Book Read Free

The Heart

Page 29

by Iris Bolling

  Mr. Williams hesitated so long Al didn’t think he was going to get an answer. “She looked and acted just like Mary.” The tears rolled down the man’s cheeks as he sat up with his back against the wall. “She talks like her, walks like her, and is sassy just like Mary. Every time I looked at her I saw Mary. It hurt so damn bad at times I couldn’t even be in the same room with her.” He wiped the tears. “After a while it became the norm. Ryan is just as stubborn as her mother was. Once she closed down, there was no getting in.”

  “Did you ever try?”

  Williams sighed, “Not really. I was too busy working. It was the only time I didn’t think about Mary. I had to work until I was bone tired before I went to bed so she wouldn’t creep into my dreams.” He sat there not saying anything for a few minutes. “I am proud of her—you know. Even when she worked on the street, I knew what she was doing. I’ve watched her grow into a strong young woman. Seeing her break down in Devin’s arms hurt. She should have been able to come to me.”

  “You closed the door on her.”

  “Did you?” Mr. Williams held Al’s glare. “I don’t know what happened and I don’t care. But the man that stood on my porch stood up for Ryan. Where is he?” Mr. Williams stood, as did Al. “I may be an ass of a father, but I’m no different than any other man. I don’t want to see my daughter hurt. You came to me and asked for her hand in marriage. Not many men do that these days. I believe you love her. Don’t close the door on her like I did.” He turned to walk to the door. Al followed. “If you tell anyone about this conversation I’m coming back to kick your ass again.”

  “Like you did this time?” Al smiled.

  “Yeah, just like that.” Mr. Williams walked out the door.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  “Back to the shades, I see,” Tucker teased when he walked into Al’s kitchen a few hours later. He looked around. “Where’s Ryan?”

  “Her name is Morgan, damnit. Morgan!” Al’s temper was still a little warm.

  Tucker raised an eyebrow, “Okay. Where’s Morgan damnit?”

  Al gave Tucker a sideways glare. “She’s not here.” He opened the refrigerator to give Tucker a beer.

  Tucker opened the beer took a seat at the bar then asked, “Why the shades?”

  Al slammed the refrigerator door, walked around the counter and took a seat, pulling the shades off, so he could see. Tucker froze with the beer bottle midway to his mouth.

  Tucker finished taking his drink before speaking. “I didn’t get a call. So whoever clocked you isn’t dead.” Chuckling, Tucker asked, “You want to talk about it?”

  “Not really.” Al took a drink.

  “If you tell me Ryan or Morgan did that, I swear you are going to lose all cool points with me.”

  “I almost wish it had been Morgan, then at least I’d know she was pissed at me. Right now, I get a nod of her head then she leaves the room.”

  “Can you blame her?”

  The look Al gave Tucker was one of betrayal. “It’s clear whose side you’re on.”

  “There is nothing in this life that would ever make me turn my back on you. That’s why I’m pissed at you. You finally find a woman that knocks you off your game and your damn pride is keeping her away.” Tucker took another drink. “Which brother clocked you?”

  “Daddy.” Nothing was said for a second, then they both laughed.

  “Old man Williams finally knocked you down.”

  Still laughing, Al was taking a drink as he shook his head. “Not quite. Let’s just say we had a serious heart to heart.”

  “The man clearly loves his daughter. You love his daughter, too.” Tucker took the last swig of his beer. “Don’t be foolish and let her walk out of your life.”

  “I don’t know how to fix this.”

  “Easy,” Tucker stood to leave. “Get down on your knees and beg.” They both laughed.

  “Easier said than done.”

  “I know. But I’m on my way to do some begging myself,” Tucker replied as he walked towards the door. “You don’t need me here anymore. In a month JD will be elected President of the United States. Tracy will have a White House full of Secret Service. Monique,” he laughed, “Well, let’s just say the world better look out for her. And you—my friend—are on your way to happy ever after. As for me, I’ll be in Seattle until Julianna agrees to marry me.”

  Al reached out and shook Tucker’s hand. “Keep me posted. The wedding is on me.” The two had a brotherly hug and pat on the back. “Life as we’ve known it will change.”

  “Maybe for me, but you, I wouldn’t be too sure. You will marry Ryan and Monique is your daughter. There is no telling what the future may hold.”

  “You have never lied my brother.”

  Chapter 21

  The next week was so hectic even the children were beginning to wonder if the adults were all going crazy. Although everyone was fairly certain the threat was over, security at the compound was intensified. Secret Service agents covered every area surrounding the Brooks’ Estate. At times, even Ashley complained when an agent questioned her as she walked from her home to Tracy’s. On about the third day, James and JD laughed as they watched Ashley and Tracy hold a meeting with the security team. The women laid them out for causing havoc in their homes. Afterwards, Cynthia and Roz fed the agents so much food; all of them forgave the women for calling them imprudent fools and a few other choice words. Afterwards, the agents put a sign up in the bunk house that read: WHATEVER TRACY WANTS. That was their new motto, and it seemed to calm things down.

