Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences
Page 33
Colors: Blue, Green, Indigo, Orange, Red, Violet, Yellow
Zodiac: Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Taurus, 1 Solar System: Moon,
Uranus, Venus
Celebration: Ostara
Herb e( Garden: Iris
Celebrations: Lughnasadh, Mabon, Ostara, Sam hain, Yule
Misc. Plants: O rris Root, Gemstone/Mineral: Obsidian ( rainbow)
Season: Spring
N um ber: 5
Bird: Peacock
Insect/M isc.: Bee
Trees: Acacia, Myrtle, Palm, Pine,
Bird: Dove
W illow
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: com m unication, control, em otions,
energy, gentleness, kindness, m essages/om ens, sham anic
Anim als: Cattle (bull),
Metal: Copper
work, support, weather ( rainbows)
Mythical: Dragon
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: action, aggression, assertiveness,
ambition, anim als (fertility), battle/war, beginnings, challenges,
cleverness, com passion, courage, death, decisions, desire,
destiny, divination, fear, fertility, forgiveness, freedom,
gentleness, guardian, guidance, harmony, healing, kindness,
life, longevity, love, lust, m agic (dragon, moon, sex), marriage,
obstacles, the otherw orld/underw orld, passion, power,
pregnancy/childbirth, prophecy, protection, purification,
rebirth/renewal, rom ance, sex/uality, sorrow, strength, wishes
isis/a u se t
spirituality, support, transform ation, wisdom
G oddess o f earth; protector o f the dead; patron o f loving wives
and mothers (Egyptian)
Zodiac: Aquarius, Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Taurus,
Solar System: Earth, Moon,
1 Celebrations: Birthday o f Isis,
Ostara, Yule
Element: Water
Trees: Fir, Palm, Pine, Sycamore
Herb (% Garden: Heather, Iris,
Misc. Plants: Lotus, Myrrh,
Rose, Vervain
| O rris Root
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Carneliar i, Emerald, Jasper, Lapis Lazuli,
M oonstone, Sapphire (star)
Metal: Silver
From the Sea: Coral, Pearl
Anim als: Cattle (cow), Lion, Pig Reptile: Snake
Birds: Dove, Goose, Hawk, Ibis, Swallow, Vulture
Insect/M isc.: Scorpion
| Mythical: Sphinx
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, acceptance, the afterlife,
agriculture, am bition, beginnings, bind, challenges, change/s,
com passion, courage, cunning, cycles, danger, death,
dedication/devotion, determ ination, divination, dream work,
endurance, energy (universal), favor/s, fertility, forgiveness,
freedom, grief, growth, guardian, guidance, healing, hexes
(break, protect from ), inspiration, leadership, learning
(teaching), life, light, loss, love, m agic (general, moon, sex),
m em ory/m em ories, nurture, the otherworld/underworld,
passion, power, protection, purification, quests,
rebirth/renew al, secrets, sham anic work, sleep, sorrow,
G oddess o f light, childbirth,
Zodiac: Aquarius, Cancer,
G oddess ofw ar, fertility, and time (H ind u— India)
marriage (Rom an)
Capricorn, Leo
Solar System: Pluto, Saturn
Solar System: M oon, Saturn
Day: Thursday
Celebration: Samhain
Colors: Black, Yellow
Celebrations: Im bolc, New Year’s
N um ber: 9
N um ber: 5
H erb/Spice: Asafoetida
Day, Ostara
Anim al: Tiger
Herb e( Garden: Iris, Lily, Vervain
Misc. Plants: Lotus, Myrrh
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: action, assertiveness, authority,
Birds: Cuckoo, Goose,
Anim al: Cattle (cow)
balance, battle/war, change/s, control, creativity, danger,
Peacock, Stork
darkness, death, destruction, divination, dream work, endings,
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: beginnings, business, cycles, fear,
energy, enmity, fear (dispel), fertility, freedom, independence,
fertility, goodness, guardian, guidance, jealousy, kindness, light,
intuition, karma, life, m agic (black, night), negativity, obstacles,
lust, marriage, money, optim ism , prosperity, protection,
power, protection, release, revenge, sorrow, strength,
purification, romance, security, wealth, well-being
transform ation, truth (cosm ic), weather
G oddess o f justice (Roman)
Zodiac: Libra
The name by which Dem eter’s daughter was known prior to her
abduction by Hades; afterwards she was known as Persephone
Solar System: Jupiter
Colors: Blue (dark), Purple
Gemstones 01 M inerals: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire
Zodiac: Virgo
Metal: Tin
Bird: Eagle
Season: Spring
Element: Earth
Issues, Intentions
Powers: accompli ishment, balance, fairness,
Celebrations: Lughnasadh, Mabon, Twelfth Night
guardian, guidance, honor, justice, 1morality, protection
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: agriculture, growth, honor, hope,
innocence, life, purity, youth
--------------------------------- :
------------------------------ ~ ---------------------------;-----
G oddess o fth e m oon (Roman)
Zodiac: Cancer
G oddess o f sovereignty, war, and fertility; part o fth e triple
goddess (Celtic— Ireland)
Solar System: Moon
Celebration: Feast o f Luna
Zodiac: Aries
Solar System: M ars
Color: Silver
N um ber: 9
Moon Phase: W aning
Celebration: Samhain
Trees: Rowan, W illow
