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Waking Ms. Briar; a sweet, clean romance_A Middleton Prep Novella

Page 5

by Laura Ann

  “And Mr. Tom Dukeman and Mr. Dave Hedge are going to be the ‘Jack of all Trade’ guys. They’ll be working on props, set and anything else we need.”

  The crowd applauded, once again.

  “And now...let’s pass out scripts and get going.” Steven rubbed his hands together, and grinned.

  Over the next couple of hours, the youth sat in a circle of chairs and did a read through of the play. Laughter and wisecracks were constant interruptions as the kids read what they would be doing for the first time.

  When Tristan began reading the love lines, all the boys began making kissy noises and Rory was afraid Tristan was going to have a heart attack, his face was so red.

  Although the atmosphere was jovial, Rory found herself struggling not to scowl. The longer the play went on, the more Anita sank into herself. She often whispered her lines so softly, no one could understand her. Rory wasn’t the only one reacting to the situation. One of the more popular girls, Christina, had auditioned for the part of Briar Rose. Every time Anita stumbled, Christina smirked and elbowed the girl sitting next to her.

  Great. We just got started and we’ve got a rivalry on our hands. Rory sighed. She glanced at Steven several times to see his reaction to Anita’s anxiety, but he never reacted to the problem. One time he even had the audacity to catch Rory’s eye and wink at her!

  How can he put this girl through this? It is obvious to everyone Anita is scared to death.

  The more time that passed, the more agitated Rory became.

  Unwilling to let the students see her frustration, Rory plastered a fake smile on her face as the kids were dismissed for the evening.

  “Good work everyone! That was a great read through! This is going to be so fun and you guys are really awesome!” She patted shoulders and sent encouragement to every student that headed out the door for the evening.

  When the last student left, Rory took a deep breath and approached Steven.

  “You need to let her drop out.”

  Steven’s smile never wavered, and he leaned into Rory’s personal space. “Who are you talking about, dear Aurora.”

  “Stop calling me that.” Rory said, weariness coated her voice. “And you know exactly who I’m talking about. It was painfully obvious that Anita was uncomfortable the whole night. This isn’t helping her.”

  Steven leaned in until they were nose to nose, causing Rory’s blood to rush in her ears. She could feel his warm breath on her face and his scent assaulted her. She stiffened her spine, refusing to back down.

  “I’ve said it before, you underestimate her.”

  Becoming bolder in her frustration, Rory put her hands on his chest and pushed him back a little. His firm, broad chest felt warm under her hands and as soon as he stepped back, she quickly dropped her hands. “And as I’ve said before, she isn’t ready for something this big.”

  Steven stepped back to her quickly and tilted his head down, running his nose along Rory’s cheek, it seemed to be his favorite move. Rory stood stock still. Her defenses began to crumble at her feet. He worked his way along her jawline and she unconsciously tilted her head so he could have better access.

  “I love the way you smell.” Steven whispered against her skin.

  She could feel a flush rising up her neck at his touch. Her air intake became shallow and ragged. Wake up Rory! He does this to everyone! But her body refused to listen.

  He chuckled deep in his throat and Rory felt the vibrations of it to her core. “Are you blushing, Aurora?” He pressed a light kiss right below her ear.

  Rory’s mind screamed for her to fight against this attraction, but her heart sighed in contentment.

  “It’s almost as delightful as your ruby, red lips.”

  Rory’s eyes burst open and she stared directly into his vivid, green eyes. She felt frozen as she stared into their depths. How do I know this isn’t all just a game to him?

  Just before his lips touched hers, she found her voice. “No.” She whispered, it was more air than sound, but it was enough to stop him.

  He paused, pain and disappointment crossing his face.

  “Please, no.” She begged, unable to muster any anger. Her heart felt like it was breaking all over again, but she knew it would only hurt worse if she allowed him to kiss her.

