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Lil' Red & The Big Bad Biker

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by Glenna Maynard

  Copyright © 2018 Glenna Maynard

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means – electronic, mechanical, photographic (photocopying), recording, or otherwise – without prior permission in writing from the author.

  Lil’ Red & The Big Bad Biker

  By Glenna Maynard

  Once Upon a time…the big bad wolf fell in love…

  Rogan Wolfe, President of Wolves Fury MC, is known to be a ruthless outlaw. He takes what he wants and isn’t used to hearing the word no. When an accident lands him under the care of a feisty redhead, he finds himself at her mercy.

  Jenna Northwood is betrothed to a man she despises. So much so she turns to magic to help her escape her fate. Only instead of running away from her problems she is faced with a new danger in the form of a stranger and a distant land.


  To those who need an escape from reality.





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13



  About Glenna

  Available Now


  Once upon a time in a land far far away a kingdom was in peril.

  Battle cries are all around us, the sounds are penetrating through our castle walls. For years my cousin, King Blackwell, has wanted to take over our kingdom. They wanted to have my daughter married to a man of their choosing, so they could control the kingdom. However, when we turned them down, wanting our daughter to find her true love, all hell broke loose.

  Now the war is upon us and it looks like the end is near. For my wife and myself.

  Victoria, a witch and the wife of my late friend, Bromwell, rushes into the council room, out of breath.

  She bows slightly, and I wave at her to speak.

  “The Seer, Narinda, has foreseen your daughter’s future. The Wolfe will save her life. The war is upon us and the princess must be protected.”

  “You want me to send my only heir to dangerous strangers because of a vision? A vision we have no way of knowing will come to fruition.”

  “If you want to save your daughter and your people…sign the blood oath,” Victoria hisses in my ear. “Bind her to the Wolfe heir, his blood will thrive. His magic will protect my future Queen.”

  “You’re certain about this?”

  “Narinda has never been wrong. Futures can change but you will die in the war and Jenna will be beheaded if captured. A merchant ship awaits to smuggle her to Wolfenstein territory. We’re running out of time.”

  Taking my dagger, I cut my left palm and the blood flows into my inkwell. Dipping my quill in the mixture, I take a deep breath. This is it, my daughter will no longer be mine. My reign is coming to an end. Defeat isn’t easy to accept but I must do what is necessary to protect Jenna.

  I reluctantly sign the blood oath and look up. “Do I or my wife, at least have time to say goodbye to our daughter?” I ask knowing the answer as my blood dries on the parchment sealing Jenna’s fate, a fate that will wither save her life or kill her. The Wolfe family has a dark and ancient magic giving them the ability to transform into beasts. No mere mortal can bear their child. Not even those of royal blood, and I just mated my only daughter to their future King, her future King.

  “I’m sorry, Sir, no. The second you signed the oath she was whisked away. But you do have time for a letter, a letter that will be delivered to her on her eighteenth name day. I vow this to you.”


  “Please, I want my mother. I don’t want to leave my home. Don’t make me go.”

  “Hush, child. You are a princess and it is my duty to protect you with my life. Your parents will be dead by the time we reach the port. Now stop your sniveling and be quiet.” My skin stings as they brand me we the mark of the Wolfe prince…


  I never saw my father again, I was placed on a merchant ship sailing for the Winter Forest, a territory of Wolfenstein, only the ship never reached our destination. No, we were set upon by pirates working for my father’s cousin, King Blackwell. He had slain the Wolves’ army of Winter Forest and the Wolfe family eventually was hunted down one by one after the King had found a sorceress to bind their magic. With my betrothed dead, King Blackwell was free to do as he pleased. Free to forge the blood oath naming his heir as my future King and husband.

  Chapter 1


  Grabbing the beer Violet has waiting on the bar top for me, I make my way over to where two of my brothers sit. I take a long hard drink, relishing in the cool refreshment as it glides down my throat and fizzes on my stomach. “Is everything in order for the meeting?”

  “Yeah, Wolfe. Looked around the cabin myself. Been deserted for who fuckin’ knows how long,” Scout, my best friend and Vice Prez reassures me. He better be sure. Our club has a lot riding on this deal. The cabin where the meeting is to take place used to belong to the boy scouts club. I say used to because some years back one of the kids got lost and no trace was ever found of him. Some say a bear got him, while others say the scout leader killed him.

  The place has been deserted since they called off the search for little Timmy Buchanan.

  I’ve been brokering a meeting between myself and the President of the Snow Demons MC for weeks. My club, Wolves of Fury, needs to lease a warehouse in his territory to store the weapon shipment we have coming in two weeks.

  If we can’t reach an agreement, I’ll have a truck filled with illegal weapons sitting outside of my garage. I can’t chance that. If we can’t reach a deal, I’ll have to start a war. I’ve been itching for a good fucking fight so either way, I’ll be getting what I want. Sure, I could store the weapons at the cabin but not many travel the road to get to it and too much traffic would raise suspicion. Don’t need any curious townsfolk meddling in my business.

  “Good.” Finishing my beer, I grab my cut from the back of my chair.

  “Still don’t think you should go alone.”

