Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences
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9780738705835, 240 pp., 7 V 2 X 9 1/8, $16.95
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Creating a Sacred Space f o r Prayer and Meditation
Sand ra Kynes
A rem inder o f the Divine, a space for spiritual encounter, or a
focal point for m editation— the altar is a powerful tool for people
o f all faiths.
Sandra Kynes dem onstrates how to create personal altars and
em power these sacred spaces according to your needs. Discover
how to harness energies to manifest change, make decisions, receive w isdom , find balance, explore your soul, and grow spiritually. Kynes’s unique approach provides nine overall m atrices—
each one corresponding to the num ber o f objects placed on the
altar— and the num erological significance o f each. You’ll also
find suggested m editations and a wealth o f helpful information— span-ning chakras, colors, days o f the week, elements, gem stones, gods/goddesses, runes, and more— for choosing
978-0-7387-1105-8, 240 pp., 6 x 9 , $15.95
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The Lore G{ M agic o f Trees
Sand ra Kynes
A walk in the w oods makes it easy to understand the awe and
reverence our ancestors had for trees. It speaks to som ething
deep and primal within us— som ething we don’t hear as often as
we should.
By exploring a variety o f m ysteries and traditions o f trees,
Whispers fro m the Woods helps readers get reacquainted with the
natural world and find their place in the earth’s rhythm. Covering
more than just Celtic Ogham and tree calendars, this book includes meditation, sham anic journeys, feng shui, spellcraft, and ritual. In addition, it has a reference section with detailed information on fifty trees, which includes seasonal inform ation, lore,
powers, attributes, and more.
0-7387-0781-3, 288 pp., 7V2 x 9 i/£ , $17.95
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L L E W E L L Y N ’ S C O M P L E T E B O O K O F N A M E S
For Pagans, Witches, Wiccans, Druids, Heathens, Mages,
Shamans e[
Independent Thinkers o f All Sorts Who Are Curious About Names
fro m Every Place and Every Time
K. M . Sheard
Parents want the perfect name for their child. Am ong the baby
books available today, none are tailored to the needs o f W itches,
Pagans, and other seekers like Llewellyn’s Com plete Book of
From Alma and Ash to Zinnia and Zane, this com prehensive
and user-friendly name guide offers accurate and extensive information on more than seven thousand nam es spanning religions,
cultures, and centuries. Each im peccably researched entry features factual details on origin, history, and meaning, including magical and mystical associations. Examples o f historical figures
and characters from mythology, literature, and film are also provided. This essential guide offers everything you need to make this all-im portant decision, including name selection tips and
name lists categorized by theme— the Sun and Moon, the five
elem ents including spirit, the plant world, and more.
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O rd e r at Llew ellyn.com 2 4 ho urs a day, 7 days a weekl
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