The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV Page 708

by John MacArthur

  Twelve Psalms assigned to, 2 Chr 29:30; Ps 50; 73–83


  Who may a into the Ps 24:3

  If I a into heaven Ps 139:8

  ‘I will a into heaven Is 14:13

  a as high as the eagle Obad 4

  see the Son of Man a John 6:62


  You have a on high Ps 68:18

  Who has a into heaven Prov 30:4

  No one has a John 3:13

  “When He a on high Eph 4:8

  also the One who a Eph 4:10

  And they a to heaven Rev 11:12


  angels of God were a Gen 28:12

  the angels of God a John 1:51


  a greatness to our God Deut 32:3

  a righteousness Job 36:3

  A strength to God Ps 68:34


  Daughter of Poti-Pherah and wife of Joseph, Gen 41:45

  Mother of Manasseh and Ephraim, Gen 41:50–52; 46:20


  I am too a and Ezra 9:6

  all my enemies be a Ps 6:10

  Let me not be a Ps 25:2

  who waits on You be a Ps 25:3

  The wise men are a Jer 8:9

  forsake You shall be a Jer 17:13

  And Israel shall be a Hos 10:6

  For whoever is a Mark 8:38

  am not a of the gospel Rom 1:16

  nothing I shall be a Phil 1:20

  Therefore God is not a Heb 11:16

  in Christ may be a 1 Pet 3:16

  let him not be a 1 Pet 4:16

  and not be a before 1 John 2:28


  One of five Philistine cities, Josh 13:3

  Seat of Dagon worship, 1 Sam 5:1–8

  Opposes Nehemiah, Neh 4:7

  Women of, marry Jews, Neh 13:23, 24

  Called Azotus, Acts 8:40


  Jacob’s second son by Zilpah, Gen 30:12, 13

  Goes to Egypt with Jacob, Gen 46:8, 17

  Blessed by Jacob, Gen 49:20

  ———Tribe of:

  Census of, Num 1:41; 26:47

  Slow to fight against Canaanites, Judg 1:31, 32; 5:17

  Among Gideon’s army, Judg 6:35; 7:23

  A godly remnant among, 2 Chr 30:11


  The female counterpart of Baal, Judg 3:7; 1 Kin 18:19

  Image of, erected by Manasseh in the temple, 2 Kin 21:7

  Vessels of, destroyed by Josiah, 2 Kin 23:4

  ———Translated “wooden images,” idols used in the worship of Asherah, Ex 34:13; Deut 12:3; 16:21; 1 Kin 16:32, 33; 2 Kin 23:6, 7


  are proverbs of a Job 13:12

  become like dust and a Job 30:19

  For I have eaten a Ps 102:9

  He feeds on a Is 44:20

  sackcloth and sat in a Jon 3:6

  in sackcloth and a Luke 10:13

  and the a of a heifer Heb 9:13


  One of five Philistine cities, Josh 13:3; Jer 47:5, 7

  Captured by Judah, Judg 1:18

  Men of, killed by Samson, Judg 14:19, 20

  Repossessed by Philistines, 1 Sam 6:17; 2 Sam 1:20

  Doom of, pronounced by the prophets, Jer 47:5, 7; Amos 1:8; Zeph 2:4, 7; Zech 9:5