  Straightening, Steven didn’t try to disguise his feelings. “Why?” He grabbed her by the shoulders. “I know you feel it too. It was there the night we met, and has been there since you came to work here. Why do you fight it?”

  She tried to muster up the strength to tell him, to shout at him, to blame him for everything, but she couldn’t. She was shaking so hard and her breathing so erratic that she couldn’t bring herself to answer him. Shaking her head, she turned and fled.

  Just as she reached the door, he called out, “Don’t worry about Anita. I’ll help her realize her potential.”

  Shame hit Rory in the stomach and she closed her eyes. I had totally forgotten that’s why we were talking in the first place. Angry at herself for losing her wits around the smooth talking teacher, she flung open the door and rushed out, stopping only momentarily to grab her bag before heading to her car.

  Once inside, she took a few moments to calm her breathing before she started the engine. Putting a hand on her heart, she took slow breathes until she felt the beating slow down. Feeling much more in control, she headed home.

  STEVEN STOMPED DOWN the hallway, roughly pushing his hand through his hair as he headed for the exit.

  “Mr. Phillips,” a stern voice called out.

  He spun around and saw Ms. Millicent standing in the doorway of her office. Shoving his feelings aside, he schooled his face into the carefree charm that he was known for. “Ah...the lovely Ms. Millicent.

  The director’s face became even more pinched at his words. “I thought I warned you.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Let’s not play the fool, Mr. Phillips. Your father might be financing the play, but ultimately, The Center is mine...and you are not following the rules,” she sneered.

  Steven stiffened, never breaking eye contact.

  “Fraternizing among coworkers is forbidden, and I will have no leniency on you or Ms. Briar. Are we clear?” Her sharp features looked like they were carved from stone—there wasn’t a single spark of warmth.


  Raising an eyebrow, she gave a regal nod and went back to her office.


  Rory grit her teeth as she watched Anita. The poor girl was standing on their makeshift stage stumbling through her lines. Why won’t Steven listen to reason?

  “HOLD UP ANITA!” STEVEN’S rich baritone called from across the room.

  Anita’s shoulders dropped and her face flushed a deep red. The other students’ faces brightened with relief as Steven approached the stage area. The shy girl’s struggles were affecting the entire cast, and Christina’s mockery was getting bolder as she giggled from her spot on stage.

  “Everyone else take five.” Steven directed as he reached the kids.

  Tossing scripts on the nearby tables and chairs, every student headed out of into the hall. Rory kept a close eye on Christina, making sure she didn’t do or say anything to make the situation worse.

  Once the kids were gone, Rory sat, her head tilted to the side, and her eyes narrowed as she focused on Steven and Anita. She strained her ears to hear the words exchanged, but the conversation was too soft. Anita nodded several times while Steven gesticulated wildly, causing the young girl to laugh lightly.

  Some of Rory’s tenseness softened at the sound. Steven’s deep laugh joined Anita’s and Rory found herself unconsciously smiling at the sound. Finally Steven gave Anita a high five and the conversation seemed to be finished.

  “Aurora,” Steven turned and faced her. “Would you please let the other kids know we’re ready for them?”

  “Uh...of course.” Rory answered. Standing up, she walked to the hallway and called everyone back in.

  As everyone assembled to restart the play, Steven stayed on the stage area next to Anita. Rory retook her seat, holding a notebook in her lap for notes, and waited to see what would happen.

  “Alright Tristan, you pick up from the top of the page.” Steven directed.

  Tristan started reciting his lines, moving around as he spoke. When it was Anita’s turn to answer, Steven stood just in front of her. He gave Anita a quick wink and nod, then presented himself in a feminine pose.

  The whole room held their breath as they waited to see what their director was up to.

  Clear as a bell, Anita’s voice came from behind Steven. As she spoke Steven acted out her character, moving and gesturing. Anita followed in his shadow, speaking out her lines in a stronger voice than she had used all day.

