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Wanted By The Devil

Page 6

by Joanna Blake

  Bruce inhaled sharply but nodded. He knew the drill. Dev put Dani and the club out of his mind as the older man left. He was grinning when Donnie handed him a beer.

  "No thanks, man. I have a date tonight."

  Donnie grinned and wiggled his eyebrows.

  "Yeah, we know."

  "Did you get the cabin aired out?"

  "Yeah, man it's full of fucking rose petals too."

  "Very funny. See you tomorrow my brothers."

  He clasped their hands and strode out of the clubhouse. It was time to go and get his woman.

  Tonight, he was finally taking what was his.

  Chapter 19


  The wind whipped her hair around as the bike wove through the country roads outside of town.

  Kaylie knew something was up. Devlin had shown up tonight as if nothing had happened between them. He seemed tense, and offered no explanation for staying away the night before.

  She decided not to ask. She told herself that he was here now. It was most likely that whatever was bothering him had nothing to do with her, or he'd resolved it on his own.

  Kaylie felt silly for having cried herself to sleep the night before. It wasn’t like they were married and he hadn’t come home. They’d barely started dating, though he had told her he considered her his ‘old lady.’

  From what she understood, that was more than going steady. It was more like being married, not just to him either.

  It was almost like being married to the club. To the lifestyle. It meant she was one of them.

  It might have only been a week that they'd spent together, but Kaylie had been observing Devlin covertly for the past few years. At least when he came into the diner anyway. So she knew when he was preoccupied, or relaxed.

  For the most part, Devlin was always pretty relaxed.

  Apparently, he'd been observing her too. Everywhere she went. He knew things about her that surprised her, like who her friends were and what her favorite subject was at school. He had eyes everywhere and he’d been using them to watch her.

  Well, she thought it was only fair she got to know him too.

  She knew he was fiercely independent and tended to do things on his own, though always with the club at his back. She was already attuned to his mood shifts.

  He wasn't a talker and he wasn’t quick to laugh. That didn’t mean he was morose, even after what had happened to his family. His emotions ran deep, particularly where his brother and family were concerned.

  They ran deep when it came to her too. This wasn’t a game to him. Kaylie realized that he wouldn’t let her go easily, even if she’d wanted him to.

  Thankfully, that was the last thing she wanted. She wanted to get closer. As quickly as possible. And with as little clothing as possible too.

  He was definitely still worried about something, she could tell. It was obvious from the moment he arrived to pick her up. She had hurried out to the bike and slid her arms around his neck. He smiled and kissed her before pulling her onto the bike. He was in a hurry to leave.

  They were off and running the moment she had her arms around his waist. As usual he didn't tell her where they were going. And as usual, she didn't mind.

  Judging from this week, she'd been taken to scenic spots and a few bar-b-q's, even one home cooked meal at his Aunt Edna's house. His folks were gone so she knew it was the equivalent of meeting the parents.

  Edna and the club were the only family he had. Jack and Donnie were like brothers to him. She squeezed him a little tighter.

  Now, he had her too.

  Things were moving fast. Really fast. Kaylie was surprised that she didn't mind. In fact, she wanted to go faster.

  Dating a biker was bringing out all sorts of surprising personality traits in her.

  No, that wasn’t right. They weren't dating. It was more than that. They'd skipped all the courtship, although she supposed he'd been courting in his own way by looking out for her and coming into Mae's.

  They weren't dating. They were together.

  The thought sent a warm feeling shooting through her insides. She knew she was in danger of falling in love, for real. It was scary.

  It wasn't that she didn't trust him. She did, she trusted him implicitly in fact. But it was too soon. She was afraid that she'd make a fool of herself or say something she couldn't take back. He stole all thought from her when he was touching her. And he'd been touching her a lot more lately…

  She sighed and looked out at the woods as they raced past. They'd never gone this way before. He was taking the road toward Heller Mountain. She snuggled into his back and promised herself to keep her mouth shut, no matter how dizzy his kisses made her.

  At all costs, she had to keep from saying something stupid. Like the ‘l’ word. She knew it was right there, right on the tip of her tongue.

  She just couldn’t say it.

  Bikers didn't care about love anyway. He might want her close at hand but she couldn't imagine him professing his love for her. That could ruin everything.

  Neither one of them were much for words. It was one of the reasons they were so well suited. Telling him that she loved him would only change things, and that was the last thing she wanted.

  As of right now, everything was perfect. Maybe he'd tell her what was bothering him tonight. But if he didn't, she wouldn't ask. She couldn't risk it.

  She was just going to go along, and see where the night took her.

  Chapter 20


  Devlin pulled up the cabin after a leisurely 45 minute drive. It gave him time to steady his nerves, even if it did take twice as long as usual to get out there.

  Tonight was special.

  Tonight he had precious cargo on board.

  He always went about 20 MPH slower when Kaylie was on the back of his bike. Normally it didn’t bother him but tonight he’d had to keep himself in check. He wanted to get there, yesterday.

