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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

Page 754

by John MacArthur


  s come to honor Job 14:21

  shall be Your s Ps 45:16

  my beloved among the s Song 2:3

  s shall come from afar Is 60:4

  “Has Israel no s Jer 49:1

  The precious s of Zion Lam 4:2

  ‘You are the s Hos 1:10

  He will purify the s Mal 3:3

  to him, “Then the s Matt 17:26

  and you will be s Luke 6:35

  that you may become s John 12:36

  You are s of the Acts 3:25

  of God, these are s Rom 8:14

  who are of faith are s Gal 3:7

  the adoption as s Gal 4:5

  because you are s Gal 4:6

  You are all s of light 1 Thess 5:5

  in bringing many s Heb 2:10

  speaks to you as to s Heb 12:5

  illegitimate and not s Heb 12:8


  for it is s cut off Ps 90:10

  s forgot His works Ps 106:13


  or bound up, or s Is 1:6


  omens, or a s Deut 18:10

  But Elymas the s Acts 13:8


  soothsayers, or your s Jer 27:9

  outside are dogs and s Rev 22:15


  shall not permit a s Ex 22:18


  For there is no s Num 23:23

  idolatry, s Gal 5:20


  and putrefying s Is 1:6

  Lazarus, full of s Luke 16:20


  multiply your s Gen 3:16

  s dances before him Job 41:22

  in my soul, having s Ps 13:2

  s is continually Ps 38:17

  I found trouble and s Ps 116:3

  And He adds no s Prov 10:22

  the heart may s Prov 14:13

  S is better than Eccl 7:3

  Therefore remove s Eccl 11:10

  and desperate s Is 17:11

  you shall cry for s Is 65:14

  to see labor and s Jer 20:18

  Your s is incurable Jer 30:15

  added grief to my s Jer 45:3

  gather those who s Zeph 3:18

  them sleeping from s Luke 22:45

  s has filled your John 16:6

  s will be turned John 16:20

  that I have great s Rom 9:2

  s produces repentance 2 Cor 7:10

  lest I should have s Phil 2:27

  s as others who have 1 Thess 4:13

  no more death, nor s Rev 21:4


  am a woman of s spirit 1 Sam 1:15

  But I am poor and s Ps 69:29

  For all his days are s Eccl 2:23

  replenished every s Jer 31:25

  were exceedingly s Matt 17:23

  saying, he went away s Matt 19:22

  soul is exceedingly s Matt 26:38

  and went away s Mark 10:22

  and you will be s John 16:20

  if I make you s 2 Cor 2:2

  and I may be less s Phil 2:28


  the s of Sheol 2 Sam 22:6

  s God distributes Job 21:17

  s shall be multiplied Ps 16:4

  by men, a Man of s Is 53:3

  are the beginning of s Matt 24:8

  through with many s 1 Tim 6:10


  s that He had made man Gen 6:6

  who will be s for you Is 51:19

  And the king was s Matt 14:9

  For you were made s 2 Cor 7:9


  Ruler of the synagogue at Corinth, Acts 18:17

  ———Paul’s Christian brother, 1 Cor 1:1


  I s the LORD Ps 34:4

  whole heart I have s Ps 119:10

  s the one I love Song 3:1

  shall be called S Out Is 62:12

  So I s for a man Ezek 22:30

  s what was lost Ezek 34:4

  s favor from Him Hos 12:4

  LORD, and have not s Zeph 1:6

  s it diligently Heb 12:17


  s enter their council Gen 49:6

  with all your s Deut 6:5

  was knit to the s 1 Sam 18:1

  your heart and your s 1 Chr 22:19

  “My s loathes my life Job 10:1

  as you do, if your s Job 16:4

  s draws near the Pit Job 33:22

  will not leave my s Ps 16:10

  converting the s Ps 19:7

  He restores my s Ps 23:3

  s shall make its boast Ps 34:2

  s shall be joyful Ps 35:9

  you cast down, O my s Ps 42:5

  s silently waits Ps 62:1

  He has done for my s Ps 66:16

