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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

Page 753

by John MacArthur

  I will s with the 1 Cor 14:15

  assembly I will s Heb 2:12

  Let him s psalms James 5:13


  The s went before Ps 68:25

  male and female s Eccl 2:8


  His presence with s Ps 100:2

  and our tongue with s Ps 126:2

  the time of s has come Song 2:12

  break forth into s Is 14:7

  even with joy and s Is 35:2

  come to Zion with s Is 35:10

  and spiritual songs, s Eph 5:19


  who understands s Dan 8:23


  I s in deep mire Ps 69:2

  to s he cried out Matt 14:30


  You only, have I s Ps 51:4

  Jerusalem has s Lam 1:8

  Our fathers s and are Lam 5:7

  “Father, I have s Luke 15:18

  “Rabbi, who s John 9:2

  For as many as have s Rom 2:12

  for all have s and Rom 3:23

  marries, she has not s 1 Cor 7:28

  say that we have not s 1 John 1:10

  for the devil has s 1 John 3:8


  s He gives the work Eccl 2:26

  s does evil a hundred Eccl 8:12

  s destroys much good Eccl 9:18

  the city who was a s Luke 7:37

  s who repents than Luke 15:7

  can a man who is a s John 9:16

  the ungodly and the s 1 Pet 4:18


  in the path of s Ps 1:1

  therefore He teaches s Ps 25:8

  soul with s Ps 26:9

  s be consumed from the Ps 104:35

  son, if s entice you Prov 1:10

  The s in Zion are Is 33:14

  the righteous, but s Matt 9:13

  tax collectors and s Matt 11:19

  s love those who love Luke 6:32

  Galileans were worse s Luke 13:2

  God does not hear s John 9:31

  while we were still s Rom 5:8

  many were made s Rom 5:19

  the ungodly and for s 1 Tim 1:9

  the world to save s 1 Tim 1:15

  separate from s Heb 7:26

  such hostility from s Heb 12:3

  things which ungodly s Jude 15


  my iniquities and s Job 13:23

  from presumptuous s Ps 19:13

  You, our secret s Ps 90:8

  but he who s against Prov 8:36

  s have hidden His face Is 59:2

  the soul who s shall Ezek 18:4

  to make an end of s Dan 9:24

  if your brother s Matt 18:15

  I take away their s Rom 11:27

  s according to the 1 Cor 15:3

  are still in your s 1 Cor 15:17

  the forgiveness of s Eph 1:7

  s are clearly evident 1 Tim 5:24

  once to bear the s Heb 9:28

  If we confess our s 1 John 1:9

  propitiation for our s 1 John 2:2

  s are forgiven you 1 John 2:12

  Whoever s has neither 1 John 3:6

  you share in her s Rev 18:4


  See ZION

  Name given to all or part of Mt. Hermon, Deut 4:48


  Canaanite commander of Jabin’s army; slain by Jael, Judg 4:2–22


  are my mother and my s Job 17:14

  We have a little s Song 8:8

  is My brother and s Matt 12:50

  to you Phoebe our s Rom 16:1

  s is not under bondage 1 Cor 7:15


  Those who s in the Ps 69:12

  “Come down and s Is 47:1

  “Why do we s still Jer 8:14

  but to s on My right Matt 20:23

  and the Pharisees s Matt 23:2

  “S at My right hand Heb 1:13

  say to him, “You s James 2:3

  I will grant to s Rev 3:21

  heart, ‘I s as queen Rev 18:7


  God s on His holy Ps 47:8

  It is He who s above Is 40:22

  so that he s as God 2 Thess 2:4

  where the harlot s Rev 17:15


  You know my s down and Ps 139:2