  A city in Bashan; residence of King Og, Deut 1:4; Josh 12:4

  Captured by Israel, Josh 9:10

  ———A general designation of the Canaanite female deities, 1 Sam 7:3, 4; 31:10


  A mother-goddess worshiped by the Philistines, 1 Sam 31:10

  Israel ensnared by, Judg 2:13; 10:6

  Worshiped by Solomon, 1 Kin 11:5, 33

  Destroyed by Josiah, 2 Kin 23:13


  Paul forbidden to preach in, Acts 16:6

  Paul’s later ministry in, Acts 19:1–26

  Seven churches of, Rev 1:4, 11


  lay something a, storing 1 Cor 16:2

  lay a all filthiness James 1:21

  Therefore, laying a 1 Pet 2:1


  “Why is it that you a Gen 32:29

  when your children a Josh 4:6

  A of Me, and I will give Ps 2:8

  “A a sign for yourself Is 7:11

  They shall a the way Jer 50:5

  the young children a Lam 4:4

  A the LORD for rain in Zech 10:1

  whatever things you a Matt 21:22

  a, and it will be Luke 11:9

  that whatever You a John 11:22

  a anything in My John 14:14

  in that day you will a John 16:23

  something, let them a 1 Cor 14:35

  above all that we a Eph 3:20

  wisdom, let him a James 1:5

  But let him a in faith James 1:6

  because you do not a James 4:2

  hears us, whatever we a 1 John 5:15


  For everyone who a Matt 7:8

  if his son a for bread Matt 7:9

  Or if he a for a fish Luke 11:11


  down, and was fast a Jon 1:5

  But He was a Matt 8:24

  but some have fallen a 1 Cor 15:6

  those who are a 1 Thess 4:15

  the fathers fell a 2 Pet 3:4


  of the God of Israel a Ezra 9:4

  behold, the kings a Ps 48:4


  not forsaking the a Heb 10:25


  to kill this whole a Ex 16:3

  It is a sacred a Lev 23:36

  a I will praise You Ps 22:22

  I have hated the a Ps 26:5

  also in the a of the Ps 89:5

  to be feared in the a Ps 89:7

  will rest in the a of the Prov 21:16

  fast, call a sacred a Joel 1:14

  people, sanctify the a Joel 2:16

  a I will sing praise Heb 2:12

  to the general a Heb 12:23

  come into your a James 2:2


  One of the sons of Shem; progenitor of the Assyrians, Gen 10:22; 1 Chr 1:17

  ———The chief god of the Assyrians; seen in names like Ashurbanipal (Osnapper), Ezra 4:10

  ———A city in Assyria or the nation of Assyria, Num 24:22, 24


  night, and have no a Deut 28:66

  riches of the full a Col 2:2

  Spirit and in much a 1 Thess 1:5

  to the full a of hope Heb 6:11

  a true heart in full a Heb 10:22


  a our hearts before 1 John 3:19


  I will give you a peace Jer 14:13

  learned and been a 2 Tim 3:14

  ASSYRIA (or Asshur)

  Founded by Nimrod, Gen 10:8–12; Mic 5:6

  Agent of God’s purposes, Is 7:17–20; 10:5, 6

  Attacks and finally conquers Israel, 2 Kin 15:19, 20, 29; 17:3–41

  Invades and threatens Judah, 2 Kin 18:13–37

  Hezekiah prays for help against; army miraculously slain, 2 Kin 19:1–35

  Prophecies concerning, Num 24:22–24; Is 10:12–19; 14:24, 25; 19:23–25; Hos 10:6; 11:5; Nah 3:1–19


  Just as many were a Is 52:14

  that the people were a Matt 7:28

  who heard Him were a Luke 2:47


  you shall become an a Deut 28:37

  a has taken hold Jer 8:21


  is a people who go a Ps 95:10

  a fool, shall not go a Is 35:8

  Their lies lead them a Amos 2:4

  and one of them goes a Matt 18:12

  ‘They always go a Heb 3:10

  like sheep going a 1 Pet 2:25


  Daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, 2 Kin 8:18, 26; 2 Chr 22:2, 3

