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Wanted By The Devil

Page 7

by Joanna Blake

He swallowed as he stared down into her big brown eyes. He was afraid she would ask him to do something he could not do. Afraid she would ask him to stop.

  She looked so sweet and trusting- and so fucking hot that he could barely stop himself from plunging into her honied depths.


  "Can you, oh! Can you… move like you were before?"


  “Please- can you just- don’t stop.”

  Relief and desire poured through him. He hadn't imagined he could be more turned on than he already was, but he'd been wrong. Her sweet admission that she wanted him to get on with it made him want to laugh and lose himself inside her all at once.

  "I can do that."

  He pressed a soft kiss into her lips. One last gentle, tender kiss before letting his body take over. There was no stopping now.

  He kept himself in control, not going too fast but not too slow either. He couldn’t let loose the way he wanted to. She was too precious, too delicate for that.

  He could hardly believe she was finally his after all this time. Her body had exceeded his wildest imaginings, the way she looked and- oh God- the way she felt. Even after he'd seen her in that bikini… this was different.

  Her skin was like living silk. She was firm and smooth and rounded in all the right places. He didn't think he would ever be able to get enough of her.

  He groaned and picked up the tempo. He knew he wouldn’t be able to hold on now. But they had all night. There was no need to hold back.

  He could feel her responding to him. She was so natural and beautiful. Her body knew what to do and she let it happen without shame or embarrassment.

  She might be shy but that just added to her appeal. She didn’t try and hide her passion from him, and it made this all the sweeter. He grunted as he felt her squeeze down on him. There was no way he could last much longer.

  Then he remembered that this wasn't a one time thing. Kaylie was his old lady now and he could have her again whenever he wanted, maybe even forever. He felt his chest crack open and warmth fill the emptiness inside.

  He'd never felt anything like it before- for the first time in his life he wanted more. He wanted her. For keeps. And he knew he would have it.

  The thought of having her in his bed forever sent him over the edge. His hips jerked spasmodically, as he felt himself explode. He filled her with his seed, pumping himself out of tempo as her body clenched down on him, pulling him deeper…

  He lay on top of her, trying to catch his breath, unable to think or move for a moment. He was just a bunch of nerve endings, shooting light from one neuron to the next.

  Jesus Christ.

  Devlin had never come so hard in his life. Nothing before now had even come close to the pleasure she had given him. It was like comparing a gnat to a nuclear bomb.

  Whatever power Kaylie had over him, whatever time he'd put in to make sure her mother wouldn't object, that he was free from encumbrances, that she would trust him, it had all been worth it.

  He knew nobody would ever make him feel this way again.

  She was his.

  But he belonged to her just as much.

  Chapter 23


  Kaylie laughed as she ran up to the house in her wet panties. It was freezing in the mountains. Who ever had decided it was a good idea to jump in the lake was insane!

  Actually, once she thought about it, she realized it had been her idea… more or less. Devlin had dared to her to do it after she'd asked him if he ever swam in the lake. They'd been lying in bed together… warm and snuggly… after...

  She was an idiot for leaving that comfy dry bed!

  The whole evening had been a blur. Making love. Then he'd held her for a long while. They'd had something to eat and then decided to skinny dip in the dark- well, almost skinny dip.

  She'd left her bra and panties on. She wasn't that comfortable in front of him yet! Besides, what if someone walked in on them.

  She giggled and slammed the door behind her, pretending to lock Devlin out. He was buck naked, since he had not been wearing anything under his jeans. He'd mumbled something about going commando when she blushed and looked away.

  She couldn’t help wondering if he'd been naked all those other times they'd fooled around… If he’d been a thin piece of fabric away from completely bare to her. The thought made her feel a little bit weak in the knees.

  Dev appeared at the locked screen door. He growled, pretending that he was going to break it down. He snarled like a dog and then yipped at her playfully when she opened the door. She was still laughing when he scooped her up and carried her back to the bedroom.

  He kissed her deeply, letting her slide down his body until her feet landed softly on the floor.

  "How do you feel?"

  She slid her arms around his neck. He felt so warm, even though they were both wet. He looked so damn sexy in his birthday suit!


  “Just good?"

  "Very, very good."

  He brushed a strand of wet hair away from her face.

  "I didn't hurt you?"

  She blushed and looked away, peeking back up at him.

  "Just a little. I thought it was going to be a lot worse.”

  He grinned and lifted her into his arms, depositing her on the bed. He stared down at her. She tried to look anywhere but at his cock, which was quickly starting to rise.

  "I actually did some research into this. The whole virgin thing is a crock. There's a membrane but it doesn't have to tear, you just need to nudge it out of the way."

  She stared up at him while he grabbed a towel and started rubbing her down. She sighed as he warmed her up. His words and his hands were making her feel hot, inside and out.

  "You did that? For me?"

  He grinned and tossed the towel aside, pouncing on her.

  "Well, not just for you. I sort of enjoyed it too."

  "Sort of?!!”

