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That's a Lie

Page 18

by Victoria Klahr

  I watch him, his powerful aura dominating our passion like it never used to. He’s so much more assertive in handling me now, no longer holding back. I feel like my admission of how I feel about him and my acquiescence not to hide from him anymore broke down the hindrance that forced us to curb the passion we could have had before. Sex with Seth had always been incredible and lovely, but now it’s undoubtedly the best thing I’ve ever felt.

  His blonde hair slides over his forehead, and his eyes darken with need. There’s sweat glistening against his delicious chest and arms, his hips pound harder and harder into me, and there’s so much fucking love that we’re trying to express to each other- trying to make up for four years of lost time.

  I’m so overwhelmed with feeling. Feeling of love, salaciousness, and raw carnal desire. Tears sting my eyes as he brings me closer to the pinnacle that my throbbing has been reaching toward. I cry out and moan, whispering his name as I watch him take me with a strength and passion that I’ve never experienced but will love and treasure forever.

  I start to shiver, climax building higher, and Seth takes his hands off my hips to lean forward so he’s eye level with me. He kisses my bottom lip, licking it and pulling it into his mouth, and his hand reaches up to grab some of my hair. “Say it,” he says gravelly.

  I know what he wants. What he needs to hear.

  “I love you, Seth,” I whimper. His hips continue to grind against me, rubbing my clit perfectly until I can’t hold on any longer. He moans, licks my arm that is now covered in goose bumps, and moves his hand to my cheek as I scream my release, watching me carefully and intently.

  His moans increase and his hips rock harder and more unsteadily inside of me. Finally, he kisses me cogently and moans into my mouth as he comes. He groans some more and nips, kisses, and licks my swollen lips.

  His mouth moves across my face, making exaggerated moaning noises and smooching me until I’m smiling widely. “I love you, Pussy Cat.”

  “I love you, too, Sethy Poo.” He chuckles and licks the side of my neck. He’s obsessed with my neck.

  “You know what I really want right now?” he murmurs against my skin. Surely he can’t be ready to go again!

  “What?” I ask, holding back a laugh. His head pops up and looks at me with a serious expression.

  “Apple fucking pie.”

  And here comes another fit of giggles.

  Chapter 18


  “Okay, okay…. Open up,” I say, trying and failing to hide my grin. “I promise I won’t mess with you this time.”

  She gives me a cute ass look of uncertainty, but still opens her mouth to me, tongue slipping out slightly to take what I’m offering.

  “Now, come on… you gotta say ah,” I tease, holding back. She pouts her pretty lips and I lean in to kiss her bottom lip, biting it briefly before I pull back.

  “Ahhhh…” She sticks her tongue back out and waits. I point the nozzle to her tongue, and smirk at her expectant and wary expression. I push the white tip, but move it quickly to her cheek so the whipped cream gets on her face instead of her tongue.

  She shrieks and starts to bat me away, but I lock my arms around her on the counter and hold her still while I lick her cheek. I chuckle as she giggles and fidgets to get away.

  “Seth, stop it!” she squeals, turning her head. My tongue follows easily and I clean her of all the sticky white cream.

  “All clean…,” I say and give her one last big sloppy kiss on her cheek. I’ll never tire of this, of being with her like this.

  She turns her head, scrunches her nose, and glares at me. Her mouth is puckered to the side and I can tell she’s trying to hold in a laugh. I take the bottle and spray some more into my mouth as she scowls.

  “Ok, Pussy Cat. I swear I’m done this time. You can have some…,” I tell her, holding my arms up in surrender.

  “I don’t believe you!”

  “Are you willing to take the chance? I mean… whipped cream is on the line here.”

  “You’re teasing me.” She pouts again, and I grin broadly. I lean in to take her lip in my mouth again, but she turns her head away before I can.

  “Keep doing that, Pussy Cat, and you’ll be missing out on a lot of treats,” I threaten. She turns and gapes at me, giving me the perfect opportunity to take her bottom lip between my teeth. I pull, and then suck on it gently, watching her eyes try to mask the pleasure she feels when I kiss her.

