Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences
Page 35
Trees: Cypress, Oak,
Herb e( Garden: Carnation, Gorse,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: battle/war, energy (life-force),
Olive, Walnut
fertility, jealousy, magic, negativity, pride, revenge, weather
(general, storm s)
Misc. Plants: Henbane,
G em stone/M ineral: Topaz
Mistletoe, Mullein
Metal: Iron
Anim als: Cattle (bull), Sheep (ram)
High god o f beginnings and endings, daybreak and travel
Birds: Eagle, Woodpecker
(Etruscan, Roman)
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, agriculture, anim als,
Zodiac: G em ini
Solar System: Moon
authority, battle/war, bind, business, change/s, creativity,
Time o f Day: Dawn
Celebrations: New Year's Day, Yule
d ecisio n /s, defense, dignity, fear, fertility, guardian, guidance,
honor, intuition, justice, leadership, life, light, marriage,
N um ber: 12
Tree: Oak
prosperity, protection (youths), skills, truth, wealth, weather
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: .accom plishm ent, beginnings,
(general, lightning, storm s), wisdom
business, change/s, crossroads, cycles, endings, guardian,
guidance, life, light, m otivation, success, travel, wisdom
Moon god o f healing and regeneration (Egyptian)
Solar System: Moon, Saturn
Color: Silver
N um ber: 9
Misc. Plant: Moonwort
Anim al: Baboon
Bird: Falcon
Reptile: Crocodile
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: banish, cycles, healing, inspiration,
khnum /khnum u
light, m agic (m oon), rebirth/renew al, travel
Creator deity, ram-god (Egyptian)
Zodiac: Aries
Anim als: Lion, Sheep
Elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: anim als (fertility), astral realm,
balance, creativity, life (life-force), the m ind, the
otherw orld/underw orld, pregnancy/childbirth, protection
God o f vegetation and love; eighth avatar o f Vishnu
(H ind u— India)
Zodiac: Gem ini, Taurus
Herb 0{ Garden: Basil
G em stone/M ineral: Ruby
From the Sea: Conch
Anim als: Cattle (cow), Lion
Insect/M isc.: Bee
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: agriculture, attraction, banish,
beauty, d ecisio n /s, defense, desire, det erm ination, fertility,
introspection, learning, longevity, love, magic (sex),
m indfulness, passion, pleasure (erotic) i, romance, sensuality,
sex/uality, spirituality, w isdom
Trickster god (N orse, Teutonic)
Zodiac: Capricorn
Solar deity, god o f sorcery, history, poetry, and carpenters
(Celtic— Ireland, Wales, G aul). A lso known as Lug Lamfhota
Solar System: Mercury
Rune: As
(Ireland), Leu Llaw Gyffes (Wales).
Celebrations: Litha, Samhain
N um ber: 2
Celebrations: Litha, Lughnasadh,
Trees: Beech, Blackthorn, Elm, Juniper, Willow, Yew
Solar System: Mercury, Sun
Herb e[ Garden: Ivy
Anim al: Coyote
Trees: Apple, Birch, Holly,
Herb e( Garden: G orse
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: acceptance, beauty, challenges,
change/s, clairvoyance, cleverness, com m unication, cunning,
M i sc. Plant: Grain
Metals: Brass, Gold
danger, deceit, destiny, enmity, freedom, independence,
Gemstones 01 Minerals:
learning, magic, m oods, obstacles (unexpected obstacles),
Magical: Fairies
O bsidian, Sapphire, Topaz
opportunities, protection (personal space), sham anic work
(shape shift), support
Birds: Chicken (rooster),
Anim als: Boar, Dog, H orse, Lion,
Crane, Eagle, Raven
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: agriculture (harvest), battle/war,
beginnings, business, com m unication, confidence, creativity,
d ecisio n /s, defense, healing, knowledge, light, m agic (general,
solar), power (solar), prophecy, protection (o f the weak),
rebirth/renew al, revenge, skills, warmth
m abon/m apon os
Divine youth, god o f m usic; son o f Modron (Celtic— Ireland,
Wales, Britain)
Celebrations: Mabon, Yule
Element: Water
Herb 0{ Garden: Grape, Ivy
Anim als: Dog, Horse
M arine Life: Salmon
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: anim als (hunt), darkness, death,
freedom, harmony, innocence, justice, the
m arduk/m erodach
protection, revenge, strength, well-being, willpower
Suprem e deity, god o f storm s and fertility (Akkadian, Assyrian,
Babylonian, Sum erian)
Zodiac: Aries, Taurus
Solar System: jupiter, Sun
Celebration: Yule
Element: Earth
Anim al: Cattle (bull)
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: assertiveness, authority, battle/war,
challenges, com passion, control, courage, creativity, destiny,