  see the Son of Man s Mark 14:62

  where Christ is, s Col 3:1


  hand forget its s Ps 137:5

  nor favor to men of s Eccl 9:11

  them knowledge and s Dan 1:17

  forth to give you s Dan 9:22


  guided them by the s Ps 78:72


  God made tunics of s Gen 3:21

  LORD and said, “S Job 2:4

  have escaped by the s Job 19:20

  Ethiopian change his s Jer 13:23

  s is hot as an oven Lam 5:10


  He makes them also s Ps 29:6


  upon the mountains, s Song 2:8


  to say, Place of a S Matt 27:33


  s receded as a scroll Rev 6:14


  He will not be s Deut 7:10

  s hand becomes poor Prov 10:4

  The Lord is not s 2 Pet 3:9


  s his thousands 1 Sam 18:7

  beauty of Israel is s 2 Sam 1:19

  the dead, like the s Ps 88:5

  and all who were s Prov 7:26

  I shall be s in the Prov 22:13

  s men are not s Is 22:2

  no more cover her s Is 26:21

  and the s of the LORD Is 66:16

  and night for the s Jer 9:1

  Those s by the sword Lam 4:9

  the prophets, I have s Hos 6:5

  is the Lamb who was s Rev 5:12


  s your own mother’s Ps 50:20

  and whoever spreads s Prov 10:18


  be reverent, not s 1 Tim 3:11

  unforgiving, s 2 Tim 3:3

  in behavior, not s Titus 2:3


  as we are s reported Rom 3:8


  as sheep for the s Ps 44:22

  led as a lamb to the s Is 53:7

  but the Valley of S Jer 7:32

  “Feed the flock for s Zech 11:4

  as sheep for the s Rom 8:36


  that you were a s Deut 15:15

  commits sin is a s John 8:34

  you called while a s 1 Cor 7:21

  you are no longer a s Gal 4:7


  should no longer be s Rom 6:6

  though you were s Rom 6:17

  your members as s Rom 6:19

  do not become s 1 Cor 7:23


  s the righteous Gen 18:25

  s a righteous nation Gen 20:4

  Evil shall s the Ps 34:21

  Oh, that You would s Ps 139:19

  s them before me Luke 19:27


  God caused a deep s Gen 2:21

  the night, when deep s Job 4:13

  my eyes, lest I s Ps 13:3

  Why do You s Ps 44:23

  have sunk into their s Ps 76:5

  they are like a s Ps 90:5

  neither slumber nor s Ps 121:4

  He gives His beloved s Ps 127:2

  I will not give s Ps 132:4

  s will be sweet Prov 3:24

  For they do not s Prov 4:16

  A little s Prov 6:10

  Do not love s Prov 20:13

  The s of a laboring Eccl 5:12

  the spirit of deep s Is 29:10

  Also his s went from Dan 6:18

  I was in a deep s Dan 8:18

  deep s on my face Dan 10:9

  them, “Why do you s Luke 22:46

  among you, and many s 1 Cor 11:30

  We shall not all s 1 Cor 15:51

  “Awake, you who s Eph 5:14
r />   with Him those who s 1 Thess 4:14

  Therefore let us not s 1 Thess 5:6


  gently the lips of s Song 7:9


  is not dead, but s Matt 9:24

  “Are you still s Matt 26:45

  that night Peter was s Acts 12:6


  in labors, in s 2 Cor 6:5

  and toil, in s often 2 Cor 11:27


  wise son; he who s Prov 10:5

  “Our friend Lazarus s John 11:11


  I lay down and s Ps 3:5

  but while men s Matt 13:25


  is the one who is s Prov 12:9


  he had, and his s 1 Sam 17:40

  a stone in a s is he Prov 26:8


  their foot shall s Deut 32:35

  my footsteps may not s Ps 17:5


  way be dark and s Ps 35:6

  set them in s places Ps 73:18

