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Surviving Prophesy: The Immortals

Page 32

by Frances Howitt

  Sebastian couldn’t speak for his relief and also the disconcerting rush of desire her scent was causing him. He was relieved when she left the room and he could no longer scent her in such proximity. He lay back, calming himself with difficulty and knowing there was no way the feelings he was experiencing were a fabrication. He was coming fully into heat as he had done once before, so very long ago. This time around he knew what would happen and had a companion willing to become his lover. She might say she was prepared to accept full responsibility for any resultant child, but he fully intended to make her want him just as much as their child. He smiled to himself, aware he had acquired sufficient experience in the last five hundred years to ensure that this heat would be exceedingly enjoyable for both of them.

  Zacharias kept a close eye on the responses of both women as Sebastian’s scent intensified. He could see both were already affected, yet neither had yet gone in search of him. Megan however had come to sit in his lap her legs hooked over the side of the chair and her head against his chest. When she abruptly looked up, they all turned to see Sebastian enter the room.

  ‘Am I healed?’ he asked and watched the little wizard approach. Her man was watching them closely but was not preventing her from coming well within range.

  ‘Yes. As I’m sure your heat has already told you, you’re now fertile.’

  ‘Thank you so much,’ Sebastian said and before anyone could interfere he hugged her close in thanks, and took her scent. He prudently released her immediately and before her man, now on his feet did anything. ‘Sorry, I had to know.’

  ‘Know what?’ Zacharias demanded, pulling Megan into his arms.

  ‘That you have nothing to fear; you have a strong bond. See, she turns into your arms, rather than seeking me. She is pregnant,’ he added and noticed Zacharias’s sudden smile; so he hadn’t yet known. ‘Your child will be immortal. Congratulations.’

  ‘You can tell that? How?’

  ‘I can smell it. Her life force is unusually strong for a mortal. I see why you chose her.’ He stepped back and turned to Yolanda and breathed deeply in appreciation. ‘Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have someone here I really have to become better acquainted with.’

  ‘Don’t forget to eat,’ Zacharias said with a quick grin. ‘We’ll leave things ready for you both at normal intervals.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Sebastian managed to respond; he’d gone close to Yolanda and she was breathing deeply of his scent.

  With a last glance to be sure Yolanda appeared to have no doubts, Zacharias took Megan out and over to the private little cabin, closing the door behind him.


  Saturday dawned bright and clear. Megan and Zacharias had both benefited from the three days relaxing in Sebastian’s cabin. Zach’s previously shattered leg was no longer painful to walk on and whilst he still needed to be careful not to jar it overly, he was now able to properly exercise it to regain his strength. Megan just enjoyed basking in his company, particularly since he was overjoyed about her pregnancy. Their long woodland walks, hand in hand, had been wonderfully therapeutic.

  Even though Sebastian’s heat hadn’t completely ended, he and Yolanda both insisted on accompanying them back to Clarice’s.

  ‘It’s your wedding tomorrow,’ Yolanda exclaimed. ‘I hope everyone got on with the things I asked of them, especially your dress,’ she added anxiously. ‘We must hurry. There’s so much to check over and organise.’

  ‘I’m sure everything will go smoothly,’ Sebastian reassured her. ‘Truly, the only thing that matters is that the words are said proclaiming them man and wife. Everything else is merely for visual effect and adornment.’

  ‘You’re right,’ she said with a grateful smile. ‘I’d just like to make it as special as I can and memorable in a good way. She has done so much for me.’

  Sebastian noticed the shadows of a deep trauma in her eyes, but before he could ask what had happened, she suddenly trotted off to rejoin the other two riding ahead, effectively closing the conversation. He suspected that whatever had happened to her remained too fresh a memory to easily share.

  ‘You are certain you have masked my scent?’ Sebastian asked Megan anxiously as they advanced through the village and people stopped to stare.

  ‘Of course,’ she reassured him, but frowned at the attention they were receiving that had prompted his concern. Whilst many villagers waved and seemed happy to see them, there were some sullen resentful looks too. They were all glad to leave the village behind and trot on up the lane to Clarice’s farm.

