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Dangerous Paradise

Page 16

by Debra Andrews

  Alex strode up and grasped the other side to prevent him from shoving the boat out to sea. The huge man dropped his end in the sand. Hands on hips, he pierced Alex with unfriendly, dark eyes. Alex ignored his ire and motioned with his hands that he wanted to go with them, but the natives shrugged. Alex exhaled in frustration.

  “I’m ready,” Kelly called from behind. He turned to see her tromping through the sand, carrying two bags stuffed with their belongings.

  His mouth twitched with amusement as he took one bag from her arms. “You brought everything, love?” he drawled.

  She shrugged. “You never know what we’ll need.”

  “I haven’t been able to convince them to take us yet.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “You haven’t? Perhaps I should try.” She bestowed a brilliant smile on each person, the last of which came to rest on the burly native. The giant’s mouth lifted in a bedazzled grin. Kelly pointed at the boat and made a stepping motion as if getting inside.

  Alex stifled his urge to interfere with what seemed like flirting.

  When the huge native nodded, and his mouth lifted in a bedazzled grin, Alex liked the man even less.

  With a glint of humor in her eyes. Kelly smiled sweetly up at Alex. “I think he wants me to get in.”

  Alex unclenched his teeth. “Not without me you don’t.” They dragged the vessel past the breaking waves. He climbed in after her, along with the rest of the group.

  The natives fired up the rickety outboard engine, and the motor sputtered to life. Alex watched the island they had survived on for two months grow smaller until it disappeared from his sight. Despite his relief to get away, a sense of loss enveloped him.

  Wearing a baseball cap, and with her thick auburn hair twisted into a long braid, Kelly sat in front of him. She turned and gave him a serene smile. “We’re leaving, Alex. Your wish has come true.”

  His expression stilled. Did she look forward to the moment when they would part?

  * * *

  After a couple of hours on the ocean, they arrived at a large island. Kelly got her first glimpse of a village lining the shore. The natives escorted them into a clearing where there was a gathering of long tables surrounded by thatched huts.

  The islanders paused, then greeted them with friendly smiles. Kelly exhaled in relief. She’d been half-worried these people might want to turn them into slaves.

  A group of children ran up to them. One wide-eyed boy reached out and touched their hair and skin, causing two girls to feel comfortable enough to do the same. Once their curiosity was satisfied, they ran off, kicking up swirls of dust in their departure.

  The pretty native who had traveled with them hovered close to Alex and offered him a cup of water. He handed the cup to Kelly first. She sipped and quenched her parched throat. After Alex drank, he returned the cup, smiling at the woman. A twinge of jealousy hit Kelly. He probably smiled at all women the same—just like he had at her.

  She smacked him on the back of his shoulder.

  He frowned at her. “What was that for?”

  She shrugged and lied, “Poisonous fly. I believe I heard about it on the tour.”

  Cringing at her jealous feelings, she crossed her arms over her chest and decided to find someone to help them return to the mainland. She glanced around and found the huge native watching her. When he grinned, he did nothing to hide his lustful gaze.

  Her stomach knotted and she edged closer to Alex. “Didn’t that giant’s mother tell him it isn’t polite to stare?”

  Alex’s eyes crinkled with mischief. “That one could eat you for dinner.”


  “Sorry.” But he looked anything but contrite.

  She shuddered. “You don’t really think they could be cannibals?”

  He shook his head and laughed. “Heavens no, love. Not in this day and age. I’d be more concerned they’ll want money from us. Or, maybe they’ll take pity on us when they see our condition––and give us money. However, I think he likes you.” He winked. “I knew your beauty would get me into trouble in more ways than one.”

  “Very funny. Don’t tease me.” She hooked her arm through his. “But I wish he’d stop staring. He gives me the creeps.”

  Alex’s expression held a note of mockery. “What did you expect after the way you flirted with him on our island?”

  “I got us here,” she said, satisfied that she noted a hint of jealousy in his voice. “There must be some way to explain to him that I’m with you.”

