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Mafia Romance Series

Page 11

by Smanta Howard

  Ashley was having some of the same thoughts as Davio. Her body was about to explode, and she figured that Davio was close too. She decided that if he wanted her to stop, he would tell her. If he didn’t then she would bring him to his release with her mouth. Her mouth and hands worked together, driving Davio out of his senses. She could feel him doing the same to her body, knowing that soon she would not be able to stop the climax that was quickly building. She felt Davio’s body stiffen and heard him moan as she watched his seed spurt from his manhood. She didn’t have any time to relax because he was still working on her body. She threw her head back and allowed the feeling of her climax wash through her body. Davio’s mouth and fingers worked quickly to give her body the release that she could no longer delay.

  Ashley started to stretch out on the bed beside Davio, but she found that he had different ideas. Instead, he turned her around and pulled her on top of him. She straddled his body while he positioned her on top of his manhood. Her eyes widened when she felt him bury himself deep inside her. For just a minute she sat there and enjoyed the feel of him as he filled her full with his huge manhood. She had thought that his climax would have caused him the need to be aroused again, but she discovered that he was hot and hard when he pushed up into the very brink of her womanhood.

  Davio loved feeling Ashley sitting on top of him. It allowed him to reach deeper inside her, filling her full with his desire. He grabbed her hips and started moving her back and forth, causing them both feel pleasure. Ashley could feel the fires start to burn again and quickly started responding to the movement. This felt good and she didn’t want it to ever end. Soon Davio was pumping up as fast and hard as he could, once again bringing her to that point of no return. She threw her head back and groaned when she felt the fire spread through her body. She increased her speed so that Davio could also find his release. She felt herself convulse around him, holding him deep inside while he spilled his seed.

  Ashley lay across Davio’s chest, feeling totally spent. This man always knew how to please her and make her body feel things she never knew existed. She couldn’t wait to see what their future looks like. If tonight was any indication, she would be busy in bed for the rest of her days.

  Ashley woke up to find Davio asleep beside her. At first she was startled, but then she remembered last night and what had happened. After such rigorous lovemaking, Ashley had been too tired to get dressed and go home. She had fallen asleep shortly after their lovemaking, feel totally exhausted. She had not meant to stay the night, but she was just too spent to move. She took the liberty of watching Davio while he was sleeping. His face looked so much more relaxed. There was no hint of concern about business deals, making him look much younger than his 30 years. She saw that his arm was thrown over her body, gently holding her in place next to him. She dared to look lower where his manhood was drooped over on his leg. There was no sign of the passion and desire they had shared the night before.

  “I hope you are enjoying exploring my body,” Davio said.

  Ashley nearly jumped out of her skin. She wasn’t aware that Davio was awake and she felt like a guilty child who was caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Davio laughed, realizing that he had caught her at a vulnerable minute. He looked to see her cheeks turn red with the realization of getting caught.

  “Red becomes you,” he said.

  “You are an arrogant jerk. You just laid there and allowed me to look at you, all the while enjoying your little trick,” she said.

  “And you have stirred things up again,” Davio laughed. Now I fear that we are going to be late in getting started today. Certain things, once started, must be finished.”

  Ashley looked and discovered his manhood was no longer laying against his leg. Instead, it was standing up at full attention. She tried to jump out of bed and make a run for it, but Davio was quicker than her. He grabbed her and pulled her back to the bed, spreading her legs and entering her quickly.

  “Now, you must finish what you started,” Davio laughed down at her.

  This man was insatiable. How was she ever going to hold down a job when he was around? But the answer to that question would have to wait. Right now her body was once again turning to liquid fire. She started matching his thrusts with those of her own. The rest of the world would just have to wait. Right now she was intent on achieving that orgasm she could feel building deep inside her. She surrendered to her passion and enjoyed the waves of pleasure that started deep inside her womanhood and spread throughout her entire body, causing Davio to groan as he spilled his seed deep inside her.

  Chapter 4

  Ashley was excited to finally get to work in the new kitchen. Today was the day her parents were coming, and she wanted everything to be perfect. She planned a dinner of baked chicken, green beans, creamed potatoes, and homemade bread. When she had lived at home she enjoyed baking fresh bread and it had been a long time since she had the opportunity. She hoped Davio would approve of the menu because this was the type of food she had grown up on. It was the type of food her parents expected when they sat down to dinner. For dessert she was making a cherry cheesecake because she knew that to be one of her father’s favorites.

  The time finally arrived when her parents drove up the front drive. Ashley was nervous, hoping that her parents would like Davio. Davio sensed that she was nervous and tried to assure her.

  “Don’t worry, everything is going to be fine,” he said. “I promise I am not going to turn into an ogre and turn them against me.”

  “It’s just, they are not familiar with your lifestyle. My parents are simple, honest people who have always worked for a living. They have never had much of a social life. Instead they put all of their efforts into raising me. We have had very different lifestyles, and I just fear that my parents will zero in on that," Ashley said.

