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Dangerous Paradise

Page 17

by Debra Andrews

Alex groaned. Reluctantly, he lifted his mouth from Kelly’s.

  When their lips parted, she cried, “Oh.”

  He cupped her cheek. “We’re not used to having an audience.” Then he brushed his thumb across her lower lip. Bloody hell, he wanted to kiss her again, but he would have to be satisfied that her flushed face revealed she’d been just as affected as he. However, he’d only meant to give her a quick kiss, not get swept up in the moment. Now, he was afraid her effect on him would be obvious to everyone around.

  Sighing, he took her hand and led her to a table where Wamba sat with his young son, Calb, and his daughter, Aleah. “Good evening, Chief.”

  Wamba pointed to the end of his table. “Join us.”

  Alex settled on a bench with Kelly. He raked his gaze over her, still disturbed by their kiss. Had she been as electrified by it as he? He found her to be the most beautiful and exciting woman he’d ever met. Then he scoffed. Surely, it was because he’d been forced to spend two months alone with her that such an attachment and regard had grown.

  Bowls of food were passed around the table. He watched her cautiously eye each item before she spooned food onto her plate.

  Kelly handed him a bowl of fruit. “While you were gone, did you find anyone to help us?”

  A guilty heat rose on his face. “No.”

  She gave him a sideways glance. “Neither did I.” She passed him another dish. “Who knows what weird foods these people eat,” she said with an impish grin. “Could that concoction be iguana? Or is that a roasted parrot in that bowl? I just might lose my appetite.”

  “Hush. You don’t want to insult our hosts. We need their help. Now smile, eat it, and act like you enjoy it.”

  “Well, this fish with its entire body and head intact seems safe enough.” She lifted a portion onto her plate, then selected rice and fruit. She eyed the next dish, then quickly passed the bowl to him. “You be the polite, brave one with this dish, Alex,” she said with a smirk.


  The food, however, tasted delicious.

  Wamba told them a few stories about the village. The day cooled as dusk settled over the island. Some islanders lit torches around a raised platform, then with painted faces, a group of male dancers, wearing traditional garb, brandished spears. The beat of island music filled the air. Many of the villagers rushed up to dance before the stage.

  Kelly caught Alex’s arm. “So, what did you do all afternoon? You were gone for hours.”

  “I tried their local brew and realized it was their version of alcohol. I ended up sleeping in the hut they’ve provided for us.”

  Kelly laughed. “Do you mean you got drunk?”

  He shrugged. “Wamba called the drink ‘kava.’”

  “I’ve heard of it.”

  “I went to sleep it off, but then I had a surprise visitor in the hut.”

  She glanced at him sharply. “A visitor? I bet it was Wamba’s daughter.” He shrugged, knowing he was misleading her. “Did you sleep with her?” she blurted.

  He dropped all teasing and slanted her a look. “And if I had?”

  Her brow furrowed as she flicked her gaze away from him. “You’re free to do whatever you like.”

  Grasping her chin, he tilted her face toward him. “Do you care what I do?”

  She pulled away from his touch. “I never had any real claim on you, and I terminated our agreement.”

  When she stalked off, the words ‘to hell with our agreement’ died on his lips. And he didn’t care one bit for the stabbing jealousy and possessiveness clenching his gut when she joined the group of dancers, and the men on the stage smiled down at her.

  Bloody hell. His teasing had backfired this time.

  * * *

  Kelly couldn’t get away from Alex fast enough. Grass skirts rustled against her dress as she strode through the crowd. Her chest was tight and her eyes burned. She knew Alex didn’t equate sex with love. For him, it was a necessary biological function. She meant nothing to him beyond being a female body to use to satisfy his male lusts.

  Let him have hundreds of women—he wouldn’t have her again. She swiped at the tears spilling on her cheeks. Damn him. She wouldn’t cry. Although she had always known how this would play out, this closing scene still hurt too much.

  I want to go home. I want to get as far away from him as I can.

  Resolving to never let Alex know how much she cared, she pasted a fake smile on her face. She threw herself into dancing, hoping the beating drums would take her away from her heartache.