  JD unfortunately had larger problems to deal with. The story of Jeremiah McClintock’s death was released to the media. Senator McClintock’s situation was another story. Fortunately, Jerry handled that. The media ate up the sadness the Senator displayed as he described his loss of zest for the political arena since his father’s death. His concentration was now on his son and doing all he could to get him elected. However, behind the scenes, Jerry had distanced himself from his father. His wife Eleanor decided to stand with her husband.

  JD met secretly with Jerry, as his wife suggested. The two men actually had quite a bit in common. He could clearly see why Brian considered Jerry a friend. They had different philosophies on how to do things, but they both wanted what was best for the country.

  The next meeting JD had was going to be interesting. Monique sat with her legs crossed in front of his desk and she seemed different. The multi-colored hair, the fake nails and the tight fitting clothes were gone. Present was a very professionally dressed young woman, who, if the face didn’t look so much like his wife’s, he wouldn’t have known it was Monique. “It’s been a while.”

  “Why you want me here now. You ain’t never cared nothing about me.”

  The statement grated on JD’s nerves. “Your statement is grammatically incorrect. Rephrase it, and then try again.”


  “Is that a word?”

  “Is what a word?” A teasing Monique asked.

  “Huh,” JD replied, now smiling with her. “You just like to work my nerves, don’t you?”

  She smiled. “Yep. So what’s up, Unc?”

  JD sighed, “It’s yes—not yep.”

  “Okay, I’m just trying to ease the tension for a difficult conversation.”

  JD didn’t sit behind his desk, but took the seat next to her. “CIA?” he raised an eyebrow.

  “Yes.” She allowed a moment so it would sink in. “I’m an operative, Uncle JD. On any day, I’m what you need me to be.”

  “You’re what the President needs you to be.”

  “True, but I believe in November you will be the President and it will be an honor to serve you.”

  The words touched JD in a way he couldn’t explain. This was the same young girl that sat at his table when she was sixteen and called him everything under the sun. Now, she was willing to put her life on the line for him. “Thank you for saving my life.”

  “I was protecting the country, Uncle J
D. But you’re welcome.”

  JD smiled. “If I become President, you and I may have moments when we are working closely together. Will you be able to handle that?”

  “Your first man will be Joshua. However, you should be comforted with the knowledge that I am being trained by the best. When he is unavailable to serve you, I will be here.”

  “How does your father feel about this?”

  Monique tilted her head, “I’m not sure. I think all in all he’s proud. But like any father, he’s concerned with my safety.”

  “I’m sure, because I am. I guess he knows how you got into Georgetown now.”

  “Yes, I think he’s figured that one out,” she smiled.

  “I want you to promise me something.”

  “Sure,” Monique turned a little in her seat to face him fully.

  “You will complete law school and take the bar in Virginia, DC, and Maryland. After you’ve had your fun with the CIA I may need you in a cabinet position.”

  “Oh, you’re claiming it now,” she teased.

  “Let’s just say, I’m optimistic.” JD smiled, “Promise me.”

  Monique nodded, “I promise.”

  “Good,” JD stood, “Now get out of my office so I can take care of some real business.”

  Monique laughed, “Okay Uncle JD.” She stood to walk out, then stopped. “Uncle JD, will Ryan be at JC’s birthday party this weekend?”

  “I would think so. Why?”

  “Well, it’s been almost a week but she and daddy still aren’t talking.”

  “Really,” JD leaned against the edge of his desk. “Any ideas on how we can fix that?”

  “I’m not sure, but we have to fix it. Daddy is miserable, whether he wants to admit it or not.”

  “So is Ryan,” JD conceded, “They’re back to wearing the shades and watching each other.”

  Monique smiled. “It’s kind of cute, but they are too old for that. How did they come together the first time?”

  “Al dragged her off the dance floor caveman style.”

  “Did not,” Monique laughed.

  “Yes he did,” JD stood. “You know if you want it done right, get Tracy and Ashley as your allies. They’ll have Al and Ryan back together before the night is over.”

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  “Aunt Tracy,” Monique called from the kitchen. “I need your help.”

  Tracy and Ashley turned to watch Monique approach. “Sure, what do you need,” Tracy asked.

  “I need you to help get Ms. Ryan and my dad back together.”

  “They’re still not talking?” Ashley asked surprised.

  “No,” Monique shook her head. “And it’s my dad’s fault.”

  “It usually is the man’s fault,” Ashley nodded as she crossed her legs. “What do you want us to do?”

  “I don’t know,” Monique shrugged. “You two have the market on the love thing, not me.”

  Tracy shook her head and sighed. “It wasn’t that easy getting them together the first time.”

  “Passion,” Lena said as she and Martha walked in the room.

  “Hello mother,” Tracy agreed, “Passion between a man and a woman never fails when they are truly in love.”

  “The question is, are they in love or in lust?” Martha stated.