  He leaned and whispered in her ear. “Are you? You haven’t been for a week. I’ve missed you.”

  His warm breath sent a shiver of excitement through her. If only he knew how much she wanted to be with him, every minute. Staying away from him had been sheer torture. At night, her treacherous body throbbed for his touch. But with the risk of pregnancy, and because he didn’t want to get involved with her for the long term, it seemed better this way for both of them.

  “And you know why I haven’t,” she said coolly. “What would happen to our plans, Alex, if I returned home pregnant . . . or with your child?”

  An odd expression flitted across his face before his skin paled. She gritted her teeth. Just as she’d expected. Heaven forbid if he might somehow be tied to her.

  “You’re not, are you?” he asked, catching her gaze.

  Even though it was her turn to let him squirm, she couldn’t stand the stricken look. “No. I’m sure I’m not pregnant,” she stated flatly. This past week, she’d had to handle that challenge.

  His color returned. “Good. I’m glad we don’t have to worry about that problem.” Giving her a faint smile, he placed his warm hand over hers, still in the crook of his arm.

  He certainly took the news well. Didn’t he know she’d never trap him in a relationship like his ex-wife?

  She would’ve removed her hand, if the huge native wasn’t standing nearby, constantly leering. His buddies surrounded him like he was the big Kahuna among them. At her glance, he flexed his biceps.

  An elderly man strode into the clearing, obviously important because he wore a decorated robe flowing over his otherwise western clothes. He threw his arms out wide.

  “Welcome to Yangono. I’m Wamba and leader of these people.”

  Dizzy with relief that he spoke English, Kelly grinned at Alex. While Alex always seemed to take things in stride, she’d been half-afraid of these natives and what they might want from Alex and her.

  Stepping forward, Alex shook Wamba’s hand. “I’m Alex Drake.”

  “Unfortunately for you, I’m the only one who speaks your Queen’s English.” Wamba turned in Kelly’s direction. “And who is your beautiful companion?”

  “This is Kelly Cochran, my . . . my . . . friend.” His hesitancy on what to call her, stung. He could have at least called her his girlfriend—even if it were only temporary.

  Wamba nodded. “I understand. She’s your woman, but not your wife.”

  As if that explained their relationship. “I don’t belong to anyone,” Kelly snapped. “I’m here on my own. Besides, we barely know each other.”

  Alex frowned at her. “What?”

  Raising her chin, she crossed her arms over her chest and refused to speak.

  Alex glanced back at the chief. “We were stranded after a boating accident and need your help. We need to contact the mainland. Do you have a telephone?”

  The leader shook his head, but at their obvious dejection, he added, “We have an old radio you might be able to repair.”

  Alex’s face lit up and he squeezed her hand. “It’s worth a try, love. Maybe we can fix it.”

  They followed Wamba to a storage hut. He threw open the door. Several squawking chickens ran past them. When she entered behind Wamba and Alex, she batted at the cobwebs overhead. Nestled in a corner, among boxes of miscellaneous junk, an ancient radio lay with the cover off. A quarter-inch of dirt blanketed its broken, glass tubes.

  Alex picked up the radio and blew off
the dust. “It’s more than a few years beyond repair—more like seventy.”

  “Carrier pigeon, anyone?” she muttered dryly.

  Missing her sarcasm, Wamba shook his head at that. “Parrots only.”

  Clasping her hand, Alex led her out of the hut and whispered in her ear, “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I know how eager you were to escape my presence. Now, it appears you’ll have to endure my company for a little while longer.”

  Flustered by his comment, she gaped. If anything, she had stayed away from him all week—partly because she’d had her period—but she was worried about her strong feelings for him, and if they continued to sleep together, the possibility of trapping him with a child. To hear him act as if she were the one who wanted them to be separated . . .

  After Wamba spoke a few words to an older woman, she scurried toward the clearing. “I told her to cook you for food.” He grinned at them.

  Kelly’s heart skipped a beat. “Did he say, cook you for food?” She dug her nails into Alex’s arm. He smiled, too. “What’s wrong with you? We should never have trusted them.”

