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The Heart

Page 28

by Iris Bolling

  He was about to give her a backhand when the old man spoke. “Not in this room,” he demanded. He turned angry eyes to her.

  “Does he roll over and bark at your command, too?” Monique joked.

  “You’re the whore that turned my grandson against his father. I can’t imagine what he sees in a darkie.”

  Monique frowned, “A darkie. What is that, code for a Black person?”

  “Gal, if you had any sense, you would be afraid of me. I’ve taken out more of your kind than I care to count. And if you don’t give me the information I need, you’re going to be next.”

  Monique looked around as she spoke. “I don’t think so, pops.” With her hands on her hips she surveyed the room. “People used to tell me they did things big in Texas. I can see now that was no lie. Is that real?,” she asked pointing to a rifle hanging above the fireplace. She watched as he nodded to the devil. She threw her hands up frustrated, “Oh, come on now. I wasn’t that bad.” The devil gave her a backhanded blow that sent her to the floor.

  “I don’t think you understand the severity of your situation little lady,” Mac sat back in his chair.

  Monique wiped the blood from her mouth as she sat on the floor. “First, my nose, then my lip.” She shook her head. “I might not wait for Daddy. I just might kill you myself.” She balled her fist up and punched him in the balls. The devil fell to his knees howling. Monique stood nodding. “I’m a girl from the hood. We can go blow for blow if you want.”

  Her mistake was not watching the old man, who walked up behind her and cracked her on the head with his cane, knocking her to the floor. She wasn’t unconscious, but damn if she didn’t wish she were.

  Outside the house, Joshua and Ryan had gained entrance to the house through the back. A black gentlemen dressed in black met them at the door. “Are you here to help that girl? Mac’s going to kill her sure as shooting.”

  “Is anyone else in the house?” Joshua asked.

  “Yes sir. The staff is here and the man that brought the girl is here.”

  “Get the staff out of the house.” The man ran off to do Joshua’s bidding.

  “He didn’t seem too anxious to hang around,” Ryan teased. “I’ll keep an eye on them.”

  They moved quietly down the hallway, while Al and Tucker entered the house through a set of French patio doors. Once inside, they stopped for a moment to listen.

  Mac leaned against his cane as he reached down and pulled Monique up by her hair. “Listen gal, you’re going to tell me what I want to know or I’ll order Lucifer here to skin you alive. Who are you working for?”

  Monique couldn’t help it, she laughed. “Lucifer?”

  Tucker walked into the room, with his gun ready, but before he could take a shot, he was watching Mac fly into the fireplace. When he turned back Al was on top of the man that was on the floor, pounding away.

  Monique got up and grabbed her daddy by the waist to pull him off of the man. “Daddy, you’re going to kill him!”

  Al turned to Monique, lifted her by the waist and sat her aside. “Yes, baby girl, I am.” He turned back to the man on the floor and continued pounding.

  “Uncle Tucker, don’t just stand there, stop Daddy.”

  Tucker raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

  “Uncle Tucker!”

  Tucker sighed. “Alright.” He took his time strapping the gun over his shoulder then reached down and pulled Al off of the man. Then he raised his gun and shot the man in the leg.

  Mac stood, wobbling as he used the mantel on the fireplace to help him up. “How dare you come into my home boy? Don’t you know who I am?”

  Al walked towards Monique. Mac raised his cane to strike him.

  Tucker raised his gun and pointed it at Mac. “I’m trying hard not to kill you old man.”

  Lifting Monique up, Al looked at his daughter. “Who did this to you?”

  “I’m all right Daddy,” she said as she stood.

  The last thing Monique wanted was her father to be put back behind bars. She knew if she told him anything he would kill somebody. She looked at Tucker, “It took you long enough to get here.”

  Tucker had to smile, “What made you think I was coming?”

  She looked as if she was wondering why he would ask such a stupid question. “My Daddy.”

  Tucker frowned and turned to her. “Your Daddy?”

  “My Daddy told me whenever I was in trouble you would not be far behind.”

  “And you believed him?” Tucker teased.

  “He’s my Daddy, of course I did. Right, Daddy?”

  The three broke out laughing. “Who hit you?” Al sobered very quickly.

  Monique reached down into her panties and pulled out her case. Inside she pulled out an eyebrow pencil and twisted the end. She took a picture of Lucifer then walked over to take a picture of Mac. A blast went off from the other side of the room.

  Everyone turned to see Joshua standing in the doorway blowing the end of his gun off. “That’s how it’s done in the Wild Wild West boys.”

  “Why in the hell did you do that?” Tucker asked. “The man was already down.

  Joshua walked over and kicked Lucifer over. Under his body was a small device. He picked it up then flicked it open. “Duck,” he yelled as he threw the device out the window. The device exploded with a whirl of smoke surrounding it. “We’re the CIA: we may go down, but we are never out.”

  “I know that’s right.” Monique said as she fumbled with placing the eyebrow pencil back in the case.

