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Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys

Page 66

by Annabel Joseph

  “We’d be honored to dine with you tomorrow night. Can you give me a hint about this proposal? You’ve got me curious.”

  He chuckled again. “I’d rather not announce it here. Listening ears and all.” He looked around the park and when he saw that it was just us and the girls who were still engrossed in conversation, he turned back to me and said, “Let’s just say it’s something that might put a little zing to your day and some extra cash in your pocket.”

  It sounded like he was referring to selling me some drugs. At least, I hoped so. That would be a slam dunk in solving this case.

  “I love the sound of that. We’ll be there tomorrow.”

  “Awesome. Does six o’clock work for you?”


  We shook on it as Paul came back with Belle’s sun screen.

  “Well, I must be going gentlemen. There’s much to do here,” Edmund said, leaving us.

  “What was that all about?” Paul asked, looking after the departing owner with interest.

  “Nothing. He just wanted to make sure Chloe and I had everything we needed.”

  “Cool.” Paul took a few steps closer to the girls and called them over so he could apply sunscreen to two pink faces.

  I didn’t pay much attention. I was too focused on the following night. If I played my cards right, tomorrow was going to make this whole trip worth it. Pretty soon, I’d be Detective Murphy and didn’t that name sound sweet?

  After our trip to the park, Daddy brought me home, fed me lunch, and then made me take a nap. I told him I wasn’t tired and didn’t need to sleep. Unfortunately, because of my refusal, I ended up over his lap for a pretty long spanking.

  I was sobbing by the time he finished. Once he comforted me, I had no qualms with catching a few extra Zs. Getting punished always made me sleepy.

  When I woke up, we ate dinner, and we ended up where we were now, snuggling on the couch.

  “Did you have fun with Belle at the park today, sweetie?” Daddy asked, running the tips of his fingers over my shoulder left bare by the dipping strap of my summer top.

  “Yeah! Belle and I pretended we were fairy princesses and we made the playground our castle.”

  “That sounds like fun. Do you want to watch television for a little bit or take a bath?”

  I didn’t need to take a bath. I took one last night and I had hardly gotten dirty today.

  “I don’t need a bath. I stayed clean.”

  “Young lady, this isn’t up for discussion.”

  “But—” I started to protest, sitting up so I could face him directly. Unfortunately, he interrupted me.

  “If you keep complaining, we can have a repeat of what happened this afternoon,” he said, quirking his eyebrow as if to ask do you really want that?

  “Oh, all right. I guess I’ll take my bath now to get it over with.”

  With the decision made, I rushed to the bathroom. Hopefully, this was going to be a fast bath. Not that I didn’t enjoy getting washed, there were just so many better things I could be doing than wasting my time sitting in water.

  When we entered, I immediately removed my clothes, as Daddy knelt to get the water running. Each night, he always tested it and wouldn’t let me step a foot into the tub until he thought the water was the perfect temperature. The first time he did this, he told me it was so I wouldn’t get scalded by hot water.

  It took him a bit longer than normal to find the right temperature, but once he did, I stepped into the tub. When I sat down, I couldn’t help but let out a groan. As much fun as Belle and I had had today, I hadn’t realized how sore I was until the warm water started to ease the ache out of my sore muscles.

  “Can I get you anything, sweetie? Do you want to play with some bath toys?”

  “No, thank you,” I answered, leaning my head back against the wall and closing my eyes.

  “It seems like someone is sleepy.”

  “Mm hm.”

  I heard a chuckle before I felt his big hands start to wash my body. One of the best things about being a little girl was having a Daddy who was always there to take care of you. In no time at all, my entire body and my hair had been washed and I was being instructed to step out of the tub.

  “Come on, baby girl. Out you go.”

  With eyes half open, I held Daddy’s hand as I climbed out. He quickly dried me off, brushed and blow dried my hair, then guided me to the bed.

  I watched as he walked to his side, pulling his clothes off as he went, before he got into bed and pulled me close to him. It had taken me a couple of nights to get use to sleeping in the nude with this god of a man, but I was starting to really enjoy it. Especially, when waking up naked made morning sex a lot less complicated, and a lot more fun.

