The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV Page 707

by John MacArthur

  did not spare the a 2 Pet 2:4

  a who did not keep Jude 6

  Michael and his a Rev 12:7


  Cursed be their a Gen 49:7

  sun, that the fierce a Num 25:4

  fierceness of His a Deut 13:17

  of this great a Deut 29:24

  So the a of the LORD Judg 10:7

  to provoke Me to a 1 Kin 16:2

  For His a is but for a Ps 30:5

  a time He turned His a Ps 78:38

  made a path for His a Ps 78:50

  You prolong Your a Ps 85:5

  the power of Your a Ps 90:11

  gracious, slow to a Ps 103:8

  Nor will He keep His a Ps 103:9

  harsh word stirs up a Prov 15:1

  a sins against his own Prov 20:2

  a rests in the bosom Eccl 7:9

  a the Holy One of Is 1:4

  a is not turned away Is 5:25

  a is turned away Is 12:1

  ‘I will not cause My a Jer 3:12

  For great is the a Jer 36:7

  and I will send My a Ezek 7:3

  does not retain His a Mic 7:18

  fierceness of His a Nah 1:6

  a is kindled against Zech 10:3

  around at them with a Mark 3:5

  bitterness, wrath, a Eph 4:31


  Cain, “Why are you a Gen 4:6

  “Let not the Lord be a Gen 18:30

  the Son, lest He be a Ps 2:12

  judge, and God is a Ps 7:11

  When once You are a Ps 76:7

  Will you be a forever Ps 79:5

  friendship with an a Prov 22:24

  backbiting tongue an a Prov 25:23

  a man stirs up strife Prov 29:22

  in your spirit to be a Eccl 7:9

  I was a with My people Is 47:6

  nor will I always be a Is 57:16

  covetousness I was a Is 57:17

  right for you to be a Jon 4:4

  LORD has been very a Zech 1:2

  I am exceedingly a Zech 1:15

  you that whoever is a Matt 5:22

  “Be a, and do not sin” Eph 4:26

  Therefore I was a Heb 3:10

  with whom was He a Heb 3:17

  The nations were a Rev 11:18


  a has come upon me 2 Sam 1:9

  I will be in a over my Ps 38:18

  trouble and a have overtaken Ps 119:143

  longer remembers the a John 16:21

  tribulation and a Rom 2:9

  much affliction and a 2 Cor 2:4


  of every clean a Gen 7:2

  Whoever kills an a Lev 24:18

  the life of his a Prov 12:10

  set him on his own a Luke 10:34


  of a after their kind Gen 6:20

  sacrifices of fat a Ps 66:15

  of four-footed a Acts 10:12

  and four-footed a Rom 1:23


  tithe of mint and a Matt 23:23


  Aged prophetess, Luke 2:36–38


  A Jewish high priest, Luke 3:2

  Christ appeared before, John 18:12–24

  Peter and John appeared before, Acts 4:6


  and who will a Is 14:27

  years later, cannot a Gal 3:17


  one hand there is an a Heb 7:18


  is confirmed, no one a Gal 3:15


  You shall a them Ex 28:41

  but you shall not a Deut 28:40

  you shall a for Me the 1 Sam 16:3