  “The day I need to worry about a pussy like Ice is the day you need to put me down.” I grin, shrugging my leather vest on. The back of my cut has the snarling head of a wolf sewn on the back along with the club name and town our charter is based in.

  Scout shakes his head but in the end, he accepts my decision; he has no choice. I’m the Prez. I make the motherfuckin’ rules and if anyone doesn’t like it I put a boot in their ass or a bullet in their temple. If Ice shoots me down, he knows I won’t hesitate to end him and patch his members over to my club. I don’t hold my seat as Prez playing the nice guy. I may have started this club but the day I show any sign of weakness is the day someone steps up and tries to replace me.

  “You takin’ the cage?” Bullet holds up the keys to one of the club’s trucks.

  “Do I ever?”

  He shrugs but says, “We’re in for some nasty weather, Prez.”

  “Thanks for your concern, didn’t know you were my fucking mother.” I shove him hard and head out the door to my bike. Feeling the chill in the air that wasn’t there earlier, I’m glad I have a thermal on under my t-shirt. Pulling out my cell phone, I check the weather radar. I grunt in frustration. Seems we are in for an early taste of winter. No matter though. Thanks to my old man, I’ve been riding since before I was walking. God rest hi
s soul. I cross my chest and head out.

  My father, Lawrence Wolfe, worked as a stunt rider in Hollywood. I doubt this is the life he envisioned for me. He thought I would follow in his footsteps and star as a stunt double in blockbuster movies but that wasn’t for me. That was his legacy, and this is mine.

  I obey the traffic laws as I drive through our small town. The bastard sheriff would love to bust my ass for anything, even if it is only breaking the speed limit. His deputies though are all on my payroll and make damn sure our illegal activities go unnoticed. Of course, if William Dandy knew his men were on the take he’d die of shame. I’d almost tell him myself simply for the pleasure of seeing the look of disgrace he’d wear on his face. I grin as the cold wind bites at my face just thinking about it. The farther I drive the colder it gets. I should’ve listened to Bullet and driven the fuckin’ cage after all.

  Eager to make it to my destination to escape the bitter gusts of air that nips at my cheeks, I speed up. The snow is falling harder now, pelting my body as I take the curve and turn onto Boy Scout Road.

  As I near the cabin hidden beneath the canopy of the trees, a bright light flashes before my eyes, blinding me. The front wheel of my motorcycle hits a patch of ice and I lose control…

  Chapter 2


  I haven’t left Blackwell Castle since I entered its walls when I was eight years old, until now that is. The first time my mossy green eyes set sight on the massive prison, I had thought it magnificent. I didn’t know a monster lurked behind the walls waiting to own me like a stag’s head mounted on the walls. Slipping away from my Prince wasn’t easy. I faked a headache and retired to my chambers early during dinner. At least that is what Carmichael assumed was happening.

  Snuffing out my candle, I let the glow of the moon lead me through my room and through the tunnel entrance that is hidden behind my wardrobe. The tunnels have been closed off for years due to disrepair, but I used to hide in them as a child to escape Carmichael. Hiding from him is how I discovered their existence in the first place.

  The tunnel is damp and overrun with rats, but I can’t allow my fear of them to halt my progress.

  I’ve been dreaming of this day since I learned what kind of man I was promised to.

  The tunnel comes out near the stables and Fergus, a young stable boy is waiting for me.

  With no time to spare, I mount my stolen horse. With the click of my heel against the steed he sprints into the darkness, with Fergus riding closely at my side on a horse of his own. My red cloak blows behind me as we race away from the castle and in the direction of the forbidden forest—Wolfenstein territory.

  Riding horseback in my gown isn’t ideal but tonight the four red moons will crest, and the forbidden forest is my only hope to escape marrying Prince Carmichael.

  I can’t do it. I won’t wed such a cruel man.

  The nightmare I dreamt the night before echoes in my thoughts.

  “I can’t do it, Grandmother. I just can’t.” I stare past the woman who has been my only family since my father died in the great war. The war really wasn’t that great, that is just it’s given name. My mother still lives but she is not well. She hasn’t been the same since she lost my father. She sits in the same chair every day, staring longingly out the window at the dirt road that leads to our home. Even though she knows he is gone she still watches and waits for his return home. My mother refuses to accept the truth. That my father is dead and never returning.

  My eyes focus on the church. The stone building next to the village square taunts me with the white wedding roses and ribbons that adorns the garland that is wrapped around the stair railings on either side. There is a wedding today but thank the Gods it isn’t mine.

  Weathered and worn hands clasp my much younger and softer ones, directing my attention back to my grandmother. Long silver and black streaked hair rests tightly in a bun at the top of her head as her amethyst eyes burn into mine. Her crows’ feet appearing deeper today than they had yesterday. The hooded red velvet signature cloak she wears hanging heavily on her boney shoulders. “Child, I know you don’t love him, but it’s already been written in blood. Your father and his father both signed the wedding decree when you were aged seven years. There is naught to be done.”

  Shaking my head, a lonely tear trickles down my freckled cheek. I can’t accept that. I won’t. “There has to be another way. Ginny said that the dark witch can see other worlds. She has powerful magic.”