  “Sleep tight, little one,” he cooed, placing a kiss onto my forehead before he pulled the sheet over us. Tucked safe and sound next to my Daddy, I fell fast asleep.

  Chapter 6

  “Take a deep breath. We’re almost there,” I said, as the elevator we were on rode to the top floor. Tonight was the night we were having dinner with Edmund and Priscilla. Here’s hoping it was also the night I busted this perp for selling and disturbing illegal drugs. At that thought, I glanced down at my suit jacket, making sure the broach I fastened on earlier was still there. This entire investigation would be blown if it fell off by accident. Thankfully, it was right where I had put it half an hour earlier.

  When the lift pinged, I thought Chloe was going to cry tears of joy. The poor girl hated elevators.

  We got off and my nose was immediately hit with delicious smells. Burke was standing by the stove putting steaks onto a platter. His little, already seated at the table, beamed when she saw us.

  “I’m so glad you’re here. I’m Priscilla,” she shouted, waving rapidly.

  “My name is Chloe,” my little said running over and taking the seat next to her instant new friend. The two of them started babbling away about each other’s outfits, which gave me a chance to greet our host for the evening.

  “Edmund, thank you so much for having us over to your penthouse. Can I help with anything?” Acting the gracious guest, I didn’t want to give this man any reason to suspect I was anything else.

  “No, everything is all set. Come, sit,” he ordered, carrying the platter of meat over to the table.

  Seeing as the girls were sitting next to each other and were now talking about American Girl dolls, I took a seat next to Edmund.

  The food turned out to be very tasty. It appeared that the resort owner had a few secret talents. As the girls continued their talk, he and I chatted about local sports and the fun Chloe and I were having here.

  Despite Burke dealing in illegal drugs, I had to give the man credit, he knew his way around a kitchen and cooked a mean steak.

  In no time at all, we were all finished with our meals.

  “Priscilla, why don’t you take your new friend into the living room and play? Chloe’s Daddy and I have some things to discuss in my office.”

  “Okay,” she squealed, taking Chloe’s hand and leading her into the room across from the kitchen.

  “Shouldn’t we clean up? I don’t want to leave you with the mess when you were so kind to invite us.” If only my mother could see me now. Even while undercover, I was offering to help with the dishes. She’d be so proud.

  “Nonsense, the maid will clean it up. Come, I want to discuss that proposal I mentioned earlier.”

  I followed him down a long hall, well away from where the girls were playing. We entered his office and it was exactly how I pictured it to be. The walls were painted a deep red and the room was dominated by a large oak desk. There were leather chairs surrounding the desk and the room reeked of cigar smoke.

  “Drink?” Edmund asked, standing next to a cart that housed almost every liquor one could think of.

  “A martini, please. Gin if you have it.”

  “Coming right up. Have a seat,” he said, motioning to one of the chairs in fron
t of his desk.

  I did as he asked, eyeing his computer. I bet he had some pretty interesting items on it. It’d be perfect to use against him in court. If only.

  “Here you are.” He interrupted my plotting by handing me my drink before taking the seat behind his desk.

  “Thank you.” I took a sip and had to add another check next to the list of things Burke was good at. My martini was just the way I liked it, extra dry, with just a hint of vermouth.

  “I have a question for you, Adam. It’s baffled my mind since the day I first saw you.”

  My eyebrows furrowed at his statement. Why was he baffled by me? Then a sudden sickening feeling went down my spine. What if he had found out I was an undercover cop?

  The impulse to run and check on Chloe was strong, I’d never forgive myself if anything happened to her because of me, but I had to force myself to stay where I was, in case I was wrong.

  “What’s that?” I asked, trying to keep my voice level. If I blew my cover now, I’d never get that promotion, even worse, I probably wouldn’t walk out of here alive.

  “Why do you wear that violet broach on your shirt? It’s a rather feminine item. Since the day I saw you, I’ve been curious about it.”

