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Waking Ms. Briar; a sweet, clean romance_A Middleton Prep Novella

Page 6

by Laura Ann

  RORY SAT DOWN AT THE table in the teacher’s lounge and spread her lunch out in front of her. From the corner of her eye, she saw Steven sit at a table with several other colleagues. Immediately the noise of the table picked up, laughter and smiles radiating off every face. Even the men can’t resist his charm. She mused. But this is exactly why we would never work. I have no desire to compete with every other person in the room. He can’t contain himself to a single person.

  Fingers snapped in front of her face and Rory blinked rapidly, thrusting her head backwards.

  “Hey there chica. What’s got you in outer space?” Lucy grinned and swept her eyes toward Steven’s table, before looking back at Rory.

  Rory rolled her eyes. “Obviously not what you think.”

  “Oh really? It sure looks like that charming, literature teacher has taken you under his spell.”

  “Wouldn’t matter if he did, since he’s got every other female within a 50 mile radius under his spell as well.” Rory tore the lid of her tupperware a little too harshly and yogurt sprayed into the air. “Oops. Sorry.” She said sheepishly, as she wiped the table with a napkin.

  Lucy folded her arms over her chest and smirked. “Yeah...not what I think at all.”

  Charlotte, who was sitting next to Rory, reached her arm over and gave Rory a side hug. “It’s okay to admit you have feelings for him. None of us will blame you.”

  “True story.” Lucy agreed. “It’s hard to resist him. Especially when he singles you out.”

  Rory froze. “Who does he single out?” Her heart rate picked up and she felt herself beginning to panic. Hold it! She screamed at herself. You’re not supposed to care if he’s singling someone out! Her heart refused to listen to her mind, and continued its rapid pace.

  Lucy’s jaw dropped and she gave Rory an incredulous look. “You! Are you telling me you can’t see how he treats you differently than everyone else? Pshh.” Lucy blew air through her lips in disbelief.

  “Not a chance. If he has singled me out, it’s in order to annoy me to death, not because of any romantic notions.”

  Lucy leaned in and dropped her voice. “Girlie, that man would be all over you if you simply gave him the right signal.”

  Rory’s anger flared. “Me and every other woman in here! The man is a professional flirt and charmer. He can’t keep it to just one woman, that isn’t enough for him.” I’m not enough for him. She knew she sounded harsh, but she was tired of the conversation.

  Lucy’s expression dropped. Pity crossed her face and she leaned back in her seat. “I’m no expert, but I don’t think you’ve given him enough of a chance to see if your statement is true or not. Everytime he tries to get close to you, you spit fire and brimstone.”

  Rory rolled her eyes. “Fire and brimstone?”

  Lucy grinned. “Weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth? Is that a better description?”

  Rory let out a short, loud laugh, then quickly covered her mouth when most of the heads in the room looked at her.

  Charlotte rubbed Rory’s back. “It’s okay to give people a chance, sometimes more than one. I wouldn’t be with Christian right now if I hadn’t given him a second chance.”

  Rory gave a small smile and looked at Charlotte. “Second chance or not, it is clear to see that he would never stick around.” She waved her arm in his general direction. “Even at lunch he never sits at just one table.” She pulled out and applied her lip gloss. “The only thing we have going is an insane physical chemistry.”

  Lucy grinned mischievously and leaned forward again. “I’ll bet that looks just as good on Steven as it does on you.”

  Rory’s eyes widened before she burst into laughter again. “Sometimes your snarkiness remind me of myself.”

  Lucy smirked, pleased with herself. Chuckling she pointed to Charlotte.

  Rory let out another giggle when she looked to see Charlotte with her hand over her mouth and her face bright as the noon day sun.

  “I can’t believe you said that!” Charlotte finally sputtered.

  Lucy shrugged, still grinning. Putting her focus back on Rory, she became serious once more. “Give him a chance Ror. That ‘insane physical chemistry’ practically sets the school on fire every time you two get close. Get to know him! See what he’s like behind the showman.”

  Rory paled.