  “You play dirty,” she complains.

  “Open up… I swear I’ll give you some.” She looks fucking perfect on my kitchen counter in one of my big t-shirts that hits her knees, thoroughly-just-fucked-hair, make-up free face, and splashes of red on her cheeks. I’ve never seen anyone as gorgeous as her.

  “Ahh…,” she says, tentatively sticking out her tongue again. I move the can to her tongue and smile when she continues to glower. I lick her tongue, before I squeeze the nozzle, only I move it back to my mouth before it reaches her tongue.

  “Seth!” she cries, trying to push me away. I laugh and shush her. I grab both of her cheeks and forcibly bring my mouth to hers, shoving my whipped cream filled tongue into her mouth. She yelps, but her tongue gradually follows in sync with mine.

  “Shhhh, you’ll wake my parents…,” I say before going back into her mouth, devouring her and sliding my hand up her thigh until I reach her perfect-

  “Too late, Seth Montgomery!”

  I pull away from Josie abruptly at the sound of my mom’s voice. I look at Josie and exaggeratedly widen my eyes in pretend fear. My mom can’t tell I’m with Josie, so I’m assuming she thinks I’m having a one night stand in her kitchen.

  “I need to talk to you for a minute, Seth,” my mom says sternly and turns back into the hallway. Josie groans and covers her face in her hands. I pull them away and kiss her palms.

  “Told you I’d give you some that time,” I say with a smirk and a wink. “Be right back.”

  I look back before I walk into the hallway and see her resting on her elbows, looking at the ceiling, and swinging her legs.

  She’s been in my life since elementary school, she’s been in my heart since I was about 15, but now she owns my very existence. She holds it in her tiny hand. She’s taken over my life, and I’ll never be the same again.

  I walk up to my mom and lean my shoulder against the wall while I wait for her to start her bitching.

  “What are you doing, Seth? Who is that girl? What are you thinking? Have you lost all sense? Have I raised you to be an idiot?” I raise my eyebrows and my lips curve up in a smile.

  “Ouch, mom. Way to have faith in your son. What if that girl is my soul mate, and you’re not even giving her a chance.”

  She rolls her eyes and gives me an annoyed look. “Seth, don’t be dumb.”

  “I’m not! You’re seriously hurting my feelings here. I think I’m in love with that girl.”

  “Ugh, Seth. Stop joking around. What’s Josie going to think when she finds out? And she will. She always does!” she says, referring to the reason why Josie had put an end to her feelings for me in the first place, blocking herself from being as happy as we are right now.

  Mom knew everything about us. She knew before I did about how I felt about Josie, so when I finally talked to her about how much it killed me to be around Josie when she was with someone else, she understood.

  I crease my brows and put a finger to the side of my mouth, pretending to ponder her questions.

  “Well… I think that Josie would be pretty damn shocked to find she’s got an identical twin out there somewhere… or at least shocked that she was unconscious long enough for me to take a lot of advantage of her.”

  Mom stares at me for a minute, and then her eyes widen in surprise. She tries to maneuver around me, but I put my arm up to block her.

  “Stop, Mom. She’s embarrassed that you caught us, anyway. Harass her tomorrow.”

  She clasps her hands together and bounces on her feet.

  “Oh my god, Seth!” she whispers excitedly. “It’s about freaking time!”

  “Yeah it is.” I smile at her.

  “Ok… ok… I know I’m supposed to warn you about using protection and all, but I don’t even care. Make me some grandbabies.”

  “Mom. Shut up! What the hell is wrong with you?” I grab her shoulders and turn her in the direction of the stairs.

  “What?” she asks, innocently, but I see the mischievous glint in her eyes. I roll my eyes and walk her to the stairs.

  “We are so not talking about kids right now. Go to sleep crazy woman.” She turns around and smiles sweetly.

  “I’m so happy for you, baby. I can’t wait to tell your father!” She walks back upstairs and I walk back to the kitchen. Josie’s got the apple pie sliced onto two separate plates and is spraying globs of whipped cream on the top.

