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Waking Ms. Briar; a sweet, clean romance_A Middleton Prep Novella

Page 8

by Laura Ann

  She shook her head and chuckled. At one point I swore he would never kiss me again, now I’m frustrated he hasn’t. I feel like a pendulum, swinging from one extreme to the other. What’s wrong with me? Her eyes widened and she paused as the answer hit her. I am falling in love with Steven, not a teenage sort of love. But a true, grown up, lasting sort of love. Rory blinked at the realization, expecting fear or anxiety to slam into her, but nothing came.

  Smiling, Rory thought. Why do I have the thought that, that should scare me most of all?


  Valentine’s Day dawned bright and clear, yet Rory was looking forward to the day being over.

  “Morning!” Charlotte greeted, as Rory walked into their kitchen.

  “Mornin’” Rory answered. “Good grief!” She stopped short. “Cupid was up early!”

  A large vase filled with pink roses took over the entire middle of their dining table.

  Charlotte blushed, and continued stirring the scrambled eggs. “He was over so early I invited him to stay for breakfast, but he said he hadn’t brought any of his school supplies, so he ran home instead.”

  “Hmmm... I’ll bet he went home happier than when he came.” Rory laughed lightly as Charlotte’s face got even brighter. She couldn’t help teasing her shy friend. It’s way too much fun.

  “Hush you.” Charlotte’s smile took the censure out of her words. “What are your big plans for the day?” After scooping out the eggs, she brought two plates to the table.

  “Thanks.” Rory said. “Umm...” She ate a bite of eggs. “Nothing too crazy at school. Mostly I’ll be trying to control the hormonal teens who feel this has to be the best, most romantic day ever.” Rory rolled her eyes. “And trying to keep the girls who get no attention from crying in the corner.” She sighed. “But on the bright side, our fliers are supposed to arrive at The Center today! I’m super excited to see them. I didn’t get to see the proof before they were sent off, so I have no idea what they look like.”

  “Ooh! That sounds exciting.” Charlotte ate a bite of toast with her eggs. “How are you going to get them up around town?”

  Rory lifted one shoulder. “We’ve asked each kid participating to take a handful home and drop them off in public places on the way. Stores, businesses, parks, you know. Anywhere there is a place to put one. I think I’ll ask Principal Grimm if I can put one up at the school. Or maybe a couple of them. I’ll bet Piper would let me put one in the library...” Her voice trailed off as she considered the possibilities.

  “Sounds great. But what about Valentine’s plans?”

  Rory blinked and brought her focus back to the conversation. “We have practice tonight.”

  “I guess that does put a stop to having a date.” Charlotte took another bite, scrunching her eyebrows as she chewed. “Christian told me he made dinner reservations, but I don’t know where.”

  “Brownie points to the man.” Rory exclaimed. “Romantic, yet still a surprise.” She stood, rinsing her dishes in the sink, then put them in the dishwasher. “Thanks for breakfast. I’m gonna brush my teeth and head out. See ya at lunch!”

  Charlotte waved and went back to her meal.

  RORY RUSHED TO HER car after school was out, breathing a sigh of relief. The day of overexcited hormones and emotions was worse than she anticipated. Ugh. Makes me glad I was at an all girls school for most of my growing up years. Her smile changed to genuine excitement when she thought of the commotion that occurred in the staff lunch room, though.

  The room had been unusually quiet, as if every teacher needed a moment away from the over-energized youth. The door had opened and nobody had paid much attention, until Piper let out the world’s loudest gasp. The entire room swiveled their heads to her and then to where her attention was locked.

  There in the doorway, stood Nash. In his arms was a vase filled with dozens of red roses. Piper slowly stood from her chair and slowly made her way to the quiet man. You could have heard a pin drop on the linoleum. No one dared say a word or break the moment, it was as if the whole room was holding their breath in anticipation.

  When Piper reached the flowers, Rory almost giggled. The librarian was known for being small, and the vase of flowers was almost as big as she was.

