our fantasies.”

  “T-that sounds g-good,” I muttered going over the increasing number of fantasies while staring this man. At the rate my mind was coming up with them, we would need at least half a year to fulfill all of them.

  He chuckled beside me. “Why don’t we put aside everything else for right now, except getting to know each other a bit better? That might ease some of your worries.”

  I nodded at his suggestion. It would help me to know him before I considered letting him sink his cock into me.

  “I’ll start. My name is Adam Dempsey. I’m thirty-two-years old and I work as a consultant. I live about an hour away from here.”

  “Oh, any relation to Patrick Dempsey, aka Dr. McDreamy?” I asked. Grey’s Anatomy was one of my favorite shows. It still broke my heart that Derek was no longer a part of it. But the way that Adam looked, he could definitely be Dr. McDreamy’s younger brother.

  “No,” he chuckled. “I’m afraid not.”

  “Rats. So, you’re a consultant. What does that entail?”

  “I visit other companies that the business I work for is thinking about acquiring or already owns. I make sure that they’re running as smoothly as they possibly could be. Trust me, it’s a lot less fun than it actually sounds. Especially when I have to visit a company and tell them that in order to be more efficient and save money, it’d be best to cut personnel.”

  I tried to imagine myself in his shoes and I couldn’t. There was no way I’d ever be able to fire anyone. I was too much of a softie.

  “That does sound pretty awful. I like that broach on your jacket,” I said, changing the subject.

  He froze for a second as if I’d said something I shouldn’t, but he recovered quickly.

  “Thanks. I wear it in honor of my sister, Violet, who I lost a couple of years ago from cancer. It was the last present she ever gave me. I rarely take it off. It makes me feel like she’s always with me, no matter what.”

  “Aw, that is so sweet.” I knew so many guys who would never dream of wearing a broach on their coats or sweaters for fear of being made fun of. But Adam—he pulled it off and for such a loving reason.

  “Enough about my sad past. Tell me about yourself.”

  Having the focus come back to me, made all my anxieties come surging back. Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself that I was okay and proceeded with answering his question.

  “My name is Chloe Reid. I’m twenty-eight-years-old. I also live about an hour away from here and I’m an accountant. I work for a fairly small company so I’m a department of one, and in in charge of everything from pay checks, to profit and loss statements, to taxes.”

  “You’re really good at math, aren’t you?” I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Sorry, you probably get told that a lot when you admit you’re an accountant.”

  “Yes, I do,” I admitted, “It seems to be everyone’s go to response when they find out. You’re correct though, I am really good at math.”

  He smiled revealing pearly white teeth, and taking my breath away. He was even more attractive when he had a grin on his face.

  “What made you decide that career path? It has to be a little boring sitting behind a computer all day crunching numbers.”

  “It can be at times. However, I wouldn’t give this career up for the world. I really enjoy working with numbers because they’re predictable. You plug them into a formula and they work the way that they’re supposed to. I wish people responded that way more often.”

  But, if people did work the way they were supposed to, I wouldn’t be here now.

  “I understand. So, what made you take the leap and come to this resort?”

  Wow, he was getting right into the deep stuff. I wished he’d go back and we could talk about math some more. Despite my discomfort, I was determined to be honest.

  “Well, I had been dating this guy, Roger for four years. I could never bring myself to admit to him what I wanted, which is probably for the best because I caught him sleeping with my best friend, and apparently it’d been going on for the last year.”

  As I was talking, the road was getting blurrier and blurrier. Damn. Six months after our break-up and it still brought me to tears.

  Adam stopped walking and turned me to face him.

  “I’m really sorry,” I whispered, my voice cracking as I tried to keep it together. When was this going to stop?

  Gently, he tipped my chin up and magically produced a Kleenex. With it, he wiped away my tears and then handed it to me and said, “Blow.”

  Letting go of his hand for a moment. I did as he asked and put the now used tissue in my pocket. He smiled and reclaimed my hand.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cry.” He probably thought I was crazy and wanted to get as far away as he could from me right now. Or at least get a new partner to spend the week with. At the rates this place charged, I was pretty sure he wouldn’t want a woman who cried at the mention of her ex-boyfriend.

  “It’s all right. Break-ups are hard, especially when you lose someone you’d been with for so long. So, after you two parted, you decided you wanted to fulfill one of your desires?”

  “Pretty much. Does the same go for you?”

  “Yes, except there was no dating or breaking-up. After wanting to have a little for so long, when I heard about this resort, I decided to come here.”

  “I’m glad you did.”

  “Me too,” he laughed, poking my nose.

  I giggled as we turned and continued our walk. We were halfway down the path and were heading back towards the crowd. I couldn’t believe he wasn’t trying to run for the hills yet.

  “So, I’m assuming you read the list of my likes, dislikes, hard limits, and desires. Correct?” he asked.

  “Yes, I did.” When I received the envelope, I had poured over his responses. I was very relieved when his answers were almost identical to mine. It made things much more fun when the two people had the same kinks in and out of the bedroom.

