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Mafia Romance Series

Page 12

by Smanta Howard

  Ashley had to admit, the meal was delicious. She had tried several of the entrees and found each one perfectly prepared. Once the meal was finished, it was time for the toasts. Marko stood first, congratulating his son on his choice of a bride.

  “My son has finally seen the light and has decided to settle down, even if it does come about five years too late,” Marko said. “His mother and I hope that Davio and Ashley have many happy years together, and that their lives are blessed with a healthy and happy family.”

  One after another continued to toast the happy couple, some being silly while others were being very serious. Ashley feared she would be drunk before the toasts finally came to an end. She was happy when Davio’s parents indicated that it was time to move into the ballroom. The band was already tuning up and the dancing was about to begin.

  Ashley had never danced so much in her life. After the first dance with Davio, it seemed that every man in the room wanted a turn with her. Her feet were aching and her mouth was dry from what seemed like an eternity of dancing. She actually got to the point that she didn’t even pay attention to who was asking her, she just automatically followed them out on the floor. The current number was a slow dance and she was in the arms of a tall, broad shouldered man who was somewhat clumsy on his feet.

  “Well, I see that your body is still just as beautiful as it was the first day I saw it,” the man said.

  Ashley’s head jerked up and she was staring into the eyes of one of the men who had held her down so that Randall Thompson could rape her. The slap rang out across the room when Ashley’s hand connected with the man’s arrogant face.

  Everybody in the room stopped and watched as Ashley ran from the room. She didn’t know where she was going, but she knew she had to get away from that man. Davio looked up in surprise to see Ashley running toward the family kitchen. He immediately took off after her, wondering what had happened to make her slap one of the guests. He finally caught up with her after she ran through the rear door of the kitchen.

  While Davio watched, Ashley ran to a swing that is located in the rear yard of his family home. She sat down in the swing and buried her face in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. She wasn’t aware when Davio walked up to her. When he reached out and touched her she jumped and started to run again.

  “Ashley, it’s me, Davio. What in the world happened in there?”

  “That, that, he is one of the thugs that…” She was having trouble saying the words, but Davio immediately understood. That man was the one who took the photos while Randall Thompson had his way with her. Davio had not seen him in the photos because he was the one using the camera. He felt sheer rage spread through his body. How dare that man show up here? He put his arms around Ashley and tried to calm her. Finally he decided that he would take her back to his house and see if he could get her to go to sleep. Then he would return and deal with the bastard that had the nerve to show up at the party and taunt Ashley.

  He finally got Ashley in the car and told her that he was going to tell his parents they were leaving. He assured her that he would lock the doors and he would not be gone long. He went inside and took his father aside, explaining to him as much as he could about the incident. He told his father he planned to return just as soon as he could get Ashley to calm down.

  Marko had seen that look in his son’s eyes before. Davio had confided in him about Randall Thompson’s vile rape and Marko could only surmise when Randall disappeared that Davio was responsible. He feared that this man would soon come to the same end. He announced that the party was over, indicating that it was time for everybody to leave.

  “Not so fast Hanson,” Marko said as he reached out and grabbed the man who Ashley had slapped. “I think my son might have some unfinished business with you.”

  Hanson Merlot was afraid his life was about to come to an end. He knew he shouldn’t have come to the party, but he had been quite fond of Randall Thompson and that bitch was responsible for his disappearance. His desire to see fear in her eyes overcame his sense of self preservation. If he had it figured right, Davio had taken Randall’s life and then hid the body where it would never be found. The Porchellis were good at covering up evidence, and feared he was about to meet the same fate.

  Instead of holding Hanson for Davio, Marko decided to teach the man a lesson. Nobody treated his family like that and got away with it. Marko signaled for his son Adam to follow him as he led Hanson out the back door.

  Once outside, Marko drew back his fist and planted it firmly in Hanson’s face, causing blood to spurt from his nose. Marko didn’t allow Hanson the chance to get in a punch of his own, instead he continued beating his face until it was nothing but a bloody mass of meat. When Hanson fell to the ground Marko began kicking him in the gut as hard as he could. Marko was not aware when Davio walked onto the scene. He had been to intent on beating Hanson to a pulp. Davio walked up and put his hand on his dad’s shoulder.

  “I’ll take it from here, dad,” Davio said.

  Davio stood over Hanson, looking down at him as he cried pitifully, and curled up in the fetal position. Davio felt no pity for this man. He had helped Randall Thompson rape Ashley, and now he was going to pay. Davio intended to make Hanson sorry for the very day he was born. He took his foot and rolled Hanson over on his back. He took his booted foot and kicked Hanson as hard as he could in the groin. Hanson groaned and rolled over, losing what he had eaten earlier. But Davio was not finished. He kicked Hanson again and again.

