Book Read Free

Executive Decision

Page 2

by Maggie Church

  Logan got up and typed in the URL. He was surprised at the straightforward information he found. No smoke-and-mirrors or crystal ball kinds of innuendoes. Satisfied clients sang her praises in a multitude of comments with photos. He concluded Madame Evangeline was a sophisticated combination of private investigator and matchmaker.

  He emailed her before he lost his nerve and the rest of the night’s sleep.

  A moment later, she replied. You made the right decision. I’ll be in touch.


  Logan spent the next three days working his ass off in his customer’s manufacturing facility. Each night, he fell into bed dog tired. He’d signed a contract with Madame Eve for her services and tried not to think about how crazy the proposition seemed. He hoped she wasn’t taking him and his money on a wild goose chase when she said Hunter would stand in front of him very soon.

  While he packed his suitcase to leave on the last morning, he wondered how long soon was.

  His checkout and short cab ride to the airport proved uneventful. Out of habit, he dropped a few bucks in the slot machines centered on the concourse near his gate. It didn’t take long for him to burn forty bucks. He glanced at his watch and decided he still had time to buy a cup of coffee.

  His phone vibrated. Logan fished it out of his pants pocket.

  A text from Madame Eve had arrived.

  In disbelief, he scanned the short note again. Hunter is willing to see me? He texted her: When? Where?

  He’ll be in Detroit next week to meet you for one night only. Hunter is reluctant. He’s still very angry. You must convince him of your sincerity to win his love.

  With trembling hands, he wrote again. When? Where?

  By the time your flight lands, I’ll have the answers.

  Logan looked around. How the fuck did she know I was at the airport? The woman was downright eerie. He couldn’t do anything but wait, and hope for the best.

  During the flight home, he wondered if he and Hunter would still be together if it weren’t for that fateful interruption. They’d been exclusive. Were we in love then? In all truth, he really didn’t know.

  They’d hit it off fast and hot. After a few smoldering glances and touches that weren’t dismissed or rejected, they’d gone to dinner. At closing time, they were still talking. Logan recalled being a little buzzed, though not drunk, and very infatuated with the newest addition to PlasTeck’s sales staff. They’d slept together on their second date.

  He’d loved everything about his younger partner. His intelligence, his beauty, and most of all, his dominance. No other man made him want to roll over the way he did for Hunter. He didn’t show his submissive side right away, but when he did, Hunter was thrilled and so was he. When it came to sex, Hunter preferred being the top. They were well-suited for each other.

  Over the past year, Logan had reached a dead end every time he tried sorting out his emotions about Hunter. After what had happened at the office, dating and getting too close to another guy made him uneasy. Did his feelings stem from guilt or a deeper affection?

  Guess I’ll find out soon. We both will.

  Once again, Madame Eve delivered on her promise. When the wheels touched down on runway, and Logan turned his phone back on, her text arrived.

  Reading it, he broke into a sweat.

  Chapter Three

  Whenever Hunter James thought about the last time he saw Logan, anger smoldered in his gut. He’d gotten the shaft while Logan got off scot-free.

  He fastened his French cuffs, and then straightened his blue shirt collar. His tailored, black, Versace jacket fit perfectly. The fabric’s sheen made heads turn whenever he wore the suit. Tonight, he hoped Logan’s head snapped right off.

  He checked the time. A half-hour late already, and he felt no rush or remorse.

  If he wants to leave before I get there, so be it.


  Hunter noticed Logan the instant he walked in the door at Wildfire. He gave his name to the host.

  “Your party has already arrived. Please come this way.” The man, in his mid-twenties, wore form-fitting black slacks that showed off his sweet derriere. Hunter could have sworn the host wiggled his hips a tad extra to ensure Hunter would look. And look he did, just to put Logan on uneven emotional footing.

  At the table, Logan stood and extended his hand. “It’s good to see you. Please, have a seat.”