destruction, fertility, grace, growth, happiness, healing, insight,
intelligence, justice, leadership, life, magic (general, night), the
m ind, order/organize, power, prophecy, prosperity, psychic
ability, purification, rebirth/renewal, skills, stim ulation, trust,
truth, weather (lightning, storm s)
m ars
God o f w ar and agriculture
Zodiac: Aries, Sagittarius,
Solar System: Mars
Season: Spring
Day: Tuesday
N um ber: 5
Trees: Ash, Cherry, Laurel, Oak
Herb e( Garden: Rue, Vervain
Gemstones 01 M inerals: Onyx,
Misc. Plant: Galangal
Birds: Blue jay, Raven, Vulture,
Anim als: Cattle (bull), Dog,
Horse, W olf
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: action, agriculture, anger,
assertiveness, battle/war, courage, death, d ecisio n /s, defense,
energy, fear, fertility, jealousy, magic (sex), power, prophecy,
God o f m erchants; protector o f road and travelers; m essenger
Solar deity and god o f vegetation and regeneration (Roman)
o fth e gods (Roman)
Zodiac: Leo, Libra, Taurus
Solar System: Sun
Solar System:
Zodiac: Cancer, Gem ini
Celebrations: Litha, Ostara, Yule
N um ber: 7
Herb 0{ Garden: Agrimony,
Day: Wednesday
Element: Air
Metals: Brass, Gold
Trees: Hazel, Palm,
N um ber: 8
Anim als: Cattle (bull), Lion
Birds: Crow, Raven
W illow
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers; the afterlife, agriculture, battle/war,
Herb (% Garden: Vervain
Misc. Plant: Anise
business, community, com passion, courage, death, destiny,
Gem stone/M ineral: Emerald
Anim al: Goat
discipline, energy (solar), goodness, growth, harmony, honor,
illum ination, kindness, life, light, loyalty, m agic (general, solar),
Reptiles: Snake,
Birds: Chicken (rooster), Hawk
morality, prosperity, psychic ability, purification,
rebirth/renew al, secrets, strength, success, truth, warmth
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: business, cheerfulness,
com m unication, community, creativity, crossroads, cunning,
divination, intelligence, knowledge, lim itations/boundaries,
Sea god (Rom an). Also
magic, m essages/om ens, prosperity, success (b usiness), travel
Zodiac: Pisces
known as Nethunus.
m im ir/m im ar
Solar System: Neptune
Celebration: Neptunalia
God o f knowledge, prophecy, and wisdom , as well as sm iths
Element: Water
N um ber: 11
and water (Norse, Teutonic)
Tree: Ash
From the Sea: Pearl
Elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water
Tree: Ash
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Beryl,
Anim al: H orse
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: balance, creativity, d ecisio n /s,
Salt (sea)
guidance, insight, inspiration, intuition, knowledge (secret),
M arine Life: Dolphin, Porpoise , Sea horse, Whale
prophecy, w isdom
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: authority, control, divination,
em otions, energy, guardian, guidance, intuition, life, magic
(sex), power, protection, wisdom
odin/w oden
Underworld god and lord o f fires (Assyro-Babylonian,
Suprem e deity, god o f war, intelligence, and poetry; husband of
Phoenician, Sum erian)
Frigg (Norse, Teutonic)
Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Solar System: M ars
Zodiac: Gem ini, Virgo
Solar System: M ars, Mercury
Celebration: M idsum m er’s Eve
Element: Fire
Runes: As, Dag, Eoh, Gyfu, Man, Day: Wednesday
Odal, Wyn
Anim al: Lion
Celebrations: Beltane,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: the afterlife, anger, authority, balance,
Num bers: 4 , 9
Lughnasadh, Ostara, Yule
battle/war, bind, death, destruction, favor/s,
lim itations/boundaries, magic (night), the
Trees: Ash, Beech, Cedar, Elm, Linden, Oak, Yew
otherw orld/underw orld, >passion, sex/uality
Misc. Plants: Grain (barley), Mistletoe, M ushroom
Anim als: Dog, W olf
Birds: Eagle, Goose, Raven
God o f wealth, fertility, seacoasts, ships, and sailors (Norse,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: authority, battle/war, bind, charity,
Teutonic). Also known as Nordur.
clairvoyance, control, courage, creativity, cunning, death, deceit,
divination, endurance, fear, inspiration, intelligence, justice,
Zodiac: Libra, Scorpio
Season: Sum mer
knowledge, leadership, luck, magic (general, rune), the mind,
Tim e o f Day: Dusk
Runes: Feoh, Lagu
power, prophecy, psychic ability, quests, the senses (control),
Elements: Fire, Water
N um ber: n
sex/uality, sham anic work, spirituality, strength, transform ation,
travel, visions, wealth, w isdom
Gemstones e? Minerals: Amber, Jet.
. . . . .