  “You should be glad that I am sparing your life. Now you can enjoy living the rest of your days as a monk. You should have known better than to cross me. You know that the Porchellis take care of business on their own, and when you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us,” Davio spat out. He looked as his brother and told him to take out the trash. Adam was happy to oblige.

  Chapter 6

  Ashley awoke in Davio’s home and realized she was suffering from a major headache. She wondered what Davio had given her because she had fallen asleep almost as soon as they got there. She turned over to find Davio laying there, watching her as she tried to clear the confusion.

  “What did you give me,” Ashley asked. “My head feels as if it is going to explode.”

  “Relax, it was just a Xanax to help you get some rest. I knew that you would never fall asleep as wound up as you were. I am so sorry that man was at the party. I had no idea that he was one of the men who helped Randall,” Davio said. “But I can assure you, you will never run into him again.”

  Ashley was left once again trying to figure out what Davio had done to that man. Would he just disappear, never to be heard of again, like Randall? She asked herself if she was really ready for this life. She just wanted to live in peace and with Davio there always seemed to be some mystery around the next corner. She remembered his promise to protect her. She knew that he would always be there to dole out justice to anybody who hurt her, she just wished that nobody wanted to see her hurt.


  The day of the wedding had finally arrived. Ashley had chosen to get dressed in one of the upstairs bedrooms because she wanted her father to escort her down the stairs. The actual wedding ceremony was going to be held in the front foyer. Her mother and Jasmine had managed to arrange chairs where all of the wedding guests could see the ceremony. She smiled at her mother who had stayed upstairs to help her get dressed.

  “You are a beautiful bride, my daughter. I always knew you would be. I truly hope that you and Davio are happy together,” Judith said.

  Ashley watched as her mother reached up and wiped a lone tear from her eye.

  “Please, don’t cry. If you do you will make me cry, and we spent too long on my makeup,” Ashley pleaded.

  “Oh, these are not tears of sadness. They are tears of happiness. My beautiful daughter is about to marry the man of her dreams. It is something every parent wishes for their child. One day you will understand the joy a parent has when their child finds happiness,”
Judith smiled.

  There was a knock on the door and Ashley instructed her mother to see who it was. It would be just like Davio to try and sneak a peek. But it was not Davio who stood on the other side of the door. It was Jasmine. She walked into the room and admired Ashley.

  “You look very beautiful, my dear. I can see why my son fell in love with you. I hope the two of you will be as happy as me and his father have been. Please allow me to be the first to welcome you to this crazy family. We will never be perfect, but we will always stick together and love each other.” Jasmine leaned over and kissed Ashley lightly on the cheek.

  Soon it was time for Jim to escort his daughter down the stairs and present her to Davio. He liked this man that Ashley was marrying. He had always heard rumors about the Porchelli family, and for all he knew, they were true. But he was a man, and he could recognize a man in love. Davio was very much in love with his daughter, of that he had no doubt. He held out his arm for his daughter. They walked to the top of the stairs and stopped just long enough for Davio to get a good look at his bride. Ashley had been anticipating this moment, waiting to see the expression on Davio’s face when he saw her in her wedding gown.

  Davio looked up to the top of the stairs and had to pinch himself to make sure he was not dreaming. Ashley was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Today his life would be bonded with her for the rest of their lives. Tears had always been a stranger to him, but he felt his eyes well with tears when he looked at her standing there, waiting to descend the stairs and become his wife.

  Davio and Ashley exchanged their vows in front of close members of their family. The ceremony was beautiful, and so was the house. The florists had done an excellent job in creating just what Ashley had asked for. The entire bannister was draped with pale yellow roses and greenery, making a perfect accent to the large vases of roses that stood on each side of the makeshift altar. Davio was looking exceptionally handsome in his dark blue tuxedo and white cummerbund. The yellow rose pinned on his lapel completed the look perfectly.

  After the ceremony, the one concession Ashley had made was the tons of food that had been catered for the event. If there was one thing the Porchellis did well, it was eat. They saw eating as a family affair, something that families should share. She supposed she felt much the same way, except on a much smaller scale. She wanted to share her meals with just Davio, and someday maybe a couple of kids.

  The time came for Ashley and Davio to leave for their honeymoon. Davio had promised to surprise her with their destination. No amount of prodding would persuade him to tell her where they were going. She looked around at all of the work that was needed to put the place back together, but Judith and Jasmine assured her it was all taken care of. She needed to go and enjoy the start of her married life.

  When Ashley and Davio pulled up to the airport, Ashley gave a sideways glance at Davio.

  “Don’t worry. This time I have hired a pilot to take us to our first destination. I will be flying in the rear of the plane with you,” Davio said.

  Ashley was still a little nervous about flying, but at least this time she would have Davio to hold onto. They entered the rear of the plane and buckled themselves in, ready for takeoff.