  Laughter broke out among the cast and Steven waggled his eyebrows in response. When Anita’s lines were done, Steven held his pose, facing the boy who should speak next. When it became clear that the director wasn’t going to step down, the rest of the cast hurriedly picked up their scripts and jumped back into the play.

  “Thou fairest maiden,” Tristan called across the stage. “Thy curse is broken and thy demons vanquished. Wilt thou bestow me thy hand in marriage?”

  “Aye, handsome prince.” Anita called while Steven put his hand to his forehead in a near swoon.

  This is actually really...sweet. Rory felt the wall she had built around her heart crack a little as she listened to the the cast giggle over Steven’s dramatics. Even Christina was smiling, instead of making fun of Anita. It’s obvious his antics are helping right now, but what will happen when she’s on her own? Rory’s heart jumped back and forth. One side loved the kindness of the gesture, the other worried it wouldn’t last, or that it might do more damage in the end.

  After rehearsal was over, Rory was helping stack chairs when the Merryweather twins walked into the room chattering.

  “It really ought to be blue, dear sister.” Flora stated.

  “Oh no, pink would be much better.” Fauna insisted,




  Their voices had risen in volume and they were now nose to nose as they yelled.

  “Ladies!” Steven rushed over to interrupt. “What in the world can be coming between my two favorite sisters?”

  “Anita’s formal dress at the end really should be blue, Steven, dear. It would stand out so well on stage against the backdrop of the cast.” Flora explained, folding her arms over her chest.

  Fauna huffed. “Be that as it may, pink would be a much better color for Anita. Her features are delicate and the pink will bring out the natural blush in her cheeks.”

  “You won’t be able to see it! It should be blue!”


  “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Time out!” Steven made a ‘T’ with his hands. “Maybe we should let this topic go and come back to it another time, huh? Let’s discuss it when we, uh, have clearer heads.”

  Rory watched the whole scene, her lips twitching. I’d have never thought of Steven playing referee to two irate senior citizens.

  “Maybe we should let the director decide.” Flora waved her hand toward Steven.

  Steven froze, his eyes widening.

  Fauna straightened her spine, readying for battle. “Absolutely.”

  Two sets of eyes focused on the handsome man.


  “What do you—”


  Steven cleared his throat and Rory bit her lip but couldn’t completely contain the giggle bubbling from inside her.

  “ it’s a hard question. While I agree that both colors would be splendid, I find myself drawn to p—”

  “Blue.” Rory chimed in, then looked at Steven with raised eyebrows.

  “Heaven help us.” Flora said throwing her arms in the air.

  “Well if you would just listen to me...” Fauna’s voice trailed off as the sisters left the room, arguing as they went.

  Steven approached Rory. He stopped only a few inches away, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

  The boyish gesture pounded at Rory’s weak wall, and she worked frantically to reinforce it.

  “Blue, huh? You think she should be in blue?”

  “I, uh...I thought you would pick blue.” Rory licked her lips, discovering they were dry. She reached into her pocket and grabbed her lip gloss. Spreading it across her mouth, she glanced up at Steven and froze.

  He was watching her movements with a predatory glint in his eye. “What made you think I would say blue?” He took a step closer.

  “Uh... I don’t know. I guess I shouldn’t have said anything. After all, I don’t really know your tastes that well...” Rory stammered.

  His eyes dropped and locked on her lips as he spoke. “It’s true, we have a lot to learn about each other. I actually thought the pink would be nice, but I admit to always being partial to... red.”

  Heat traveled up Rory’s neck, and she felt her breathing become shallow. “Red wasn’t an option.”

  He leaned in, dropping his voice to a whisper. “Then I will have to wait until it is.”

  Are we still talking about dresses... “Why were you acting out Anita’s part for her. What will that do?” She whispered back.

  He studied her, his bright green eyes lazily scanning her face, looking . “I gave her a voice. Her body will naturally follow.”

  Rory felt herself sway toward him, mesmerized by his deep, soothing whisper. Just before their lips would have touched, Steven stood, breaking the spell.