  “There is nothing wrong with the lifestyle you were raised in. In fact, I think it helped make you into the woman you are. We really aren’t so different. We are both family oriented, and both our families believe in working for a living. My family just does in on a bigger scale. Now, stop worrying and let us have a pleasant evening,” he said.

  Davio answered the doorbell and allowed Ashley’s parents to step into the foyer. Ashley did the introductions and directed her parents into the front sitting room. She watched as her mother took in the décor of the room.

  “This is the first room I decorated,” Ashley said. “It was already quite beautiful, but it did not meet with Davio’s tastes. I am quite pleased with the way it turned out. It sets the tone for the other rooms on this floor.”

  “I think it is lovely, dear,” Judith said. “You did a very good job. I love the colors you have chosen and the way you have accented the fireplace. I am sure the two of you will have many enjoyable evenings in here.”

  Davio was thinking his evenings would be enjoyable, but they wouldn’t be in this room. He preferred the bedroom when he was with Ashley. But he couldn’t allow Ashley’s parents to think that.

  “Yes, your daughter did a splendid job in here, as well as in the dining room and kitchen. She is very talented when it comes to interior design. I am lucky to have found her,” Davio said.

  Ashley announced that dinner was ready and asked if her mother would assist her in the kitchen to get the food on the table. It would allow her mother to inspect the new kitchen, and it would allow her to pick her mother’s brain. She also felt that her father might want a few minutes alone with Davio.

  With the kitchen door closed behind them, Ashley turned to her mother and asked her what she thought.

  “Well, he certainly is handsome. And apparently he is as rich as his reputation says he is. This place is beautiful. How will you ever be able to take care of all of this and still pursue your career,” Judith asked.

  “We have talked about one day hiring a housekeeper, but for now I want to do things myself. I want our marriage to start off without the hindrance of hired help. After all, there will just be the
two of us, so how much work could there be,” Ashley asked.

  Judith knew that Ashley had no idea what it would take to run a house of this size. But she admired her determination to try. She supposed the two of them would need some time together before bringing in other people.

  “Well, I can tell that you spent your time in college wisely. This kitchen is a cook’s dream. You certainly have a hand for this sort of thing. I hope Davio appreciates your talents,” Judith said.

  Ashley knew that she had delayed dinner long enough. She hoped her dad was not feeling uncomfortable being left alone with Davio, but she wanted her mother to see how happy she was. And, she had a little bit of pride in the kitchen. She knew her mother could appreciate what she had done there, but her father could care less about decorating. The only thing he was concerned about was that they had food on the table. He wasn’t impressed with fancy kitchens with modern appliances.

  So far the evening was going perfect. Davio seemed to relate well to her parents, and her parents seemed surprisingly at ease around him. The meal was perfect, and was reminiscent of meals she had enjoyed around the table when she was growing up. She made a mental note to always insist on evening meals around the table with family. When she had kids, she didn’t want them to feel like they could just go out and buy something. She wanted to instill in them a sense of family.

  “I think your daughter has been holding out on me,” Davio said. “I had no idea she could cook like this, and I really had no idea she knew how to make bread like this. This is delicious. Bread is a big weakness of mine, especially when it is made at home. My grandmother used to make bread for us when we were growing up. When we came in from school each afternoon she would give us toasted bread with butter and jelly. It is what me and my brothers loved about her.”

  Judith had been watching Ashley and Davio all evening. It was easy for her to see that Davio had introduced Ashley to womanhood. Ashley was so much more confident and happy than she was when she graduated from college. She was almost glowing each time she looked at Davio. Judith remembered the feeling of being young and in love. It is an exciting time in a man and woman’s life to discover the passion that love can bring. If she had a say in the matter she would have encouraged Ashley to wait until they were married, but it was obvious to her that didn’t happen.

  After dinner Judith insisted on helping Ashley clean up. She wanted a chance to talk with her privately. Ashley had been sheltered all of her life, and Judith wanted her to understand that passion could have consequences. The men retired back to the sitting room and Ashley and Judith cleared the table. Ashley excused herself long enough to ask the men if they wanted a cup of coffee.

  “Ashley, Davio seems like a great guy, and he certainly seems to care about you. But do you understand that giving into your desires can have consequences? You don’t want to get pregnant before your wedding,” Judith said.

  Ashley’s face was scarlet red. This was not a conversation she intended to have with her mother.

  “My dear, there is no need for you to be embarrassed, and there is no need for you to deny it. You are my daughter, and I can tell that you have grown into a beautiful young woman who has already discovered passion and desire. I just don’t want you to get pregnant unexpectedly. There are ways to prevent it,” Judith said.

  “I know mom. I am on birth control shots. Davio insisted that I go to the doctor and discuss birth control with him. I know you are probably disappointed in me for not waiting until I was married, but it just happened one day and I can’t take it back. I love Davio, and I love the way he makes me feel. Please, don’t tell dad this,” Ashley pleaded.