  Relief flooded through me. He still didn’t know my true identity.

  “It was my sister’s.”


  “Yes. She died from cancer a few years ago. Her name was Violet. I wear it so I feel like part of her is close to my heart.”

  Edmund’s face darkened. “I’m sorry for your loss. I too know what it’s like to lose a close family member to cancer. That actually brings me to my proposal for you.”

  I sat up taller, making sure that I was able to get all of this recorded.

  “Several years ago, I lost my wife, Andrea. She was my perfect little girl, but sadly, she passed because I couldn’t afford the medicine she needed to stay alive. On her death bed, I vowed I’d never let myself get in that situation again. So, I built The Little Resort, intent on making a decent profit and uniting people together.”

  He paused, taking a sip of his own drink. I felt bad for the owner. Losing someone was never easy, but especially not when it was a wife. I did like how he took his suffering and made a resort to help people fulfil their desires.

  He put his glass down and continued, “Everything was going well until I realized I wanted to make more money. I quickly discovered that many of the visitors at my resort enjoyed having some extra fun, so I started to sell them cocaine and even some date rape drugs.”

  “What?” I was shocked. I knew he was selling cocaine, but not the date rape drugs. It made my blood boil. He was giving rapists better access to attack people. Despite the desperate want to punch this man to a pulp, I had to keep still and let him continue talking.

  “I’ve seen how much you’ve enjoyed yourself this weekend, but I can tell that you’re looking for something else. Cocaine will give you that extra high that makes you feel like you’re on top of the world or you can slip a little something into your partner’s drink and explore those hard limits of hers.”

  My hands balled up into fists and I had to clench my teeth in order to contain my rage. How could he even suggest I try to roofie Chloe?

  “Are you actually sitting there trying to encourage me to rape the person who has been entrusted into my care, just so I can get some sick sexual pleasure out of it?” I asked, almost growling at him.

  The smug grin on his face was making it extremely hard for me to not reach across the desk and choke him. Any second now, I wasn’t going to be able to hold myself back. I prayed to God my boss was on his way here with reinforcements.

  “All I’m saying is anal sex is enjoyable whether your girl is awake or not.”

  Rage washed over me like never before. Without even making a conscious decision, I was on the other side of the desk. My, fist slammed into Edmund’s face. The force caused both him and his chair to flip backwards.

  “Fuck,” he shouted.

  I didn’t give him a chance to gain his bearings. I picked him up by his neck and shoved him against the wall. There was a loud cracking noise, but I didn’t pay it any attention. With my arm pressed against his neck, he couldn’t move. “You are a sick son of a bitch. I hope you rot in hell.”

  Before I could land another punch to his bloody face, the doors flew open and cops rushed inside. My boss’s voice filled the room. “Adam! Let him go. We won’t be able to charge him if he’s dead.”

  I stood still for a moment, pushing my arm harder against his windpipe, slowly cutting off his air. When his face started to turn blue, I let the bastard go and he collapsed on the floor. Another officer moved in and cuffed him, while reading him his rights.

  I hoped he got sentenced to life with no parole and got placed with a roommate who didn’t mind giving him a dry foot long sandwich in the ass every day for the rest of his life.

  Rubbing my fist to ease the ache of pounding the jackass’s face, I moved to Cap’s side as more people filled the room. He was smiling, a rare occurrence.

  “Excellent job, Murphy. You really made the force proud today,” he said, patting me on the shoulder.

  “Thanks. It’ll feel beyond good to see this jack-off behind bars where he can’t sell that shit to kids or hurt any more innocent women.”

  “Damn straight. And I’m sure it’ll feel even better for you to no longer have to act the part as Daddy Dearest to anyone. Bath time, correcting misbehavior, playing dolls—I am so glad I wasn’t in your shoes these past few days.”

  Before I could comment, I heard a gasp. I turned to find a wide-eyed Chloe standing in the doorway. She had to have heard everything. I watched as her eyes filled with tears. Then her hand flew up to cover her gaping mouth.

