Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences
Page 31
Gods: Am un, H erm es, Thoth
Elements: Earth, Fire, Water
Direction: South
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: agriculture, change/s,
Chakras: All
M agical: Fairies
consciousness, control (dream s), defense, divination, dream
Goddesses: Anat, Athena, Chalch iuhtlicue, Coatlicue, Demeter,
work (control), energy (subtle), fear, growth, illum ination,
Devi, Hathor, Isis
inspiration (newt), intuition, learning, longevity, loss, the mind,
the otherw orld/underw orld, peace, prophecy, psychic ability,
Gods: Am un, Apollo, Ares, Asclepius, Cernunnos, Dionysus,
Enki, Hades, H erm es, Mercury, Quetzalcoatl, Ra, Set, Vishnu,
rebirth/renewal, sensitivity, sleep, transform ation (newt),
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: the afterlife, assertiveness
salam ander
(copperhead), ch ange/s, creativity, cunning, cycles,
Elements: Fire, Water
enchantm ent, energy (goddess, life force), enmity, favor/s
(green), fertility, forgiveness, jealousy, life (energy, mysteries),
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: change/s, comfort, connections
lim itations/boundaries, longevity, lust, magic, manifestation,
(earth and water), creativity, goals, manifestation,
the otherw orld/underw orld, prophecy, psychic ability, quests,
m em ory/m em ories (soul), support, transform ation
rebirth/renewal, sex/uality (potency), sham anic work,
transform ation, weather (storm s), well-being, wisdom
See separate entry for Cobra
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: patience, power, strength
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: danger, fear, healing
Zodiac: Cancer
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: change/s, rebirth/renewal,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: action, community, determination,
transform ation
discipline, endurance, generosity, goals, grounding, motivation,
obstacles, order/organize, patience, power, trust, unity, wisdom
Scarab Beetle
God: Ra
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: creativity, life, longevity
Solar System: Saturn, Sun
Celebration: Beltane
Element: Fire
Tree: W illow
Goddesses: Cybele, Demeter,
Solar System: Sun
Energy: Yin
Herb 0{ G arden: Lemon Balm
Diana, Iris
N um ber: 5
Magical: Fairies
Gods: Apollo, Krishna, Ra,
M agical: Brownies
Herb 0{ Garden: Chrysanthem um
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: agriculture, balance, beauty,
Issues, Intentions
Powers: abundance, the afterlife, agriculture,
change/s, confidence, cycles, death, dream work, energy, fear,
com m unication (with the dead), community,
fidelity, freedom, grace, happiness, inspiration, knowledge, life
concentration/focus, connections (heaven and earth), energy
(breath), light, love, m agic, m anifestation, negativity,
(female w arrior), family (unity), fertility, grace (state of),
opportunities, power (unseen), rebirth/renew al, relationships,
guidance (to spirits), karma, knowledge, life (sweetness), the
self-work, spirits, transform ation, trust
m ind, motivation, the otherw orld/underw orld (symbol o f the
soul), power, prosperity, purification, rebirth/renewal,
Monarch Butterfly
relationships, rom ance, spirituality, support, w isdom (hidden)
Issues, Intentions G[ Powers: endurance, reversal, travel
Issues, Intentions
Powers: change/s, cycles, inspiration, luck,
Season: Sum mer
Elements: Air, Water
m anifestation, m essages/om ens, obstacles, self-work,
Colors: Black, Yellow
God: Agni
transform ation, weather (predict/woo/y)
M agical: Fairies
Mythical: Dragon
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: change/s ;, clarity, dream work,
Season: Sum m er
Element: Fire
em otions, enchantm ent, enlightenment, freedom,
introspection, life, lim itations/boundaries, longevity,
Goddess: Eos
m essages/om ens, passion, power (self-preservation), skills,
Issues, Intentions
Powers: happiness, the home, honesty,
transform ation, truth
innocence, longevity, patience, success, transform ation
Elements: Air, Fire
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: activate/awaken, cheerfulness,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: accom plishm ent, activate/awaken,
com m unication, death, endings (knowing w hen), guidance
com m unication, creativity, darkness (dispel), energy, guidance
(self), the home, intuition, life, light, luck, m essages/om ens,
(in the dark), hope, illum ination, inspiration, light, magic
rebirth/renewal, security, sensitivity, trust, visio ns (trust)
(night), spirituality
praying mantis
God: Apollo
Element: Fire
Issues, Intentions
Powers: abundance, astral realm, balance,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: agriculture, battle/war, cycles, energy
change/s, cheerfulness, faith, honor, luck, morality, motivation,
(female w arrior), the mind (quiet), m otivation, power (of
obstacles, respect, trust (inner voice)
stillness), prophecy
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Scorpio
Element: Fire
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: aggression, agriculture, goals,
Goddesses: Artem is, Diana, Isis,
God: Set
happiness, luck, m essages/om ens, problem s, w ishes
Tiam at
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: the afterlife, challenges, darkness,
death, defense, negativity (reflect back), the
Solar System: Moon
otherw orld/underw orld, passion (seci ret), protection (self),
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: action, change/s, defense, love
rebirth/renew al, transform ation
(m ystical), m agic (m oon), m essages/om ens, self-work
(seeking the soul), the senses (sm ell), sex/uality,
transform ation
Silk Moth
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, fertility, life
Solar System: Sun
Goddess: Nem esis
A type o f Celtic fairy o f Scotland and the northern islands that
usually appears as a seal.