  be to them like s Jer 23:12


  all the beautiful s Is 2:16


  but I am s of speech Ex 4:10

  He who is s to wrath Prov 14:29

  hear, s to speak, s James 1:19


  will you slumber, O s Prov 6:9


  delayed, they all s Matt 25:5


  upon men, while s Job 33:15


  ‘The place is too s Is 49:20

  I will make you s Jer 49:15

  may stand, for he is s Amos 7:2

  I will make you s Obad 2

  the day of s things Zech 4:10

  And I saw the dead, s Rev 20:12


  and he smelled the s Gen 27:27

  s there will be a Is 3:24


  s the battle from afar Job 39:25


  Him stricken, s Is 53:4


  went up like the s Gen 19:28

  s, because the LORD descended Ex 19:18

  s is driven away Ps 68:2

  are consumed like s Ps 102:3

  like a wineskin in s Ps 119:83

  like pillars of s Song 3:6

  a cloud and s by day Is 4:5

  house was filled with s Is 6:4

  s shall ascend forever Is 34:10

  vanish away like s Is 51:6

  fire and vapor of s Acts 2:19

  s arose out of the pit Rev 9:2

  was filled with s Rev 15:8

  Her s rises up Rev 19:3


  speak to us s things Is 30:10

  And the rough places s Is 40:4

  though they speak s Jer 12:6

  the rough ways s Luke 3:5


  man, and I am a s Gen 27:11


  Site of one of the seven churches, Rev 1:11


  it will surely be a s Ex 23:33

  It became a s to Judg 8:27

  that she may be a s 1 Sam 18:21

  s snatches their Job 5:5

  and he walks into a s Job 18:8

  their table become a s Ps 69:22

  as a bird from the s Ps 124:7

  birds caught in a s Eccl 9:12

  and the pit and the s Is 24:17

  I have laid a s Jer 50:23

  s have come upon us Lam 3:47

  is a fowler’s s Hos 9:8

  a bird fall into a s Amos 3:5

  it will come as a s Luke 21:35

  temptation and a s 1 Tim 6:9

  and escape the s 2 Tim 2:26


  The wicked is s Ps 9:16

  and be broken, be s Is 8:15

  all of them are s Is 42:22


  the s of death Ps 18:5

  who seek my life lay s Ps 38:12

  and built great s Eccl 9:14

  wait as one who sets s Jer 5:26


  s the fatherless Job 24:9

  neither shall anyone s John 10:28


  s away what was Matt 13:19


  and you s at it Mal 1:13


  they s at the wind Jer 14:6


  s strikes terror Job 39:20


  and heat consume the s Job 24:19

  For He says to the s Job 37:6

  the treasury of s Job 38:22

  shall be whiter than s Ps 51:7

  He gives s like wool Ps 147:16

  As s in summer and Prov 26:1

  She is not afraid of s Prov 31:21

  shall be as white as s Is 1:18

  garment was white as s Dan 7:9

  clothing as white as s Matt 28:3

  wool, as white as s Rev 1:14


  their land shall be s Is 34:7


  lye, and use much s Jer 2:22


  of the day be s 1 Thess 5:8

  the older men be s Titus 2:2


  think, but to think s Rom 12:3

  we should live s Titus 2:12


  touched the s of his hip Gen 32:25


  and like vinegar on s Prov 25:20


  Lot chooses to live there, Gen 13:10–13

  Plundered by Chedorlaomer, Gen 14:8–24

  Abraham intercedes for, Gen 18:16–33

  Destroyed by God, Gen 19:1–29

  Cited as example of sin and destruction, Deut 29:23; 32:32; Is 1:9, 10; 3:9; Jer 23:14; 49:18; Lam 4:6; Ezek 16:46–63; Matt 11:23, 24; 2 Pet 2:6; Jude 7