  Shifting the flowers to his side, Nash dropped to one knee. Every woman in the room gasped. Piper put her hands to her lips and tears began to stream down her cheeks.

  Nash’s face was his usual stoic look, but his eyes were shiny, as if he too held back tears.

  “P-piper.” He cleared his throat and took a deep breath. His brow furrowed into a mask of concentration as he spoke the next words. “Will. You. Marry. Me?” Each word was slightly halting, but spoken loudly and clearly.

  Rory’s heart pounded as she thought of the sacrifice it took for Nash to say those words. That was the best gift he could have given her. Rory was brought out of her thoughts as a roar went through the room. From all the clapping and cheering, she assumed Piper had said yes. Her attention was caught, however, as a loud masculine ‘woop’ rent the air. Glancing at the doorway, Rory could see dancing and rejoicing. Leaning sideways to see better, she realized the whole football team was celebrating their coach’s new engagement.

  Rory giggled at the display and looked back at the couple. Her eyes widened and she quickly averted her eyes at their very public, very intense kiss. Should have saved that one for the back room of the library! As her eyes sought a focal point, they came to rest on a pair of green emeralds looking straight at her. When she caught Steven’s eye, he was grinning and wiggled his eyebrows at her, causing another giggle to escape.

  Rory sighed at the memory as she started her car and began driving to the center. Those two make the most wonderful couple. Hopefully someday... She let the thought trail off. Best not to rush it.

  RORY KNOCKED ON MS. Millicent’s door, waiting impatiently for the woman to answer.

  “Enter.” Came the curt reply.

  Rory peeked her head around the door, but didn’t step in all the way. “Hi Ms. Millicent, I was just wondering if those fliers had arrived?”

  The director glared at Rory over the top of her reading glasses, and pinched up her mouth. “Yes.” She finally admitted. She turned her eyes back to her work and waved a hand in dismissal at a box sitting on a side table.

  “Thanks!” Rory darted into the room and got out as quickly as she could. Whew. That woman gets more angry every day. What’s her deal? Seriously!

  Her attention was quickly brought back to the box in her hands and she nearly squealed in excitement. Taking them to her tutoring room, she set them on her desk.

  “Whatcha got Ms. Briar?” Tristan yelled from the back.

  “The fliers for the play.” Rory answered. She looked up and smiled. “I’m excited to see how they turned out.” As Rory lifted the lid, all the students in her room crowded around her desk. Ooh’s and ahh’s surrounded her as she pulled out the flier on top.

  “They’re wonderful!” Rory breathed.

  Smack in the middle was a dark silhouette of a sleeping girl, the only color was the red of her lips. Bold letters at the top announced the play, dates and times. Towards the bottom it showed who starred in the show.

  “Anita! Look!” Rory grinned at the young teen. “How does it feel to have your name in lights?”

  Anita smiled and giggled, covering her mouth as if to hide her reaction, but the bright red color creeping into her cheeks wasn’t so easily overlooked.

  The class let out a whoop, boys were slapping each other on the back and joking with each other. Rory watched Christina closely, and was pleased when the girl did nothing more than roll her eyes and walk away.

  Rory smiled brightly and put her attention back on the poster. Her eye was caught by a picture in the corner. ‘Sponsored by Phillips Car Dealerships. Where every customer is King!’

  Phillips. Is that Steven’s family? She frowned. I’ve seen the Phillips car guy on TV, he’s like some bigwig
business guy, Surely that’s not Steven’s dad? Wouldn’t he have said something if his dad was sponsoring the play? But...there’s no way this is a it?

  Her mind whirled. Although she was starting to get to know Steven better, they had never sat down and discussed family. Well...we haven’t talked about his family. He knows all about mine.

  She set the poster down and ushered the students back to their seats. When she made sure they were settled and no one was in immediate need of her help, she grabbed one of the fliers and headed across the hall.

  She knocked and peeked her head in the door. “Mr. Phillips?” She glanced around, noting there were two students in the room.

  Steven was sitting in the back, his feet kicked up on his desk and his arms behind his head. “Hello, Ms. Briar.” He put his feet down and sat back up. “What can I help you with?” His voice had dropped in pitch and he raised an eyebrow suggestively.