Misc. Plant: Moonwort
Direction: South
Color: Blue
Gemstones el Minerals:
Metal: Silver
M oonstone, Selenite
Tarot: Tower
Trees: Apple, Ash, Blackthorn
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: enchantm ent, love, m agic (m oon),
Misc. Plant: Belladonna
Anim al: H orse
rom ance, sleep
Birds: Crow, Raven
m aat/m a’at
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: acceptance, battle/war, cunning,
death, desire, destruction, enmity, fertility, life, magic (crone,
G oddess o ftruth and justice
Zodiac: Libra
sex), pregnancy/childbirth, rebirth/renewal, sex/uality, strength,
Solar System: Mercury
Celebration: Yule
Gemstones 01 M inerals: Jade,
m aeve/m edb
Birds: O strich, Vulture
G oddess o f w ar (Celtic— Ireland)
Solar System: M ars
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: the afterlife, balance, death, fairness,
Colors: Purple, Red, Yellow
Tarot: Star
guardian, guidance, honesty, justic
e, morality, stability, truth
Anim als: Cattle (cow), Horse
Birds: Crow, Raven
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: anim als (hunt), battle/war, danger,
death, desire, determ ination, enmity, influence, leadership,
learning, lust, m agic (general, sex), needs (sexual), passion,
power, revenge, sex/uality, strength, w ishes (sexual)
m odron/m adron
G oddess o f fertility, growth, and
Great m other goddess; mother o f the divine child Mabon
Zodiac: Taurus
plants (Greek)
(Celtic— Wales)
Solar System: Earth, Mercury
Season: Spring
Celebration: Mabon
N um ber: 3
Celebration: Beltane
Plants: All
Herb e[ Garden: Poppy, Sunflower
Misc. Plants: Patchouli
Bird: Dove
Anim al: H orse
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: abundance, agriculture, creativity,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: agriculture (harvest), com passion,
destiny, energy, fertility, growth, honor, increase, love, magic,
empathy, family, fertility, m agic (sex), peace, power,
money, nurture, prosperity, success
pregnancy/chi Id birth
G oddess o f war, schools, com m erce , and artisans (Etruscan,
Solar System: Mars,
Zodiac: Aries, Libra
Celebrations: Feast o f Epona, Ostara Num bers: 5, 7
Trees: Ash, Olive, Spindletree
Misc. Plant: Thistle
Anim als: Antelope, Cattle (ox)
Bird: Owl
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: action, battle/war, business,
community, creativity, decisions, freedom, guidance, healing,
intelligence, knowledge, learning, the m ind, money, peace,
power, protection, skills, w isdom
-----------------------;------------------------------------- r
G oddess o f the dead (Egyptian ) Celebration: Samhain
G oddess o f spring and renewal
Season: Spring
Element: Earth
Anim al: Gorilla
Celebration: Ostara
Rune: Dag
Birds: Falcon, Hawk, Kite, Vulture
Trees: Ash, Linden
Herb (% Garden: Lily
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: the afterlife, co nscio usness, death,
dedication/devotion, divination, dream work, gratitude, grief,
Animals: Hare, Rabbit
healing, intuition, life, lust, m agic (general, night), nightmares,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: beginnings, cycl es, energy, fertility,
the otherw orld/underw orld, rebirth/renewal, security, sorrow,
growth, love, rebirth/renewal
spirits, support
M ountain goddess and wife o f Shiva (H ind u— India)
G oddess o fth e night
Zodiac: Aquarius
sky (Egyptian)
Anim als: Elephant, Lion
Solar System: Jupiter
Element: Air
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: beauty, blessings, desire,
determ ination, energy (cosm ic), hope, inspiration, light,
Tree: Sycamore
Gemstone/W lineral: Lapis Lazuli
marriage, m indfulness, passion, power, shyness,
Anim als: Boar, Cattle (cow), Pig (sow)
transform ation
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: astral realm, energy (cosm ic), magic
(night), nightm ares, protection, rebirth/renewal, weather
------------ ;--------------------------;-----------------------------------------------------
Mother and fire goddess (Hawaiian,
Solar deity, daughter o f Gaia and Uranus (Greek)
Element: Fire
Solar System: Sun
Gemstones e( Minerals: Obsidian,
Tree: Olive
Celebration: Litha
Elements: Air, Fire
Herb e( Garden: Heliotrope
Metals: Brass, Gold
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: astral realm, energy, the home, lust,
magic, power, purification, sham anic work, transform ation,
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: cycles, divination, em otions, light,
travel, weather (lightning)
magic (solar)
The nam e by which Kore was known after she became Queen of
G oddess o f the sea and queen o f the drowned (Norse,
the Underworld (Greek)
Solar System: Moon,
Solar System: Neptune
Celebration: Neptunalia
Zodiac: Scorpio, Virgo
Element: Water
Trees: Blackthorn, Elm, Juniper
Celebrations: Lughnasadh, Mabon, Ostara, Twelfth Night
Metal: Gold
Element: Earth
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: danger, death, destruction, energy,
m oods, weather
Trees; Aspen, Cedar, Cherry, Fir, Pomegranate, Poplar (black).