  ‘There were some very strange looks passed our way as we went through the village,’ Yolanda remarked, after they’d all had a chance to greet everyone and then sit down. ‘Do you know what that’s all about?’

  ‘It would appear not every couple were happily married,’ Clarice said simply. ‘Megan’s cure, making the men go into heat, meant they sought out their favourite lover rather openly, which wasn’t always their wife! We’ve had all manner of scandals, punch-ups and break-ups. It’s been quite entertaining, in a shocking kind of way. Things haven’t yet settled down entirely because everyone’s been preoccupied and it’s all so recent that not all the affairs are common knowledge. Gossip is rife. It’s probably just as well that you came today Sebastian, some of the gossips wondered if their missing men had gone after Yolanda!’

  ‘I can certainly assure them she has not left my sight,’ Sebastian assured.

  ‘Has your heat ended?’ Clarice asked.

  ‘You cannot tell?’ Sebastian queried and then glanced at Megan and gave her a small bow.

  ‘Megan has worked one of her wonders to shield your scent then?’ Schubert asked.

  ‘Yes. I had not realised her spell was so effective that an immortal female cannot even detect heat. Useful, but disturbing.’

  ‘I need to check on my preparations for tomorrow,’ Yolanda announced. ‘Are you happy to stay here? I can let Megan release you from the spell then. It’s tiring for her to maintain something like that for long.’

  ‘I should come with you.’

  ‘I won’t be alone; Clarice and Megan will be coming too and you’d be quickly bored out of your mind. Brendon can come and look after us.’

  ‘I can, can I?’ Brendon asked.

  ‘Of course. You never get in the way. You’re the ideal one to guard us.’

  ‘Yolanda, give him a break,’ Schubert reproved. ‘Women started fighting over Brendon the last time he ventured into the village for supplies. We will all accompany you to the village.’

  ‘Schubert! This is meant to be girl time,’ she complained.

  ‘Zach, were you planning on letting Megan go into the village alone?’

  ‘Certainly not,’ Zacharias assured him promptly and watched Schubert use this backup to quell Yolanda. Sebastian watched the interplay curiously and with some uncertainty.

  ‘Very well, you may accompany us, but we shall require some space,’ Yolanda insisted and Schubert acquiesced.

  ‘What happened to Brendon?’ Megan asked Schubert once Brendon had gone off down the corridor to the room he was sharing with Julius.

  ‘I’m not sure how it started. I spotted him being kissed and rather demandingly, outside in the street, just where he’d be unable to take it further. He pulled away when two other women came up to them and then the women started bickering amongst themselves, trapping him up against a house wall. I don’t know if they were just trying to make their men jealous, but they were fighting over him! One of the others grabbed him and she kissed him in a rather eye-popping manner too. It was as though he was in heat. Animus don’t go into heat do they?’

  ‘No, but he’s a single and very attractive young man. He’s also animus, so he’s got magic and the wonderfully caring and protective traits of a dog. What’s not to like?’ Megan glanced up sensing a presence and noticed Brendon in his dog form standing in the shadowy doorway listening. She held out her hand towards him and he trotted over, ducking his head under her
hand and sitting before her, his tail wagging.

  ‘You made Schubert envious,’ she told the dog and stroked the top of his head. ‘I bet he wishes women were fighting over him for kisses,’ she added with a grin. She felt Brendon’s embarrassment fade, replaced by a male satisfaction at getting one over on Schubert. ‘Don’t worry Brendon, I’ll protect you,’ she added quietly and his nose went up under her hair taking her scent then his tongue came out and gave a small lick to her cheek.

  ‘Mine,’ Zacharias grumbled.

  ‘Possessive, isn’t he,’ Megan said to the dog.

  Brendon glanced at Zach and knew he was uncomfortable with how close Megan was letting him get to her. He went over to his friend and met his gaze trying to convey that it was simple friendliness.