  When a pathway opened through the dancers, and Moto appeared, she gasped. He wore decorated clothing and a brightly colored loincloth. Grinning, he gyrated his massive hips at her. She flinched and sashayed through the crowd. When she found he wasn’t following her, she blew out a deep sigh. Surely, nothing could happen to her in a crowd of this size?

  She stopped at a table where a woman handed her a cup of something a few of the women were sipping. Gulping the awful tasting liquid, she winced. Kava.

  Across the crowd, she spotted Alex. With his arms folded over his chest, he looked as if he was irked with her. However, beside him, Aleah gazed at him with an enraptured face.

  Jealousy ripped through her. Kelly returned a defiant look to Alex, then downed more of the drink. Tonight, she wanted to forget she’d ever let herself care for him, forget all those times she’d let him make love to her when she’d known she shouldn’t—and this pain in her heart and soul was why. He was nothing but a playboy.

  Determined to have a good time, if it killed her, she marched back to the dancers.

  When euphoria swept her, she giggled. At least, she wouldn’t be crying over Alex, not tonight anyway. Swirling and swaying her hips to the beat, she tried to copy some of the other dancers. A few of those moves and a few villagers encircled her to watch, and—

  Someone clasped her elbow. She whirled, exhaling in relief when she saw Alex and not Moto. “You scared me. I was just getting into this dance.” She shooed him away with her hand and added bitterly, “So why don’t you just go away.”

  When he picked her up and half-carried, half-dragged her away, she gaped at his heavy-handedness. “What are you doing, Alex?”

  “You have all of these men watching you,” he grumbled. “Not to mention your friend Moto.” When they reached their table, he ordered, “Sit.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Don’t tell me what to do, Alex.”

  His eyes flashed with annoyance. “With the way your huge friend has been drooling over you, I don’t think it’s wise to flaunt your body in front of him, or drink kava.”

  “Flaunt my body?” she repeated, incredulously. She thrust her face toward his and felt dizzy. When she swayed, he caught her arm. “Okay. Perhaps you’re right. I’ll sit.”

  Glaring at her, he sat beside her.

  “Why, I think you’re jealous,” she blurted. “Good. You deserve it.”

  “No, I’m not jealous. The word is not in my vocabulary, sweetheart.” He folded his arms over his chest. “But you are intoxicated,” he said, grinding out the words.

  She poked her finger into his chest. “Okay, so it’s all right for you to do whatever you please, but not for me?”

  “I never said that.”

  “So tell me, did you enjoy your time with Aleah?” Giving him a withering stare, she couldn’t keep her anger and hurt to herself anymore––so much for pretending she didn’t care.

  He clasped her shoulder and gently shook her. Her head fell back, and she realized how lightheaded she was. “Kelly, I didn’t have sex with her.”

  She focused her eyes on his for the truth. “You didn’t?”

  “No. While I slept, someone did come into the hut. It was the woman with the missing teeth. I ran her out as fast as I could.”

  “Then why did you let me think you’d been with Aleah?”

  His gaze locked on her, he shrugged. “I don’t know. Perhaps I wanted to experience your jealousy. I too
k it too far.”

  “And if it had been Aleah?”

  “No, Kelly. I wouldn’t have.”

  Happiness blossomed recklessly inside her. Maybe he did care after all.

  Clasping her wrists, he pulled her to him. “However, if you’d come into the hut and rubbed my back, love,” he said, his voice dropping to a husky tone, “we’d still be in there. And what I’d like to do . . . You know certain spots on you are so tender—”

  She sucked in her breath. “Alex . . .”

  Five tables away, an argument broke out between Wamba and Moto. Kelly tore her gaze from Alex to see what was happening. He noticed, too, for he released her wrists and turned to watch.

  However, they could fight all they wanted for tonight, because her heart sang with joy. Alex did care. He had been jealous.

  Wanting to enjoy the evening, she stood and tugged his arm. “Why don’t we dance?”

  “Not now, love.”

  “You never let me have any fun,” she said with a feigned pout.

  His face grew serious. “Something is going on, and we need to keep our wits about us. Your dancing attracts attention. Maybe the wrong kind.”