  I took a step forward, ready to explain, but she whirled and ran.

  “Chloe,” I called and tried to go after her, but someone grabbed my arm. It was a fellow officer and they wanted a statement from me.

  “Not now you, jackass,” I growled as I pushed him out of the way to go after my girl.

  Stupid. I was so fucking stupid. I couldn’t believe I had fallen for a man who lied to me about everything. Adam had seemed so perfect. That should have been what tipped me off. No man was perfect. They were all selfish jerks who only cared about their own pleasure. Never again would I allow one of them to get close to me.

  Since we were supposed to be leaving tomorrow morning, I had already packed most of my things. Thank heaven for that. As I rushed into our suite, I knew I wouldn’t be able to stay in here for a second longer than necessary. Not when it was filled with memories of my Daddy.


  He was Officer Adam Something-or-other, who took care of me and fucked me, while pretending to actually care about me. Because it was his job!

  I needed to get out of here. Now!

  Tears blurred my vision. As I pulled my suitcase onto the bed, I went over everything that had occurred this evening.

  Priscilla and I had been playing tea party with her two stuffed animals when we heard a loud bang in her Daddy’s office. A second later, the elevator to the penthouse pinged and a dozen cops swarmed out. They ignored us, seemed to know exactly where they were going, and raced down the hall toward the office where my Daddy was.

  Confused, Priscilla and I were worried about our Daddies. Together, we went down the hall to see what the commotion was about.

  We walked into chaos. There was a bunch of yelling, then I heard Mr. Burke being read his rights. A moment later, he was being walked out in handcuffs, his face bloody, and his neck bruised and swollen.

  Seeing him in such bad shape, Priscilla followed him out. I decided to stay, wanting to talk to Adam. He’d explain everything to me.

  I spotted him standing next to an older gentleman who had just clapped him on the shoulder. That’s when I heard the man praise Adam for catching the perp. This was surprising, but what happened next was worse. He congratulated him for no
longer having to pretend to be a Daddy to a needy little girl, better known as me.

  My entire world froze until I heard someone let out a shriek. Covering my mouth with my hand, I realized it had been me. Tears flooded my eyes as Adam looked up and spotted me.

  As if he had physically slapped me, pain laced through my body. I had to get out of there, so I ran back to our suite.

  Coming back to the present, I tried to control the sobs that were desperate to burst through. This entire week had been fake. Everything he had told me had been a lie. I felt like such a fool!

  How could I have let this happen again? First, Roger pulling the wool over my eyes as he screwed me—and my best friend—now this. Clearly, I was a magnet for liars.

  Tossing the last of my belongings into my suitcase, I zipped it closed as the door opened.

  Not needing to see who it was, I stacked my pillow on top of my suitcase, while trying to take a deep breath. Whatever he said, I had to stay calm.

  “Chloe, we need to talk. You have to let me explain.”

  “No, Adam, if that even is your real name. I heard everything I needed to. We’re done; you’re free. Go run along with your cop friends and celebrate that you got what you came here for and that you no longer have to play the part of Daddy to a crazy woman.”

  The words stung as they left my mouth, but I had to say them. I couldn’t be a part of a relationship that was built on so many lies.

  “Please, you need to give me a chance,” he begged, coming up beside me and gently turning me around.

  “No, I want you to go away,” I said, not looking at him. If I did, I was afraid I’d crumble.

  “Please, you have to listen to me!”

  Using the last of my strength, I gazed up into his beautiful brown eyes. They were big and I could see the plea in them for me to listen, but I just couldn’t. I had been hurt so much before, I didn’t want to be hurt again.

  “Haven’t you done enough already? You made me believe I was falling in love with you, that you were perfect for me. That wasn’t true, was it? Everything you said while we were here was a lie. Well guess what, I’m letting you go. You don’t have to act as my Daddy, or my Dom anymore. You’re free. Go out with your cop friends, have some drinks, laugh about the girl who you never wanted but fooled so well. Just never speak to me again.”


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