  a yourself with oil 2 Sam 14:2

  a my head with oil Ps 23:5

  Arise, you princes, a Is 21:5

  a the Most Holy Dan 9:24

  when you fast, a Matt 6:17

  a My body for burial Mark 14:8

  they might come and a Mark 16:1

  a your eyes with eye Rev 3:18


  the priest, who is a Lev 16:32

  “Surely the LORD’s a 1 Sam 16:6

  destroy the LORD’s a 2 Sam 1:14

  he cursed the LORD’s a 2 Sam 19:21

  shows mercy to His a 2 Sam 22:51

  “Do not touch My a 1 Chr 16:22

  the LORD saves His a Ps 20:6

  because the LORD has a Is 61:1

  “These are the two a Zech 4:14

  Because He has a Luke 4:18

  but this woman has a Luke 7:46

  a the eyes of the John 9:6

  It was that Mary who a John 11:2

  Jesus, whom You a Acts 4:27

  and has a us is God 2 Cor 1:21


  also made the holy a Ex 37:29

  a oil on Aaron’s head Lev 8:12

  destroyed because of the a Is 10:27

  pray over him, a him James 5:14

  But you have an a 1 John 2:20

  but as the same a 1 John 2:27


  that you love one a John 13:34

  and He will give you a John 14:16

  ‘Let a take his Acts 1:20


  will give Pharaoh an a Gen 41:16

  a I should take back 2 Sam 24:13

  Him, he could not a Job 9:3

  Call, and I will a Job 13:22

  how shall I a Him Job 31:14

  and you shall a Job 40:7

  the day that I call, a Ps 102:2

  In Your faithfulness a Ps 143:1

  a turns away wrath Prov 15:1

  A man has joy by the a Prov 15:23

  He who gives a right a Prov 24:26

  a a fool according Prov 26:4

  was there none to a Is 50:2

  for there is no a Mic 3:7

  or what you should a Luke 12:11

  you may have an a 2 Cor 5:12

  ought to a each one Col 4:6


  a a matter before he Prov 18:13

  but the rich a Prov 18:23

  money a everything Eccl 10:19


  Go to the a Prov 6:6


  heard that the A 1 John 2:18

  a who denies the 1 John 2:22

  is the spirit of the A 1 John 4:3

  is a deceiver and an a 2 John 7


  ———In Syria:

  First Gentile church established, Acts 11:19–21

  Disciples first called “Christians” in, Acts 11:26

  Church commissions Paul, Acts 13:1–4; 15:35–41

  Church troubled by Judaizers, Acts 15:1–4; Gal 2:11–21

  ———In Pisidia:

  Paul visits; Jews reject the gospel, Acts 13:14, 42–51


  a which now saves us 1 Pet 3:21


  the multitude of my a Ps 94:19

  Try me, and know my a Ps 139:23


  A in the heart of man Prov 12:25

  eat their bread with a Ezek 12:19


  drink, nor have an a Luke 12:29

  Be a for nothing Phil 4:6


  that you shall set a Ex 13:12

  she shall be set a Lev 15:19

  the LORD has set a Ps 4:3

  justified by faith a Rom 3:28


  An Alexandrian Jew; instructed by Aquila and Priscilla and sent to Achaia, Acts 18:24–28