  Charlotte grabbed her hand and held it tightly. “Come on Rory. I’ve never known you to be a quitter.”

  “Besides...if it doesn’t work out, you and I can just have a girls’ night and watch man hating movies, while stuffing ourselves with every kind of chocolate available.” Lucy raised an eyebrow in challenge.

  Rory studied Lucy for a moment, and to her surprise, she spotted a touch of sadness in Lucy’s eyes, but let it go. Now isn’t the time. She pointed her finger at Lucy. “There better be ice cream. And I might want to blow something up.”

  “Then we are definitely meeting at your house. My apartment can’t handle your science experiments.”

  “Deal.” Rory looked across the room and caught her breath. Steven’s green eyes were fixated on her. How long has he been watching? He can’t hear us can he?

  As if in answer to her internal question, he grinned and winked. Rory’s eyes followed his every movement as he stood and collected his lunch debris, then headed toward the door, talking and smiling to every person along the way.

  At the door he paused, catching her eye once more. His smile changed from playful to smoldering and Rory could have sworn his eyes darkened. Nodding once, he left, breaking the spell.

  Rory sucked a deep breath, not realizing she had been holding it while they looked at each. Suddenly she felt a breeze on her face. Turning toward the movement she found Lucy using a napkin to fan her.

  “I figured you might be about to burst into flame after that look.”

  Charlotte giggled and Rory glared at her. “Thanks so much.” Rory’s voice dripped with sarcasm.

  Lucy dropped the napkin and went back to her lunch. “You’re welcome. I live to serve.” She smiled as she took another bite.

  Rory rolled her eyes while Charlotte laughed again.


  Rory approached practice that evening with trepidation. It was only a few short steps from where she tutored to the room they were using to practice, but as she walked down the hall it felt like miles. Her heart beat faster with each step and her breathing grew ragged. Just outside the door, she stopped, pausing to get ahold of herself.

  There’s no way this is going to work. Is it? A very small flicker of hope sat in the back of Rory’s mind, and she grasped it tightly, praying it would give her courage. Taking a deep breath, she thrust back her shoulders and pushed open the door.

  “Hello Aurora.”

  His deep voice sent the familiar tingle down her spine.

  “I’m doing well. Thank you. How are you Steven?” Rory mentally face palmed herself. Well that wasn’t awkward at all... “I-I mean, hello.”

  He grinned, the edge of his lips twitching in amusement. “I’m fine thank you.”

  “Well..good. That’s good.” Rory stammered. She walked further into the room and started setting up chairs, using the action as an excuse to stop talking to him.

  She never heard him move, but his heat was unmistakable. “You seem...nervous.”

  “Nervous?” Rory stiffened. “I’m not nervous.” She gripped her hands into fists when she felt them start to shake.

  “Hmm...” Was all he said, before he walked away and started putting props together for the first scene.

  Rory reached in her pocket and grabbed her lip gloss. Every part of her was on edge, she felt restless and anxious, unsure of how to handle her commitment to her friends. It’s not like I can just walk up to him and say I’d like to see if we can be friends...or more...

  “What’s your opinion of the dress, dear?”

  Rory jumped when Flora addressed her over her shoulder. “Oh, sorry Ms. Merryweather. I didn’t hear yo
u. Just a sec.” She calmed her breathing and ran her fingers through her hair, the long waves felt heavy on her neck and suddenly she needed relief. Taking a moment, she grabbed a pencil and twisted her hair into a knot on the top of her head, using the pencil to hold it in place. “There. Now...what was your question?”

  “We wanted to know—” Flora started.

  “Your vote—” Fauna continued.

  “On the dress color.” Flora finished.

  “Oh. I mentioned the other day I thought blue would be good.”

  “Yes. But my dear sister hoped you would change your mind.” Flora smirked and stuck out her tongue at her twin.

  Fauna rolled her eyes and threw her hands up before walking away, muttering as she went.

  Rory pinched her lips between her teeth to keep from laughing at their antics. One would have thought they were teenagers, instead of grandmother age.

  Flora looked at Rory and smiled gently, then leaned in and gave her a hug.