  Chuckling, Alex put his arm around her shoulders and squeezed. “Kelly, he’s joking.”

  Wamba cackled with laughter. “Gets you tourists every time. I meant to say, cook food for you. We haven’t had visitors in a while. Tonight, we welcome you with a party.”

  Kelly narrowed her eyes, then disregarded the fact their leader was a practical joker. She glanced at the friendly faces of the villagers and expelled a deep breath. The tension slid from her body. She did think the giant man might be a threat, but there didn’t seem to be any danger as long as she stayed clear of his path. Why not enjoy this exotic experience for what it was? Alex didn’t seem to be concerned.

  “Well, I don’t mind being dessert,” she quipped, giving Alex and the chief a challenging gaze, “as long as Alex is the main course.” They both laughed at her remark, while Alex squeezed her hand.

  When they returned to the clearing, many of the locals had gathered around the tables. In a harsh voice, the huge native said something to the leader. In return, Wamba spoke in muted tones. Kelly watched with interest. The large native hunched his massive shoulders and gave her one last leering look before he skulked away.

  Frowning, Alex crossed his arms over his chest. “What’s going on with him, Chief?”

  Wamba stared after the retreating giant. “Moto wants to wed Kelly, but I told him she’s with you.” His weathered face turned grim.

  Kelly frowned. Her fears about the man returned.

  For the first time since meeting the natives, concern reflected in Alex’s blue eyes. “I have the distinct feeling I should have introduced you as my wife.”

  Wamba shook his head in disgust. “Our lives would be peaceful if not for Moto. Like a vulture, he awaits my death.” He pointed to the pretty native girl who had traveled with them. “Besides my daughter, Aleah, I have only one other child. A son, Calb.” He gestured to a skinny boy playing a game with rocks in the dirt. “If Calb was any competition to Moto, I don’t think he’d reach manhood.”

  “Why is Moto so much larger than everyone else?” Alex asked. “I’m six-foot-one and he dwarfs me.”

  “His mother left our island and lived on Viti Levu. She returned alone and with him. She said he’s large like his father. I say his body grew to compensate for his lack of brains.” Wamba thumped a fist to his chest. “My people do not need a moron for a leader.”

  “Chief, we need your help. Will you take us to the mainland?” Alex asked.

  “We just returned. It’ll be six months before we travel so far again.”

  Alex frowned. “But we can’t wait that long. We need to go home. How far away are we?”

  “About one hundred miles.”

  Alex exhaled a deep breath. “During the storm, Kelly, we must have been picked up by a strong current to have come so far.”

  With a sweeping motion of his hand, the leader said, “We invite you to stay as our guests.”

  Kelly bit her lip, unable to reconcile a strange relief she felt. Ever since they’d left their island to travel with these natives, she’d been half-afraid her adventure with Alex was over. She stole a glance at him from under her lashes. His handsome face had become so familiar and dear to her. Perhaps more time together would give him the chance to fall in love with her.

  Was it selfish to think this way? He lived an exciting life and probably hated the idea of six more months out here. Plus, she really needed to get back to the company and L.A., despite someone wanting her dead. She exhaled a deep breath. She’d not given a lot of thought to Cochran Investments lately, not when she spent night after night in Alex’s arms.

  Wamba clapped his hand on Alex’s back. “I can see your disappointment. But for tonight, we will show you our hospitality. As you say in English, it’s party time.” He cackled at his joke, and then said something in his language to his people. The crowd cheered.

  Wamba winked. “They love any excuse to celebrate. Kelly, you go with the women. Alex, I’ll show you the village and a hut where you can stay while you’re with us.”

  With the way Moto had stared, Kelly folded her arms over her chest, rooted to the spot. “No, thanks. I’d rather stay with Alex.”

  Alex nudged her shoulder. “Go on, Kelly. It’s all right.”

  Didn’t he realize that giant brute could be dangerous?

  A friendly woman smiled warmly and touched a loose strand of Kelly’s hair. Despite her worries about Moto, Kelly felt it would be churlish to refuse these kind people. Wamba seemed to think it was okay if she went with them. Alex didn’t seem bothered either. Perhaps she worried needlessly.