  No one was paying much attention to Mac until he reached above the fireplace and pulled down the rifle and yelled, “Get out of my house you n--.” Before he could turn completely around, a sharp instrument was lodged in his throat, pinning him to the mantle. His eyes were as big as the stuffed animals above him.

  Everyone turned to Monique in awe. “What? I have a license to kill any enemy of this country, foreign or domestic.” She put her hands on her hips. “Does everyone in this room agree that Jeremiah McClintock is an enemy of this country?” She asked with hands on hips, face bloody and eyes that dared any of them to disagree.

  “Was an enemy,” Ryan laughed from behind Joshua. “He’s dead now.”

  Monique nodded, then walked over, pulled the tool from his neck and wiped it off as Mac’s body fell to the floor. She replaced the device in the case. “I believe my job here is done. Take me home Daddy.”

  Chapter 20

  The failed assassination attempt on JD Harrison was on every news channel. Scenes from Mac McClintock’s ranch in Texas were broadcast across the country. Social media sites were buzzing with claims that Jerry McClintock would be pulling out of the race amidst the scandal. “It’s not clear at this time what role the Governor had in the plot against Governor Harrison. However, his camp is busy disclaiming any knowledge of the assassination attempt. It’s unclear what action, if any will be taken against Senator McClintock. But sources say The Department of Justice is going to request his immediate resignation. This is Victoria Morales reporting.”

  JD clicked off the television and walked over to the window. Placing his hands in his pockets he hung his head in thought.

  Tracy walked up behind him wrapped her arms around his waist and placed her head between his shoulders. “What are you thinking?”

  “That if it weren’t for Monique, I might be dead.”

  A small smile touched Tracy’s face. “And to think, you wouldn’t get the cereal for the child.”

  They both laughed, remembering the rebellious sixteen-year old. JD reached around and pulled Tracy to his side, still laughing. “Who knew that brat would be our lifeline after the butt whipping she received.”

  “Well as soon as Turk brings her home we need to find a way to thank her and make sure she’s safe.” She sighed. “I never thought working in a Senator’s office would cause her any harm.”

  JD didn’t reply for he now knew Monique was CIA. This was only the first of many covert assignments
to come.

  “Do you really think Jerry was in on the plot?”

  “No.” JD replied without hesitation. “I think he was caught in the middle of his grandfather’s scheme.”

  Tracy looked up. JD looked down expectantly. He could sense she had more to say. “I think you should meet with Jerry one on one. No campaign managers or advisors. Look into the man’s eyes and ask him the question. If you are satisfied with the answer talk him out of leaving the race.”

  JD stood there holding her, staring into those eyes he loved so much, remembering another time she advised him to talk to someone. “I’m not sure Brian or Secret Service would allow Jerry in the same state with me, much less a room.”

  “They work for you, Jeffrey. If you request it, they will do it. Just think about it. Jerry shouldn’t pay for his grandfather’s sins.”

  His lips slowly descended to hers. The gentle sweet kiss was filled with love and pride. “Your capacity to forgive is so amazing.”

  “What’s amazing is how after all these years your lips still spread fire through my body.”

  “Keep talking like that woman, and I’m going to impregnate you right in this office.”

  Tracy sighed, patted his chest then stepped away. “Too late for that sailor, that ship sailed two months ago. I believe our child will dock around the same time we move into the White House.” She walked out the door laughing at the expression on her husband’s face.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  Al, Ryan and Monique arrived home late that afternoon. Joshua stayed behind to handle the aftermath of questions. Al was certain they would keep him and Tucker out of the answers provided.

  His concern was now Monique. She was tough, but to be kidnapped and held against her will had to have touched her nerves.

  “I’m going to run upstairs and take a shower.” She called down to her father as she climbed the stairs. “I sure hope you have some real food in the house and none of that tofu stuff you’ve been eating.”

  Al watched as his daughter walked up the stairs, wondering if she was really as okay with the events of the past forty-eight hours as she seemed. Time will tell, but at the moment he had to deal with another issue. “You knew,” he said as his eyes moved from the stairs to Ryan.

  There was no need acting like she didn’t know what he meant for she felt it coming the moment Tucker made the suggestion. “Yes.”

  Al couldn’t explain why, but his heart plummeted. “You didn’t think that was something I should know?”

  His tone was so cool, so even, void completely of emotion and that it caused her heart rate to increase. “Yes.”

  “Yet you remained silent for—how long?”

  “A few weeks,” she replied standing completely still, waiting for the last shoe to drop.


  “It wasn’t my business to tell.”

  “She’s my daughter.”

  “She’s an adult.”

  The tension in the room was as deafening as the silence became. Neither was willing to budge on their stance. Al turned towards the refrigerator taking items out to cook. Ryan took that as her cue to leave. Closing the door behind her, tears formed before she could stop them. Since she rode with them from the airport, she had to call her brother to pick her up.