  Zacharias reached down and scratched Brendon’s head briefly. He knew animus, and especially those who took social forms, were also tactile. They needed company and touch just as much as they needed food. Brendon hadn’t been coming on to Megan in any inappropriate manner, but he couldn’t help being aware Brendon was actually a man. ‘Come on buddy; let’s take the ladies back into the village so they can do their shopping.’ Brendon returned to all fours and wagged his tail happily. ‘If you’re that irresistible to the womenfolk, I suppose you’ll be safer staying as you are though.’

  Brendon sneezed, expressing his opinion the only way he could, and everyone laughed. Shortly all of them were walking back down to the village. Clarice, Schubert, Julius and Brendon had their outfits already made and waiting back at the house. The tailor could therefore concentrate on finalising Zacharias’s attire while the others took care of some of the other organisational details for tomorrow. They also took turns keeping watch, backing Brendon who actually stayed with the women. The women meanwhile helped the seamstress finish altering the dress Yolanda had ordered for Megan, helping her choose her shoes and the other finishing touches.

  Zacharias could feel happiness coursing through his veins echoed along the link with his Megan. They were preparing for the ceremony that would officially declare them husband and wife. After eighty years of waiting, he was only hours away. Fearing something would happen to prevent their joining, he kept her guarded at all times and remained close to his friends. He kept an eye on the skies too and knew he was not alone in keeping a wary watch all around them. Nothing could be allowed to prevent this joining.

  After all their tense vigilance and worry, it was a huge relief to stand before their friends and the village to declare their commitment to one another officially. Zacharias swept her off her feet to kiss her soundly at the end of the ceremony. He rested his hands on her tiny waist, covering the child he’d put there; his happiness overflowing. She looked completely stunning in a full pale gold gown that left her shoulders and much of her back bare, but swirled around her ankles. Her long dark hair fell in ringlets from a crown of gold flowers. Her smile and the love shining from her dark eyes captivated him and made all those years of waiting for this moment worthwhile. He would never forget the perfection of this moment, how she looked and his own happiness.

  They stood, sheltered by an archway covered in fragrant flowers and turned to gaze at their friends and the whole village who had gathered to bear witness and share their celebration. It didn’t matter that they were using someone else’s garden, or that the guests had each been asked to bring a chair. The atmosphere was festive and smiles abounded. Megan was now officially part of the immortal community and that was no small thing. She laughed and joked with everyone, overflowing with happiness, as she and Zacharias mingled after the ceremony. The covers were whisked off the food and they were called over to cut the artfully decorated cake. Then they were free to eat. They had first pick of the fantastic array of food laid out for them and their guests. She, like the majority of the women guests, was now eating for two and so the selection was diverse, beautifully flavoured and presented, but healthy.

  Later, space was cleared and a band struck up with a whole series of jolly tunes. Ale and a fruit punch flowed freely and everyone danced the night away, sharing in the joy and hope that this couple had introduced to all their lives.


  ‘Where should we go?’ Megan asked at breakfast the following morning. ‘We’ve already stayed here longer than is wise.’

  ‘I need to return home,’ Schubert said. ‘There are things I need to sort out if I’m to return here,’ he added, glancing at Clarice. ‘Also, the lad from the village I have popping in to feed the chickens, isn’t going to be happy doing that forever just in payment of any eggs he finds, especially if the food I’ve bought runs out. You’re welcome to stay at my place Zach, if you’d like.’

  ‘That’s a very generous offer,’ Zacharias responded and looked across at Megan. They had been found at Schubert’s home by the Mistry, but on the basis that the creature had admitted he’d tracked them there from the Scritcher hive and had orchestrated the whole attack, Zacharias wasn’t too worried. He doubted the Mistry would have reported his failure to collect and deliver him before reaching the farm and since he’d died there, they sincerely hoped he hadn’t had a chance to tell anyone where he’d found them. Zacharias still felt unsettled that such a dangerous creature had been watching him, and remained undetected, for forty years. He now realised the Mistry was capable of disguising himself with a magical glamour. If he could take on a human appearance there was no reason he couldn’t assume other forms. Perhaps he’d hidden by copying the birds or even the trees around his home to spy? That explanation did nothing to calm his discomfort. Was he so unobservant that someone had managed to lurk unnoticed close to his home for so long?