  “Oh!” Rory was surprised, but she returned the embrace.

  “Sometimes sight can be scary, but it’ll turn out alright in the end.” Flora whispered in her ear, while holding her tight.

  Rory stiffened and pulled out of the hug. Is this about the blind squirrel again?

  Flora let her go, but kept her hands on Rory’s arms. Looking her intently in the eye, Flora raised an eyebrow in question.

  “I don’t under—”

  Flora tilted down her chin and glared at Rory under furrowed eyebrows.

  “I mean, sure...yeah.”

  “Wonderful.” Turning around, Flora followed the path her twin had taken only moments before.

  Sighing, Rory finished setting up the chairs, then plopped herself in the corner with her notepad. One of her jobs was to watch the acting rehearsals and take notes of things that needed tweaking. While settling into her chair, she noticed Steven talking with Anita. Their discussion seemed to be fairly serious, Steven was gesturing wildly but Anita’s eyebrows were drawn together, as if unsure or concerned with the topic.

  Rory couldn’t hear what they were saying, but she continued to watch. After Steven stopped talking, Anita bit her lip and looked down at her scuffed sneakers. After a few moments, she looked up and nodded.

  Steven grabbed Anita’s shoulders and gave her an excited shake, his smile showed genuine pleasure. Then he hopped out of the stage area and sat in the front row.

  He’s not going to act for her today? Rory suddenly felt a spark of concern. Steven had continued to act as for Anita for the last few weeks, while she learned her lines and became more confident in their delivery. Now, it looked as if he was handing the job back to her.

  Throughout the next couple of hours, Rory watched Steven like a hawk; noting every movement, conversation and interaction.

  She sat in awe, as she watched Anita imitate the actions Steven had been doing, putting her into the character of the play. Rory grinned when Steven jumped up to correct a student’s technique with a sword. Helping him hold it correctly and showing him how to lunge and parry, before stepping back and allowing the boy to take over. She giggled and fought a sigh of delight when Steven helped the boy playing the Prince learn to be more suave and debonair in his movements, as he wooed the princess. Those giggles were quickly stifled when Steven turned to look at her with a devilish look in his eye.

  “Ms. Briar? Would you kindly join us on stage?” A playful grin played at his lips and Rory was too caught up watching their movement to respond right away. “Please?” He held his hand out in invitation.

  Blinking to shake off the spell, Rory slowly stood. “Uh...okay.” She walked closer. “What exactly do you need me to do?”

  Once she was close enough, Steven grabbed her hand and pulled her the rest of the way. “Now.” He stated, before moving Rory into Anita’s position. The young girl had stepped back, cocking her hip and folding her arms, watching the action. “Wooing a woman is all about delivery and believability.”

  Tristan, the boy playing the prince, watched carefully, nodding at Steven’s words.

  “You need to deliver lines that make her melt, but in such a way that she actually believes you, and doesn’t just think you’re being cheesy or after something.” Steven continued to explain, as he then positioned himself where Tristan had been standing a moment before. “Your movements need to be confident. After all, if you’re unsure, why the heck should she believe you, since it’s obvious you don’t believe yourself?”

  It finally dawned on Rory that he was going to use her as a guinea pig. You’ve got to be kidding me! “Uh...I don’t think—”

  “Thank you for your willingness Ms. Briar.” Steven overrode her objection. “Let’s start the scene right where we left off.”

  Rory froze. Ah crud...

  Steven looked down for a moment, and when his eyes came back up, they were completely changed. Gone was the playfulness from earlier, and in its place was a dark smolder.

  Rory felt her eyes widen at their intensity and she backed up slightly, running into Anita. When Rory turned to look at the young girl, Anita grinned and handed Rory her script, pointing to where she should begin reading.

  “H-how can I repay such gallantry?” Rory stumbled through the first line on the page.

  Steven walked forward, his eyes never breaking contact, and a smile playing on his lips. Instead of walking directly towards Rory, he veered to the side, circling her. “What art thou willing to give, m’lady?” He closed in behind her, talking close to her ear. “What would thy father give to a man such as I?”