  Ashley discovered that they would spend their first night in Florida, at the same hotel they had visited before. Davio had even managed to secure the same suite for their first night of marriage. It was only after they arrived at the suite that Davio told her they would be boarding a ship the following morning for a cruise to the Bahamas.

  Soon after they arrived at the suite Davio took Ashley by the hand and led her to the bedroom. It was the same bedroom they had shared before. She stood still while Davio gently started removing her clothes. She allowed him to stand there and admire her naked body. She was anticipating the passion and desire they would experience on this first night of their married lives.

  Davio removed his own clothing and led Ashley to the bed. This was the consummation of their love. This time when he entered Ashley’s body it would forever seal their love. She was his, legally and otherwise. He led her to the bed and laid her down on her back. Ashely watched as he parted her legs and placed himself between them. She saw him take his hands and start to massage her clitoris. She then watched as his head leaned down and started to torture her with his wet tongue. She remembered the first time she had looked down and seen his head between her legs. They had come so far since them. This time she only spread her legs wider, giving him complete access to her throbbing womanhood.

  Davio picked up Ashley’s hips and positioned her for his entry. He watched her face when he buried his manhood deep inside her. He loved watching the pleasure on her face when he made love to her. This woman was now his wife and he had lots of plans for their future.


  Ashley was the first to awaken the next morning. She was still smiling from the passion Davio had given her the night before. She didn’t realize there were so many positions to make love in. And she didn’t know that Davio was that potent, nearly keeping her awake the entire night. She rolled over and poked him in the ribs, causing him to come suddenly awake.

  “I have a confession to make to you. With all of the planning and parties that we have been attending, I fear I forgot to get back to the doctor for my birth control shot. The last one I got was six weeks ago.”

  << The End >>

  The Next Contemporaries (BWWM Mafia Romance Book 5)

  Chapter 1

  Ashley sat at the table drinking her morning coffee. Davio was out of town on a business trip and she had the house to herself. She looked back at the past 24 years and smiled. She had forgotten her birth control shot before she went on her honeymoon, resulting in her pregnancy with twins. Jenna and Ray have brought a lot of joy to the Porchelli household. Ray is currently on the business trip with his dad, and Jenna is at her job at Kleinfelds Bridal House. Davio is still arrogant and bull-headed, but he and Ashley have enjoyed a good marriage. Davio could still turn on the fires of passion and Ashley still loved to feel him buried deep inside her. She doubted if she would ever get tired of making love to Davio. He was the love of her life and sharing passion was something they both enjoyed. She hoped that one day her children would find the happiness she had found with their father. She remembered her mother on the day of their wedding. Judith had shed tear of joy because her daughter had found a man that she loved, and he loved Ashley. Now Ashley understood her mother’s tears. Having children is the most wonderful thing a couple can do, and seeing one’s children happy is very gratifying.


  Davio and Ray are in Michigan to try and straighten out the mess at the ship yards. Somebody has been sabotaging the shipping orders and it is costing the Porchelli family a fortune. Davio is glad to have his son by his side, helping him in business the way he had helped his father. Davio saw a lot of himself in his son. Ray was smart but could be bull-headed. Ray and Ashley butted heads all of the time because of Ray’s tendency to get his way in everything, at all costs. Davio has heard of Ray’s reputation with the ladies and he silently grins when he compares his younger days where he wanted a woman in his bed for a few hours, but then he was ready to send them home. Davio knows that one day Ray will meet a woman that will mean as much to his son as Ashley did to him. Davio plans to enjoy watching his son fall in love. He just hopes that his son will be as happy as he has been with Ashley.

  Jenna works as a consultant at Kleinfelds and is around happy brides-to-be all day. She has not yet found the man of her dreams, but when she does she hopes that she can be as happy as her parents seem to be. Her mother had always taught her to respect her body and save it for that special man that she will spend the rest of her life with. She felt close to her mother and she knew that she could discuss everything with her. Her mother had warned her of the consequences of sex without protection, but Jenna wasn’t interested in sex at all. The few guys that she had dated just didn’t do anything for her. Sure, a couple of them tried
to get into her pants, but she quickly put them in their place. Jenna wasn’t even sure that she wanted to get married. She enjoyed her life as it was. She would occasionally go out with friends, but for the most part she enjoyed her independence.


  Davio is expected home tomorrow and Ashley is looking forward to his return. After all of these years she still feels like a young woman in love. Davio and Ashley have a lot of differences. Davio is arrogant and refuses to ever take no for an answer, and Ashley is laid back and easy going. Davio would love to entertain and attend parties every week, but he had promised Ashley they would keep it to a minimum because Ashley preferred to a quieter lifestyle. Davio always felt the need to protect Ashley, while Ashley had learned to stand up and protect herself. She had suffered degradation and humiliation in her early days with Davio, but those events had made her stronger. She had vowed to never again allow anybody to make her feel less than the woman she is.


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