  I shuddered at the thought of him being into any of the things about BDSM that freaked me out, like blood play, and asking me to participate in that act. There’d be no way I’d be able to do it.

  “Good, I did the same. My question for you now is when do you want our fun to start? I don’t want to push you into anything.”

  His consideration made my heart swell. “Tomorrow?” I answered in a timid voice.

  We stopped walking again. This time when he turned towards me, he tucked some of my hair behind my ear, and cupped my face in his hand, while rubbing his thumb across my cheek. “I’m going to need a more concrete answer than that, sweetie. I don’t want to push, but our time here is limited. I want you to experience everything this place has to offer.”

  He was right. If left up to me, I’d spend so much time debating every question, by the time I came to a decision, we’d have to leave the resort.

  “Soon,” I answered more confidently.

  “Very good.” We started walking again and I could see some of the couples heading off towards the main building.

  “One thing I’d like to clarify with you, Chloe. We both wrote that we weren’t interested in a sexual age play relationship. I was thinking, when we were in bed, you would act as your submissive self and when we’re outside of it, you would act like my little girl. Does that work for you?”

  “Yes, Sir.” I was very thankful he wanted our time here to be spent that way. Most of the age pl
ay books I had read before were focused on sexual age play relationships between the couple. Not that I was against that type of kink by any means, it just wasn’t for me.

  “I love hearing those two words come out of your mouth.” He sent me a glance so full of desire it sparked the same in me and my panties became damp. In fact, I was ready for him to jump my bones here.

  At my mental picture, I could feel the heat return to my cheeks as we reached what was left of the crowd. Edmund Burke and his little approached us.

  “Everything okay with the two of you? We were a bit concerned when you walked away instead of mingling with everybody else,” the owner said, his stare jumping between Adam and me. For some unknown reason, the look he gave me made me want to hide behind my partner.

  “Everything is fine. We just wanted to talk a bit more privately,” Adam replied.

  The owner focused on my new Daddy and smiled. “I’m glad to hear it. Here is your key. My staff delivered your belongings to your room. If you need anything during your stay here, please don’t hesitate to ask myself or Priscilla.”

  “Thank you,” Adam said, as he pocketed the key. It didn’t escape my attention that we were only given one.

  “Thanks,” I also said, not wanting to be rude to the owner. He smiled at me and so did Priscilla, who gave us a little wave over her shoulder as they left.

  “Ready to see our room, Chloe?” Adam asked.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  He gave my hand a squeeze, then led me into the resort, up the stairs. Our room was on the second floor, number twenty-nine.

  Adam unlocked the door and it swung open to reveal a beautiful suite. Traveling inside, I didn’t take two steps when I spotted the bathroom. It was off to the side and had a bathtub big enough to fit at least four grown men. There was also a box of toys and bubble bath next to it. I so couldn’t wait to use the items.

  The main living room consisted of a small sitting area, with a flat screen television over the fireplace. In the corner was a desk and a chair which I hoped wouldn’t see much use—I had enough of that at my job. Further into the suite was a bedroom where we were greeted with the sight a king-sized bed. Immediately, I noticed restraints attached to the head and footboards, and the seven-foot mirror mounted on the ceiling above it. Besides that, there was a rocking chair in the corner, a dresser with a TV on top, a small bookcase with lots of colorful children’s books, and what appeared to be a toy chest.

  Despite having all this furniture, the room was very spacious. And, as promised, our luggage was standing at the foot of the bed.

  I moved forward ready to unpack, first thing, but stopped when Adam gently grasped my shoulder. “Why don’t we leave that for tomorrow? We’ve both had a long day and could use the rest.”

  He was right. I had been so excited about today, I had woken up at four in the morning. Eighteen hours later, I was a bit tired. “Fine, but what about our pajamas?”

  A smile crossed his face. “Babe, with me, you won’t be going to bed wearing any clothes.”

  “Oh.” At his revelation, I stood there a bit stunned. I had never slept in the nude, or with a practical stranger. I was a bit nervous. He was so hot and I wasn’t as attractive. I didn’t want him to find fault in how I looked.

  “Whatever you’re thinking, stop. You’re a beautiful woman who has nothing to fret about.”

  “Mm hm,” I mumbled. That was easier said than done.

  He tilted his head, gazed into my eyes, and suggested, “How about before we head off to dreamland, we sit on the couch and cuddle together?”

  “Fully clothed?”

  “Yes,” he grinned, “Fully clothed.”

  “Okay!” I exclaimed, relieved to get to know him a bit better before we fell asleep naked.

  He sat down first and I plopped down right next to him. With a light tug from Adam, I found my head resting on his shoulder. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he started to pet my hair. It felt peaceful. Roger and I had never done this when we were together, just sitting and being together.

  We sat in silence for some time, before Adam broke it. “Is this the craziest thing you’ve ever done, Chloe?”

  I glanced up at him. “You mean paying a resort to pair me with someone who is interested in the same kinks as I am, and exploring those kinks with said stranger?”