  Let my s live Ps 119:175

  s knows very well Ps 139:14

  No one cares for my s Ps 142:4

  so destroys his own s Prov 6:32

  me wrongs his own s Prov 8:36

  it is not good for a s Prov 19:2

  A satisfied s loathes Prov 27:7

  When You make His s Is 53:10

  s delight itself Is 55:2

  and your s shall live Is 55:3

  you have heard, O my s Jer 4:19

  the s of the father as Ezek 18:4

  the proud, his s Hab 2:4

  able to destroy both s Matt 10:28

  and loses his own s Matt 16:26

  with all your s Matt 22:37

  Now My s is troubled John 12:27

  of one heart and one s Acts 4:32

  your whole spirit, s 1 Thess 5:23

  to the saving of the s Heb 10:39

  his way will save a s James 5:20

  his righteous s 2 Pet 2:8

  health, just as your s 3 John 2


  and will save the s Ps 72:13

  and he who wins s Prov 11:30

  s shall be like a Jer 31:12

  who made our very s Jer 38:16

  unsettling your s Acts 15:24

  is able to save your s James 1:21


  s heart is life Prov 14:30

  one rises up at the s Eccl 12:4

  voice was like the s Ezek 43:2

  s an alarm in My holy Joel 2:1

  do not s a trumpet Matt 6:2

  s words which you 2 Tim 1:13

  that they may be s Titus 1:13


  There is no s in my Ps 38:3

  him this perfect s Acts 3:16


  Dreadful s are in his Job 15:21

  a distinction in the s 1 Cor 14:7


  s trouble reap Job 4:8

  then let me s Job 31:8

  s fields and plant Ps 107:37

  Those who s in tears Ps 126:5

  the wind will not s Eccl 11:4

  Blessed are you who s Is 32:20

  ground, and do not s Jer 4:3

  “They s the wind Hos 8:7

  S for yourselves Hos 10:12

  s is not made alive 1 Cor 15:36


  may give seed to the s Is 55:10

  “Behold, a s went Matt 13:3


  shall they be s Is 40:24

  a land not s Jer 2:2

  “You have s much Hag 1:6

  s spiritual things 1 Cor 9:11

  It is s in weakness 1 Cor 15:43

  of righteousness is s James 3:18


  s righteousness will Prov 11:18

  s the good seed is the Matt 13:37

  ‘One s and another John 4:37

  s sparingly will 2 Cor 9:6

  for whatever a man s Gal 6:7


  The LORD would not s Deut 29:20

  hand, but s his life Job 2:6

  S the poor and needy Ps 72:13

  I will not pity nor s Jer 13:14

  say, “S Your people Joel 2:17

  s them as a man spares Mal 3:17

  He who did not s Rom 8:32

  s the natu
ral branches Rom 11:21

  branches, He may not s Rom 11:21

  flesh, but I would s 1 Cor 7:28

  if God did not s 2 Pet 2:4


  s his rod hates his Prov 13:24


  the work of it as a s Is 1:31


  it is red, when it s Prov 23:31


  to trouble, as the s Job 5:7

  s you have kindled Is 50:11


  s has found a home Ps 84:3

  awake, and am like a s Ps 102:7


  more value than many s Matt 10:31


  Then they s on Him Matt 27:30

  in his ears, and He s Mark 7:33


  S to the rock Num 20:8

  only the word that I s Num 22:35

  s just once more Judg 6:39

  s good words to them 1 Kin 12:7

  oh, that God would s Job 11:5

  Will you s wickedly Job 13:7

  For God may s in one Job 33:14

  Will he s softly to Job 41:3

  Do not s in the Prov 23:9

  and a time to s Eccl 3:7

  If they do not s Is 8:20

  tongue He will s Is 28:11

  s anymore in His name Jer 20:9

  at the end it will s Hab 2:3

  s each man the truth Zech 8:16

  or what you should s Matt 10:19

  it is not you who s Matt 10:20

  to you when all men s Luke 6:26

  s what We know and John 3:11

  s what I have seen John 8:38

  He hears He will s John 16:13