  She squealed indignantly as he grabbed her and rolled her towards him. He caught her hands and held them over her head. He grinned and nipped her bottom lip, pulling it into his mouth and sucking on it.

  "More than sort of."

  He kissed her nose.

  "More than a lot."

  He kissed her ear.

  "More than anything.”

  He kissed her neck and she sighed. She knew he was going to make love to her again. And she knew she would love every second of it.

  She wondered if Dev knew he had created a monster.

  Chapter 24


  Dev was focused intently on the road as he drove Kaylie home. It had started to drizzle and he wanted to be extra careful. His mind was razor sharp now that things were calmer inside him.

  Now that he’d had his woman. Twice. It wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy him, but it would do for now. At least he didn’t feel like a wild dog ready to rip everything to shreds.

  His earlier concern about losing his mojo was gone. Just one night had changed him forever. She was precious. She was his. He had to keep her safe. And he would.

  Just like that, she’d tamed him.

  Being with Kaylie had made him feel things that surprised the hell out of him. Crazy, protective, ready to do anything to keep her kinds of things. She’d put a spell on him. More than that, she’d woken him up.

  He'd known she was special.

  He hadn't know how special she would make him feel. He was changing already and he'd just started falling for her. He had wanted her for a long time but loving her, that was different.

  Fucking love man.

  He didn't even cringe back from the word now, not after she'd given him everything. And she had. She'd held nothing back when she was in his arms.

  And he hadn’t held back either.

  Being with her was unlike anything he'd ever experienced. He finally understood why people believed in all the fairy tale bullshit he'd scorned for so long. Being with Kaylie wasn’t just about getting off. It
was about being together with someone so beautiful, so good, that she made him want to be a better man.

  He was going to marry her.


  His hands clutched the grips as he did his best not to skid out. He’d been fucking daydreaming. If he had been going faster.. he couldn’t bear to think of what might have happened.


  He knew instantly that it was a cop car as the lights came on behind him. The blaring siren sounded like it was less than ten feet away. He pulled over slowly, thinking fast.

  Where the hell had they come from?

  They must have been waiting in the woods for him to come down this way. But how would they know where he would be? And why were they ambushing him tonight of all nights?

  It was a goddamn trap.

  He felt Kaylie’s arms tighten around his stomach as he pulled to the side of the road. The thought of her getting mixed up in all of this made a sour feeling in his belly.

  This was not good. Not good at all.

  He turned off the bike and spoke in a low tone over his shoulder.

  "Don't say anything. Don’t even look at him. I’ll take care of this."

  He looked back to see that there were two cop cars back there. Great. Officer Grant and Sherifff Dooley were walking toward him with their night sticks swinging.

  Shit. He realized he might have to take some licks this time. As long as they didn't touch her, he’d gladly take a beating to protect his woman.

  "If they hit me, just get out of the way. Don’t say anything. Keep your head down.”

  "What? No-"

  "Kaylie, just do what I say damn it! If they take me in, get to the clubhouse. Find Jack and Donnie. Do you understand?”


  He grabbed her hand and squeezed it.


  "What do we have here, Officer Grant?"

  The mocking drawl of Sheriff Dooley filled Devlin with dread. He'd never feared the cops. Not until tonight. For the first time ever, they had real power over him. He had something to lose.

  He forced a placid expression on his face.

  "How can I help you, Sheriff?"

  "Who's that you got with you, Dev?"

  He cringed as Grant looked Kaylie over, grinning widely.

  "My old lady."

  "You don't say. Hey, aren't you the cutie who works down at Mae's?"

  He didn't have to turn his head to see if Kaylie was afraid of Grant. He could just feel it. He wanted to kill them for frightening her.

  He had to switch their focus off of the terrified girl behind him and back onto him He was the one they wanted. If they so much as laid a hand on her, it would be war.

  It was hard to keep the scorn from his voice but he managed it.

  "What seems to be the problem, Sheriff?"

  "We were looking for you."

  "I'm flattered."

  "Don't be. We have reason to suspect that you are involved in a felony. The attack of a young woman."


  "I said, you are being charged with attacking a young woman."

  Grant slapped his thigh, still leering at Kaylie. The way he was looking at her left little to the imagination. Devlin felt like his stomach was falling into his boots.

  "Oooeeee, she's a looker.”

  Grant leaned in close, inspecting Kaylie like she was a piece of meat.

  “Nothing like this one though. Such a sweet and pretty little thing to be out with a piece of trash like you.” He grinned widely. “Dev you sure have good taste at least."

  "I haven't attacked anyone."

  "Well, see, she says you did. And you being who you are, doesn't seem so far fetched. Criminal element and what not."

  "When did she say this happened?"

  "Last Saturday at the State Fair."

  "He was with me."

  Dammit. Kaylie wasn’t keeping her mouth shut like he’d told her to. The Sheriff leaned down and peered at Kaylie. Devlin gritted his teeth.

  "What's that miss?"

  "I said, he couldn't have attacked anyone because he was with me."