  I stand back and watch her, loving the way my shirt swallows her tiny body, and especially loving her gorgeous legs, bare and sexy as hell. I walk behind her as she shakes the can trying to get more out of it, and wrap my arms around her stomach, resting my chin on her shoulder. She shivers, but leans back and molds into me.

  “Is she mad?” she asks, closing her eyes to enjoy my mouth on her neck.

  “Furious,” I murmur, sucking hard on her skin. She jerks and turns around in my arms, eyes wide in concern. She loves my Mom, so she would never want to upset her. “I’m just kidding, Pussy Cat. She’ll probably be making wedding plans with you tomorrow morning.”

  Her confused expression is cute as hell. She doesn’t know that everyone knows I’ve been in love with her for years, and she sure as hell never thought she’d get married when she grew up, so that’s a topic she’s not ready for. I kiss the crease between her brows and scoop her legs up in my arms so I’m carrying her.

  “You carry the pie, and I’ll carry the pretty girl. Drop the pie, and I drop the girl. Got it?” I say with a severe expression. She nods her head sharply as if taking on a very important mission.

  “Got it, Sir.”

  “Mmm, I like that.” I smirk at her, then carry her outside and back to my room.

  We eat our pie on my bed, and my mind gets preoccupied by what my mom said. I didn’t even ask Josie if it was okay to go without a condom. I never forget to wrap it up with other girls and even with her before, but we’ve been at it about five times already and not once have I asked it if she was okay with that. I’m not worried about knocking her up, she takes her birth control religiously, but I do worry that I could have crossed a line.

  But fuck did it feel amazing. And if I’m being honest, I almost don’t want to ask and give her the opportunity to change her mind. I love watching my come smeared on her body, sliding out of her every time we’re done. It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

  After she moves the empty plates to the side table, I grab her waist, pull her up to me, and lay back down on the bed. I run my hand through her hair as we look at each other, peacefulness clear in how we fit into and look at each other.



  “I didn’t use a condom.” She snuggles in closer and smiles.

  “I know.”

  “I should have asked.”

  “I would have told you to fuck it if you had, anyway.” She reaches up and kisses my lips softly. “I wouldn’t change anything about tonight. I hope every day is like tonight.”

  “So you’re ok if we don’t worry about it?” I love the warmth that her words bring me. To feel secure in our relationship is something I never thought we would have. She pulls back and looks at me pensively.

  “Are you worried about me getting pregnant? I’m on birth control.” I can still see the troubled look in her eyes that worries that I might look down on her for getting the abortion.

  “No! I don’t give a fuck about that. I’ll knock you up any day.” I don’t even know where those words come from, it’s never crossed my mind before she said that. I shake my head slightly and continue. “I just don’t want you to ever be uncomfortable with me. I won’t be like that asshole. I won’t take advantage of you when you don’t want it. I need to know that you’re okay with it.”

  Her hand reaches up to rub my jaw, trying to ease the tension that the memory of her being rape brought back.

  “Seth… You’re nothing like him. I don’t feel that way at all with you. I feel so safe with you. So yeah, I’m okay with it.” She feels safe with me? “Stop thinking about it so much. You saved my life.”

  “I wish I could have saved you from it all together,” I admit solemnly. I never should have left her back there by the bathrooms by herself. I shouldn’t have been so focused on getting laid.

  “It’s not your fault. You need to let it go now.” I search her eyes, feeling her earnestness in that statement.

  “I’ll let it go if you stop beating yourself up for getting an abortion,” I counter, moving my mouth to the corner of hers and kissing her fleetingly. She makes me feel like I can be good enough. She makes me feel like I can forgive myself for letting her get hurt.

  “Deal,” she whispers. I kiss her softly, a simple kiss, but there’s so much to be said for the simplicity of it. When we pull away, she nestles deeper into my side.

  “It’s four in the morning, Pussy Cat,” I whisper. “You should go to sleep.”

  “I don’t want to,” she whispers back. It’s been a long ass day. She broke my heart and mended it, all in a twelve hour span. I smile slightly, pushing her hair behind her ear. There’s a little frown on her lips, and I run my thumb over it to try to smooth it out.