  Hunter noticed streaks of red on his neck, a slight dampness on his skin when they shook hands. He’s nervous. Good. “I’m here because Madame Evangeline is quite persuasive.”

  Frowning, Logan sat down. “She told me you were still mad.”

  The utterance surprised him. “Why would you think otherwise? I got the boot.” He leaned forward on his elbows, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “And how is Old Man Dohlan anyway? I was more than happy to see his hefty deposit in my 401k for promising not to sue.”

  “Did you threaten to sue?”

  The shocked look on Logan’s face almost made Hunter laugh. “I didn’t have to. While HR was hustling me out the door, they were stuffing wads of cash in my pockets. I’m sure Dohlan knew at least a half-dozen employment laws were violated–love that word violated, don’t you? Such a fitting adjective to describe that day.”

  “I’m surprised about the payoff. For what it’s worth, I told Bernie not to fire you, that our relationship was consensual.”

  “A lot of good that did.” Hunter signaled the waitress.

  She arrived at their table. “What can I get you, sir?”

  “I’ll have what he’s having.”

  “Double Scotch on the rocks.”


  Logan brought the conversation back on track. “After you left, I went to find Bernie. He was nowhere in sight. I went to your office, and you’d left, too.”

  “Can you blame me? I knew what was coming down.” Hunter accepted his drink from the waitress and took a sip. The cold, strong liquor’s bite kept him focused.

  “Why wouldn’t you take my calls?”

  Hunter leaned forward and spoke in a low voice, but the anger he felt still spilled into his tone. And he didn’t give two-shits about it. “Honestly, I was pretty freaked out. I got caught with my dick in your ass by the CEO. Not only was my career finished at PlasTeck, I was scared about the ramifications I might have trying to work in other industries. HR called me first thing the next morning to seal the deal. They wouldn’t even let me come back to the building. My personal belongings were delivered, and so were my separation papers, as they so politely called them.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “What the fuck for? You kept your job. You were always Dohlan’s pet. Maybe you were sleeping with him, too.” Hunter knew that was a lie and a low blow, but he’d stewed over the whole mess for so long. The negative emotions uncoiled like a fire hose filling at high-velocity.

  “Don’t be disgusting. You know I wasn’t. You were the only man I was seeing. And I didn’t keep my job.”

  Now, it was Hunter’s turn to be stunned. He narrowed his eyes and tapped his index finger on the cloth-covered table as he spoke. “I don’t believe you. I asked the HR director if you were still with the company. She said you were. I was going to talk to you if you’d been fired, too.”

  “She didn’t lie to you. I wasn’t fired. When I heard what happened to you, I explained this wasn’t an abuse of power; we were in a relationship. They wouldn’t listen. I apologized for my inappropriate decision to have sex with you in my office, and asked them to reconsider. They brought Bernie into the conversation. I asked what would have happened if he’d walked in on a man and a woman instead of two men. Old Man Dohlan was appalled that I’d even ask but wouldn’t recant his decision. He said his was a privately-owned company, and he called the shots. If I promised never to exercise such horrible judgment again, he’d try to forget what happened. So, I made an executive decision of my own. I resigned. They even asked me to stay on during my two weeks’ not
ice. I suppose they hoped to change my mind. Bernie promised everything would be hush-hush, and told me what a huge mistake I was making, but I packed up and left that morning anyway. I was sickened by all of their bullshit.”

  Feeling like he’d been sucker punched, Hunter sat back in his chair. He picked up his glass, noticing how the condensation clung to the sides, before taking a few swallows. He needed the burning sensation to affirm he wasn’t dreaming.

  “Aren’t you going to say anything?”

  Hunter looked at his former lover, his mind vacant of verbal attacks, questions, and snide remarks.

  “I didn’t hang you out to dry. I took responsibility for my part and tried to make things right. I’m sorry.” Logan’s tone mirrored his plea for understanding.

  Revenge and anger had fueled Hunter this past year. Now, those negative emotions evaporated like exhaust.

  “Jesus Christ, Hunter, aren’t you going to say anything?”