W illow
Herb (% Garden: Daffodil, Ivy, Poppy,
Misc. Plants: Dittany,
I Grain (corn)
Anim al: Bat
Bird: Owl (screech)
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: acceptance, the afterlife, agriculture,
change/s, clairvoyance, cycles, death, knowledge, magic
(crone), the otherw orld/underw orld, rebirth/renewal, sleep,
w isdom
sarasvati/sarasw ati
sekhm et/sekhem
G oddess o f learning, poetry, and m usic (Buddhist— China)
W arrior goddess o f fire, heat, and childbirth (Egyptian)
Celebration: Vasant Panchami
Element: Water
Zodiac: Aries, Leo
Solar System: Sun
Color: Yellow
Tree: Palm
Element: Fire
Tree: Locust
Misc. Plant: Lotus
From the Sea: Pearl
Herb e( Garden: Catnip
Anim als: Cat, Lion
Birds: Peacock, Swan
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: action, activate/awaken,
assertiveness, anger, authority, awareness, battle/war,
Issues, Intentions
Powers: beauty, com m unication, creativity,
beginnings, cheerfulness, community, com passion, control,
enlightenment, fertility, inspiration, intelligence, knowledge,
darkness, death, defense, destruction, empowerment,
learning, the m ind, m indfulness, pride, prosperity, protection,
enchantm ent, enmity, fear, happiness, healing illum ination,
purification, purity, romance, shyness, stim ulation, wealth,
justice, life, light, love, loyalty, lust, magic (general, defensive,
w isdom , wishes
sex), m essages/om ens, nurture, peace, power,
pregnancy/childbirth, protection, purification, purity, revenge,
the senses, strength, transform ation, wealth, weather (storm s),
Sea goddess and m other o f sea creatures (Eskim o— North
jwell-being, wisdom___________________________________________
Zodiac: Pisces
Solar System: M oon, Neptune
M agical: M erm aids
Moon goddess (Greek). Also
1 Solar System: Moon
known as Mene.
M arine Life: All
Day: Monday
Celebration: Im bolc
Issues, Intentions
Powers: abundance, balance, blessings,
consecrate/bless, death, life, loss, magic (crone), purification,
Color: Silver
N um ber: 9
rebirth/renew al, release, sh am anicw o rk
Tree: Rowan
Misc. Plant: Moon wort
Gemstones 01 Minerals:
Metals: Iron, Silver
M oonstone, Selenite
Anim als: Cattle (ox), H orse
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: beauty, calm, cycles, dream work,
enchantment, light, m agic (general, m oon), nightm ares, sleep,
G oddess o f w riting who m easured and recorded the world;
patroness o f architecture, astronom y and mathematics
Zodiac: G em ini
Solar System: M ercury
| Tree: Palm
Anim al: Panther
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: com m unication (writing), creativity,
knowledge (scientific, secret), learning, m agic, m anifestation,
the m ind (logic), m em ory/m em ories, protection,
order/organize, skills
spider woman
Creatrix and goddess o f
1 Solar System: Moon, Sun
w isdom (Navajo, Zuni)
Element: Fire
Misc. Plants: Grain (corn), Reed
Anim al: Chipm unk
Insect/M isc.: Spider
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: com m unication, connections,
danger, destiny, magic, skills, w isdom
G oddess o fth e prim eval sea (Assyro-Babylonian, Chaldean,
G oddess o f love, fertility, beauty, springtim e, and fruitfulness;
protector o f gardens (Roman)
Zodiac: Aries
Solar System: Neptune
Zodiac: Libra, Pisces, Taurus
Solar System: Venus
Celebration: Yule
Element: Water
Season: Spring
Day: Friday
N um ber: 11
G em stone/M ineral: Beryl
Celebrations: Beltane, Ostara
Num bers: 2 , 8
Anim al: Hyena
Birds: Raven, Vulture
Trees: Apple, Elder, Hazel, Linden, Magnolia, Maple, Myrtle,
Insects el Misc.:
Mythical: Dragon
Scorpion, Spider
Herb el Garden: Anemone, Angelica, Aster, Daisy, Heather,
Honeysuckle, Lily, M arjoram , Raspberry, Rose, Strawberry,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: battle/war, challenges, change/s,
Vervain, Violet