  Rory felt her cheeks warm and fought the urge to look away from his penetrating gaze. “Are you busy? I just grabbed the fliers from Ms. Millicent and had a question.”

  Steven looked at his students. “You two alright for the moment?” When they nodded their heads, he stood and walked over to Rory. Putting his hand on the small of her back, he led her out in the hall.

  Tingles radiated from where his hand rested and Rory had to shake her head to concentrate on what she wanted to ask him. She cleared her throat and stepped away just enough to break his touch. “” She thrust the flier at him.

  Steven smiled and took the poster. Looking down, his grin widened. “Hey! It turned out great!” He looked up again and his smile dropped. “Is something wrong?”

  “No...just curious.” Rory pointed to the corner. “Are you related to the guy who owns the car dealerships?”

  Rory watched in fascination as Steven’s cheeks turned pink.

  He rubbed the back of his neck, screwing his face up to one side. “Yeah...that’s my dad. He uh...he put up the money for the show.” He peeked at Rory from under his eye lashes.

  “Wow.” Rory smiled lightly. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Steven shrugged. “I didn’t think it was a big deal.”

  “Well...that’s pretty cool. Your dad funding the play.” At least his parents care about what he does. “Does he do this kind of thing often?”

  Steven shrugged again. “He’s a businessman, so he’s always looking for good publicity. And since I didn’t follow in his car selling footsteps, it kinda gives us a common ground, I guess.”

  A sudden thought came to Rory. “Is his funding the reason you came to work at the center?” She narrowed her eyes.

  Steven furrowed his brows. “What do you mean?”

  “Did you follow me here? Did you get your dad to fund a play just so you could have an excuse to follow me around?”

  “What?” Steven’s eyes widened. “Are you kidding me? Seriously? I hate to break it to you, but I’m not that desperate, Aurora.” He took a deep breath and folded his arms across his chest. “I volunteer because I genuinely enjoy kids and helping them learn.” He scoffed and stepped back from her.

  Shame hit Rory in the gut. “You’re right...I’m sorry. I just...” Rory tried to run her fingers through her hair, but they got stuck in the bun she had on top of her head. She sighed. “I don’t know...the thing with your dad just kinda took me by surprise, I guess. I mean...I thought I was starting to get to know you, and then I find out your dad is this rich and famous business guy. My own parents don’t even acknowledge they had a child.”

  Steven’s face softened and he stepped up to Rory. “I’m sorry about your parents, but it really doesn’t affect us. Their decisions have nothing to do with my feelings about you.” Slowly he slid his hands around her waist and pulled her into his warm body.

  Rory let her forehead fall onto his chest as she chuckled without humor. “If you stick around, I suppose.”

  Steven sighed, sounding tired. “I was hoping we were past this, Aurora.”

  “Life has shown me that everyone leaves eventually, Steven.” She leaned back to look him in the eye. “Parents, guardians, students...friends....they all leave. ”

  Steven studied her for a minute, a flash of exasperation crossing his face, before it settled back into his boyish mischievousness. “But m’lady...”

  Rory laughed lightly, secretly grateful he wasn’t giving up, as he slipped back into his ‘charm’.

  “Don’t you know by now?” He leaned down next to her ear. “I’m here, Aurora. I will always be here.” With a soft kiss on her cheek, he left her standing in the hallway, slipping back into his classroom.

  “Ms. Briar.” A stern voice penetrated the warm fuzzy feelings Rory was lost in.

  Spinning around, she blushed when she realized Ms. Millicent had seen the whole exchange.

  “My office.” The older woman walked away without a word.

  Uh oh...


  “I believe you have already been made aware of the policy we have here, Ms. Briar.” Ms. Millicent glared at her over her reading glasses.

  “Um...yes, I believe so.”

  “There is a strict ‘no fraternizing’ rule at this center. One which I will not bend.”

  Rory’s eyes widened and her heart panicked. Is she going to kick me out? What about my kids? What about the play?