  “I won’t tell your dad. And I am grateful that Davio had the sense about him to encourage you to start birth control. It shows that he is a responsible young man. I hope the two of you are every bit as happy as your father and I have been. Love only grows as you get older. You have such a wonderful life in front of you and I want you to feel like you can talk to me about these things. Allow me to share in your joy. You are the only child I have and I just want to see you happy.”

  Ashley felt a tear run down her cheek. Her parents seemed to embrace Davio and she no longer had to worry about their feelings. She hugged her mother and told her she hoped that she was available for the next few weeks because they have a wedding to plan and not a lot of time to do it. Judith was happy to hear Ashley invite her to help with the wedding. Every mother wanted to one day help their children plan their fairy tale wedding and Judith knew that she would only have one shot at it. The next few weeks were going to be fun for mother and daughter.

  When Ashley and Judith returned to the sitting room they found Davio and Jim in deep conversation. Jim was listening intently at something Davio was saying and didn’t even hear the two of them when they entered the room. Davio looked up and smiled at Ashley, knowing that Ashely would be pleased that he was hitting it off so good with her father. In spite of their different lifestyles, Davio had discovered Jim to be a very intelligent man. The two had been discussing flying, but without the story of the crash. Davio decided that might be too much information for Jim to accept. Instead, he discovered that Jim had been a pilot in the Navy and knew quite a bit about airplanes.

  Ashley was relieved that the evening was over and her parents seemed to at least accept the fact that she was going to marry Davio. She looked forward to the next few weeks, realizing they would be busy with preparations for the wedding. She told Davio she wanted to have the wedding at his house. She didn’t want a huge affair, just family, even if that did mean his family was huge. Davio reminded her that his family would want to throw an engagement party to introduce her as his fiancé. Ashley would have preferred to forget that, but she guessed she would have to make a few exceptions. It would not be right to exclude his family from all of the festivities.

  Chapter 5

  The engagement party was scheduled in one short week and Ashley was feeling overwhelmed with all of the hoopla. The engagement party was to be held at the home of Davio’s parents, and she secretly dreaded the entire affair. She would much prefer to put an announcement in the paper and be done with it. But Jasmine Porchelli insisted on the party. Jasmine had also wanted to hold the wedding at her place, but Ashley put her foot down. She did not want to disappoint Jasmine, but this was her wedding and she wanted to do things her way.

  In the meantime, Ashley and Judith were shopping for a wedding dress. Ashley knew what design she wanted, but she also knew that she was subject to changing her mind when she tried the dresses on. Davio had insisted on paying for the gown, telling her that her family should not have to bear the burden of the expense. They had paid to put her through college and he was thankful for that, but he wanted Ashley to find the gown of her dreams, without having to consider the costs.

  Ashley and Judith headed to Klienfelds to look for a gown. They are renowned for their wedding gowns with people traveling for thousands of miles to be able to purchase their gowns there. Ashley had never imagined that she would be shopping there for a gown since she always figured to marry somebody that fit in with her middle class lifestyle. But she was excited to have the opportunity. When they arrived for the appointment, Ashley and Judith were taken to a private dressing room where the consultant asked Ashley questions about her style. Once the consultant had the answers to her questions, she was off to find some gowns that she felt Ashley would like.

  Ashley and her mother had been at the bridal store for over four hours. Ashely had tried on so many gowns she felt overwhelmed. By eliminating gowns based on things Ashley didn’t like, she finally settled on a gown by Dennis Basso. It had a sweetheart neckline with beads and pearls adorning the bodice. The gown was fitted at the top, but flared out into an A-line just beneath the bust. The ruffled train was sewn into the dress, flowing out several feet behind her. Both Ashley and her mother agreed this was the one that was made for her. It fit her body perfectly, and accented her small waistline. She couldn’t wait t
o see Davio’s reaction when he sees her in the gown for the first time.

  The day of the engagement party had arrived and Ashley was filled with dread. She knew that she should be happy that Davio’s family accepted her, but she just didn’t get into large celebrations. She dreaded all of the attention and dancing that she knew would be expected of her. She just hoped she didn’t do anything to embarrass Davio, since he put such high priority on family.

  When Ashley and Davio pulled into his parent’s drive, Ashley noticed that already several people had arrived. She had butterflies in her stomach just thinking about the evening. She held onto Davio’s arm tightly as they walked up the front steps and into the front door. Ashley couldn’t help but take in the grandeur of the Porchelli home. It was much larger than Davio’s place and she was thankful that Davio did not feel the need to live in something so grand.

  The Porchellis didn’t waste any time getting the party started. After introductions, everybody was instructed to move to the dining room where the meal would be served. Ashley saw long tables along each of the walls, all filled to capacity with food. There was a beverage station where servants were busy mixing drinks and filling glasses for all of the guests. There was more food than even this crowd could possibly consume.


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