  ‘I’m not going back there,’ Yolanda interjected quickly.

  ‘You are very welcome to stay with me Yolanda,’ Sebastian invited hopefully.

  ‘Or with me,’ Clarice added.

  ‘Thank you,’ Yolanda said, letting out her tense breath and smiling in happy relief to them both. Sebastian’s heat scent was almost gone, yet women had continually approached him to ask him to dance last night, much to her annoyance. She’d realised she was both jealous and possessive of him. She did not want to leave him and not just because he’d been wonderful over the last few days. She rather enjoyed his wit and his cultured manners reminded her of her parents and the early part of her childhood at court when she’d been happy. There was a lot to like about Sebastian and she fully planned to get to know him better, especially as he was offering. They didn’t yet know whether she had conceived, but if she had then that would be another reason to encourage an ongoing relationship. So far her plans seemed to be falling into place nicely. Even Clarice was happy; although her relationship with Schubert had been an unexpected development, Yolanda was happy for them. Both had been lonely for far too many years. Only time would tell however, if they would remain together beyond caring for any children they might have.

  ‘I should be returning home too,’ Julius added. ‘We can travel together and make further plans when we see what awaits us,’ he added.

  They packed up and were underway within the hour, everyone already having expected to be leaving imminently. They planned to keep to minor roads where there were fewer travellers and it was less likely their party would be spotted. They took the wagon; it might slow them down a little but it did give them the option of using it as a sheltered place to sleep in since Inns were scarce on the back roads.

  After clearly sensing the men returning from a hunt in the woods, Megan worked to create a mental shield spell that each man would power for himself. She realised that between three immortals, an animus and herself as a wizard, they probably made a very visible magical presence when travelling together. They’d been successfully targeted by wizards, in addition to the Mistry and his Scritchers. It made sense to reduce their magical signature. In any case, protecting these men’s thoughts from casual eavesdropping by any passing wizard was sensible. They all carried secrets that could be dangerous in the wrong ears. If they were mi
staken for a party of ordinary humans, it was less likely for a wizard’s curiosity to be triggered, come poking and discover each was a magical being.


  It took them just over a week to travel directly to Schubert’s home. They were all very relieved to discover it was just how they’d left it. Brendon of course hadn’t been there before and while the others made themselves at home he explored. It wasn’t every day that one got to see how an ancient immortal had chosen to live, or what things he had collected and surrounded himself with. The living room with its wall of weapons was fascinating and a little disturbing in that these were things Schubert must have used at one time or another. Alongside a variety of swords, spears and shields were a vicious battleaxe and a terrifying spiked Morningstar. Both were weapons designed to inflict hideous mortal injuries with a single blow, and were not for the faint-hearted. A longbow particularly caught his attention and he ran a reverent finger down the smooth wood. It was unusually long and would require a great deal of strength to pull, but its range would be correspondingly greater for the one able to use it.

  ‘Found my wall of death, then,’ Schubert commented, having followed him to the door to watch his reaction. Brendon had been training at a warrior academy; he would appreciate and perhaps know how to effectively use some of these weapons.

  ‘You have an amazing collection. Have you used all of these in battle?’

  ‘Not all in battle, but each has served its varying purpose.’ He fetched down the longbow Brendon had been admiring and handed it over. ‘Can you string it?’

  Brendon knew this was a test and accepted the string that went with it. He glanced at Zacharias and Julius briefly but they simply watched in silence. He ran a hand over the smooth timber respectfully and knew this was of the highest quality and had been well looked after. He bit his lip nervously, afraid of breaking it somehow, but he’d been taught the bow and knew the correct method. As he’d expected, simply stringing a bow large enough to suit a massive warrior like Schubert wasn’t easy, but he managed it.


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