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Waking Ms. Briar; a sweet, clean romance_A Middleton Prep Novella

Page 7

by Laura Ann

  Rory felt her heart rate quicken and she had trouble swallowing. Her lips felt dry and she automatically reached for her lip gloss.

  Steven stopped her hand, and took the small tube from her. “The perfect canvas needs no adornment.”

  She cleared her throat, “Maybe not. But dry lips need moisture.”

  Steven grinned. “I can help with that.” He leaned in but Rory turned her head at the last minute.

  If he kisses me, I don’t think I’ll be able to walk away.

  He stayed close, his scent and warmth overpowering her senses. “I know you feel it too. What I don’t know is why you fight it.” His voice was dark, husky.

  Aurora gulped. Can I tell him the truth? Will he even understand? “Because...because, I—” She didn’t know how to finish. It felt too vulnerable, like she was stripping herself bare for all to see.

  Steven pulled back enough to look at her. “What is it Aurora?”

  Before she could answer, the door started to open. Jumping out of his arms, she put her hand on her chest as if she could slow down her heart; a guilty feeling sweeping through her, like a child who got caught in the cookie jar.

  Just as Ms. Millicent walked into the room, Flora and Fauna jumped up and rushed to the door, talking loudly and gesturing wildly, distracting Ms. Millicent from Steven and Rory.

  The director’s face was set in a scowl as she looked at the two lunch ladies in front of her, but every time her gaze darted to Steven and Rory, the twins said something to bring back her attention.

  Steven chuckled at the display, putting his hand over his mouth as he tried to cover the accompanying smile.

  “You simply must—” Flora shouted.

  “Help us choose.” Fauna finished, matching her sister’s volume.

  “In fact,the fabric—”

  “Is just in the other room.” Fauna hooked arms with Ms. Millicent and started dragging her out of the room. Their boss looked anything but pleased and tried craned her head backwards as the two sisters ushered her out.

  Ms. Millicent’s glare was only visible for a couple of moments, before Flora and Fauna had her out in the hall, the door closing in their wake.

  Steven quickly grabbed Rory’s hand. “Come on, let’s go grab something to eat.”

  Rory’s heart rate picked back up. Without a word, she followed Steven out the door and to his car.

  He opened the door for her and saw that she was settled before he closed it and walked around to the driver’s side.

  Chivalry and seduction...I’m in so much trouble. Rory bit her lip, then reached automatically for her lipgloss, pausing when she heard Steven laugh.

  “I think your lipgloss is your security blanket.” He sent his green eyes her way for a moment, before looking back at the road.

  Rory shrugged. “I can’t argue with that. Charlotte says I’m addicted. I like the way it feels.” She finished wiping it on. She cleared her throat. “What’s your favorite color?” She asked.

  He glanced at her sideways. “My favorite color? Now what would cause you to ask that?”

  Rory shrugged. “Because I don’t know.”

  Steven didn’t answer. Thick silence reigned for several minutes as he pulled into the drive through lane of a fast food restaurant. Once stopped, he turned in his seat to look at her. Bright green eyes bore into her, as if reading her very thoughts.

  Rory sucked in a deep breath when he finally blinked and broke the spell.

  He leaned in a bit, staying just outside her personal bubble, tilted his head to the side and narrowed his eyes. “I would think that would be obvious.” His eyes flashed to her lips and Rory felt a blush creep up her neck.

  Turning away, she cleared her throat again, then nodded without saying anything else. They pulled ahead and ordered their meals. After paying and grabbing their bags, Steven parked them at the back of the parking lot.

  For the first few minutes, only the sound of chewing could be heard. The atmosphere of the car, felt surprisingly peaceful and comfortable.

  After they had both crumpled their garbage into one of the take out bags, they sat in stillness for a few moments. The peacefulness began to fade and Rory felt her tension increase.

  “I think I deserve an explanation, Aurora.” His voice was quiet, but firm. There would be no squirming out of this one.