Gods: Apollo, Dionysus
Anim al: Lion
Celebration: M idsum m er’s Eve
Elements: Earth, Water
Birds: Eagle, Vulture
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: danger, desire, em otions, lust,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: connections (life and death, earth
passion, revenge, secrets, sham anic work (shape shift), wea
and heaven), death, dignity, guardian, life, the mind (alert),
(raise storm s)
obstacles, strength, wisdom
Zodiac: Leo
Solar System: Sun
Zodiac: Aquarius, Scorpio
Solar System: Sun
Element: Air
Goddesses: Astarte, Athena, Isis
Season: Sum m er
Tim e o f Day: Dawn
Gods: H orus, O siris
Element: Fire
Energy: Yang
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: the afterlife, death, destruction,
Direction: South
Color: Red
guardian, knowledge, magic (general, sex), the m ind, secrets
Tree: Cedar
Misc. Plant: Cinnam on
Gods: O siris, Quetzalcoatl, Ra,
Metal: Mercury
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: beauty, beginnings, destruction,
endings, happiness, hope, knowledge, longevity, marriage
(happy), the otherw orld/underw orld, rebirth/renewal, self-work
Element: Air
Season: Sum mer
Tree: Cedar
Bird: Swallow
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: intelligence, magic,
m essages/om ens, power, revenge, sham anic work (shape
shift), strength
Solar System: Jupiter, Sun
Energy: Yin, Yang
Chakra: Brow
N um ber: 1
Metal: Mercury
M agical: Fairies
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: beauty, com passion, dignity,
enchantm ent, energy (universal), enlightenment, freedom,
goodness, innocence, light, longevity, love (courtly), luck,
peace, power, purity, spirituality (purity, revelation)
G oddess o f the sun, fertility, and cattle; associated with fairies
Because we are each responsible for our spiritual paths, Wicca
and the m oon (Celtic— Ireland)
and Paganism encom pass a wide variety o f beliefs concerning
Solar System: M oon, Sun
Moon Phase: Waxing
deities. W hether we believe in a certain deity, a particular pantheon, or a wide range o f divine beings, they are more than Element: Fire
Colors: Brown, Silver
myths handed down from the ancients; they are alive and im m a
Celebrations: Lughnasadh, Lunantishees, M idsum m er’s Eve
nent in the natural world as well as in our lives. The entries in
N um ber: 9
Herb e[ Garden: G orse
this section include a brief description, and where appropriate I
Anim als: Cattle, Horse
have included a few variations in the spelling o f names.
Misc. Plants: Meadowsweet, Moonwort
(red mare)
Belief and personal experience often include other realm s that
broaden our realities to include beings such as fairies, elves, or
M agical: Fairies ( banshee)
m erm aids. W hether we believe them to be num inous energies,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, affection, agriculture,
spirit helpers, guides, or som etim es tricksters, they may be
anim als (protect), banish, desire, fertility, healing, honor,
called on for assistance as often as deities. There are som e entijustice, love, m agic (general, fairy, m oon, solar), prosperity, ties that I chose to place in the “ Magical Beings and S p irits” su b protection (ofw om en), romance
section because my sources were split between calling them
gods and spirits. These are the groups such as the Fates, Norns,
Penates, and Lares. They are usually addressed collectively rather
than by individual within a group, and so this subsection seemed
like the right place to put them.
Expanding from the som ewhat standard use o f candles and
figurines, correspondences help broaden our approach to deities
and other beings. An herb or rune m ight provide a more meaningful touchstone to connect with them while enriching our experiences and fine-tuning our intentions.
G oddess o f the sun, agriculture, peace (Buddhist,
Mother and earth goddess (Assyrian, Canaanite, Chaldean,
Shinto— Japan). Also known as Ten-sho-dai-jin.