  She shook a finger at Alex. “All right, I’ll go with them, but if I end up on the menu, it’s your fault.”

  Both he and Wamba chuckled.

  * * *

  While Alex walked through the village with the chief, Wamba pointed to a small hut. “I’ll have this one prepared for you and your woman.”

  Alex crossed his arms over his chest. “Is there anyone nearby who can help us return to the mainland sooner?”

  “I’ll think about the options. Once in a while we have visitors who may be able to help you.”

  They entered one of the larger huts decorated with a tattered flag. Some of the village men sat cross-legged on mats around a wide bowl. Wamba motioned to the ground.

  Alex sat on a mat and took an offered cup. He sipped and nearly gagged. “What is this?”

  Wamba raised his drink. “Ceremonial drink—kava. Not known for its great taste, but you’ll like how it makes you feel.”

  The other men smiled and lifted their cups.

  Thinking it was better to participate in their ceremony than to insult them, Alex sipped the bitter brew. They urged him to drink more. Gradually, he became aware of the drink’s euphoric effect. The air around him began to swim. A few men laughed, which echoed in his brain.

  Alex swayed. “I think I’d better find Kelly.” His words sounded slurred to his own ears and he struggled to find his feet. When his vision righted itself, he stood. Waving away the laughter the men directed at him, he staggered away.

  He found the hut, which Wamba had provided for them, and fell face down on the cot and slept.

  When fingers stroked his shoulders and down his back to his buttocks, he sighed. “Does this mean you’ve forgiven me for my carelessness, love?”

  He twisted toward Kelly, but it was the squat woman with missing teeth who returned a smile.

  Bloody hell. He scrambled to his feet and pointed toward the door. “Go. Out.” With her head sinking low, she skulked out of the hut.

  How long had he been asleep? He’d been foolish to leave Kelly for so long. He dashed outside to find the afternoon sun lowering in the sky. Whirling in a circle, he tried to remember the direction to the village center.

  When he found his way to the clearing, the party was already in progress. A table was laden with exotic flowers and
various dishes. A whole roasted pig lay on a platter at the center.

  Where was Kelly? A glimmer of uneasiness ran through him. Finally, he spotted her. His breath rushed out in relief. She looked beautiful and happy. He stared at her as if seeing her for the first time. She wore a red and white-flowered halter top and wraparound skirt, which showed her bare midriff. Flowers and beads were entwined in braids, which encircled her head. The rest of her hair fell in loose curls down her back. She stood beside a table of women who were also admiring her new look.

  He strode toward her. “I’ve been looking for you.”

  “I wondered where you were.”

  “You look beautiful.”

  Her lips curved. “Since we’ve been stranded, this is the first time I’ve felt remotely pretty.” She twirled and showed him her outfit. “You like it?”

  “Yes.” He’d like to demonstrate the profound effect she had on him. Unfortunately, now wasn’t the time, in this very public place.

  He tore his gaze from hers and glanced around at the villagers who were eating, drinking, and socializing. He spotted Moto. “Bloody hell, he’s still staring at you. I hope he’s not going to be a problem. You’d better stay close to me.”

  While he wasn’t truly worried the man would cause problems as long as she was with him, Alex used the excuse to pull her against the length of him. She always felt so right in his arms. He inhaled the scent of the exotic flowers in her hair.

  He brushed away a loose curl at her temple. “No more going off alone, Kelly. I shouldn’t have pushed you into it. What would you say if I give you a kiss to show your entranced swain Moto that you’re with me?”

  Her eyes widened. “But . . . I’m not really with you. Circumstances only stranded us together.”

  “To hell you’re not with me.” Not giving her a chance to protest, he crushed his mouth down on hers.

  Her warm lips trembled beneath his, causing liquid heat to pulse through his veins. He clasped her tighter until her full breasts and hips pressed against him.

  “Enjoying the party, Alex Drake?” Wamba called from a nearby table.


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