  “Thank you.”

  “Thank you?”

  He shrugged. A few tremors passed through his torso and stomach. He’d marshaled all his energy in an attempt to prove to Logan he could thrive without him. Now, the fiery emotions escaped his body like carbonation from a beer. He felt as flat and unappealing as the drink would be.

  “I don’t know what else to say. The decision was out of your hands. I always knew that, but I didn’t know you’d quit. I guess I have to believe you did and said those things on my behalf.”

  Logan placed his hand over Hunter’s. “I really am sorry. If I hadn’t been such a thrill-seeker….”

  Hunter chuckled. “It’s not like you had to hold my feet to the fire. I loved the danger, the forbidden aspects, the excitement of our secret.” He smirked. “Who knows where it could have gone if we’d never been caught that day.”

  “Or any other.” Logan wore a whimsical expression. He drew a deep breath. “Did you have trouble finding a new job?”

  “It took me the better part of nine months. Fortunately, PlasTeck gave me a glowing recommendation. They couldn’t deny I was a great member of their sales force.”

  “Where did you land? Not in the chemicals industry. I haven’t seen or heard of you.” He twirled the ice in his glass with his index finger. “I’ve been looking for you.”

  That remark made Hunter feel a lot better. He’d always thought Logan was an all-around, decent guy. “I took a job at All-Ways Logistics. The pay isn’t as good, and I’ve never worked in this industry before, but I like the job. People still gotta move the shit they manufacture, you know. Once the economy rebounds, I think it’ll be more challenging and interesting than it is now. I can’t complain, too much. I’m just glad to be working, and I didn’t have to drain my 401k trying to find a new gig. What about you?”

  “IntraRes snapped me up in a heartbeat.”

  A deep and satisfying laugh rumbled in his chest. “I hope you’ve been kicking PlasTeck’s ass every chance you get.”

  Logan raised his glass. “Of course. Homophobic pricks.”

  “Cheers. Maybe I should send old Bernie a sexy Christmas card.”

  Logan appeared to choke on his drink. “Don’t. Please. I still have to see him every now and then. I run into the other sales guys all the time.”

  “Well, give his wrinkled ass a firm squeeze for me the next time you get the chance.”

  Laughing, he rolled his eyes. “I’ll blow him some kisses, too.” His expression became serious. “I hope you’ll accept my apology. I never expected to implode our careers at PlasTeck that way.”

  Hunter sobered up emotionally. “I’m an adult. I wanted to be there. I loved the thrill just as much as you. And when you were lying in my arms, I had all the power. It was a hell of an ego boost to be your underling by day, and have you as putty in my hands whenever we were alone.” A mini video whipped through his memories of Logan begging him to make love. The vivid images aroused him as sure as a warm hand in the right place would. He cleared his throat and drank his Scotch.

  Now what? Do we end things, call it a night? Have dinner? Go back to my hotel? The last idea would have been absurd a half hour ago, but now?

  Logan interrupted his musings. “Would you like to have dinner? We’re here. It’s getting late.”

  Hunter looked at his watch. A little after eight and the restaurant is almost empty. The club down the block was a hot spot for gays. He chewed the inside of his lip. Things were moving kind of fast. Like the last time.

  “What are you smiling about?”

  A humorless laugh erupted from Hunter’s chest. “You don’t want to know. As far as dinner goes, sure. We might as well catch up. I’m leaving tomorrow afternoon. You know that, right?”

  Looking deflated, Logan nodded. “Madame Eve gave me your travel arrangements. The contract stipulates we have twenty-four hours, and after that, we’re on our own.”

  “No wonder she insisted on a specific window of time. I thought she was being downright bossy about the whole arriving and leaving timeframe. I had some trouble straightening out the rest of my day because of the goofy flight schedules to Toronto from here.”

  Logan chuckled. “She has a reputation to uphold, and I suppose she doesn’t want to anger her clients.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “You went to a lot of trouble to arrange this date. I checked her out. It cost you a small fortune, too. Why?”