  Kills royal children; usurps throne, 2 Kin 11:1–3; 2 Chr 22:10, 11

  Killed in priestly uprising, 2 Kin 11:4–16; 2 Chr 23:1–21


  Paul preaches in, Acts 17:15–34

  Paul resides in, 1 Thess 3:1


  a year he shall make a Ex 30:10

  priest shall make a Lev 16:30

  the blood that makes a Lev 17:11

  for it is the Day of A Lev 23:28

  what shall I make a 2 Sam 21:3

  offerings to make a Neh 10:33

  a is provided for Prov 16:6

  there will be no a Is 22:14

  I provide you an a Ezek 16:63


  It is high, I cannot a Ps 139:6

  understanding will a Prov 1:5

  How long until they a Hos 8:5

  worthy to a that age Luke 20:35

  by any means, I may a Phil 3:11


  just cause, O LORD, a Ps 17:1

  And a to the voice of Ps 86:6

  behold, I will a Jer 23:2


  My son, give a to my Prov 4:20

  Till I come, give a 1 Tim 4:13

  and you pay a to the James 2:3


  Let Your ears be a Ps 130:2

  the people were very a Luke 19:48


  a Man a by God to you Acts 2:22


  because you are an a Luke 19:21


  For God is not the a 1 Cor 14:33

  He became the a Heb 5:9

  unto Jesus, the a Heb 12:2


  a that exist are Rom 13:1

  of God, angels and a 1 Pet 3:22


  give some of your a Num 27:20

  Jew, wrote with full a Esth 9:29

  the righteous are in a Prov 29:2

  them as one having a Matt 7:29

  who are great exercise a Matt 20:25

  “All a has been given Matt 28:18

  a I will give You Luke 4:6

  and has given Him a John 5:27

  You have given Him a John 17:2

  has put in His own a Acts 1:7

  For there is no a Rom 13:1

  to have a symbol of a 1 Cor 11:10

  and all who are in a 1 Tim 2:2

  and rebuke with all a Titus 2:15

  defile the flesh, reject a Jude 8


  a trees without fruit Jude 12


  nor uncircumcision a Gal 5:6

  of a righteous man a James 5:16


  The city of On in Egypt near Cairo; known as Heliopolis, Gen 41:45; Ezek 30:17

  ———A name contemptuously applied to Bethel, Hos 10:5, 8

  ———Valley in Syria, Amos 1:5


  for He will a the Deut 32:43

  you that He will a Luke 18:8

  Beloved, do not a Rom 12:19

  a our blood on those Rev 6:10


  The a of blood Num 35:19

  the enemy and the a Ps 8:2

  God’s minister, an a Rom 13:4

  the Lord is the a 1 Thess 4:6


  It is God who a 2 Sam 22:48

  When He a blood Ps 9:12


  be satisfied when I a Ps 17:15

  I lie a Ps 102:7

  A, lute and harp Ps 108:2

  My eyes are a through Ps 119:148

  A, O north wind Song 4:16

  but my heart is a Song 5:2

  of the earth shall a Dan 12:2

  it is high time to a Rom 13:11

  A to righteousness 1 Cor 15:34

  “A, you who sleep Eph 5:14


  the wind drives a Ps 1:4

  Do not cast me a Ps 51:11

  A time to cast a Eccl 3:5

  fair one, and come a Song 2:10

  and the shadows flee a Song 2:17

  minded to put her a Matt 1:19

  and earth will pass a Matt 24:35

  and steal Him a Matt 27:64

  the rich He has sent a Luke 1:53

  of God who takes a John 1:29

  “I am going a John 8:21

  they cried out, “A John 19:15

  “They have taken a John 20:2

  crying out, “A Acts 21:36

  the veil is taken a 2 Cor 3:14

  Barnabas was carried a Gal 2:13

  unless the falling a 2 Thess 2:3

  in Asia have turned a 2 Tim 1:15

  heard, lest we drift a Heb 2:1

  if they fall a Heb 6:6

  which can never take a Heb 10:11

  that does not fade a 1 Pet 5:4

  the world is passing a 1 John 2:17

  and the heaven fled a Rev 20:11

  if anyone takes a Rev 22:19

  God shall take a Rev 22:19


  the world stand in a Ps 33:8

  my heart stands in a Ps 119:161


  a is this place Gen 28:17

  a thing that I will do Ex 34:10

  God, the great and a Deut 7:21

  God, mighty and a Deut 10:17

  Angel of God, very a Judg 13:6

  a deeds for Your land 2 Sam 7:23

  heaven, O great and a Neh 1:5

  hand shall teach You a Ps 45:4

  By a deeds in Ps 65:5

  a are Your works Ps 66:3

  He is a in His doing Ps 66:5

  O God, You are more a Ps 68:35

  He is a to the kings Ps 76:12

  Your great and a name Ps 99:3

  of the might of Your a Ps 145:6

  When You did a things Is 64:3

  with me as a mighty, a Jer 20:11

  her collapse was a Lam 1:9

  “O Lord, great and a Dan 9:4


  his ear with an a Ex 21:6

  you shall take an a Deut 15:17


  a stroke with the a Deut 19:5

  Abimelech took an a Judg 9:48

  a tree, the iron a 2 Kin 6:5

  If the a is dull Eccl 10:10

  a boast itself against Is 10:15

  And even now the a Matt 3:10


  A prophet who encourages King Asa, 2 Chr 15:1–8

  ———Son of King Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr 21:2

  ———King of Judah, 2 Kin 15:1

  ———A high priest who rebukes King Uzziah, 2 Chr 26:16–20

  ———Chief priest in the time of Hezekiah, 2 Chr 31:9, 10

  ———The Hebrew name of Abed-Nego, Dan 1:7


  Camp of Goliath, 1 Sam 17:1, 4, 17

  Besieged by Nebuchadnezzar, Jer 34:7

  BAAL (or Baals)