  The Sheriff gave her an appraising look.

  "All day and all night."


  "Well, be that as it may, I'm going to have to take him in for questioning. Stand up now Mr. McRae and face the bike."

  Devlin closed his eyes and forced himself to comply. The bastards were doing this out of spite. It was scare tactics. He hadn't attacked anyone and they knew it.

  He felt the cuffs snap closed around his wrists and turned around.

  "We'll bring you back for your bike if the charges are dropped."

  "Somebody has to come for Kaylie."

  Grant slapped his knee.

  "Kaylie! That's it. I knew it. Seems like just yesterday you were underage. How old are you sweetheart?”

  “I’m eighteen.”

  His grin got even wider.

  “You sure look all grown up don't you now, darlin'?"

  Sheriff Dooley pulled Devlin away just as Grant put his arm over her shoulders solicitously. She looked scared. He looked her over and grinned maliciously at Devlin.

  "Don't worry about a thing, Mr. McRae. I'll see the little darlin home."

  He felt rage boiling up inside him as he was pushed into the back of the squad car. If he hadn't of been cuffed he would have killed the man. He still might.

  He watched as Kaylie followed Grant to the second car. She made eye contact with him through the window, trying to reassure him. She was trying to be brave but he wasn’t fooled.

  "I'll go to the clubhouse! Don't worry!"

  He gritted his teeth as Grant opened the passenger side door for Kaylie. At least he wasn't making her ride in the back. But if he touched her…

  Devlin leaned his forehead against the padded wall separating him from the front and silently screamed.

  Chapter 25


  They held him for three days. Three awful days during which Kaylie imagined horrible things happening to him. Her mind went wild, picturing every scenario in the book.

  All except Dev being guilty.

  She'd been true to her word, getting her mother to drive her to the clubhouse as soon as that disgusting Officer Grant had pulled away. The way he'd looked at her… and spoken to her… it was disgusting.

  He'd acted as if she was easy, a woman of ill repute. He'd even implied that he'd make sure Dev got out if she'd make nice with him. She'd had to fight back the bile rising in her throat at his lurid insinuations.

  But thank God, he hadn't touched her.

  She'd kept herself focused by thinking about Dev and what she would say when she got to the clubhouse. She'd never been there before but she knew where it was.

  Everyone did.

  The building had been cleaner than she'd expected. No trash and she could smell that the hallways had been freshly mopped. It looked like any business, with a shop in the front and a lot of equipment and a high metal fence.

  That is, until she got to the bar room. There were people everywhere, bikers mostly. But also a lot of women in various states of undress.

  Her cheeks got warm as she looked around. This was where Devlin spent most of his time? It was a far cry from Mae’s bright and cheerful vintage counter tops and booths.

  There were two stripper poles in the room and each had a girl hanging off of them, dancing lazily. They weren’t professional dancers, that was for sure. They were just sort of grinding slowly, clearly not working for tips.

  Everyone in the room was drunk except her. Except Dev’s third in command. She had nearly wept with relief when he saw her.

  Donnie had seen her immediately and been across the room in two seconds flat.

  "You shouldn't be here so late. Dev wouldn't like it."

  "He's been arrested- they said-"

  He'd held up a finger, silencing her.

  "Come on, let's find Jack. You can tell us both."

  They'd pulled her into a hallway and waited until there was a break in the traffic to and from the bathrooms. Then she heard Jack say the first words she'd ever heard him say.

  “Tell us.”

  She'd told them everything. Halfway through the story Donnie looked at Jack and said one word.


  Jack had nodded and just like that, Donnie was gone.

  Kaylie had started crying then. The tension and worry had finally gotten to her. She leaned against Jack's shoulder and cried all over his leather while he held perfectly still.

  It was like crying against an enormous tree trunk. Big and strong and utterly silent. But still somehow comforting. Only after she had cried her eyes out did she realize he had lifted one hand and rested it on her shoulder.

  When she sheepishly looked up at him he was staring doggedly at the wall, trying to ignore her. She smiled a little at the stoic giant. He wasn’t nearly as terrifying as he looked.

  “Thanks Jack.”

  He turned his head slightly and stared at her. Then he gave her a nod. That’s when she knew everything would be okay.

  Jack didn’t say another word as he took her outside to her mother’s car. But the comforting sound of his bike followed them home.

  When she looked out the window in the middle of the night, he was still outside.

  Chapter 26


  They had nothing on him. He knew that. So why did he feel like the fucking sky was falling down around him?

  He had to know what was happening out there.

  He had to know about his woman.

  Did she hate him for this? Had they hurt her? Had they scared her?

  If anyone so much as breathed on her wrong, there would be hell to pay.

  And since his nickname was the Devil, he’d be more than happy to prove everybody right.

  Dev sat in the dim light on the uncomfortable bench making plans. No one had come to see him, but he knew they'd tried. They'd taunted him with that information.

  Kaylie had come to this filthy place to see him. They’d made her wait and then not let her in. Jack and Donnie, too.


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