  “Years of ballet and tap.” Her slurred words surprised her. She frowned. “Perhaps, I’ve had a little too much to drink.”

  He settled her onto his lap. “Be a good girl and sit with me until we find out why they are arguing. I don’t like this Moto character in the least. No more kava for either of us. All right?”

  Comfortably snuggled against his chest, she smiled into his face. “If you’re truly worried, I won’t dance anymore—not as long as I get to sit on your lap.”

  He winked. “All right, but don’t wiggle so much, love.”

  She grinned. “Okay, but it does feel good to be at a party, even with people who don’t speak English.” She walked her fingers over his chest and teased, “Gee, Alex, you never take me to any parties.” At the strong impulse to trail her tongue down his neck, she sucked in her breath and tempered her passion.

  He tightened his arms around her, smiling indulgently. “And you know why?” he said lightly. “At every invitation we’ve received on our island, I’ve said to myself, ‘I can’t take my Kelly to a party. She’ll drink too much and dance like a wild woman.’”

  She liked the sound of being his.

  “I don’t usually drink more than an occasional glass of wine, but this kava surprised me.” She placed her palms on his chest, loving the feel of his muscles beneath her hands. “It makes me want to get you alone,” she said, lowering her voice on the last word. At that thought, heat flooded through her. She no longer felt like laughing.

  “Any more talk like that,” he whispered in her ear, while he stroked his hand along her bare midriff, “and I’ll throw you over my shoulder and carry you into the hut. And you can show me that dance in private. And damn the consequences.”

  “Promises, promises,” she murmured, nestling closer, happier than she ever thought possible. Her gaze searched his. “Alex, I lov—”

  Wamba and Moto’s voices rose to an angry pitch, capturing Alex’s attention.

  Shock ran through her and Kelly pressed her fingers to her lips, shaken at what she’d nearly blurted out to him.

  Wamba strode up to their table. “Moto says it’s time he married and insists he take Kelly for his bride.”

  “What?” Alex and Kelly said in unison. Her stomach clenched as she glanced at Alex in panic.

  He stood, sliding Kelly off his lap. “Tell Moto he can’t have her. She’s with me.”

  “But you said you weren’t married,” Wamba complained.

  Kelly whirled toward the giant. “We’re not. And I’m going to tell Moto the last thing I want is to be his bride.”

  When she took an unsteady step, Alex grabbed her arm and spun her around. He set her down on the bench with a thud.

  Then he pressed his hands on her shoulders to keep her there. “Hey, Little Hot Head. Can’t you see your gigantic swain is dressed in some kind of bridal loincloth? He means business. This could be a dangerous situation for you. We’re not back in the States. A more primitive law exists here. You’re a single woman and this giant wants to make you his bride. Tonight. Do you get my meaning?”

  She cringed. “Yes, I get it.”

  “Good.” He turned to the chief. “Tell him she’s with me.”

  After Wamba called out the translation, Moto stomped up to their table. Any lingering thoughts Kelly had about this festive getup only being his fancy party outfit, were shot to hell. She surveyed the clearing. Not one of the other males had taken such care to decorate their bodies.

  Wamba frowned. “Moto says her beauty has ripped his heart from his chest, and he’ll fight for her.”

  She winced. “But I don’t want his heart—or anything else.”

  Alex stepped forward and said in a calm voice, “Chief, explain to him about our Western culture of allowing women to choose their partners. You can’t make a woman go with you, when she doesn’t want to.”

  As if he understood Alex’s words, Moto threw back his head and roared with laughter, his great belly shaking. Speaking a few words to his buddies, he picked up a nearby branch and broke it into two pieces as if it were Alex’s body.

  Wamba translated. “He says ‘who’s going to stop him from taking her for his wife?’”

  Chapter Eleven

  Alex exhaled a deep breath as he surveyed the massive native. “I’m glad he thinks this is hilarious,” he said dryly. “What am I supposed to do, Chief? Fight him?”

  Wamba’s expression grew pensive. “Rule of the village . . . Every man handles Moto any way he can. Let him have her peacefully. You’ll lose in the end. No man has been able to stand up to Moto.”