  nor homosexuals, nor s 1 Cor 6:9

  for fornicators, for s 1 Tim 1:10


  his words were s Ps 55:21


  But no s had to lodge Job 31:32


  are strangers and s Lev 25:23

  I beg you as s 1 Pet 2:11


  s his birthright Gen 25:33

  the house that was s Lev 25:33

  their Rock had s Deut 32:30

  and He s them into the Judg 2:14

  s themselves to do 2 Kin 17:17

  Had we been s as male Esth 7:4

  who was s as a slave Ps 105:17

  s all that he had Matt 13:46

  they bought, they s Luke 17:28

  s their possessions Acts 2:45

  but I am carnal, s Rom 7:14

  Eat whatever is s 1 Cor 10:25


  hardship as a good s 2 Tim 2:3

  enlisted him as a s 2 Tim 2:4


  sum of money to the s Matt 28:12

  The s also mocked Luke 23:36

  s twisted a crown John 19:2


  saying, “The man s Gen 43:3

  s testified of the Acts 28:23


  heritage, who dwell s Mic 7:14


  God sets the s in Ps 68:6


  David’s son by Bathsheba, 2 Sam 12:24

  Becomes king, 1 Kin 1:5–53

  Receives and carries out David’s instructions, 1 Kin 2

  Prays for and demonstrates wisdom, 1 Kin 3:3–28; 4:29–34

  Builds and dedicates temple; builds palace, 1 Kin 5–8

  Lord appears to, 1 Kin 9:1–9

  His fame and glory, 1 Kin 9:10–10:29

  Falls into idolatry; warned by God, 1 Kin 11:1–13

  Adversaries arise, 1 Kin 11:14–40

  Death of, 1 Kin 11:41–43

  Writings credited to him, Ps 72; 127; Prov 1:1; 10:1; 25:1; Eccl 1:1; Song 1:1


  up, claiming to be s Acts 5:36


  “Simon, I have s
Luke 7:40

  thinks himself to be s Gal 6:3


  Me, ‘You are My S Ps 2:7

  I was my father’s s Prov 4:3

  s makes a glad father Prov 10:1

  s is a grief to his Prov 17:25

  And what, s of my womb Prov 31:2

  is born, unto us a S Is 9:6

  heaven, O Lucifer, s Is 14:12

  fourth is like the S Dan 3:25

  He is an unwise s Hos 13:13

  prophet, nor was I a s Amos 7:14

  s honors his father Mal 1:6

  will bring forth a S Matt 1:21

  “This is My beloved S Matt 3:17

  Jesus, You S of God Matt 8:29

  not the carpenter’s s Matt 13:55

  You are the S of God Matt 14:33

  are the Christ, the S Matt 16:16

  of all he sent his s Matt 21:37

  Whose S is He Matt 22:42

  ‘Lord,’ how is He his S Matt 22:45

  as much a s of hell Matt 23:15

  of the S of Man Matt 24:37

  ‘I am the S of God Matt 27:43

  “Truly this was the S Matt 27:54

  of Jesus Christ, the S Mark 1:1

  called the S of the Luke 1:32

  out, the only s Luke 7:12

  And if a s of peace Luke 10:6

  to be called your s Luke 15:19

  because he also is a s Luke 19:9

  The only begotten S John 1:18

  that this is the S John 1:34

  of the only begotten S John 3:18

  S can do nothing John 5:19

  s abides forever John 8:35

  you believe in the S John 9:35

  I said, ‘I am the S John 10:36

  “Woman, behold your s John 19:26

  Jesus Christ is the S Acts 8:37

  declared to be the S Rom 1:4

  in the gospel of His S Rom 1:9

  by sending His own S Rom 8:3

  not spare His own S Rom 8:32

  S Himself will also be 1 Cor 15:28

  live by faith in the S Gal 2:20

  God sent forth His S Gal 4:4

  longer a slave but a s Gal 4:7

  the knowledge of the S Eph 4:13

  you for my s Onesimus Philem 10

  “You are My S Heb 1:5

  but Christ as a S over His Heb 3:6

  though He was a S Heb 5:8

  but made like the S Heb 7:3

  to be called the s Heb 11:24

  “This is My beloved S 2 Pet 1:17

  Whoever denies the S 1 John 2:23

  God has given of His S 1 John 5:10

  One like the S of Man Rev 1:13


  is my strength and s Ex 15:2

  Sing to Him a new s Ps 33:3

  He has put a new s Ps 40:3

  in the night His s Ps 42:8

  me, and I am the s Ps 69:12

  asked of us a s Ps 137:3

  I will sing a new s Ps 144:9

  to my Well-beloved a s Is 5:1

  their taunting s Lam 3:14

  I am their taunting s Lam 3:63

  as a very lovely s Ezek 33:32

  They sang a new s Rev 5:9

  And they sing the s Rev 15:3


  my Maker, who gives s Job 35:10

  surround me with s Ps 32:7

  have been my s in the Ps 119:54

  Sing us one of the s Ps 137:3

  is one who sings s Prov 25:20

  and spiritual s Eph 5:19


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