  Spirit and began to s Acts 2:4

  Do all s with tongues 1 Cor 12:30

  I would rather s 1 Cor 14:19

  So s and so do as James 2:12


  s your own words Is 58:13

  while they are still s Is 65:24

  a proof of Christ s 2 Cor 13:3

  envy, and all evil s 1 Pet 2:1


  to face, as a man s Ex 33:11

  this day that God s Deut 5:24

  day that I am He who s Is 52:6

  He whom God has sent s John 3:34

  When he s a lie John 8:44

  he being dead still s Heb 11:4

  of sprinkling that s Heb 12:24


  lay hold on bow and s Jer 6:23

  His side with a s John 19:34


  whose teeth are s Ps 57:4

  and their s into Is 2:4

  pruning hooks into s Joel 3:10


  do you look at the s Matt 7:3


  and make you a s Nah 3:6

  we have been made a s 1 Cor 4:9

  He made a public s Col 2:15

  you were made a s Heb 10:33


  one language and one s Gen 11:1

  drop as the rain, my s Deut 32:2

  s settled on them as Job 29:22

  There is no s nor Ps 19:3

  s is not becoming Prov 17:7

  your s shall be low Is 29:4

  a people of obscure s Is 33:19

  not understand My s John 8:43

  s deceive the hearts Rom 16:18

  and his s contemptible 2 Cor 10:10

  I am untrained in s 2 Cor 11:6

  s always be with grace Col 4:6


  your mouth for the s Prov 31:8

  And he was s Matt 22:12


  they shall come with s Is 5:26


  judgment be executed s Ezra 7:26

  to me, deliver me s Ps 31:2

  I call, answer me s Ps 102:2


  Why do you s money for Is 55:2

  whatever more you s Luke 10:35

  I will very gladly s 2 Cor 12:15

  amiss, that you may s James 4:3


  strength shall be s Lev 26:20

  For my life is s Ps 31:10

  in vain, I have s Is 49:4

  “But when he had s Luke 15:14


  nor hot, I will s Rev 3:16


  s skillfully grasps Prov 30:28


  to them, “You are s Gen 42:9

  men who had been s Josh 6:23

  s who pretended Luke 20:20


  very costly oil of s John 12:3


  neither toil nor s Matt 6:28


  her hand holds the s Prov 31:19


  And the S of God was Gen 1:2

  S shall not strive Gen 6:3

  in whom is the S Gen 41:38

  and everyone whose s Ex 35:21

  S that is upon you Num 11:17

  And the S rested upon Num 11:26

  LORD would put His S Num 11:29

  he has a different s Num 14:24

  in whom is the S Num 27:18

  portion of your s 2 Kin 2:9

  there was no more s 2 Chr 9:4

  s came forward and 2 Chr 18:20

  also gave Your good S Neh 9:20

  against them by Your S Neh 9:30

  Then a s passed before Job 4:15

  And whose s came from Job 26:4

  The S of God has made Job 33:4

  hand I commit my s Ps 31:5

  s was not faithful Ps 78:8

  You send forth Your S Ps 104:30

  Your S is good Ps 143:10

  The s of a man is the Prov 20:27

  Who knows the s Eccl 3:21

  s will return to God Eccl 12:7

  night, yes, by my s Is 26:9

  out on you the s Is 29:10

  are flesh, and not s Is 31:3

  S has gathered them Is 34:16

  is the life of my s Is 38:16

  I have put My S Is 42:1

  and His S have sent Me Is 48:16

  s would fail before Me Is 57:16

  “The S of the Lord Is 61:1

  S entered me when He Ezek 2:2

  the S lifted me up Ezek 3:12

  who follow their own s Ezek 13:3

  new heart and a new s Ezek 18:31

  be feeble, every s Ezek 21:7

  I will put My S Ezek 36:27

  in him is the S Dan 4:8

  as an excellent s Dan 5:12

  walk in a false s Mic 2:11

  and forms the s Zech 12:1

  and He saw the S Matt 3:16

  I will put My S Matt 12:18

  S descending upon Him Mark 1:10