  Leaning on his elbows, Logan steepled his fingers. “Did I see you in the airport a couple weeks ago?”

  “Mid-morning flight. You were flying out; I was coming in. You were wearing a brown sugar-colored suit, and carrying that ratty, leather briefcase you’ve owned since your first sales job.”

  “I thought that was you. When you turned after you got off the conveyor and looked at me, I almost ran after you, but I had customers waiting in Las Vegas.”

  “I came to your gate, but you’d already boarded.”

  “I wish you’d called me.”

  “I was pissed.”

  Logan frowned. “So why come after me? Were you going to punch my lights out in the airport?”

  Good question. “I wanted some closure.” He drained his glass and signaled for a refill.

  “Ultimately, that’s the same reason I contracted with Madame Eve. I wanted you to hear my side of the story. I wanted to apologize.”

  “And if I hadn’t come? I almost didn’t, you know. It took a lot of convincing.”

  “She knew my whole story and concerns, but it isn’t her job to make things right between her clients.”

  The waitress brought their drinks. “Would you like to order dinner?”


  He released a sigh. “I suppose we might as well. I don’t have a better offer tonight.”

  Logan winced.

  The waitress handed them menus. “I’ll give you a few minutes to decide. Our kitchen closes at ten.”


  Hunter’s agreement to stay for dinner encouraged Logan. If nothing else, he was sure they’d part friends after tonight. His off-hand remark about not having a better offer irritated him a little bit at first. The masochist side of him received a zing of pleasure over the potential challenge. He had to make Hunter see there was no better offer tonight, no matter what.

  They each had a few more drinks over dinner. Logan thought things were going very well. In fact, the night was reminiscent of their first date. Can we start over? Hunter lived in Kansas City now. Not exactly convenient. Their work schedules would keep them apart, too. That was the nature of the beast.

  When the waitress brought the bill, Hunter grabbed it. “Let me buy dinner. It cost you a fortune to get me here and put me up.”

  “Is your hotel comfortable?” What he really wanted to know was, “can we wreck the bed?”

  “The Moore House is very nice. Luxurious, I’d say. I’ve never stayed there before. It’s not on the company’s approved accommodations list, either.” Hunter drained the last of his Scotch. His pink tongue flickered into
the glass, capturing a piece of half-melted ice. “You should see what you’re paying for.”

  The thinly-veiled invitation perked up his libido. “I should.”

  Hunter signed the check receipt, and then tucked his copy in his breast pocket. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Jumpy nerves twisted Logan’s gut. What exactly does that mean? “How did you get here?”

  “I took a cab. Why?”

  “I can bring you back to the hotel if you’d like. Or we can go to a club or something.” Jesus, how high school did that sound? Maybe I should dig my toe into the dirt and stuff my hands in my pockets, too.

  “It’s not that late. And since I can’t leave until two tomorrow afternoon, I can sleep in.” Hunter winked. “Can you?”

  I might as well play my cards. “I took the day off. I didn’t know what to expect, so I wanted to have options.”

  “I like the sound of that. We always were good together.”

  The heat in Hunter’s eyes made his cock twitch to life. “Let’s get out of here.” When he stood, Hunter’s gaze settled on his crotch. Logan knew he could see a bulge there. “Find something you’d like?”


  Logan hoped his nonchalant demeanor looked convincing because inside he felt like a colt on a spring morning. He schooled himself to walk slower and wished his heart would stop racing like he’d run up a flight of stairs.

  As they walked out, Hunter put his hand on the small of Logan’s back. And then let it slide down his ass. All so innocent to the casual observer, but that was Hunter’s signal he was interested in sex.

  They stepped into the moonless night. Traffic on the nearby freeway broke the silence.

  “Where are you parked?” Hunter sounded firm, in complete control of his emotions.

  Logan pointed in the direction of his car. “There.”

  Hunter looked around, and then grabbed his hand. “This way first.” Hunter led him to the back of the restaurant.


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