Sum erian, Egyptian)
Solar System: Sun
Celebration: Litha
Solar System: Earth, Mars,
Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Virgo Uranus
Elements: Air, Fire
Metals: Brass, Gold
Element: Earth
Anim als: Cattle (cow), Lion
Tree: Olive
Herb e[ Garden: Heliotrope
Reptile: Snake
Birds: Chicken (rooster),
Misc. Plant: Grain (rice)
Crow, Pheasant, Raven
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: action, agriculture, battle/war,
cunning, defense, desire, destruction, energy (general, sexual),
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: agriculture, beauty, com passion,
enmity, fertility, freedom, gratitude, grief, hexes, knowledge, life,
empathy, energy (solar), fertility, freedom, gentleness,
longevity, love, lust, m agic (defensive, sex), needs (sexual),
goodness, growth, happiness, life, light, love, peace, romance,
passion, power, prosperity, revenge, rom ance, sex/uality,
unity, warmth, w isdom , wishes
strength, success, well-being, w isdom , wishes
Sea goddess and personification o f the sea (Greek)
Solar System: Neptune
Element: Water
N um ber: 6
From the Sea: Conch, M ussel
M arine Life: Dolphin, Seal
Issues, Intentions
Powers: calm , em otions, energy, freedom,
weather (calm storm s)
G oddess o f love, beauty, and pleasure
Solar System:
Moon deity; goddess o f dawn, fertility, and vegetation
Moon, Uranus
(Greek— Crete)
Zodiac: Capricorn, Libra, Pisces, Taurus
Day: Friday
Solar System: M oon,
1 Celebration: Ostara
Celebrations: Beltane, Ostara, Yule
Element: Water
Element: Earth
Color: Silver
N um ber: 1
Metal: Copper
N um ber:
Misc. Plant: Moonwort
From the Sea:
Gem stone/M ineral: Salt (sea)
Pearl, Scallop
Insect/M isc.: Spider
Trees: Apple, Cypress, Hazel, Magnolia, Myrtle, Palm, Rowan,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: agriculture, death, fertility, grief,
magic (m oon), m anifestation, protection, quests, sex/uality
Herb 0{ Garden: Anemone, Daisy, Marjoram , Periwinkle, Rose,
Misc. Plants: Cinnam on, Mandrake, Myrrh, O rris Root
Anim als: Cattle (cow), Deer (stag), Goat, Hare, Leopard
Birds: Dove, Goose, Magpie, Partridge, Seagull, Sparrow,
Swallow, Swan
M arine Life: Dolphin
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: affection, the afterlife, attraction,
beauty, desire, em otions, fertility, fidelity, freedom, goals,
goodness, love, magic (sex), marriage, passion, pleasure,
pregnancy/childbirth, rebirth/renewal, relationships, revenge,
rom ance, sensuality, sex/uality, youth
G oddess o f wildlife, bear cult
G oddess o f love, fertility, maternity, sex :, battle, war
Celebration: Im bolc
(Celtic— Gaul)
(Assyro-Babylonian, Greek)
Tarot: Strength
Anim al: Bear
Solar System: Mars,
Zodiac: Aquarius, Taurus
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, agriculture (harvest),
anim als, courage, defense, fertility, knowledge, m agic (anim al),
Celebration: Ostara
Garden: Lily
money, prosperity, strength
Trees: Acacia, Cedar, Cypress, Myrtle, Palm, Pine,
From the Sea: Moon
Mother goddess of fertility (Assyrian, Canaanite, Phoenician,
Metal: Copper
M esopotam ian)
Anim als: Cattle, Horse, Lion (lioness),
Zodiac: Taurus
Element: Earth
Bird: Dove
Pig (sow)
Trees: Oak, Palm, Poplar
Herb e( Garden: Lily
Mythical: Sphinx
Issues, Intentions
Powers: fertility, growth, love, m agic (sex),
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: abundance, affection, battle/war,
m anifestation, romance, sex/uality, wisdom , w ishes
creativity, death, desire, divination, fertility, love, m agic (sex),
marriage, passion, power, prophecy, revenge, romance,
security, sex/uality, wisdom
G oddess o f w isdom , war, and crafts, and protector (Greek)
G oddess o f war; crone aspect o f the triple goddess
(Celtic— Ireland)
Zodiac: Libra, Sagittarius
Solar System: Mercury
Zodiac: Aries
Solar System: M ars
Celebrations: Feast o f Epona,
Day: Wednesday
Im bolc, Ostara
Celebration: Samhain
Element: Water
Element: Air
Color: Yellow
Tarot: Tower
Tree: Apple, Yew
Trees: Apple, Beech, Fir, Maple, Olive, Spindletree, W illow
Minerals: Bloodstone, Magical: Fairies ( banshee)
Animals: Cattle (ox), Goat,
Num bers: 6 , 7
Anim al: W olf
Birds: Crane, Crow, Raven
Birds: Crane, Crow, Cuckoo, Deer, Owl, Partridge, Raven