  “What’s wrong, pretty girl?”

  “I’m scared to go to sleep.” Her voice is timid and she looks so small as she admits she’s scared. “I don’t want the nightmares to come tonight.”

  I wrap my arms around her, making a cocoon of warmth for her where she can feel safe for a juncture. I kiss her head and smooth her hair out with my hand.

  “I’ll try to keep them away, Jos. And if they come anyway, I’ll be here. I’ll never leave.” Her eyes are heavy with fatigue, and she closes them at my assurance.

  “I love you,” she whispers. My heart pounds as I hear the words come out of her mouth again.

  “I love you, too, pretty girl.”

  I hold her and watch her slip into a peaceful sleep quickly. I don’t care about sleep as much as I care about memorizing every part of the girl I love. Her small hand rests against my chest, her lips are puckered, her dark long eyelashes rest beautifully on her cheeks, and her hair fans the pillows and her shoulders.

  I want to remember her like this, never forgetting the first time she fell asleep in my arms telling me she’s in love with me instead of loving me just as a friend.

  I lean back slightly and reach under my bed. I grab my camera and bring it in front of my eye. The light from the lamp makes for perfect lighting, and I snap a couple pictures of her. I put the camera back down and lean over to turn off the light.

  I breathe her in, her vanilla and brown sugar scent filling my senses, and hold her tightly, running my hands through her hair. The warmth coming from her tiny body, and the steady movements of my hand skimming over her lulls me to sleep quickly and peacefully.

  * * *

  I can tell there’s a shift in the air immediately.

  My heart pounds in my chest as I try to determine why I wake up. Then I hear a whimper, the tiniest but most distressing sound, come out of the person wrapped around me.

  I look down at Josie and see her face contorted into a sorrowful expression. I need to wake her up before she starts screaming again.

  “Baby…,” I rasp, rubbing her face. She whimpers again, and I see a stray tear fall from her closed eye. My heart constricts and starts racing. “Please, baby… wake up.”

  Her hands claw at my chest as a cry escapes her mouth. I wrap my leg around her, pulling myself so I hover over her body.

  “Josie… come on.” I stroke her hair with o
ne hand and pat her cheek with my other in an attempt to get her to wake up before the real fright starts. Terror washes over me like a bucket of cold water as her nails dig into my chest. I always catch her while she’s in the middle of screaming, I’ve never watched the panic evolve through her nightmare before. “Josie!”

  She’s too far into her horror to hear me, and starts screaming before I can call her out of it. I beg her to wake up, wiping away the tears as they escape her eyes.

  “I love you, Josie. Come back to me,” I try. Her eyes open quickly and she sucks in a large breath as if she had been about to drown in her fears. She looks at me, eyes wide and red and shock apparent in her expression.

  “Oh my god,” she gasps, another cry escaping her mouth. She lets go of her grip on my chest and covers her mouth. “I killed her. I did it. It’s all my fault.” She sobs into her hands and shakes her head back and forth.

  I had a feeling this is what haunted her at night, but she never opened up to me about it before. “It’s okay, baby. You didn’t hurt anyone.”

  “There’s so much blood,” she cries hysterically. She pulls her hands back and another sob falls past her lips as she looks at them, blood under her nails and on her fingertips. Shit. I look down at my chest and see blood trickling down eight scratches that run down my torso.

  “Fuck,” I murmur. This isn’t going to help. I swipe the blood and lay against her so she can’t see it. “It’s okay, Josie. You didn’t mean to. It’s going to be okay. We’ll get through this, I promise.”

  I roll over and pull her on top of me, holding her securely in my arms. “I’m sorry I couldn’t take it away, Josie,” I whisper and stroke her hair while she sobs against my chest. Every time she cries my heart hurts more. I want to take away all her pain, erase it all so nothing ever plagues her heart again. Easing some of her despair is the best I can do, and I barely even know how to do that.

  Her breathing evens out, and her tears stop after a few minutes of me whispering to her and rubbing her back.


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