  Alex glanced at Kelly. “Did I tell you I’m an actor, not a fighter?”

  Her eyes widened. “I know that. You can’t mean to do this.”

  “Blast it, Kelly. You would attract the biggest bully on the island.” He turned to Wamba. “Tell him he can’t have her.”

  She clasped his arm. “This isn’t one of your movies. He’ll kill you.”

  But believing this bastard would do Kelly harm, a surge of protectiveness swept over him as he gazed down at her. “Do we have a choice, love? I don’t like the alternative, do you?”

  Moto stepped toward Kelly and flexed his chest muscles and biceps.

  She frowned. “Is that supposed to impress me?”

  Alex’s anger rose at Moto’s audacity. “He looks ridiculous.”

  Kelly turned to the chief. “I’m not going anywhere with that monster. On your island, doesn’t a woman have any rights?”

  Wamba threw out his hands. “Most the time, but sometimes Moto tries to make his own laws.”

  Waving his gigantic fist in the air, the huge native shouted something in his native tongue. The music and dancing halted. The islanders gathered around, whispering amongst themselves. Even in the torchlight, their faces reflected fear. How many men had Moto thrashed?

  Wamba translated. “He says anyone who interferes is tomorrow’s fishing bait.”

  Not wanting to fight, Alex said, “Do something, Chief.”

  “There’s nothing I can do,” Wamba grumbled. “Everyone is afraid of him.” His shoulders drooped under his regal finery. Alex realized the aging leader’s power was tenuous at best. “The only compensation I have for you is my beautiful daughter who expresses an interest in wedding you.” Aleah blew a kiss toward Alex.

  “That’s a great honor, Chief, but I feel a certain responsibility to this woman.” Alex narrowed his gaze on Kelly. “Even if she is a magnet for trouble. God knows, I’ve been up to my neck in it, since the day we met.”

  She winced. “Alex, please don’t fight. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  Wamba patted Alex on the back. “Consider it an honor for her to marry Moto. If he becomes the next leader, she’ll be his queen.”

  Alex lifted his chin. “I’m not impresse

  “Consider you’ll be able to walk away with your life,” Wamba countered blandly, straightening his robes around himself.

  Alex squared his shoulders. “I intend to live.” With a troubled expression, Kelly glanced toward him, and then back at his competition. He lifted his chin. “Kelly, have a little faith in me.”

  Moto taunted Alex with a wide grin. Alex rubbed his palms on his shorts. Damn it. The bloody bastard really meant to fight for her. He flicked his gaze to Aleah who beamed a smile at him. Did Moto have another reason to hate him? How many women had refused the giant?

  Moto grabbed Kelly’s wrist and yanked her to him.

  “Let me go,” she cried, her voice muffled against his big body. She stomped his foot, but he only wrenched her arm and proceeded to drag her away.

  Alex stared, unable to move.

  Kelly dug her heels into the dusty ground. “A-l-l-e-e-e-e-x-x!”

  Her cry snapped him to his senses. For a moment, he’d been waiting for a director to end the scene. This was something out of a film . . . having to fight a native over a beautiful girl.

  Alex swore, “Bloody hell!” He clamped his hands on his hips and strode toward them to block Moto’s exit.

  Moto glared as if Alex were crazy to even attempt to mess with him. Was this how he got away with whatever he wanted, frightening everyone until they backed down?

  Alex clenched his fist. He wasn’t backing down. He turned toward the chief. “Tell Moto I demand he release her—”

  “Watch out, Alex,” Kelly yelled from behind him.

  Moto lunged into Alex, sending him crashing into a table leg. Food landed on him as he sprawled face-first on the ground. He swiped the gritty dirt from his mouth. So much for this only being a scare tactic on Moto’s part.

  Freeing herself, Kelly ran and crouched beside Alex. “Are you all right?”

  He lifted his head and shook off some fruit that had fallen on him. “Yes, but I’ve been better, damn it.” He rolled onto his back and cringed to find Moto standing over them.

  Kelly grasped a nearby wooden spoon from the ground and shook her tiny weapon at Moto. “I mean it. Stop this, this instant.”


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