  “You are wrong for that,” Monique said from the stairs, “and you are going to have to crawl to get her to forgive you.” She took a seat at the breakfast bar. “You lived by a street code. No one talks. Ryan lived by that same code. Regardless of the relationship between the two of you, telling someone else’s business is not something either of you would do. You live and die by the code. Your team taught her that, now you want to hold it against her. I hope you are smart enough to know she is the one woman on this earth that can heal that heart of yours.” She smiled up at her father, then tilted her head. “Go get that woman and bring her back where she belongs.”

  The bruises on her face were clean, but still very visible. If it weren’t for the felony charge, he would have blown the man’s head off that had the nerve to touch her. “Code or no, she should have told me.” He leaned across the counter and kissed his daughter’s forehead. “Tell me how you got involved with the CIA.”

  “You really should go get Ryan.”

  Al nodded, “I’ll talk with her later. Right now, I want to know about you.”

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  Fifteen minutes after leaving Al’s, Ryan was riding silently in the passenger seat of Devin’s car. He took several looks in her direction, but just like when she was a little girl, she had shut down. Well, little girls grow up, but certain things never change. Devin pulled into the drive thru of the Krispy Crème on West Broad Street. “The hot light is on,” he said, but received no response.

  Devin ordered a dozen assorted donuts and two coffees. He drove to his father’s house and parked in the driveway. They stepped out, walked to the back yard and sat in the sand box as if it was the most normal thing for two adults to do. Devin opened the box of donuts and smiled as his little sister reached in and took the glazed, sprinkle, sweet. He waited until she reached for the third one before he spoke. “Relationships are hard. It doesn’t matter if it’s your father or your lover.” He took a sip of his coffee and sat it back on the wooden edge of the sandbox. “Expectations are high when love is involved because the heart is such a delicate muscle. It can be damaged to an irreparable level. But you know, whenever Daddy would say, ‘You can’t fix this,’ Mommy would say, ‘You can fix anything if you work hard enough.’ I believed Mommy. If I didn’t, then my life would be over. I don’t know what’s happened with you and Al. But I know he came here to face Dad to ask for your hand in marriage.” Ryan’s motion of biting another donut froze as she stared at her brother. He held her glare. “I want you to think about what it took for Al Day to ask anyone for anything.”

  Tears fell down Ryan’s cheek. Devin reached out and pulled his sister into his lap, tucked her head in the crock of his neck and rocked her back and forth. It had been a long time since his sister cried. In a way it was a happy moment, for that meant she was at least feeling something. But for the tears to be flowing because of a man, well, as a big brother that just didn’t sit right—even if that man was Al Day.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  Proud was an understatement as far as Al was concerned. Somewhere along the line, his little girl had grown up. She was not only a beautiful young woman, but also a true patriot. After listening to her he knew he had JD to thank for that. Monique expressed how much she admired her Uncle JD for standing up, sometimes against his own, for what he believed was the right thing. It was clear to Al that he no longer had to worry about Monique. It was also clear that Tracy was all right in JD’s hands. For the first time in his life, the only person he had to worry about was himself. Tonight, he didn’t want to deal with his life, for that would mean thinking about Ryan. Could he trust his heart to a woman that lived by the same code as he? The heart was a complicated device. No one was immune to its functions—no one—not even him.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  It wasn’t quite seven in the morning when the doorbell sounded. Al walked to the front door, looked out and saw Mr. Williams, Ryan’s father, standing on his front porch. Wondering why the old man was there, Al opened the door and was surprised when a fist connected to his nose, forcing him back a few steps.

  “You made my daughter cry. Are you out of your damn mind?” The old man swung again, but this time Al ducked his fist and he stumbled forward. Catching his balance, Mr. Williams turned towards Al more than ready for battle. He swung again.

  Al blocked the swing. “I don’t want to fight you, Mr. Williams.”

  “You don’t. Then stand there, I’ll just whip your ass.” Mr. Williams went for Al’s throat. Al ducked and took Mr. Williams to the floor with a tackle.

  The man clasped both hands together and hit Al in the back, causing him to fall backwards. The man may be old but he still moved with speed. He was on top of Al abo
ut to punch him again when Al wrestled him over, pinning his arms to the floor. “Look, old man. I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if you don’t calm the hell down.”

  “You claimed you loved Ryan. Well you don’t hurt people you love.” Mr. Williams yelled.

  “You hurt her all the damn time,” Al yelled. “Every time you turn away from her you hurt her. Every time she tried to please you and couldn’t get not one ‘I’m proud of you’ from you—you hurt her. So don’t come at me talking about hurting your daughter when that’s all you’ve done her entire life.” Al could see the tears welling up in the man’s eyes.

  “She’s my daughter—my baby girl. In her entire life I’ve never seen her cry—until you.” Al released the man’s hands, but remained sitting on his chest. “She looked so much like my Mary with tears coming from her eyes last night. I never could take seeing Mary cry.” He wiped the tears from his face. “I can’t do much to change our life, but I’ll be damned if I let you get away with hurting Ryan.”

  “Morgan—damnit,” Al jumped on the man’s chest. “Her name is Morgan.” He sighed as he rolled off the man’s chest. He sat up against the sofa and watched the old man. “Why did you push her away?”


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