  Shame hit Rory like a tidal wave. What was a I thinking? She blinked rapidly and her eyes darted everywhere but at Steven’s face. I’ll bet he’s laughing at me. Knowing he can put me under his spell just like every other woman.

  “Aurora.” He called softly.

  “I..uh- need to head out. Charlotte is waiting for me.” She stepped back, then grabbed her bag of school supplies. She took long, fast strides toward the door, eager for escape.

  “Aurora.” His voice was louder, more commanding.

  She stopped, her hand on the doorknob, her shoulders fell and her eyes closed. Please just let me go. She felt a heated presence behind her and she held her breath.

  Steven took her arms and gently turned her around. His eyes radiated pain and confusion. “Aurora, I—”

  He cut off as they heard voices and footsteps in the hallway, heading their direction.

  They stepped away from each other just as the door opened.

  Ms. Millicent stood in the doorway, her normal sour expression on her face. She was flanked on either side by the Merryweather twins who continued to chatter even though their boss was obviously not paying attention.

  The older woman narrowed her eyes at Rory, then Steven, before speaking. “Rory, to my office.” She then spun on her heel and stalked back the way she had come.

  The twins stopped talking and gave sympathetic looks to Rory and Steven before they too took off down the hallway.

  “Goodnight Steven.” Rory whispered over her shoulder.


  The nerve of that woman. Threatening my work if I didn’t stay away from Steven. Rory scoffed. As if I would fall for him. Except, she was. With a sigh, Rory parked her car and walked into Middleton Prep.

  She found herself preoccupied as she walked down the hall, thoughts of Steven swirling through her head. All those years I spent thinking that night in the forest was special. Then when I started working at Middleton Prep and saw him treat everyone the same way he had acted that night, I just assumed he had no true feelings, just stealing and breaking hearts willy nilly. Now he goes off and acts so sweet with Anita. She groaned, frustration and confusion fighting for dominance.

  “How is the play coming, dear?”

  “Oh!” Rory jerked to a stop and put her hand to her chest. “Mrs. Merryweather you startled me!” She worked to calm her breathing. She had been so caught u
p in her thoughts that she hadn’t heard the secretary approach her.

  “Sorry, didn’t realize I was being sneaky.” Mrs. Merryweather frowned, but her eyes betrayed a playful sparkle.

  Rory grinned. “You’re not the least bit sorry.” She teased.

  Mrs. Merryweather shrugged.

  Rory laughed. “Anyway, the play is fine, I suppose. Our leading lady is struggling a bit, but Steven, I mean, Mr. Phillips assures me that she will come out of her shell.”

  “Ahh, yes. Flora and Fauna have been telling me about little Anita...they also have been going on about some dress. Blue or pink, or I don’t know what all!” Mrs. Merryweather waved her hands in the air.

  “I had forgotten you are all related.” Rory scrunched her lips to the side as she tried to remember. “You married their brother, right?”

  The secretary nodded.

  “But you’re widowed now?”

  Sadness clouded Mrs. Merryweather’s features. “Yes.”

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to upset you.”

  “Oh, it’s okay. It’s been a long time now, but true love never really dies.” She sniffed and dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief.

  Feeling contrite for upsetting the secretary, Rory leaned forward, and hugged the sweet woman. “I’m sorry.”

  The elder woman’s grip was surprisingly strong as she held onto Rory. “You know, dear, I had a blind, squirrel in my garden once.”

  Rory straightened. “Uh...okay?”

  Mrs. Merryweather grinned. “Yep. And yet, he always seemed to get the best nuts and fruits.” She chuckled at the memory. “That little devil could climb higher and jump farther than any other squirrel in my yard. Almost as if having sight held the other ones back.” She smiled gently and patted Rory’s cheek. “Don’t worry, dear. It’ll turn out alright in the end.” Then she turned and headed towards the office.

  Rory shook her head. “How could you tell he was—” I’m so lost...


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