  No, not yesterday. Not even a week. He’d been waiting for years.

  He wanted to get Kaylie alone since the moment he saw her.

  So yeah, he had a lead foot tonight, and he’d had to resist it every single second of the trip out here.

  Things had changed in more ways than one.

  Even when she wasn't on his ride, he found himself being a bit more careful on the road. He had someone now. His devil may care attitude was shifting.

  He frowned to himself, not sure he liked the change.

  Devils weren't supposed to be cautious.

  He shook off the feeling of foreboding that was coming over him. Tonight he would finally get what he wanted. He'd never waited for anything this long before in his life. He knew the wait would be worth it, and then some.

  His fingers itched to touch her skin as he parked and dismounted. Now that the time was at hand he was serious and deep in thought. Kaylie must have sensed his mood because she was quiet as he pulled off her helmet and led her to the front porch.

  He fished around for the hidden key under the window sill and unlocked the door. He flipped on a light and guided Kaylie inside. He watched her face as she looked around uncertainly.

  He hadn’t told her she was spending the night with him yet.

  He hoped to hell she liked it here, because this place meant a lot to him. He had a lot of good memories here.

  And he couldn’t wait to make more.

  The cabin was rustic but clean. A frequent hide out for anyone in the SOS who needed to lie low, it had been in Dev's family since the 1950's. Other than that, his folks had brought him out here for vacations when he was kid.

  Now it was mostly unused.

  Kaylie turned in a circle, taking it in.

  "What is this place?"

  “It’s mine. My Grandfather built it.”

  He looked at her, his eyes burning a hole through her clothes. He barely recognized the raw sound of his voice.

  “Do you like it?"

  “Yes. It’s really neat.”

sp; He swallowed as she nodded shyly. She was so damn sweet! He wanted to eat her up, right then and there. He could screw her right up against the door- make her squeal as he had his way with her-

  But no. Not the first time.

  Go easy, Dev. She’s yours.

  He could tell she was overwhelmed. Whether by the cabin itself, or the prospect of spending the night with him, he wasn't sure.

  He took her hand and pulled her to the back of the house.

  "Come on, let me show you the best part."

  There was a screen door that led to a back porch. He pushed it open and Kaylie made a sweet sound. He smiled at the adorably surprised gasp. He watched her face as she stepped outside.

  The sun was setting over the small lake. It was unbelievably private. A tire swing hung on a tree branch, dangling over the water.

  "It's beautiful!"

  He smiled at the rapturous expression on her face.

  "The view's even better from in here."

  He took her back inside and upstairs. He tugged her hand gently and led her into the bedroom. Their eyes met and he could see that she knew.

  She knew and she wasn’t afraid.

  He pulled her into his arms. He couldn't wait any longer. He needed her. He needed to forget the world and lose himself in her sweetness.

  Kaylie was looking down at his chest, looking very nervous suddenly. He licked his lips and lowered his head. He knew how to make her relax… how to drive her wild.

  He took his time kissing her, using his mouth alone. He did his best not to touch her, afraid he might startle her. After a while he pulled her closer to him, sliding his hands up and down her delicious back to cup her sweetly rounded bottom.

  He couldn’t stop himself from getting hard though. Nothing could stop that now. When he pressed her against the hardness in his pants she sighed audibly.

  She wanted this. She wanted him. He just had to make sure she was ready.

  He groaned as he resisted the urge to grind himself into her softness. There was no need to rush. He'd told her mother she'd be home by dawn.

  They had all night.

  And he intended to use every second of it.

  Chapter 21


  She was in heaven.

  Kaylie moaned, sliding her hands through Devlin’s hair.

  Yes, this was heaven. Only there weren’t any angels here. Just one gorgeous, sweet but rough around the edges devil… a devil who was probably leading her astray but she didn’t care. Not one bit.

  Devlin was unbuttoning her blouse while he nibbled on her earlobes. Her sudden shyness was evaporating, just as the certainty that he was going to finally make love to her tonight was setting in.

  She had a general idea of the mechanics involved in sex, just none of the specifics. Thankfully Dev seemed to know exactly what he was doing.

  And then some.

  Her breath was coming in little pants by the time he slid her blouse off and over her shoulders. He groaned as his hands closed over her thin cotton bra. He caressed her gently, kissing her mouth again before she felt him unhook her bra behind her.

  As soon as her bra was off everything changed. He stared down at her naked chest for a moment. Just a heartbeat. And then he went wild.

  Kaylie gasped as Devlin overwhelmed her with his kisses and his touch. His hands were everywhere and his mouth- oh, his mouth was everywhere too. He lavished her breasts with attention endlessly before scooping her up and laying her on the bedspread.

  Then he pulled his shirt off and pressed his bare skin against hers.

  Oh God!

  The heat of his chest felt incredible against her breasts and stomach. He was kissing her again as he rocked his hips into hers. She ached in her center where they rubbed together.

  There was no doubt now.

  No doubt of what he wanted to do next.