  Deities of Canaanite polytheism, Judg 10:10–14

  The male god of the Phoenicians and Canaanites; the counterpart of the female Ashtaroth, 2 Kin 23:5

  Nature of the worship of, 1 Kin 18:26, 28; 19:18; Ps 106:28; Jer 7:9; 19:5; Hos 9:10; 13:1, 2

  Worshiped by Israelites, Num 25:1–5; Judg 2:11–14; 3:7; 6:28–32; 1 Kin 16:31, 32; 2 Kin 21:3; Jer 11:13; Hos 2:8

  Ahaz makes images to, 2 Chr 28:1–4

  Overthrown by Elijah, 1 Kin 18:17–40

  by Josiah, 2 Kin 23:4, 5

  Denounced by prophets, Jer 19:4–6; Ezek 16:1, 2, 20, 21

  Historic retrospect, Rom 11:4

  BAAL PEOR (or Baal of Peor)

  A Moabite god; worshiped by Israelites, Num 25:1–9


  Site of David’s victory over the Philistines, 2 Sam 5:18–20

  Same as Perazim, Is 28:21


  A Philistine god at Ekron, 2 Kin 1:2

  Ahaziah inquires of, 2 Kin 1:2, 6, 16

  Also called Beelzebub, Matt 10:25; 12:24


  A town also known as Kirjath Jearim, Josh 15:9, 10


  Deities of Canaanite polytheism, Judg 10:10–14

Ensnare Israelites, Judg 2:11–14; 3:7

  Ahaz makes images to, 2 Chr 28:1–4


  A murderer of Ishbosheth, 2 Sam 4:1–12


  Usurps throne of Israel; his evil reign; wars with Judah, 1 Kin 15:16–16:7


  b is no different Eccl 10:11

  “What does this b Acts 17:18


  the profane and idle b 1 Tim 6:20


  the b leaped in my Luke 1:44

  You will find a B Luke 2:12

  for he is a b Heb 5:13


  A huge brick structure intended to magnify man and preserve the unity of the race, Gen 11:1–4

  Objectives of, thwarted by God, Gen 11:5–9


  Out of the mouth of b Ps 8:2

  b shall rule over them Is 3:4

  revealed them to b Matt 11:25

  ‘Out of the mouth of b Matt 21:16

  a teacher of b Rom 2:20

  as to carnal, as to b 1 Cor 3:1

  as newborn b 1 Pet 2:2


  Built by Nimrod; Tower of Babel, Gen 10:8–10; 11:1–9

  Descriptions of, Is 13:19; 14:4; Jer 51:44; Dan 4:30

  Jews carried captive to, 2 Kin 25:1–21; 2 Chr 36:5–21

  Inhabitants of, described, Is 47:1, 9–13; Jer 50:35–38; Dan 5:1–3

  Prophecies concerning, Is 13:1–22; Jer 21:1–7; 25:9–12; 27:5–8; 29:10; Jer 50:1–46; Dan 2:31–38; 7:2–4

  The prophetic city, Rev 14:8; 16:19; 17:1–18:24


  Jordan turned b Ps 114:3

  but a rod is for the b Prov 10:13

  for the fool’s b Prov 26:3

  I gave My b to those Is 50:6

  cast Me behind your b Ezek 23:35

  found Him, bring b word Matt 2:8

  plow, and looking b Luke 9:62

  they drew b and fell John 18:6

  I am sending him b Philem 12

  of those who draw b Heb 10:39

  someone turns him b James 5:19

  inside and on the b Rev 5:1


  b, haters of God Rom 1:30


  b tongue an angry Prov 25:23


  The b in heart will be Prov 14:14


  b will rebuke you Jer 2:19

  And I will heal your b Jer 3:22

  b have increased Jer 5:6

  for our b are many Jer 14:7


  fell off the seat b 1 Sam 4:18

  shadow ten degrees b 2 Kin 20:11


  speak to you either b Gen 24:50

  good for b or b for good Lev 27:10

  b tree bears b fruit Matt 7:17


  is sealed up in a b Job 14:17

  wages to put into a b Hag 1:6

  nor b for your Matt 10:10


  b twelve cakes with it Lev 24:5


  b unleavened cakes Ex 12:39

  b unleavened bread 1 Sam 28:24


  the butler and the b Gen 40:1


  of bread from the b Jer 37:21


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