  “I can’t speak for Ryan,” Lena said as she took a seat, “but Al is in love with that girl.”

  “If that’s the case, then we have to take measures into our own hands,” Tracy smiled. The women frowned wondering what she was thinking.

  “Well with that, I’m leaving the details on you.” Monique waved, “I’m out people.”

  “Later Monique,” Lena replied as the others waved. “When are you rejoining JD on the trail?”

  “After JC’s birthday party Saturday,” Tracy replied.

  “Just think. In a little over a month from now JD is going to be our President,” Ashley smiled. “Can you imagine that?”

  Martha boasted, “Humph, Yes I can.” They all smiled.

  Chapter 22

  Birthday boy, Jon-Christopher Daniel Harrison sat quietly in the front seat of his father’s car as the big men went into the barbershop. The anticipation was getting to him as he looked up at his father, “Can we go in yet?” He asked with big light brown eyes that resembled his mother’s.

  “Not yet son, let’s give them about five minutes, then we can go.” JD replied. JC began swinging his legs, waiting patiently, as his father watched him with a smile remembering the first time his father brought him to the barbershop. But this day was special for him and JC. Last night his son came to him and told him he was ready to have his hair cut. The decision surprised JD for he knew how much his son thought of his Uncle Al. He wanted to look like and be like Al. JD had to admit, the thought of his son looking up to Al stung a little, but he had to believe his son respected and liked what he saw in his dad too. So this morning, on his eleventh birthday, JC had made a big decision and was ready to go forth. Today it was time for him to start growing up. He was no longer a little boy, but was now a young man, that’s what he told his father. It was time for him to begin making his mark on the world. Letting the braids go was the first step.

  “It’s all clear, Governor Harrison,” the head big man said. JC looked at his father and smiled. He was so excited. He was going in a little boy but would come out a young man.

  JD looked at his son, “Now son, remember your promise. You will still play a little b-ball with me even after you become a young man today.”

  JC looked up at his father and smiled, “I promise Daddy. We will.”

  JD opened the car door and stepped out. He was immediately surrounded by Secret Service agents. On the other side of the vehicle, the same occurred for JC. As he reached the curb, JD took his son’s hand and proudly walked into the barbershop.

  The bell sounded, indicating someone had entered the shop, as greetings began pouring out. The regulars were there for their eight a.m. appointments. “JD, man what’s up?” one man stood and shook his hand. “Mr. Gov.,” another shouted out, with emphasis on the word Gov. “What’s going on, man?”

  JD shook hands, gave pounds, and a few body hugs as JC looked on. It was his first time coming to the barbershop with his dad and the one thing he took in right away was that people really did like his dad. The place was big to the young boy. There were six chairs on both sides of the room, with a mirror on the wall behind each one and a counter with different assortments of combs, electric razors and hair clippers. Some of the seats were occupied, while the majority was empty.

  Two agents took up residence inside the shop, one at the back entrance and another stayed at the front as JD and JC walked to the last chair on the left. A man with a white coat that looked like one of his mother’s dresses, stood behind the chair, smiling. “Well, well, well if it ain’t the first family. How you doing son?”

  JD extended his hand, smiling warmly at the man. “Good morning, Mr. Brown. I’m doing well, thank you.”

  “Now who do we have here?” the man asked looking down as he released JD’s hand.

  “JC Harrison,” the boy proudly replied and extended his hand.

  Looking a little surprised at the boy’s bold reply, the man took the child’s hand, “Well how do you do? It’s a pleasure to meet you. What can I do for you today Mr. Harrison.”

  “Mr. Harrison is my dad. I’m just JC,” the boy replied as his father proudly looked on. “I’m here to get my hair cut. Can you make my hair look like my dad’s?” JC looked directly in Mr. Brown’s eyes as he spoke.

  “Son, I can make it look better.” He patted the back of his chair. “Have a seat right here. Let me show you what I can do.” As JC climbed up in the chair Mr. Theodore Brown looked up at JD with pride in his eyes. “Your father would be proud of you son. The young boys that come in the shop these days don’t know how to pull their pants up, much less how to give a proper greeting.”

  “I can’t take credit for that. My wife works
wonders with the children,” JD replied as he took a seat across from them.

  The chime sounded as the entrance door opened. “B, what’s up man? You’re right on time.” Zack, the barber next to Theo stated as Brian and his son Elliott walked in the door.

  “So how many are there now, JD?” Mr. Brown asked.

  “Four and another on the way,” Brian yelled from his seat.

  JD replied laughing, “Three girls and one boy.”

  “You’re trying to repopulate civilization by yourself?”

  “No, Mr. Brown,” JD smiled as he took a seat across from his son. “I just love my wife.”

  “How many for you now Brian?” Zack asked.

  “Number three is in the oven,” Brian smiled proudly.

  “Where’s Calvin?” Zack asked.

  “Coming across the street,” Elliott replied. The men watched as Calvin and his son entered the shop.

  “Good morning all,” Calvin spoke as his son took his seat in the barber’s chair.


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