  “Ginny said,” she mocks in her raspy voice. “Hush that talk. You want the King to hear you and whip you at the square?”

  “Faster,” I urge the black stallion, as the memory assaults me.

  If we don’t reach the border of the King’s land soon, I will lose my head. Carmichael will see my escape attempt as treason. He’d love to take my head and the land that belongs to me by birthright.

  “There she is,” I hear a member of the royal guard shout.

  “Hurry, M'lady! I'll slow down, distract them, save yourself!” Fergus cries before turning back.

  I never should have involved the lad. He is the only one who would help me though. How sad that a boy of one and two was the only one willing to attempt to save me.

  Swallowing hard, I duck my head just as an arrow shoots past my shoulder. Patting my thigh, I feel for the dagger I managed to procure from one of my own guards.

  I’ve never used it, but I feel confident that if it comes down to me or a guard, I will choose myself.

  I hear Fergus cry as his horse goes down. “Kill the traitor to the crown!” I hear the guard cry as his broadsword slices through Fergus’s neck. I shudder and gasp as his head rolls down the grassy knoll.

  The beating of more hooves draws nearer, and I fear I won’t make it.

  Just as I reach the tree line the four red moons break through the clouds.

  Rubbing the amulet my friend Ginny gave to me in her last letter, I cross the border of the forbidden forest and wish with all that I have for magic to save me, to take me as far away as possible from this land as possible.

  My horse whines as the wind begins to howl around me, sounding like the urgent call of a lone wolf.

  My amulet glows; the bright white light blinds me, and I shield my eyes…

  Chapter 3


  Coming to, I can't believe my eyes. Standing over me is a woman looks like she stepped straight out of one of the fairytale books I used to read to my little sister as a child. The woman shivers under her red cloak as I blink, thinking this is all a dream and at any moment now she will disappear because I hit my head too damn hard when I failed to keep control of my bike. Vibrant green eyes look me over as I sit up on my freezing ass wondering where in the hell this beauty appeared from.

  “Are you okay?” She questions, offering her gloved hand.

  Searching her face in wonderment, I’m entranced by her beauty. “Who the fuck are you, little red riding hood?”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t know who this riding hood person is. I’m Jenna, I was on my way to the forbidden forest when you suddenly appeared before me.”

  Her head tilts to the side as she offers a weak but enticing smile.

  “The forbidden forest? Are you on drugs lady?” I attempt to stand but a pain shoots through my ankle and my knee nearly buckles under my weight.

  Rushing to my side, she offers her help. “Oh, you poor thing, you’re hurt!”

  “Just help me to the cabin,” I instruct, knowing the two of us need to get inside away from the cold. I don’t know who in the hell she is or where she came from, but I will get answers once we get inside and get the fire going. The snow is pouring now, and I would rather not freeze to damn death.

  She struggles with her hold on me, she can’t be more than a hundred and fifteen pounds, but her touch has me feeling a shitton better than I did moments ago. Who the fuck is this bitch?

  I notice a light shining from her chest, and I’m mesmerized by it. I feel as if it’s
speaking to me. Is this some whacked out witch shit or something?

  After a while I’m able to walk without her help. I stop, turn to her, getting in her face. “Who the fuck are you, really?”

  She looks at me startled. “You shouldn’t use such language,” she chastises me.

  Narrowing my eyes at her, I demand, “Answer me!”

  “As I said, I’m Jenna. My father was King Charles Northwood.”

  I throw my head back and laugh. “What drugs you on? I should hit that shit, sounds like a fun trip.”

  “I don’t follow what you mean. This is the forbidden forest, isn’t it?”

  “Damn, Lil’ Red, you sure are messin’ with my head.” I shake my head and lead her inside the cabin.

  She stands in the doorway, looking around the room, seemingly confused.

  “Just…uh make yourself comfortable while I start a fire.”

  The woman nods and walks around the front room, observing the shambles of what once was a nice place.

  I keep an eye on her as she walks into the kitchen. The cabin only has a bathroom, one bedroom, and the rest is all open, leaving the kitchen and living room adjoined

  In the kitchen she holds up a can opener and jiggles it as though it is a foreign object.

  I grunt as I bend down to light the fire.

  Ice should be arriving here any minute now, and I don’t know what the hell to do with the bitch. I guess I could tell her to hide.

  After starting the fire, I peek out the front window for any sign of Ice but by the looks of the nasty weather he could be delayed.

  Turning my attention back on the mysterious beauty, I question her. “Where you from?”

  Chapter 4


  “Where am I from?” What does he mean by that? I look around the small home...I don’t think I am in the forbidden forest any longer. Taking in my surroundings I feel as though I am in a different world. I don’t know what most of the things here are. That man was riding on a contraption I have never seen before with two big black wheels. There is something about him that is so scary and yet familiar. As he is kneeling at the hearth, I can’t help but study the picture of the wolf head that is on his strangely fascinating clothing. My fingers ache to trace the pattern. It reminds me of the man I was supposed to wed before Carmichael’s family butchered his family, exterminating the whole line.


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