  Rory’s hands started to shake, so she clasped them together and put them in her lap. Closing her eyes she said a quick prayer for courage. She knew she couldn’t continue to put Steven off. The energy they created with each other was too strong to ignore and suddenly Rory was tired; tired of fighting what was right in front of her, but still terrified of what possible outcomes might present themselves. “You-you just... I’ll never be enough Steven” She hung her head, shame filled her as the truth floated through the car.

  Thick, black eyebrows shot up and Steven jerked back in surprise. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  Rory grabbed her soda with shaking hands and took a long drink. Her mouth suddenly felt drier than the Sahara. “You love attention, you thrive on it. And that’s fine, won’t work for me. When I find the guy for me, I want to be the only one in his eyes, I don’t want to have to fight for attention. I—” She hesitated a moment, but the weariness of holding it all in won out. “I’d never be enough for you. I mean,” she gave a mocking laugh. “I wasn’t even enough for me parents. How the heck would I be enough for someone who adores the limelight?” She swung an arm in his direction, then froze, realizing what she had just said.

  “What does this have to do with your parents?” There was an edge to Steven’s voice that Rory had never heard before.

  Looking up, she gulped. His eyes were hard glints and looked sharp enough to cut rock. Her first reaction was to get mad back, and defend herself but she swallowed it down. After tonight it won’t matter anyway. He’ll go on his merry way after agreeing with me and I’ll be left to pick up the pieces.

  “My parents are in the Amazon.”

  Steven cocked a brow, but his gaze remained unwavering.

  “I don’t think they ever really planned on having kids, not with the type of lifestyle they preferred. I think I was only four or five when they sent me to the United States, to stay at a private school.” Rory frowned. “When I was younger I sent letters to my parents like crazy, trying to get some kind of a response from them. Begging to see them; asking them to visit. Once,” she bit her lip, “my mom finally answered, she tried to explain why they had sent me away. Said the Amazon jungle was no place for a little girl. She claimed I had hurt myself. Apparently when I was a toddler I wandered too close and pricked my finger on the edge of a machete that belonged to one of the guides.”

  Rory looked down her her finger. Lightly touching the scar that was barely visible in the moonlight. “She said it made her realize I wasn’t safe and that’s why they sent me away. It was also why I wasn’t allowed to visit them.” Rory felt tears stinging her eyes, but she blinked them away. She hadn’t cried over her parents in a long time and she wouldn’t start again now. But realizing the affect their actions were having on her current life, brought up all the emotions she had thought long gone.

  “When was the last time you saw them?” Steven’s voice was soft; the edge gone.

  “When I was ten. They showed up and helped me transfer to a different school, and then they were gone again.” Rory gazed out the window, refusing to look at the pity in his eyes.

  Steven nodded. “The all-girls school next to the woods where we met.”

  Rory nodded her agreement, but stayed silent.

  “So you haven’t heard from your parents in what? Fifteen years?” Steven’s voice had turned incredulous.

  “I got a couple of letters during my first year, but after that...” Rory wiped a stray tear before Steven could see it. “They were just too busy for me. They sent the school money though, so it’s not like I ever went without anything. But I basically grew up at that school. Until my six
teenth birthday.”

  “I heard what you said that night, you know.”

  Rory laughed while wiping more stray tears. “Yeah. I figured. How else would you have known it was my birthday? Or that I wanted a kiss?” She looked up and they locked eyes. The sympathy radiating from the green depths was overwhelming. She broke the stare and went back to fiddling with her fingers. “Anyway...a couple of weeks after my birthday they sent a note to the school, to have me sent to an aunt I had never met before.”

  “They didn’t even tell you?” His eyes were wide and his head tilted forward.

  Rory shook her head. “I heard it from the school mistress and the next day I was gone. I finished out my last couple years of high school at public school and threw myself into college.” She looked up and stared into the night. “I knew I wanted to be a school teacher. Some of the only friends I had during my young years were the teachers.” She glanced sideways. “Girls aren’t always super friendly, and with my parents, I was a bit of an outcast.”