  Referred to as having ministered in Corinth, 1 Cor 1:12; 3:4, 22; 4:6; 16:12


  Angel of the bottomless pit, Rev 9:11


  called to be an a Rom 1:1

  inasmuch as I am an a Rom 11:13

  Am I not an a 1 Cor 9:1

  the signs of an a were 2 Cor 12:12

  a preacher and an a 1 Tim 2:7

  consider the A Heb 3:1


  of the twelve a Matt 10:2

m He also named a Luke 6:13

  of note among the a Rom 16:7

  displayed us, the a 1 Cor 4:9

  first a, second prophets 1 Cor 12:28

  am the least of the a 1 Cor 15:9

  to the most eminent a 2 Cor 11:5

  themselves into a 2 Cor 11:13

  none of the other a Gal 1:19

  gave some to be a Eph 4:11

  who say they are a Rev 2:2

  heaven, and you holy a Rev 18:20


  in this ministry and a Acts 1:25

  received grace and a Rom 1:5

  are the seal of my a 1 Cor 9:2

  in Peter for the a Gal 2:8


  is glorious in His a Is 63:1

  clothed with foreign a Zeph 1:8

  by them in white a Acts 1:10

  themselves in modest a 1 Tim 2:9

  gold rings, in fine a James 2:2

  or putting on fine a 1 Pet 3:3


  I a to Caesar Acts 25:11

  love’s sake I rather a Philem 9


  and let the dry land a Gen 1:9

  all your males shall a Ex 23:17

  all Israel comes to a Deut 31:11

  shall I come and a Ps 42:2

  Let Your work a Ps 90:16

  He shall a in His Ps 102:16

  doings your sins a Ezek 21:24

  faces that they may a Matt 6:16

  also outwardly a Matt 23:28

  kingdom of God would a Luke 19:11

  For we must all a 2 Cor 5:10

  for Him He will a Heb 9:28

  and the sinner a 1 Pet 4:18


  Do not look at his a 1 Sam 16:7

  a is blacker than soot Lam 4:8

  As He prayed, the a Luke 9:29

  judge according to a John 7:24

  those who boast in a 2 Cor 5:12

  to the outward a 2 Cor 10:7

  found in a as a man Phil 2:8

  indeed have an a Col 2:23


  an angel of the Lord a Luke 1:11

  who a in glory and Luke 9:31

  brings salvation has a Titus 2:11

  of the ages, He has a Heb 9:26


  Lord Jesus Christ’s a 1 Tim 6:14

  been revealed by the a 2 Tim 1:10

  and the dead at His a 2 Tim 4:1

  who have loved His a 2 Tim 4:8

  hope and glorious a Titus 2:13


  can stand when He a Mal 3:2

  who is our life a Col 3:4

  the Chief Shepherd a 1 Pet 5:4

  in Him, that when He a 1 John 2:28


  or satisfy the a Job 38:39

  are a man given to a Prov 23:2


  He kept him as the a Deut 32:10

  And my law as the a Prov 7:2

  Like an a tree among Song 2:3

  touches the a of His eye Zech 2:8


  fitly spoken is like a Prov 25:11

  refresh me with a Song 2:5


  a my heart to know Eccl 7:25


  I will even a terror Lev 26:16

  a each of them to his Num 4:19

  a me ruler over the 2 Sam 6:21

  a salvation for walls Is 26:1

  For God did not a 1 Thess 5:9

  a elders in every city Titus 1:5


  You have a his limits Job 14:5

  To release those a Ps 102:20

  And as it is a for men Heb 9:27


  a anyone who is near Lev 18:6

  And cause to a You Ps 65:4

  year, make those who a Heb 10:1


  take delight in a God Is 58:2

  as you see the Day a Heb 10:25


  their posterity who a Ps 49:13

  do the same but also a Rom 1:32

  a the things that Rom 2:18

  a the things that are Phil 1:10


  to God and a by men Rom 14:18

  to present yourself a 2 Tim 2:15

  when he has been a James 1:12


  Paul’s host in Corinth, Acts 18:2, 3

  Travels to Syria and Ephesus with Paul, Acts 18:18, 19

  Instructs Apollos, Acts 18:24–26

  Esteemed by Paul, Rom 16:3, 4


  A chief Moabite city, Num 21:15

  On Israel’s route, Deut 2:18

  Destroyed by Sihon, Num 21:28

  Destroyed by God, Is 15:1


  Pays tribute to Solomon, 1 Kin 10:14, 15

  Plunders Jerusalem, 2 Chr 21:16, 17

  Defeated by Uzziah, 2 Chr 26:1, 7

  Denounced by prophets, Is 21:13–17


  Site of ark’s landing, Gen 8:4

  Assassins flee to, 2 Kin 19:37; Is 37:38

  ARAUNAH (or Ornan)