  “You have been a good teacher and I would hate to have to ban you from the center. Along with the fraternization rule, we also have a warning rule. I have already spoken to you about the rule, so I am counting this as your final warning.” Ms. Millicent shuffled some papers on her desk before turning her eyes back to Rory. “If I catch you with him again you will be dismissed. Is that clear?”

  “Yes.” Rory grit her teeth to keep from saying anything rude.

  “I believe you have students waiting.” Ms. Millicent looked down, and picked up a pen; dismissing the science teacher.

  Rory turned around and waited to roll her eyes until she got out in the hall. “What got her panties in a twist?” She muttered under her breath as she headed back to her classroom.

  All too soon, the dinner hour arrived and Rory let those who were still around head toward the dining area to grab something to eat.

  Rory gathered the box of fliers and headed to the hallway to take the papers to the room they used for play practice. Her attention was caught by a scene down the hall, when she spotted Ms. Millicent and Steven. Steven was leaning casually against the wall, his arms folded and a smug look on his face, while Ms. Millicent pointed her bony finger in his face, her face so red it looked like she would have a heart attack any minute.

  RORY COULDN’T MAKE out what they were saying, but it obviously couldn’t be good. While she was staring, Steven looked away from the irate director and caught her eye. His wink caught Rory off guard and she had to stifle the giggle that wanted to erupt. No use making Ms. Millicent more mad than she already is. A small grin played at her lips and she turned away, preparing to leave.

  Before she could go far, she was passed by a flurry of white hair and loud squabbles.

  “Ms. Millicent! Oh, Ms. Millicent!” Flora called loudly, waving her hand in the air.

  “We need your help.” Fauna added.

  “Those boys have gotten out of hand and—”

  “We will have a full out fight on our hands soon.”

  Ms. Millicent stood erect and stepped back from Steven. “What are you two babbling on about?” She asked the twin sisters.

  “If we don’t hurry—”

  “A food fight—”

  “In a matter of minutes.” The sisters spoke over top of each other, trying to explain the situation.

  Ms. Millicent pursed her lips. With one last angry glance at Steven, she started down the hall with the lunch ladies. “You two couldn’t have handled this yourselves?”Her voice trailed off as they got farther down the hall.

  Once again, Rory found herself trying to hold in laugh
ter. That poor woman has no idea who she’s dealing with.

  “Saved by the food.” Steven’s rich, delicious voice sounded close to her ear.

  Instead of trying to stop it, Rory allowed herself to enjoy the shiver that cascaded down her spine at his voice and nearness. Turning, she looked him in the eye. “I think Flora and Fauna are up to something.”

  Steven grinned “They do seem to be very handy every time that woman gets mad, or too close.”

  “What was she lecturing you about? Did you get the same warning I did about ‘fraternizing’?” Rory used her fingers to create quotations of the word.

  “A warning, huh? She must actually like you. I didn’t get a warning, she tried to get rid of me.”

  Rory gasped. “What? What exactly does she have against you? We’ve been short staffed for months, we desperately needed an english teacher and here you are. Plus the kids all love you.” She shook her head. “What is her problem? Wait...what do you mean she tried to get rid of you?”

  Steven stuffed his hands in his pockets and shifted from side to side. “Well...there might be a little more to the play than you know.”

  Rory shifted the box onto her hip and cocked her head, waiting for him to finish speaking.

  “ dad isn’t just a sponsor, he’s the sponsor. He is putting up all the money for the play.”

  Rory’s eyes widened.

  “And he may or may not have put a clause in when he put together the paperwork for this, that I got to direct exceptions. She can’t get rid of me unless she wants to lose his entire donation.”

  Rory’s jaw dropped. “No wonder she’s had it out for you since day one. She hates not being in control. But didn’t you just say she tried to get rid of you anyway?”

  “Well...she tried. But I politely reminded her that it’s against the rules of the contract.”

  Rory snorted. “Politely, huh? She didn’t look like you guys were having a polite conversation. Where was that famous charm of yours when you needed it?”


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