Birds: Seagull, Swan
Issues, Intentions
Powers: authority, business, calm , control,
fertility, generosity, the home, luck, money, prophecy,
prosperity, protection, strength, success, travel, wealth
ogm a/oghm a
o siris/a u sa r
God o f eloquence, inspiration, and language (Celtic— Ireland,
C hief god and king o f the Nile
Zodiac: Scorpio, Taurus
Solar System: Mercury, Sun
Color: Blue
Solar System: Pluto, Sun
Celebration: Ostara
Tree: Hazel
Herb (% Garden: Ivy
Trees: Acacia, Cedar, Fir,
Element: Water
Sycamore, Willow
Gemstones: Azurite, Turquoise
Metals: Gold
Garden: Blackberry/Bram ble, Ivy
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: com m unication (eloquence),
creativity, divination, inspiration, learning, m agic (general,
Misc. Plants: Dittany, Grain (corn, wheat), Lotus, O rris Root
solar), the otherwold/underw orld (help so uls cross over),
Anim als: Cattle, Gorilla, Pig,
prophecy, skills, spirits (contact), strength, w isdom
Bird: goose
Sheep (ram ), W olf
Reptile: Crocodile
Mythical: Phoenix, Sphinx
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: the afterlife, agriculture, authority,
balance, battle/war, beginnings, business, change/s, cycles,
death, deceit, destiny, dignity, enlightenm ent, fertility, goals,
growth, intelligence, justice, learning, life (life-force), marriage,
the m ind, order/organize, the otherworld/underworld,
rebirth/renew al, spirits, spirituality, success, transform ation,
trust, truth
prom etheus
God o f the sea and
Creator god o f architecture, astronomy, m edicine, writing, and
Zodiac: Pisces, Taurus
rivers (Greek)
metalwork; a seer (Greek)
Solar System:
Elements: Earth, Fire, Water
Tree: Hawthorn
Element: Water
Herb e[ Garden: Fennel
Num bers: 8, n
Misc. Plant: Reed
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: com m unication, creativity, energy,
Trees: Ash, Olive,
prophecy, skills, sorrow, strength, wisdom
Herb e( Garden: Blackberry/Bram ble
Pine, Spruce, W illow
Gemstones el
God o f creativity and skills (Egyptian). Also known as the
Minerals: Beryl, Salt
From the Sea: Pearl, Triton
Ancient One.
Anim als: Cattle
Zodiac: Taurus
N um ber: ^
(bull), Horse, Sheep
M arine Life: Dolphin, Porpoise, Sea horse
Anim al: Cattle (bull, ox)
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: beginnings, creativity, destiny,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: action, anim als (fertility), authority,
energy, enmity, inspiration, intelligence, manifestation, the
control, divination, energy, envy, fertility, independence,
m ind, order/organize, sex/uality, skills, stability, w ishes
jealousy, learning, life, loss, magic (anim al, sex), power,
rebirth/renewal, sham anic work, skills, success, transform ation,
travel, weather (ocean storm s)
Solar god; patron o f herds and travel
ers (H ind u— India)
God o f the sun and king o f the gods (Egyptian)
Solar System: Sun_______________ | Metals: Brass, Gold______
Zodiac: Aries, Leo
Anim als: Cattle, Goat
Solar System: Sun
Celebrations: Litha, Yule
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: abundance, anim als (guardian of
Trees: Acacia, Cedar, Laurel,
Herb e( Garden: Heliotrope
cattle), fertility, growth, guardian (roads, the dead), love,
marriage, motivation, relationships, reversal, travel, wealth
Misc. Plants: Frankincense,
Gemstones G( M inerals: Tiger’s
Lotus, Myrrh
Eye, Topaz
Metals: Brass, Gold
Anim als: Cat, Cattle
Suprem e deity and god o f the wind (Aztec, Mayan,
Toltec— Mexico)
Birds: Falcon, Goose, Hawk,
Reptile: Snake
Solar System: Venus
Element: Air
Insects el Misc.: Bee, Beetle
Misc. Plant: Grain (corn)
Reptile: Snake
Mythical: Phoenix
Mythical: Phoenix
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: agriculture, beginnings, change/s,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: agriculture, business, change/s,
cycles, energy (solar), fertility, guardian, guidance, insight,
darkness, fertility, healing, illum ination, learning, life, skills,
justice, knowledge, life, light, magic (solar), the
spirituality, wealth
otherw orld/underw orld, power, prosperity, rebirth/renewal,
revenge, the senses (sight), strength, travel, truth, warmth,
God o f agriculture and workers
Creator deity; god o f the moon, agriculture, art, and death;
Zodiac: Capricorn
husband o f Parvati (H ind u— India)
Solar System: Saturn
Day: Saturday
Zodiac: Libra
Solar System: M oon, Sun
Celebrations: Saturnalia, Yule
N um ber: 2
Color: Silver
Chakra: Crown
Herb e( Garden: Grape, Ivy,
N um ber: 9
Misc. Plant: Moonwort
Trees: Cypress, Holly, Yew
Anim als: Antelope, Cattle ( bull), Elephant, Rat, Tiger
M i sc. Plants: Mandrake, Myrrh
Birds: Crow, Raven, Wren
Mythical: Phoenix
Issues, Intentions ej Powers: abundance, agriculture, anim als,
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: agriculture, anim als, balance, calm,
beginnings, determination, learning, prosperity, success
com passion, consciousness, death, destruction, enchantment,
endings, energy, fear, fertility, freedom, generosity, gratitude,