  A Jebusite, 2 Sam 24:15–25

  His threshing floor bought by David, 2 Sam 24:18–25

  becomes site of temple, 2 Chr 3:1

  Also called Ornan, 1 Chr 21:18–28


  a judge or an a over Luke 12:14


  with the voice of an a 1 Thess 4:16

  Yet Michael the a Jude 9


  Son of Herod the Great, Matt 2:22


  Paul preaches at, Acts 17:18–34


  fill my mouth with a Job 23:4

  casting down a and 2 Cor 10:5


  Ezra’s friend, Ezra 8:15–17

  ———Name applied to Jerusalem, Is 29:1, 2, 7


  needy, now I will a Ps 12:5

  A for our help Ps 44:26

  Let God a Ps 68:1

  A, shine; for your light Is 60:1

  But the LORD will a Is 60:2

  Righteousness shall a Mal 4:2

  I will a and go to Luke 15:18

  you who sleep, a Eph 5:14


  A Macedonian Christian, Acts 19:29

  Accompanies Paul, Acts 20:1, 4

  Imprisoned with Paul, Col 4:10


  Make yourself an a Gen 6:14

  she took an a of bulrushes Ex 2:3

  Bezalel made the a Ex 37:1

  seat which is on the a Lev 16:2

  Let us bring the a 1 Sam 4:3

  golden censer and the a Heb 9:4

  of Noah, while the a 1 Pet 3:20

  in heaven, and the a Rev 11:19


  with an outstretched a Ex 6:6

  “Has the LORD’s a Num 11:23

  With him is an a 2 Chr 32:8

  a that has no strength Job 26:2

  Have you an a like God Job 40:9

  Break the a of the Ps 10:15

  You have a mighty a Ps 89:13

  a have gained Him the Ps 98:1

  a shall rule for Him Is 40:10

  therefore His own a Is 59:16

  strength with His a Luke 1:51

  with an uplifted a Acts 13:17

  a yourselves also with 1 Pet 4:1



  Possible site of final battle, Rev 16:16


  You have a me with 2 Sam 22:40

  a strong man, fully a Luke 11:21


  make captains of the a Deut 20:9

  “I defy the a 1 Sam 17:10

  any number to His a Job 25:3

  not go out with our a Ps 60:10

  And he sent out his a Matt 22:7

  surrounded by a Luke 21:20

  And the a in heaven Rev 19:14

  the earth, and their a Rev 19:19


  but he put his a 1 Sam 17:54

  spears, put on
the a Jer 46:4

  let us put on the a Rom 13:12

  Put on the whole a Eph 6:11


  are the everlasting a Deut 33:27

  into the clash of a Job 39:21

  It is God who a Ps 18:32

  My a will judge the Is 51:5

  wounds between your a Zech 13:6

  took them up in His a Mark 10:16

  took Him up in his a Luke 2:28


  went out before the a 2 Chr 20:21

  the multitude of an a Ps 33:16

  an exceedingly great a Ezek 37:10

  the number of the a Rev 9:16


  Boundary between Moab and Ammon, Num 21:13, 26

  Border of Reuben, Deut 3:12, 16

  Ammonites reminded of, Judg 11:18–26


  smelled a soothing a Gen 8:21

  To the one we are the a 2 Cor 2:16

  for a sweet-smelling a Eph 5:2

  a sweet-smelling a Phil 4:18


  the LORD was greatly a Num 11:10

  his wrath was a Job 32:2

  Then Joseph, being a Matt 1:24


  A son of Shem, Gen 10:22, 24

  Born two years after the flood, Gen 11:10–13

  An ancestor of Christ, Luke 3:36


  his glory was not a Matt 6:29

  “Who are these a Rev 7:13

  The woman was a Rev 17:4


  when they a you Mark 13:11


  Pride and a and the Prov 8:13

  I will halt the a Is 13:11


  the fruit of the a Is 10:12

  My sanctuary, your a boast Ezek 24:21


  deliverance and the a 2 Kin 13:17

  a cannot make him flee Job 41:28

  make ready their a Ps 11:2

  a that flies by day Ps 91:5

  a sword, and a sharp a Prov 25:18

  Their tongue is an a Jer 9:8

  as a target for the a Lam 3:12


  He sent out a and 2 Sam 22:15

  a pierce me deeply Ps 38:2

  There He broke the a Ps 76:3

  Like a in the hand of Ps 127:4

  He has caused the a Lam 3:13

  were sworn over Your a Hab 3:9


  Artaxerxes I, king of Persia (465–425 B.C.), authorizes Ezra’s mission to Jerusalem, Ezra 7:1–28

  Temporarily halts rebuilding program at Jerusalem, Ezra 4:7–23

  Authorizes Nehemiah’s mission, Neh 2:1–10

  Permits Nehemiah to return, Neh 13:6


  Worship of, at Ephesus, creates uproar, Acts 19:23–41


  Third king of Judah; restores true worship, 1 Kin 15:8–15; 2 Chr 14–15

  Hires Ben-Hadad against Baasha; rebuked by a prophet, 1 Kin 15:16–22; 2 Chr 16:1–10

  Diseased, seeks physicians rather than the Lord, 2 Chr 16:12

  Death and burial, 2 Chr 16:13, 14


  David’s nephew; captain in his army; noted for valor, 2 Sam 2:18; 23:24; 1 Chr 2:16; 27:7

  Killed by Abner, 2 Sam 2:19–23

  Avenged by Joab, 2 Sam 3:27, 30


  A Levite choir leader under David and Solomon, 1 Chr 15:16–19; 16:1–7; 2 Chr 5:6, 12


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