  Steven reached over and took one of her hands, holding it between his, warming it with his strength. “What about your aunt?”

  Rory shrugged, keeping her hand in his. His warmth felt nice as she laid out her baggage. “She died while I was in college. She was pretty old, I think she must have been my mom’s aunt or something, I didn’t even know she existed until I went to live with her.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Thanks, but I’m alright. I met Charlotte at college and we’ve been friends ever since.” For the first time during their talk, Rory smiled a genuine smile. “We were so ecstatic that we managed to land jobs at the same school. Both of us were completely alone, and didn’t want to leave each other.”

  Steven smiled.

  Rory scrunched her eyebrows. “Of course, now Charlotte has fallen in”

  “She’ll leave too.” Steven finished her thoughts.

  Rory didn’t answer, just let the thought float between them.

  “It’s getting late, and we have a full day of work tomorrow. You ready to get home?”

  “Sure.” Rory answered. She sighed, suddenly feeling as if her body was double its normal weight. Digging up her past and emotions had drained her. Sleep sounded wonderful.

  Once back at The Center, Steven parked close to her car and came around to open to her door. He followed her to her vehicle and helped get her settled. “Rory.” His baritone broke the silence of the night.

  She looked up from her seat. Here it comes.

  With one hand on the car door and one on the roof, he leaned down to eye level with her. His face was serious and for once the twinkle in his eyes was gone. “I’m here, Aurora.” With that, he stood, closed her door and backed up, waiting for her to drive away.

  Rory drove home on autopilot, unsure of what had just happened. Curling under her covers, her mind continued to whirl, making sleep impossible. Those two words echoed over and over again. ‘I’m here.’ Does he mean it? Can I trust him? A small flutter began in her stomach, a sensation she hadn’t had in a really long time. It felt suspiciously like...hope.


  Another loud laugh came from the table across the room. Rory found that she couldn’t concentrate on her own conversations because she was so distracted by the sound of Steven’s voice. She couldn’t make out the words, but apparently whatever story he was telling was entertaining. Those at the table were practically falling out of their seats.

  “Don’t you think so, Ror?” Lucy asked from Rory’s side.

  “Mm, hmm.” Rory nodded absently.

  The table went quiet and Rory finally tuned into the people around her, looking up from her food. “What?”

  Charlotte looked like she was holding back laughter, Piper wasn’t holding back her smile at all and Lucy had her arms crossed with a triumphant look on her face.

  “You just agreed that boys are smarter than girls and women shouldn’t bother going to school.” Charlotte said. A giggle escaped and she quickly covered her mouth with her fingers.

  Rory scowled. “What the heck kind of a topic is that?”

  “It wasn’t a topic.” Lucy put her elbows on the table. “It was a random, stupid question meant to prove you weren’t listening to our important conversation.”

  “Important, huh? Tell me what was so important about your conversation.”

  “We were discussing Valentine’s Day plans. It’s only a couple weeks away.” Charlotte said softly.

  “Well...those two were discussing plans.” Lucy waved towards Piper and Charlotte. “I was listening. I don’t do Valentine’s Day. It’s Single’s Awareness Day, if you ask me. What a racket. Coercing people into buying junk they don’t need so their significant others feel loved. Bah humbug!”

  Lucy joined the women as they laughed, but Rory could see the tightness around her eyes. She leaned over and put one arm around Lucy’s shoulders. “Don’t worry. We can do Single’s Awareness Day, together.”

  “Well, that kinda ruins the whole point, don’t ya think? We aren’t single if we’re together. Plus...” Her eyes narrowed. “I don’t really think you’re single, anymore.”

  Rory’s cheeks warmed and the girls at the table laughed again. “I’m still single...” Truth was, after their parting the other night, Rory was unsure how things stood with her and Steven. He hadn’t come to sit by her at lunch, but he didn’t normally. So...where exactly does that leave us? Was he scared off? What exactly did his words mean the other night?