  Immediately the S Mark 1:12

  s indeed is willing Mark 14:38

  go before Him in the s Luke 1:17

  in the power of the S Luke 4:14

  manner of s you are of Luke 9:55

  hands I commit My s Luke 23:46

  they had seen a s Luke 24:37

  s does not have flesh Luke 24:39

  God is S John 4:24

  I speak to you are s John 6:63

  He was troubled in s John 13:21

  the S of truth John 14:17

  when He, the S John 16:13

  but if a s or an angel Acts 23:9

  whom I serve with my s Rom 1:9

  according to the S Rom 8:5

  the flesh but in the S Rom 8:9

  does not have the S Rom 8:9

  s that we are children Rom 8:16

  what the mind of the S Rom 8:27

  to us through His S 1 Cor 2:10

  also have the S 1 Cor 7:40

  gifts, but the same S 1 Cor 12:4

  in a tongue, my s 1 Cor 14:14

  but the S gives life 2 Cor 3:6

  Now the Lord is the S 2 Cor 3:17

  we have the same s 2 Cor 4:13

  Having begun in the S Gal 3:3

  has sent forth the S Gal 4:6

  he who sows to the S Gal 6:8

  with the Holy S Eph 1:13
/>   may give to you the s Eph 1:17

  the unity of the S Eph 4:3

  is one body and one S Eph 4:4

  stand fast in one s Phil 1:27

  yet I am with you in s Col 2:5

  and may your whole s 1 Thess 5:23

  S expressly says that 1 Tim 4:1

  division of soul and s Heb 4:12

  through the eternal S Heb 9:14

  S who dwells in us James 4:5

  made alive by the S 1 Pet 3:18

  S whom He has given 1 John 3:24

  do not believe every s 1 John 4:1

  By this you know the S 1 John 4:2

  By this we know the s 1 John 4:6

  has given us of His S 1 John 4:13

  S who bears witness 1 John 5:6

  not having the S Jude 19

  I was in the S on the Rev 1:10

  him hear what the S Rev 2:7

  And the S and the Rev 22:17


  God, the God of the s Num 16:22

  who makes His angels s Ps 104:4

  the LORD weighs the s Prov 16:2

  power over unclean s Matt 10:1

  heed to deceiving s 1 Tim 4:1

  not all ministering s Heb 1:14

  to the Father of s Heb 12:9

  and preached to the s 1 Pet 3:19

  spirit, but test the s 1 John 4:1


  s judges all things 1 Cor 2:15

  s people but as to 1 Cor 3:1

  to be a prophet or s 1 Cor 14:37

  However, the s is not 1 Cor 15:46

  s restore such a one Gal 6:1


  s minded is life Rom 8:6

  because they are s 1 Cor 2:14


  for those who s Matt 5:44


  face from shame and s Is 50:6


  on the glorious s Ps 145:5

  of Zion all her s Lam 1:6


  hate us have taken s Ps 44:10

  when they divide the s Is 9:3

  He shall divide the s Is 53:12

  Take s of silver Nah 2:9

  s will be divided Zech 14:1


  I have created the s Is 54:16


  s they did not hear Is 66:4

  who feared the LORD s Mal 3:16

  “No man ever s John 7:46

  We know that God s John 9:29

  I was a child, I s 1 Cor 13:11

  in various ways s Heb 1:1

  s as they were moved 2 Pet 1:21


  ‘just as you have s Num 14:28

  God has s once Ps 62:11

  I have not s in secret Is 45:19

  ‘What have we s Mal 3:13

  why am I evil s 1 Cor 10:30


  So he shall be your s Ex 4:16


  them ran and took a s Matt 27:48


  and there is no s Song 4:7

  church, not having s Eph 5:27

  commandment without s 1 Tim 6:14

  Himself without s Heb 9:14


  They are s and 2 Pet 2:13

  These are s in your Jude 12


  fell on my knees and s Ezra 9:5

  they have s a net by Ps 140:5

  Then He s it before me Ezek 2:10

  Then the word of God s Acts 6:7


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