  She wanted to do it too.

  She didn't protest when his fingers found the button on her denim shorts. He deftly undid them and pushed them down over her hips, so that her body was barely covered at all.

  He leaned back and pulled her shorts off of her legs. Then he settled between her legs, slowly tracing his finger along the top edge of her panties while she waited breathlessly to see what he would do. He was staring at her junction with a heavy lidded look in his eyes. Heat radiated from his hands where they rested on her hips.

  Finally he moved, one hand hovering over her mound. She shivered as he began lightly touching her through her panties, making small circles over her femininity before retreating. Then he began again, slowly teasing her until she was writhing on the bed. He seemed to know just how to touch her to make her rise up off the bed like a wild woman.

  To make her want more.

  The weight of his legs pressed down on hers, holding her firmly in place as her hips bucked. Finally he leaned forward, kissing her as he used his other hand to pull her panties down and away.

  Now his hand was on her bare skin, playing with the soft folds between her thighs. She felt so warm down there… and surprisingly slick.

  "Jesus, Kaylie…"

  She couldn't think straight as he brought her closer and closer to the edge, without letting her fall over it. Finally he pulled away and she watched as he pulled his jeans off and threw them aside.

  Her eyes widened as she saw him fully. His stomach was flat and ridged, his chest broad and heavily muscled. His thighs were like tree trunks and his arms were nearly as thick.

  His body was so beautiful… and big. Especially down below. She swallowed nervously as she saw his bare cock for the first time.

  Oh dear lord, he was big.

  Devlin's shaft stood straight up from his narrow hips, reaching nearly to his belly button. A small fearful gasp escaped her lips and he was back in an instant, kissing and soothing her.

  "It's alright, Kaylie. I promise."

  She nodded but her body had gone stiff. The heat between her legs was still there but the rest of her was running for the hills, tensed up and prepared for pain.

  "Shhhhh sweetheart, don't be afraid of me."

  His soft words combined with his skillful hands started to relax her again as he slid his finger up and down the line between her pussy lips. He wasn't pushing himself inside her or doing anything except kissing and touching her. Her body started to respond again, hovering on the edge of release.


  He suckled each of her nipples in turn as his finger started to strum the tender nub above her opening. He slipped a finger inside her as she felt herself start to climax for the first time.

  The first time ever.

  "Oh, oh, oh, OH!"

  She hardly recognized the high pitched breathy sounds she was making as the world seemed to explode around her. Her body would have lifted off the bed entirely if he hadn't been on top of her.

  As she floated back to earth she felt him adjusting his weight as he positioned himself between her legs. Something hot and hard was probing there, pressing against her with a throbbing heat.

  "Kaylie, look at me."

  She opened her eyes with an effort and stared up at Devlin. The mysterious man she felt like she'd known forever. That she'd wanted forever…

  “It’s time sweetheart.”

  She nodded, giving him permission to move forward. She didn't care about the pain anymore.

  She gasped with pleasure as he pushed the tip of his manhood against her opening. He was hard against her, but also silky… and incredibly hot. He pressed forward a few inches and just like that, he was inside her.

  Ohhhh… my.

  It felt good. Really good.

  He flexed his hips and the angle changed. She felt him slip deeper inside her. She felt stretched open and exposed. Vulnerable.

  But she knew in her heart that he wouldn't hurt her. She watched his face as he eased himself out and back in slowly. His eyes were closed and it looked like he was concentrating with every fiber of his being.

  She realize
d he was struggling to hold onto his control. She wondered if it felt as good to him as it did to her. She opened her mouth and asked him.

  “Do I feel good?”

  “Kaylie… good doesn’t begin to cover how you feel to me…”

  He groaned as he rocked himself back into her again, a little deeper this time. It hurt a little bit now, but it was commingled with the most exquisite pleasure she'd ever experienced before, or even imagined. He fit inside her perfectly, filling her with liquid heat.

  The pressure was starting to build inside her again as he worked himself in and out of her gently, gaining greater access with each stroke. Where was the pain she was supposed to be experiencing? Where-


  He bumped up against something and they both moaned. Her barrier was preventing him from penetrating her fully. He held perfectly still above her.



  "I'm going to take you now."

  "Oh… I thought you already were."

  He let out a shout of strangled laughter.

  "No, not quite yet."


  "Listen- I'm going to try not to hurt you- I can squeeze by without tearing anything- but- hmmmfff- you're so tight that it's harder than I thought it would be-"

  He moaned helplessly in pleasure as she clenched down on him instinctively. Her hips were making tiny circles against him subconsciously. He closed his eyes tightly and pushed forward. She felt the membrane inside her give way.

  Just like that, it was gone.

  She'd always imagined he would just tear through it forcefully. From what she'd heard that was what was normal. But he'd done it so gently that he was embedded inside her without more than the slightest discomfort.

  Chapter 22


  "Unffff… Jesus Kaylie you feel… so good… are you alright sweetheart?"

  "Uh huh- yes- just- can you-"


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