  Rory turned toward him and backed away, “Dost thou wish gold?”

  Steven shook his head and once again began to close the distance. “Gold doth not entice me, fair maiden.” Stopping a few steps away, he put his hand out in invitation.

  Rory felt herself transport back to that night, her sixteenth birthday. Back to when Steven had taken her heart in his hands, to never give it back. And just like that night, Rory reached out her fingers tentatively, accepting his offer.

  Lifting their arms, he twirled her into line with his body, before rocking her into a small waltz movement.

  Steven never lost eye contact as he continued the lines while they moved. Rory kept the script propped on his shoulder, reading the lines as they went along. It became easy to imagine herself as that young girl being swept away by a prince in the castle. Easy because she had lived it, if only for a night.

  Finally their dancing stopped, their dialogue stopped, the entire room stood in anxious quiet, wondering what would happen next.

  From the corner of her eye, Rory saw the lean silhouette of Ms. Millicent standing in their doorway; her arms folded over her chest. Rory couldn’t make out her facial expression, but her entire body exuded anger.

  Suddenly Steven stepped back, breaking the spell they had created. After blinking several times, his carefree grin covered his face. “And that folks, is how you do it!” He swept a bow, grabbed Rory’s hand and had her bow with him as the rest of the cast applauded.

  Rory felt her heart drop and scolded herself. Why do you take it all so seriously? You knew he was simply helping out the cast. Just as she was about to walk off the stage, Steven grabbed her around the shoulders.

  “You and I will talk later.” He whispered in her ear, before patting her back and heading back to his seat in the audience to watch the kids replicate the scene.

  Rory was in a daze as she headed back to her seat, picked up her clipboard and resumed her assistant director duties.


  Rehearsal flew by and before Rory realized it, the day was over. Students were walking around her, stacking chairs and grabbing backpacks. Looking down, she realized she hadn’t taken a single note. Crud.

  “Night Ms. Briar.” A soft voice called.

  Snapping her head up, Rory smiled at Anita. “Goodnight Anita. You were wonderful today! I was so proud of you.”

  Anita blushed deeply and ducked her head. “Th
anks. It’s mostly Mr. Phillips though.”

  Rory walked over and gave Anita a side hug. “He may have gotten you started, but it was you who finished it today. Everyone is going to love you in the show. Do you have anyone special coming?”

  Anita’s face fell, and she shook her head.

  Rory’s heart sank to her stomach. I should have known better than to ask. “Well...that’s okay. My family isn’t coming either. How about I count as someone coming to watch you?”

  Anita’s eyes met Rory’s and were wide with disbelief. “Why wouldn’t you have anyone coming?”

  “Well, my roommate and her boyfriend are probably coming, but no family. My parents don’t live here. They stay out of the country most of the year.”

  “Doing what?”

  “Research. But they spend their time in the jungle instead of in classrooms.” Rory’s heart squeezed as she thought of how hard it had been when she was growing up and they were never around.

  “Wow. That’s crazy cool. But I’m glad you’re not with them. I’m glad you’re here.”

  Rory felt a prick in her eyes, and she quickly blinked it away. “Me too, Anita. Me too.”

  All too soon, the students were gone and just the production staff was left. They walked around, picking up leftover garbage and making sure tables and chairs were where they belonged.

  While Rory finished pushing the last stack of chairs in place, Dave and Tom talked to Steven. After a moment, they left. Flora and Fauna were quietly arguing over costume designs in the corner.

  “You hungry?” Steven called out from across the room.

  “Uh..” Rory looked around, noting the twins in the corner, who ignored Steven’s call. “Me?” She asked, pointing to herself.

  He smiled widely. “Yes, my lady,” he swept into a dramatic bow.

  Rory fought herself for a moment. “Um...yes. I’m hungry I suppose.”

  Steven walked over to her. His movements were smooth, just as self assured as he had been on stage. “Might I interest you in getting a bite to eat with a humble peasant such as myself?” He leaned in, invading her space.


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