  Suddenly all three of Rory’s friends smiled and their eyes went over Rory’s shoulder. Turning, she was caught off guard as a large body jumped into the seat next to her.

  “Hello, Aurora.”

  The expectant tremble ran down Rory’s spine. “Hello.” She said quietly back.

  He glanced at the lunch she had spread in front of her. Picking up Rory’s tupperware, he grabbed her spoon and peeled off the lid. “Mmmm....” He took a bite, then licked the spoon. “Applesauce.”

  Rory could feel his warm breath on her ear as he leaned in close. “I’m here, Aurora.”

  Rory couldn’t stop the smile that spread across her face at his whisper. His little phrase felt like a secret game between the two of them, and the part of her that wanted Steven for herself felt a thrill of victory.

  “So...what are we discussing at this lovely table?” Steven asked as he continued to eat her food.

  “Nothing.” Rory quickly responded before any of the other ladies could embarrass her.

  Steven looked at her and squinted his eyes, his familiar playfulness shining through. He leaned in, “We should always tell the truth, Aurora.”

  Rory felt a blush creep into her cheeks. Glancing across the table, she saw three smug smiles.

  “Not. Single.” Lucy mouthed the words.

  Ducking her head, she looked back at Steven.

  He grinned at her and polished off the applesauce. Grabbing her lunch bag, he started putting her stuff away. “Are you all done?” He asked while he worked.

  “Yeah...” She narrowed her eyes at him, wary of what he was doing.

  “Great. I’ll walk you to your classroom.” He stood and offered his hand.

  Rory took his hand and used it to stand up, but was surprised when he didn’t let go, leading her out of the lunch room. As he walked, he nodded and smiled at the people they passed, a couple of times he paused momentarily, slapping someone on a shoulder, even winking at a group or two, but to Rory’s surprise, her usual feelings of jealousy and frustration didn’t surface.

  Having him hold her hand, effectively making a public statement about his feelings, seemed to change everything. Rory tucked away those thoughts for another day and let herself be walked to her door. After handing back her lunch cooler, he leaned in, pausing just in front of her lips, before turning and kissing her lightly on the cheek.

  The sliver of disappointment Rory felt was overshadowed by the sensation of his lips on her skin. Rory put her fingers
to her cheek, the spot still tingling from his touch. That small flutter from the other night became a full blown hurricane, and Rory had no idea how to stop it, or any desire to.

  SEVERAL WEEKS LATER, Rory was readying herself for bed. During her ministrations she let her mind wander to all that had been happening between her and Steven.

  From the lunch when he had first walked her to her room, Steven became a constant figure in Rory’s life. He showed up everywhere, always whispering the same three words. “I’m here, Aurora.”

  He sat with her at lunch, teasing and charming her entire table. He walked her to her classroom, carrying supplies, and opening doors. He still charmed and flirted with the crowds, but as Rory watched, she realized Steven wasn’t stealing and breaking hearts. He was leaving people with a smile. His contagious laugh and engaging mannerisms put people at ease and was a bright spot in their day, and he did it all while holding her hand.

  At The Center, he danced along the line of fraternization, getting close but always darting away whenever Ms. Millicent showed up. Rory chuckled to herself as she thought of the Merryweather twins, who had taken it upon themselves to act as official lookouts for the the old dragon.

  Flora and Fauna were a dynamic duo, always ready with questions or arguments to distract Ms. Millicent from taking notice of the budding romance happening right under her nose.

  Although outwitting Ms. Millicent was fun, Rory’s frustration was building daily. After hearing Rory’s story and insecurities, Steven had decided to move slow with their relationship. Although Rory appreciated him being sensitive to her feelings, she was ready for them to take the next step; she wanted a kiss. On the lips. Steven had become incredibly talented at sneaking them onto her cheek every time they were together, but it wasn’t enough.

  The electricity they created had been pushed to the side, as Rory became more comfortable and secure in their relationship. But with each passing day, it hummed stronger, the tension building and if Steven didn’t make a move, Rory was sure she was going to burst soon.


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