  “Mm hm.”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “Me too,” he agreed. We continued to stare at each other, smiling like two fools, when ever so slowly he brought his lips down to mine. The kiss was gentle and sweet.

  When Adam broke it, he said, “It’s time for bed, sweetheart.”

  “Aw, but I liked what we were just doing.”

  “Me too, but if we continue it, it’s going to go further than what we agreed to do tonight. So, we’re going to brush our teeth, take our clothes off, and go to sleep now. Understand, little girl?”

  At his direct order and use of ‘little girl’, I found myself nodding my head and rushing to do as I was told.

  Since there was only one sink, I did my business first. When he was busy doing his, I rushed to whip off my clothes, tossed them in a pile by the side of the bed, and got under the covers.

  We may have just been cuddling and kissing, but that was with my clothes on. Things were changed now.

  When Adam came out and saw me with the blanket pulled up to my chin, he smiled. “Relax, Chloe. I promise I don’t bite. At least, not when I sleep.”

  His attempt to ease the tension did help, a bit. However, it came back in full force when he stripped out of his clothes and came to his side of the bed. His large cock hung between his legs and I couldn’t help but stare. No way was that fitting inside me. Roger had been half his size, maybe less.

  “Take a deep breath, Chloe. Remember, nothing is going to happen tonight. All we’re going to do is cuddle, just like we did on the couch.” At his reassurance, I calmed down. I could do this.

  He climbed under the covers, his body sliding right next to mine. Wrapping an arm around my waist, he pulled me close and snuggled into me. It felt heavenly to be curled up next to a big strong man. His skin was warm and he smelled wonderful. Yeah, I could definitely get used to this.

  “Goodnight, Chloe.”

  “Goodnight, Adam.”

  Chapter 3

  I woke up with Chloe curled up next to me like a cat. Her head was resting on my shoulder, her leg between mine, and her arm was snug around my waist. It felt fucking great having her in this position.

  With her still in dreamland, I could admire her beauty. Her blond hair tumbled down, covering her face. As carefully as possible, I tucked some of her beautiful locks behind her ear. She looked so peaceful while asleep.

  Letting my hand travel down her backside, I cupped one of her butt cheeks. It fit perfectly in my hand. Part of me wanted to give it a few good swats to awaken my partner so we could play, but considering this was our first morning together, I held back the urge.

  As I traced a path up her back, I took in the bend of her neck, her soft shoulders, and what I could see of the top of one breast. All were covered in a light dusting of freckles. With such fair skin and so many freckles, she had to have some Irish in her family tree.

  While I was drawing a pattern on her soft skin, she murmured in her sleep before her drowsy blue eyes opened and looked up at me.

  “Good morning.”

  “Morning,” she replied, closing her eyes and snuggling closer.

  I thought she was heading back to dreamland when suddenly, her entire body went rigid and she was looking up at me with terrified eyes.

  “Hey, it’s okay, Chloe. It’s just me… Adam. Remember? We’re at The Little Resort, in our suite.”

  She glanced around and when she finally put two and two together, her body relaxed and she laid her head back down on my shoulder.

  “I’m sorry, I forgot. Waking up naked with a man who I just met is a new experience for me.”

��m glad to hear that.” A small part of me was very thrilled to hear that because the thought of her doing this with anyone else made me want to rip into any man who saw this beautiful creature naked. “So, how did you sleep?”

  “Really well. I don’t think I’ve had a night’s rest this awesome in a while. I think it was getting to sleep next to a warm body.”

  “You’re welcome to sleep next to my warm body anytime you want, dear.”

  “Good to know.”

  Her hand that had been around my waist started to travel up to my chest. With her fingers, she began drawing tiny circles around my nipples. Her light touch combined with her naked body pressed against mine got an immediate rise out of me. It was all I could do not to roll her onto her back, spread her thighs, and show her how much I wanted her.

  “Chloe,” I grunted. Her eyes came up to meet mine. “Unless you want me claiming you here and now, I’m going to need you to stop doing what you’re doing.”

  She froze for a second before her lashes flew wide open, as if noticing my hard cock wedged between us.

  A guilty expression crossed her face. “Oops.”

  Despite her ‘oops’ she continued her slow exploration of my skin and her hips shifted. Downy soft curls brushed across my already aching shaft, and it jerked reflexively, nudging her belly. I couldn’t suppress a groan, almost at my limit.

  Without warning, I flipped her onto her back and positioned my body over hers. “This is your last warning, young lady. I didn’t want to move too fast since this is our first day together, but if I don’t hear your safe word, I’m going to take you.”

  She stared up at me with her luscious lips begging to be kissed, and her sparkling blue eyes brimming with desire.

  “I want this, Adam. I’m tired of being the good girl who always does what she’s told. I want to be claimed by you. You read my paperwork, you know I have an IUD and we’re both STD free. Claim me. Right here. Right now.”

  As if she needed to entice me even further, she bent her top leg over mine, and slid up to my hip, this opened her warm pussy up to me. I could feel her heat. All I had to do was claim it.


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